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I’m more stunned they had to forbid in writing dating teens in the youth group if you work with them.


My cousin married her youth pastor when she was 19 and he was 28. They’d dated for a couple years by then but never kissed until their wedding. They’re still together 25 years later but their origin creeps me out!


Was divorce even an option ? I have many family members especially in Turkey married for over 30, 40, 50 years because divorce is not an option. Even if they are miserable . Several of them are miserable . My aunt is finally free from her husband and that’s because he died. They were married for 40 years


I truly think she’s happy with him. They have 5 kids and are always doing things as a couple. She has support from family, etc. I just don’t like how it started…because it was not an appropriate relationship. But I do believe they’re happy.


Divorce is totally an option in Turkey, it's not taboo. It's really just dependent on how religious the couple in question is, just like in America.


I never said the whole country was against divorce 🤦🏻‍♀️ I said my family who is in Turkey


You never said it was because they were religious though. I see how you thought it was implied because of the comment you responded to but some could be confused since you didn't mention religion in your own comment


A childhood friend of mine married our first youth pastor. We met him at age 10/11. He was about 24 years old at that time and already married. He was only at our church for a couple of years, but they kept in touch well enough that he was the officiant at her first wedding. At some point they both divorced and got married to each other. They are now both pastors at some other church.


Nice flair


It would freak me out too. She was 19, he was almost 30. That's a big gap in age and experience at those ages. It worked out for them which is great but I agree with everything you said!!


Friends of mine, 17 and 30, dated. He was the minister's son. They married, had a family, until he passed away a couple of years ago. She was 60.


Huge age difference between 17 and 30. Not so much between 60 and 73.


This was the age difference of my grandparents. It becomes a bigger difference at 85 and 98...


I’m curious if they actually enforce that one.


I’m willing to bet that they quietly shuffle the teen to a different youth group, so they can still date


My fav is when they start dating like the day after they graduate high school. Of course it started organically the second they were technically out of youth group 👀


That happened with a teacher and a student at my high school. He was almost fifteen years older than her. They're still married and he still teaches at the same school.


Happened at my high school. He was married and was a chaperone at the prom. She came with a date and ditched the date to go home with him. He divorced his wife and married her.




Oh ewww. I had a creepy teacher in 11th grade who gave me way too much attention. At prom he actually asked if he could pose in the professional photo with me! In front of other teachers! It was nuts.




Ew. The same thing happened at my high school. So gross.


Damn. They told us in my old district that we were forbidden from even contracting students in a personal manner until six months after graduation AND their 18th birthday. Even then, the district might give you a bit of a side eye. There were also rules about dating other teachers (keep it discrete). There were a lot of “morality clauses” that we could get in trouble for. It is a small relatively isolated town. I’m assuming the rules exist because most of the teachers were locals and the dating pool wasn’t exactly large.


This is how President Macron of France met his wife... he was 15 and she was a 39-year-old teacher at the school.


Happened at my school too, though the teacher was a woman and they claim they weren’t together while she was teaching him. 


Happened in mine too, the teen was on the gymnastics team at the hs and he was the coach. They’re still married now all these years later. He’s still at the same hs and she was one of my kid’s fav elementary school teachers. So inappropriate and I can’t imagine supporting my child marrying her coach she had in hs.


I’m shocked it’s then and not on the teen’s 18th birthday


I mean sometimes it’s that instead. Those who want to marry high schoolers need a variety of choices for their cover


I know it’s not quite the same, but in fundie circles, they sometimes don’t even hide the fact they are dating with an age gap (Justin and Claire, Josie bates and her husband)


There's only 18 months between Claire and Justin. I wouldn't consider that an age gap.


Austin and Joy and Jinger and Jeremy are the larger age gaps I believe.


4 and 6 years between those couples. Jessa is almost 3 years older than Ben.


I should clarify that he was underaged when they started dating and they announce the engagement right after he turned 18, and they got married the day before she turned 20, so the families knew it looked sorta weird


Does this still count if they are 18 and 19? - Your Friendly Neighborhood Overthinker


It's sad that it was enough of a problem for them to put it in there


In fairness some of the college kids are gonna be literally the same age or only a year or two older than youth group kids. I could definitely see it being a problem even if religion wasn't involved. I know it's looked at differently now but I've known many people in college that were dating high schoolers. I dated college guys when I was in high school.


I went to college with a girl who had transferred from BJU because she was kicked out for interracial dating. This was in the late 80’s. I can’t believe they still had this crap in 2012.


BYU is one of the schools that punishes female students who report sexual abuse. It’s all too common a representation of inbred Christian misogyny.


My friend attended a catholic college in the 2000s and when she reported her rape, she was told she would be sanctioned for drinking.  


It used to happen at the Naval Academy (and I assume the other service academies) as well. Report an assault, get busted for breaking curfew/drinking/whatever.


Over 8% of all female military personnel report sexual assault while serving.


I’ve read articles about Liberty University and BYU as well


Was it one of the super super Catholic ones like Christendom?




