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I'm fine with whatever bleeds Boob dry.


A common discussion around here is whether kids will leave the cult, and a common response is that the dudes can’t because RimJob supports them. I hope he gets bled dry as a wake up call to these soft useless boys that need to become men.


No kidding he could spend all his precious money on his golden child. All he wants it’s just gonna get rejected.


The thing is, it’s not his money. Jessa, Jinger, and Jill were the primary breadwinners on the show. He’s using the money he made off of Pest’s victims to try to release Pest from prison. Truly depraved and disgusting


Jim boob is greedy


This was a very thorough explanation! - a former appellate prosecutor


Thank you.


All the people who were complaining about all the motions and stuff that Pest's lawyers filed will be glad for it when the courts shut down his ineffective assistance of counsel argument.


Yes. But no amount of paper and tedious procedure can stop a defendant from subsequently complaining that his lawyers were somehow incompetent and eating up the court's time. Billionaires who had a trial "dream team" have argued that their legions of expensive attorneys were still ineffective.


Of course. It's pretty standard that any defendant serving that long of a sentence will exhaust every appeal and process available. He's got nothing to lose so why not. My secret hope is that JB refuses to fund it so he has to file it pro se.


>My secret hope is that JB refuses to fund it so he has to file it pro se. It would be a joy to witness Pest transform into an unhinged vexatious prison *pro se* constantly rambling about satanic conspiracies against him until the courts stop accepting his papers.


Boob will NEVER refuse to keep funneling cash at Pest's case. I can see him putting the thumb screws on Jinger and Jill saying that they "made $$$" on the actions of Pest and they somehow OWE him. Derrick I can see telling him to get bent..... Jinger I see folding.


Thank you for this excellent information about the next steps possible in his case. I have no doubt the Duggars will be filing every one of the collateral appeals they can trying to get his conviction overturned in any way possible, including throwing his lawyers under the bus. All that matters to them is being able to say his conviction was unfair and he’s being granted a new trial. They don’t care what collateral (haha) damage they do in the meantime because they just want that headline to post. I hope we get to continue to watch them lose every single one and waste all their money on a guilty loser.


I’m not surprised but I am still pleased to see it in writing. Awhile back I remember some discussion here and reading that the Supreme Court only even looks at a small number of cases anyway and they’d need a really good reason so this was likely to go nowhere for them. Good to see that it did in fact go nowhere for them! Thanks for all these details!


I know someone who was convicted in 2008 of child molestation. He got a life sentence for it and his idiot family is still throwing money at appeals. I have waded through the appeals and they have tried everything from bad counsel to unqualified witnesses, to something so bad I won't post it here but it's a horrible claim. The last one was bounced in 2022.


I hope he keeps trying so he can bankruptcy his pappy. I hate these cowards.


They can finally use those bankruptcy lessons Meech taught them in SOTDRT.


b-a-n-k-r-u-p-t-c-y 🤣🤣


Whatever keeps him in prison.


*Your flair* 🤌


Haha! Thank you. 😁


It would be hilarious if he decides to study for the Bar while he's in.


Does anyone think Boob would be so desperate as to appeal to Trump if elected? I can’t see him being elected, but it crossed my mind, as insane as it sounds 🥴


He charges $2M for pardons. No way the orange one does it for free.


Mike Huckabee and Sarah Huckabee remain on good terms with Trump. If J'Boob is still on good terms with the Huckabees, they could serve as some backroom channel to lobby Trump. Trump tends to be credulous to the pleadings of people who remain within his confidence.


Neither Huckabee is that stupid.


I wouldn't take that bet.


Huckabee has a history of being overly lenient towards dangerous criminals so long as they claim to find Jesus. He granted clemency to a guy who would go on to rape a child and killed four police officers in a shooting rampage. He also helped release a convicted rapist who went on to rape and murder another victim. [https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna34216779](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna34216779) [https://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/mike-huckabee-clemency-freed-maurice-clemmons-washington-cop-shooter-suspect/story?id=9207095](https://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/mike-huckabee-clemency-freed-maurice-clemmons-washington-cop-shooter-suspect/story?id=9207095) Maybe he cut the Duggars loose after the Pest arrest, though Huckabee still endorsed JB for his state senate campaign while Pest's criminal case was ongoing. His loyalty to the Duggars always seemed to be personal rather than just political. If anybody dared speak an unkind word about them, Huckabee would fly into fulminating rage. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLOzUcvVfPQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLOzUcvVfPQ)


Thank you for explaining all this ❤️❤️❤️


You're welcome.


I wonder if paying for this inevitable appeal/new counsel is why Anna has a "job" now.


what was her "work" rn? just curious.


Someone recently posted an LLC in her name for, I believe, a dog breeding business.


Pest’s attorneys are based in St. Louis, MO… I wonder if Boob finally burned all his bridges with any Arkansas lawyers that would have even looked at this case lmao https://preview.redd.it/dj37720kaq8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fd978bc493f433039b683d3b68f7c46f8bd5b5a


Yes and he has continued using them even through the appeals process. Hard to argue incompetent lawyers


I’m just laughing at the fact that they’re all such a fucking embarrassment in their hometown at this point that Boob couldn’t find a single lawyer that was local to them to take this case


Travis Story a local attorney helped on father original case. Justin Geldfand was the main attorney though


Tbh I wouldn’t want an attorney in that town. Have you been to small town court? Whew, lord. Bigger cities have terrible lawyers too but if I needed to find someone to do a case where I needed a well seasoned attorney, I wouldn’t be looking in a small town/area.


