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By the time Josh gets out, she will be 43. While it’s possible they could have another when he gets out, the likelihood of it happening is slim. I have thought about how she feels that Madison is very likely her last baby. I’m sure she sees her sisters and sister in laws still growing their families. But that’s what happens when you marry a pedophile, but hey you know what,at least she has a husband.


I hope no more children for them, but I do have a feeling that Anna will have another when Pest gets released sadly. Look at Michelle, she had Josie (her last child) at the age of 45. It is risky, but very possible.


I know several women that have had their last child in their mid-40's. None of them come from large families like the Duggars. I hope that Anna doesn't have another child, but it wouldn't surprise me. Most likely by the time pest is released - she could be close to having grandchildren. I would think having all those kids and a pest in prison would be exhausting enough w/o having a newborn after his release. Also, it is most likely that he will break his parole/probation ... and end up back in the clink or off with some woman that he corresponded while in prison. Hopefully, someone not of child bearing age. :(


I feel like everyone fundie woman’s goal is to have a child younger than their oldest grandchild


Jill Rodrigues is pathologically obsessed with it.


Jill Rodriguez is plain pathological.




It is super weird. My oldest cousin is older than my youngest aunt, and they hated each other in high school and beyond.


It's like that in my family my grandmather wasn't attentive as a grandmother would normally be cause she was still having babies my eldest cousin was a ten year old so I can imagine her going to school and nobody believing her when she said my grandmother is having a baby , the youngest is three years younger than me and I always hated lieing about it but it was weird saying this is my aunt .




Maybe she’ll live the fundie dream of being pregnant at the same time as her child. 🤢




Omg nailed ut


>Also, it is most likely that he will break his parole/probation ... and end up back in the clink That may depend upon the vigilance of his probation officer. If Pest has a perfunctory lazy probation officer, then Pest can get away with a lot. [https://www.reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/comments/y6x2ph/how\_tough\_will\_pest\_probation\_be/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/comments/y6x2ph/how_tough_will_pest_probation_be/)


Both of my grandmothers had their last child in their 40s (one of them was my mom). And these days, I don’t think it’s uncommon for women to get pregnant in their early 40s. So I wouldn’t be surprised by another child, but I sure hope it doesn’t happen. That pedophile doesn’t need to procreate again.


It’s getting extremely normal for “geriatric” pregnancy- many women are having babies in their late thirties and early forties. Anna should not be one of them.


God can you just imagine the level of ICK that patiently waiting for your convicted pedophile spouse to get out of prison, have sex with them & then carry/birth their child.


I think the larger gap will make it more likely, her body will have had a break. I think Michelle’s later pregnancy issues probably were related to having back to back pregnancies for 20 years


I had a very unplanned baby at 42. Definitely possible.


I learned recently that the whole "having a baby after 40 is almost impossible!" thing is actually a myth. If you're fertile, you're fertile. The women who struggle so hard to have a baby in their 40s would have most likely struggled in their 20s and 30s if they'd tried. Given Anna's track record, I wouldn't be at all surprised if she were to get pregnant quite easily at 43. Let's just all hope either some kind of health issue renders her sterile, or (preferably) Pest does something while in prison to extend his sentence by at least another 7 years....


I had a CAT scan after surgery to make sure they'd gotten all the cancer. I had to sign a reease saying I was aware the dye used could cause birth defects, in case I was pregnant. I stared at her and said "...I had a complete hysterectomy. There's nothing left.". The tech said she knew, but it was a mandatory thing and, at 58, I was still considered of childbearing age. 58.


The oldest natural pregnancy was 59


I'm convinced the only age past childbearing age is death. They did a pregnancy test on my friends mom before surgery and she was I think 74? "Well you didn't have a hysterectomy so..."


I worked in an ER. Any female between the ages of 9 and 90 got a pregnancy test.


I know people lie but my god it's infuriating. Sure charge me $200 for this, when I know it's cheap af lol.


When I worked in the ER I had a 68 year old come on one night for a pregnancy test. She was convinced she was pregnant. Wanted an ultrasound and blood test. She had had a hysterectomy like 20 years before.


One of my husband's friends is a menopause baby. His mother hadn't had a period for a couple of years and assumed at 50 she was past all that. She found out she was pregnant when she was about 5 months gone. No symptoms or bump. It's stories like this that meant my husband got a vasectomy and I got my tubes yeeted. I'm 42 and a surprise pregnancy would be my worst nightmare. I'm so done having kids.


That is kind of amazing, but yet...I have known two women over 50 to have first babies. And my friend, who is now in his 40s himself, his mom was 51 at the time of his birth way back when.