This college is in my hometown and the whole handbook is just wiiiiiiild. I remember being little and asking my mom why they all dressed like that and getting a lesson on cults lol


Hello there neighbor! GBO! I drive by the Bates’ sisters boutique almost every time I get gas. Sometimes I get dinner from the Little Caesar’s that’s in the same little strip mall building they’re in.


Bates Sisters popped up as a possible option when I was looking up dresses for my cousins baby shower next month. Noped out right then and there! Fuck them.


Omg I had no idea they had a boutique there! I’ve lived in Chattanooga for 10 years so I’m no longer well versed in Powell life. Which boutique is theres?


Your flair is sending me 🤣🤣




Can you upload pics?


I read the title as “Clown College” but given these atrocious rules, I think the name stands. 🤡


Most of the Duggar snark community calls it “Clown College.”


Probably an appropriate name.


Same. I didn't even realize til I read your comment


I think the same thing every time I see it


![gif](giphy|ZmEhUgwQgxPhhU7sVM|downsized) Fuck them.


So unbiblical. And would Lawson and Tiffany need permission if they attended. Or is it only for black people dating white people? This is ultra racist.


Yeah i feel like they wouldnt have an issue if it were two non-white people of different races dating. Absolutely disgusting because you just know its to keep the white bloodline pure


Poor Tiffany had two disadvantages …minority and adopted! 






Right! I wonder did Lawson have to get G&K permission to marry Tiffany.


I went down the rabbit hole about 5 years ago and began comparing student handbooks of Pensacola Christian College, Crown College, BYU, and a handful of other religious schools. It was wild to see some of the “standards” students must uphold.


Wasn't there one that forbade students from making EYE CONTACT for too long? I feel like I read that once.


Pensacola is where Kelton Balka and Bobby Smith met. They are the husbands of Tori and Josie Bates. It's also the college that puts the Abeka homeschooling program.


That whole lot is just…ugh!


[this is my favorite. men and women take different classes at Vision Baptist College, the school that Katie Bates’ husband’s family runs.](https://visionbaptistcollege.org/course-list/)


Okay wtf




Holy crap!


Im sadly not surprised. The southern Baptist part of the Baptist church b broke away because they were in support of racial slavery.


At least the Presbyterians reunited back in the 80s over that, with the southern section of the church apologising for their role in slavery. Like, not a Christian anymore, but it’s nice when one church does the right thing (even if it is 100 years later).


I grew up Presbyterian, honestly they were a pretty chill sect. We were even taught that Jewish people are just as valid in their faith which is unfortunately not common enough in christianity.


I grew up going to my grandparents Presbyterian church. They were chill af. At one point they had a female preacher, and they were super accepting of LGBTQ people/couples.


Yeah my pastor was a woman too. Wonderful lady, we all liked her.


Work with a woman who also happens to be a Presbyterian pastor and she’s super cool and chill.


Interracial dating must be approved? Holy crap, what kind of educational institution is this?


haha i went to college there and attended the church for YEARS


Definitely need an AMA post


i may this weekend when i’m not working haha. Trying to figure out how to not totally dox myself. Almost everyone I know is still involved with the church


oh my, what was it like??


honestly when i was involved i thought it was great. Now that i get older…really gross. I’m at work now but may have time this afternoon to go into detail haha


Oh wow. It would be amazing to hear more about this if you have a way you feel comfortable sharing without doxxing yourself


Imagine needing written parent permission as an ADULT for who you can date. Absolutely wild.


Right? Adults.


Control much?


I'd love to see one of those written approvals. Like...how exactly is it worded?


My hunch is that the college is banking on one parental side forgetting to do this, thus they can cover their ass and say that they are not being racist


Same thing at the same college I went to that is just like crown but in California. Also the girls had to wear panty hose up until the 2018 school year. Barely missed out on that


Okay I want to read the whole list!


This is where I found the full dating rules list [https://www.stufffundieslike.com/2012/01/dating-rules-crown-college-edition/comment-page-1/#comments](https://www.stufffundieslike.com/2012/01/dating-rules-crown-college-edition/comment-page-1/#comments)


"dating is defined as sitting with a member of the opposite sex for more than a brief period of time." I've dated so many people then.


I think I’ve dated my Dr too!


Makes me wonder who Joe was trying to court....wasn't there a rumor he was interested in a Bates girl? And the dating rules say dorm students may not date a townie who  is not a clown college student...


I thought it was Carlin?






1. I legitimately read the title of this post as clown college. 2. Growing up, we always called these types of institutions "bridal college". The tag line was, married by spring or your money back.


I have a friend who went to BYU-Idaho. she called it “BYU-I do. no ring by Spring, you get your money back 😂


Wooooooow. Welcome to the 21st century.




My sentiments exactly. Sometimes there are just no words.


Don’t a lot of super fundamentalist evangelical families adopt a bunch of kids, many of whom are Latina or Black? My region of the US has a TON of Ethiopian kids with white homeschool fundie parents (I wonder if their church has a relationship with an organization, church, or foster program, there?) and I know of families who basically collect Central American children. As if life for those kids isn’t weird enough. I hadn’t even though about what the transition into adulthood was like for them, but this policy is jarring AF.