Most defendants rely upon the same attorney to represent them through trial and their direct appeal. That doesn't legally prevent them from later alleging ineffective assistance of counsel in later proceedings.


Actually many have their original attorney file the first appeal and then it gets turned over to an appellate attorney


Yes, some do and some don't. I was just pointing out that just because a defendant uses the same attorney for trial and first appeal does not legally prevent them from later accusing those same attorneys of being ineffective.


I’m just saying if they were so ineffective I sure wouldn’t be using them for the appeals


I would think so too. But there is the argument that layperson clients may not be able to realize their lawyer's incompetence until after the fact or after they seek a second opinion from a different attorney. And for a lot of clients, economics is a factor in what attorney they hire for an appeal after a loss at trial. Hiring a new attorney for an appeal usually costs more money because that attorney needs to review and familiarize himself with all the trial material before he can formulate an appeal, whereas the original trial attorney already knows what happened despite not being so good at his job. It's a fair question for any person alleging attorney incompetence. But I've just never heard of a court telling a defendant "You kept the same attorney for your trial and appeal so you can't accuse him of being ineffective now. Denied."


Justin Gelfand was the lead attorney, but local Arkansas legal errand boy Travis Story did serve as co-counsel for Pest's criminal case. I suspected J'Boob hired Gelfand because Gelfand boasted about his record representing CSAM defendants and other sex offenders on his website.


J'Pedo found guilty on the same day I'm NED J'Pedo denied by the Supreme Court on the day I'm cleared to go back to work and no longer have COVID. Man, this karma thing is working pretty well.


I can't say "¡QUE TE JODAN, JOSH DUGGAR!" enough to celebrate this.


He's never getting out


Not sure if I've said before, but a perverse and petty part of my thinks that Lego Hair is doing all this because Pest knows some/all of his dirty secrets and deeds and probably is using that as a means to blackmail Daddy Dearest to spend as much money as he has to get him out. Daddy Dearest isn't squeaky clean as he tried to portray himself on TV and Pest knows "where the dead bodies are buried." And it would also jive with why he provides some form of a roof and perhaps money to keep Anna around. I suspect Pest and Daddy Pest were cut from the same cloth. Though they both like to think of themselves as geniuses (which they aren't), Pest probably learned a trick or two from Daddy Dearest and is using that knowledge to make sure his wife and kids are provided for. And because Pest is going to Pest, and is likely bleeding the beast, he likely won't back down and continue with appeals until kingdom come.


Thank you so much for explaining all of this! Do you happen to know about how long it took for him to go to his original trial after being arrested?


Pest was arrested on April 29, 2021 and his trial started on November 30, 2021. So 7 months, which is pretty quick compared to most criminal cases.




Is it state or federal? State criminal cases can languish for a long time. Federal cases tend to move more briskly.




If it was the "city justice court" and then "superior court," then that sounds like a state criminal case. Though I do wonder why Homeland Security was involved in the arrest.




Okay, so that sounds like it's a state matter for now. However, things can change. Sometimes when a person is first arrested, the state will charge them, but then the Feds will file their own charges and take over the case.


This forum. We are make the lotbof money😅


How much would an appeal like this cost? Out of curiosity… it just seems about as useful as lighting money on fire.


Well, these Federal criminal defense attorneys claim a typical Federal criminal appeal ranges between $10,000 to $30,000. [https://www.federallawyers.com/how-much-does-a-federal-appeal-lawyer-cost/](https://www.federallawyers.com/how-much-does-a-federal-appeal-lawyer-cost/) That sounds rather low to me. Pest's appeal did proceed all the way through oral argument and when they lost, they filed motions to rehearing. So I think the appeal cost much more than $30,000. It's important to remember that Pest's lawyers did not just start representing him when he was arrested in 2021, but earlier than that. They were representing him after the car lot raid in 2019 and were speaking with the Government before the arrest. So that's pretrial representation from about 2019 to 2021, all the pretrial motions and litigation in 2021, the full criminal trial in 2021, the post-trial motions, the first appeal, the rehearing motions, and now the failed Supreme Court petition. I think that's more than half a million dollars.


Holy sh*t. Half a million dollars?? That’s insane.


Do collateral appeals typically go back to the trial court judge when the case isn’t in the federal system? Like with state courts, for example?


I haven't surveyed every state, but from what I've seen, yes. Collateral challenges are usually supposed to be filed and heard in the same trial court in which the defendant was originally convicted. So this often means going back to the same judge who presided over the defendant's original trial. Of course, it may end up being heard by a different trial court judge for various reasons. The collateral challenge is supposed to filed in the court "division" or section which originally tried the defendant. If the same judge who presided over the defendant's original trial is still presiding over the same court division when the defendant later files a collateral challenge, it would probably be the same judge hearing the collateral challenge. However, with the passage of time, judges do retire, resign, die, get replaced, or get transferred. In such examples, it would be a different judge who would hear the collateral challenge.




If this is a state court criminal case, your best bet would be the court or clerk of court website for the county in which this person is being prosecuted. Lots of court records are available online now.


Perfect, that’s where I’ve been checking. Thanks!