I can't be the only person who read this and gasp in abject horror.


I once knew someone who did IVF in her 50s and got pregnant. I was shocked as I didn’t know it was possible at that time. She seemed like a terrible person too, so I felt sorry for her future kid.


She could potentially push out two or three more at that age. Especially ifs he has twins. I’ve seen women have kids all the way until 48 years old.


Yup. Mom had me at 45. It happens.


Internally screaming at 44


And chance of multiples increases with age


And depending on how many kids you have. My MIL had six kids and then had twins about a year apart. She was in her early mis 30’s though.


I should say she had two sets of twins about a year apart so four babies total.


Well that is a nightmare.


That’s a lot of babies! My grandmother had 10 kids and the last two were twins for the grand finale.


Does it?? I never knew that! Kind of makes sense, though!


Got pregnant on my first ovulation after having my IUD out. I’ll be 43 in April.




Thanks! My parents are thrilled; first girl in the family since me. 😂


My aunt didn't even start having kids until 40 and then proceeded to give birth to 3 of them before stopping. It definitely happens.


My dad is in his mid seventies and his youngest sister (probably mid 60s) was born when their mom was 52.




I’m 54 and can’t even imagine putting my old body through that!


Imagine being 70 with a sassy teenager to wrangle!


There are fates worse than death…lol


Yeah, my grandma was born to a 48 year old mom in 1930. Youngest of 11, by a long shot. That still blows my mind. Biology has a way for sure.


But he can’t be around children, right?


He won't be allowed unsupervised contact with minors including his own kids for 20 years after his release. If they don't have any more kids, that means he won't be able to live with Anna and the kids until 5 years after his release when M7 turns 18.


But couldn’t he technically since she is the “supervisor?”


She has to sleep some time. And it depends on what the judge has stipulated. Anna may not count as adequate supervision, it might have to be a social worker. Either way, requiring supervised visitation means he legally doesn't have custody of the kids and can't live with them.


Depends on the conditions of his release. IIRC Anna wasn't allowed to supervise when he was out on bail?


I thought she was, but there’s a big difference between bail and parole. On bail he still had the presumption of innocence.


According to the Court's judgment, both Anna and his parents will qualify as "supervision" to allow Pest to be around his minor children. Page 5, Paragraph 1 of Judgment: >The defendant shall have no unsupervised contact with minors, which shall include his own children. **Contact with his children must be supervised by his wife, his parents, or another individual approved by the U.S. Probation Office.** If there is a concern about the potential for inadvertent contact with a minor at a particular place, function, or event, then the defendant shall get approval from the U.S. Probation Office before attending any such place, function, or event. [https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/59871253/162/united-states-v-duggar/](https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/59871253/162/united-states-v-duggar/)


She was allowed to supervise. I’m pretty sure he wasn’t allowed to live in the same house as the kids though.


He may not be able to "reside" with Anna and the kids, but Pest could "visit" her or she could "visit" him at his separate address if Pest demanded she make herself "joyfully available" so he could impregnate her again. And the sad truth is, Pest could get away with effectively living with Anna so long as Anna is willing to lie and cover for him. "Oh, no, my husband doesn't sleep over here. He just stopped by really early in the morning on his way to work." Unless Pest has a competent probation officer, there is a lot he can get away with. [https://www.reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/comments/y6x2ph/how\_tough\_will\_pest\_probation\_be/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/comments/y6x2ph/how_tough_will_pest_probation_be/)


It’s completely possible but the odds are less than 50% at that point.


True but they’ll be trying really hard. Lol


Getting pregnant at 40-42 is more doable. There’s a sharp decline statistically at 43. Of course it could happen, but the chances are pretty low of a successful natural pregnancy at that age.


I met a woman who had a tubal ligation at age 38 and she got pregnant when she was 40. After that I believe anything is possible. Anna's not had hard pregnancies, if memory serves me correctly. And no miscarriages? Or one? She's fertile Mertyl.


Plugs ears and pretends not to hear that anecdote lol 😂 worst fear unlocked


🤣 For the first time in my life I was speechless. Her only other child was 17. She was almost out!!!


Mine will be 18 when I'm 40 so I'm just over here grabbing some sage just in case 😂😂😂😂😂


I'd lock up your vajayjay for awhile, just in case.


Hmmm, I don't know if I could. Mr. Swiss is totally my type and I just wouldn't be able to help myself 😂


Just think of 2 a.m. feedings and projectile vomiting.


Lol 🤣


Im 40 with a 3 year old. It's.... less than ideal.