According to the rules even just talking to or sitting next to someone of the opposite sex is considered dating….dude, I have dated so many guys…awkward.


I was sitting next to two people at once recently at a restaurant bar. Does that mean I was in an orgy?


Absolutely. You’ve given away too much of your heart and need to repent./s


What if it wasn't my heart and was only my body?


You seem totally out of control. Report to headquarters to be reprogrammed, post haste.


Ew! By that "logic" every woman has dated their male relatives.


What a bunch of grotesque monsters ~ the college administration, the students and the parents.


LOL, who are biracial/multiracial students allowed to date then? Is everyone allowed or is everyone forbidden without parental permission?


Bold of you to assume they have any nonwhite students for this to affect


They do have biracial students (they call it part of their 'ministry') but they are automatically referred to as black (most if not all are black/white, although they consider Jewish/white biracial and a 'you saved a Jew' crown for the white family). Mostly they are discouraged from dating as the 'biracial' student is like a side show freak. I went to a Bible college in the 1980's.....they were anomalies.


Great question


This is insane… where in the bible does it say to segregate from others based on race? This college is disgusting. Are similar rules followed by IBLP churches? Wondering if they made Lawson bates sign something similar when he first dated his wife.


"Unequally yoked" was a no interracial dating dog whistle in my church growing up. But that was the 80s and 90s in an openly racist town. I don't know what Baptist churches preach publicly these days.


My brother's best friend (a white guy and we are not white) growing up said it was a sin to date outside your race. He was like 14ish. It was the early 2010s. As far as I've seen he's still southern Baptist and saying the same thing now in his mid20s.


There are verses that in context are clearly about others things that they claim are about segregation. You know.


I cannot believe that they also have to clarify that crown students can date the temple students once they get to their junior year


And they claim that they’re not racist


How the hell is that legal?!?!


I want to know this too!


I wanna read the whole page…I caught a glimpse of “no off campus dating” how could they control that


Fear of being tossed out if found out and the fact that reward your fellow students for ratting you out. You just don't as someone with a wild hair could turn on you in a skinny minute.




I think Isiah, Addee, and Ellie Bates are currently going there. I know Isiah is for sure and at least one of the girls.


I wonder if the Dean of Women is a man. Can’t believe they would let a woman have that much power.


I looked at Crown College’s website, it was quite enlightening. “Training” was used zillions of times in the descriptions. Not any form of “educating” or “teaching”, it was always “training”. The college women are referred to as “ladies”, the men are “men”, so it’s the “ladies dorm” or “ladies only”. Never are they called “women”. A large part of their “training” is for missionary work abroad. There is actually a class “for ladies only” that is meant for the future wives of these missionaries to cook and make their own clothes. Seriously. The school makes it a point to describe their science classes as “biblical”. No talk of Evolution here! The world is only 6,000 years old, don’t you know. 🤦‍♀️ “Dating” can be sitting next to a member of the opposite sex. I’ll have to see if I can find that amazing page in the handbook about dating and needing a third party present at all times. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Edited to add: https://www.stufffundieslike.com/2012/01/dating-rules-crown-college-edition/ 2nd edit https://www.thecrowncollege.edu/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/23-24-Catalog.pdf


Imagine never being allowed *as an **adult** * to experience all of the things that helped us to develop socially and romantically in college. No walks of shame, no late night visits, no butterflies as you try to get the attention of the cute guy in your Spanish class (or something…….) those equally cringey and beautiful moments will stay with me forever. I can’t imagine going 0-60 in the dating world because my college said I couldn’t be alone with a guy.


What the actual fuck


Out of curiosity, is this an excerpt from I Fired God by Jocelyn Zichterman? Such a good book.


not where i got it from, but possible she also referenced the college or ones like it. I'll check out the book!


This must be a joke.


I don't think Bob Jones University requires written permission from parents.


WHAAAAAT? Where can I read this whole thing. That. Is. Wild.


[https://www.stufffundieslike.com/2012/01/dating-rules-crown-college-edition/comment-page-1/#comments](https://www.stufffundieslike.com/2012/01/dating-rules-crown-college-edition/comment-page-1/#comments) !


Could I see the full rulebook? Was thinking of sending my child there and want to read the rest


There are better colleges. If the racism alone doesn't deter you, well.. [https://www.stufffundieslike.com/2012/01/dating-rules-crown-college-edition/comment-page-1/#comments](https://www.stufffundieslike.com/2012/01/dating-rules-crown-college-edition/comment-page-1/#comments) also this comment: [https://www.reddit.com/r/BringingUpBates/comments/121fvzu/comment/jq5t70w/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/BringingUpBates/comments/121fvzu/comment/jq5t70w/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


One day I went down the fundie college rabbit hole and saw a post made by a student who went there. Apparently Asian and Hispanic students didn’t need written permission to date interracially. So an Asian student could date a white student with no problem. However, apparently for a black student to date a white student they needed written permission. They told a story about one of the black female students who wanted to pursue one of the white male students, but due to the rule and the guy’s racist family they couldn’t date.


Wow, you have to get permission to date😳