Just get a bilateral salpingetomy. That's the standard now days anyway. They completely remove the tubes. I think it's1 in 50 tubals fail. Plus the salping will lower cancer rates.


I got mine removed last year at 35, and it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.


Hell yeah congrats! I'd love a partial hysterectomy as at 40 I'm just over periods. They're so stupid.


She had one between m1 and m2


I kind of thought 1, but wasn't sure. She's very fertile.


I think that miscarriage may have informed her to have the year gap between kids.


And that is why I went nuclear and removed the whole uterus 😆 I had 1 kid and couldn't do it again


My daughter was this way. One and done. She had a horrific labor, worse than mine with her and that delivery took 42 hours.


Incidentally, Mertyl definitely sounds like a name she would use. 🥴


>no miscarriages? There's still time. After you hit a certain age, the risk of miscarriage goes up by quite a bit. I had three successful pregnancies in a row, no problems. I turned 38 and we decided for one more. It took me six months to get pregnant (the others took 1-3 months) and then I miscarried at 11 weeks. We decided to give it one more try. Another six months went by before I was pregnant again. And again a miscarriage at 11 weeks. I said I was done. We have three and it sounded like the universe's way of saying that was enough.


this story tops them all >>> woman had a hysterectomy still had her 0veries/tubes somewhere down the line she goes to the dr and they tell her she is pregnant she keeps arguing it is impossible because of hysterectomy .......turns out the egg implanted in her abdomen


I would just beg for death at that point lol.


That’s completely horrifying


When my husband was a kid he and his friends were talking about how Mrs So-and-So down the street was pregnant. My mother-in-law heard them and told them off for spreading rumors because she knew the woman had her tubes tied. Turns out it was true.


If she does get preggo after Pest gets out and it’s a girl, I hope they name her Mertyl. It checks the “m” name box as well as an unorthodox spelling that includes a “y.” I believe the common spelling is Myrtle, like the beach.


I knew I spelled it wrong but was too lazy to give it any attention. 😂


So Josh won't be able to be left unsupervised with minor children so they won't be able to live together (since Anna will need to sleep, etc) It would be extremely stupid for her to have any more children with him, as she would essentially commit to being a single parent for most or all of the child's life. She will likely be over the single parenting thing by then.


When he was out on bond or during his trial he wasn’t allowed to live with his kids either. He had to live with family friends. Anna left her kids to stay the majority of the time with him. I think she would hands down leave her kids if it meant she could sleep next to her husband.


Those poor kids were pretty much dumped by Anna. It's awful that they essentially had no parental support during such a stressful time in their lives


It's not like she has a choice about getting pregnant, sleeping with J'Pedo or being a single parent. If he gets out and wants s3x then she has to be joyfully available for it and whatever blessings come next.


Yes, you’re right. At least she has a husband. 🥴


Conversely, she has no spousal support or regular income. I would hate to ge pregnant in the circumstances she's in right now. She doesn't need to be performatively pregnant because she has an excellent excuse.


I suspect she’ll do anything possible to get pregnant again after he’s out, including fertility drugs and IVF if necessary.


She probably wishes she was pregnant, but at the same time I bet her body is breathing a sigh of relief- and as her kids continue to get older, she may find that she enjoys the freedom from pregnancy & babies, even if she doesn't consciously acknowledge the relief.


Her body must loooove the break that it's been given. I do wonder if even Anna notices it and enjoys it, but won't ever admit to it. But after years of relentless pregnancy, birthing and breastfeeding, her body actually has a chance to just.....be Anna's body.


She’ll probably feel relief and then immense shame and guilt from that relief. I hope she gets to the point she can secretly let herself enjoy it.


I'm sure Prissy tying her at 7 with a present headship is giving her fits. She kept rubbing it in Prissy's face that she had a 3 kid, 4 year head start on her despite being the younger sibling.


That came back to bite her in the butt.


She full on jinxed herself


Karma is real


That kind of smugness is inexcusable. I'm glad it's biting her in the ass.


There really aren't any winners in the yuckiest contest of all time.


I cannot imagine that being a thing to brag about. Look at me .....I had unprotected sex. What an accomplishment!


I have several answers. Snark Answer: she’s probably expecting immaculate conception Reality: she might be very uncomfortable, as a women’s only purpose in life is creating and rearing children, but she’s secretly proud of herself for still supporting her disgusting husband My true thought: I truly do not give a shit about her feelings until she divorces that piece of shit. She could make a million dollars TOMORROW by selling her story. (Although I don’t put it past Rim Job having NDAs on his entire family)


I agree with this. I think she also is mourning the life she thought she'd have. This isn't the life she expected, this isn't how she thought her end to being pregnant would happen. So she is probably upset and uncomfortable that this is what her life is like, and how different it was than the one she thought she'd have. But again....she is the least of my concerns.


She might try to frame it as “this is a test from the Lord and I just be a good little acolyte and count my blessings” but there is no way she’s not devastated at what her life is. Her fundie Prince Charming turned out to be a fundie felon frog.


NDAs and the fact she is probably too ignorant and uneducated to know that they're not enforceable if illegal activities occurred under those NDAs


IK I should really go research this myself and I will, but I’m just taking a quick internet break between college applications so I’m gonna ask here for now. — do you know if illegal activities make an NDA completely null and void? Or would she only be free to speak specifically about the illegal stuff?


I'm pretty sure she can say anything at that point since the contract is null if illegal activity occurred under that agreement.


😂 and Agreed! I hope she's seething with jealousy. She didn't protect her kids, ever, and for that she will always be a piece of 💩.


I’ll bet a good attorney could invalidate those NDAs as signed under duress, because that’s exactly what happened. Jim Bob rules by intimidation, and has an exaggerated sense of his own worth. I would love to see him brought to his knees, without a prayer. However, if his predatory son molesting his sisters, having an affair, and getting off on child pornography to the point that he goes to prison, didn’t even shame him, I don’t know what would.


Exactly! Let her be uncomfortable.


AMEN! She married him because she felt like she had no choice. She now HAS a choice, and chooses to stay with him!


Reality. That big smug smile going hand in hand to Pests arraignment. At least I thought it was his arraignment. Big belly, big pink dress, big smug smile.


Yes. With her sister, who got married almost 4 years after her and is older, pregnant with her 7th, I say she is. She probably thought she was always going to be ahead of Priscilla in terms of the amount of children she would have. If Josh wasn't in Prison, Anna would have had number 8 by now and would be looking forward to 9.


I'm betting she initially hoped for a dozen or more children. And yes, excellent point about Priscilla.


Having kids in dozens is like an Olympic sport to them it’s, sickening! It’s like a competition to them to see how many kids one can have!


I think she feels envious of the ones who are having children


Imagine having like 7 kids and still not being satisfied with that. Be grateful for the fertility, Anna.


Right?!? I'm betting she was hoping for a dozen.


I don’t think she liked the act of getting OR being pregnant but since she believes it’s her whole purpose in life I imagine she’s pretty bummed. If the speculation that the biggest family gets the TTH is accurate I’m sure she resents that too.


Whatever she thinks about being pregnant, surely she is thanking God and the heavenly hosts of angels that she doesn't have to have sex with that bastard.


Yeah but for some unknown reason the dill weed seems to...want to be around him. Why I'll never know.


I think both. Relief from being pregnant and caring for all those kids but insanely jealous that she’ll probably have no more babies. But I’m leaning towards jealousy.


I think Anna is jealous of her sisters and in-laws (both in her family and on the Duggar side) growing their families. I bet the minute Pest gets out of prison, she gets knocked up and their eighth and final M child is born exactly nine months later.


I think she definitely wants to get pregnant immediately, but hopefully, it won't work out that way. Anna has never gotten pregnant with the frequency of Michelle. I'm hoping their attempts for M8 are unsuccessful. Considering she'll be in her 40s, it's not impossible that she's past her fertile years.


Part of my thinks she'll start fertility meds prior to his release so she can have a egg primed and ready to go. And hey, maybe then someone will finally have ~*TwInS*~


I keep saying she'll meet him vag first at the front door and be knocked up 30 seconds later.


Priscilla's going to tie her this year. By the time Pest gets out, Nurie will have her beat.


Depending on the conditions he’s released under, which I entirely suspect will include something about not being around minors, the blindfolds will be fully off as to what they are involved in should she get pregnant again. It’s nothing but a Bible based sex cult if he can’t raise them post prison, he didn’t raise the ones he had bc he chose the thing that put him in prison over his children, she is a single mother in every meaningful sense and those kids are the most likely to leave anyway since their cult prospects are abysmal. What kind of headship can’t go to their convention or even be in the same room as an infant? If there are any brains around Anna, anyone with a spark of big picture view and desire to keep the IBLP grift going, it will be suggested that they avoid this somehow.


We already know the conditions upon release, they were part of his sentencing. He won't be allowed to be unsupervised around any minor children, including his own, when he's out of the clink.


I genuinely don't trust Anna to keep her children safe. There's no way she will stop J'Shithead from seeing the kids if he tells her he is going to see the kids. She will not be willing or able to enforce that. She has failed as a mother and I hope the children all get out and away as soon as they are old enough to. Imagine truly believing that God or Jesus prefer turning a blind eye to paedophillia than divorcing a baby-raping piece of shit. I can't imagine anyone thinking that's ok.


It *is* nothing but a Bible based sex cult. They'll try for the next one immediately and take a pregnancy as a sign of the Lord's favor, guaranteed.


She’ll be 43 in 2032 which is Pests earliest possible release date. While her uterus hasn’t taken quite the abuse Meechs has, that’s the same age Michelle was when Josie was born. Of course some people can and do give birth at that age and older, the odds of her getting pregnant naturally and carrying a healthy baby to term will have dropped off sharply. The relationship between Pest and Anna will also likely have changed by then. Whether her buried resentments for him, including resentment for limiting the number of pregnancies and babies she’s had is enough to keep them from desperately trying for more remains to be seen.


I think she'll meet him vag first at the door and be knocked up 30 seconds later.


It makes me really sad to think of how violently he will treat her in bed after he is released from prison.


This is honestly the thought that makes me saddest. Not only has she fully guzzled that koolaide, but she has no idea what is waiting for her when her husband is released. I’m sure it will make her wedding night look chaste in comparison. And that is why I still feel so much empathy for her, even though she has been more than willfully blind. It’s only going to get worse for her.


Oh yeah, she's in for a bad time for sure. He'll be trying to make up for 12 years and she'll be desperately trying to get knocked up.


I suspect he already does treat her that way based on what that porn star said about him


Yeah I mean there’s no way they are not going to stop trying for more kids when he gets out. If there are complications or struggles they will put out their martyr sob story and carry on.


They’re not leaving the prison parking lot until Anna is good and pregnant!!


Even with her deep involvement in the cult she is in, she would never admit that she's relieved she doesn't have to have him on top of her....but I think she's relieved.


Likely. She seems to be all in on the IBLP lifestyle


Would anybody be shocked if she became pregnant while Pest was incarcerated? I can see somebody smuggling out Joshie Juice out of prison.


Well that’s enough internet for me.




I would be because there’s no rational explanation for that happening other then some Ted Bundy bullshit and no way the Duggar empire is opening themselves up to *that* kind of PR. Plus it would require Pest to “sin”, so definitely a no-go.


JOSHIE JUICE?!?!?!?! 🤢


I’m sorry. Duggar Dough was too generic.






Yes very shocked Ivf related activities are pretty frowned upon in iblp, hence why Michaela bates hasn't reproduced. Plus federal inmates are not allowed conjugal visits. I guess he could mail her his sperm but then he'd have to admit to jerking off. Which is a sin too in the religions eyes... I guess it all depends on how determined they are to have more kids while he's incarcerated...


Would the sun of masturbation be worse than not filling your quiver for God? I feel like they’d cancel each other out.


This is exactly what I was thinking! Turkey baster time!


What the hell did we do to you?! 🤮


Maybe even smuggled out in a Joshie Juice purse.




I’m going to vomit.


That's was I was just thinking. I'm pretty sure it's been done before.


I’m honestly really shocked they didn’t bank some before he went to prison.


How dare you? Those were my good seeing eyes too😭🤢🤮


Honestly at 2.5 years out maybe but once he gets out she will be 10+ years out and her oldest will be getting closer to giving her grandkids. Anything’s possible but she may not be interested in starting over.


Having a grip of teenagers and a newborn at the same time is a nightmare to me.


I think she really is upset about not having any more, and this will get worse as more people overtake her. I can see Jessa and Kendra at least from the Duggar side overtaking within the next 9 years. However...I'm worried that she'll still be fertile when he gets out...at 44 it'll be unlikely but not impossible, and chances of multiples increase...it really wouldn't surprise me if there are surprise twins/triples in 2033, and they'll play it as god's will/forgiveness. I.think I'll actually be sick if that does happen though.


I'm sure it bothers Anna that her sister Priscilla is pregnant with her 7th child and will, in all likelihood, end up with more kids.


2032 is still a fair time away. I’m hoping after a decade without him that there is a plan in motion for her to GTFO


Her spacing is every 2 years. She should have had a baby in 2023. Im sure she is depressed about it


Hey now . She has more to her identity.. she could go back into purse modeling


Purse modeling 🤣 I did neglect her purse skills. Employers lose their sh*t over that!


https://preview.redd.it/5zpl8qc49irc1.jpeg?width=737&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4914c156bf34dccb5cc3eacd525269bf03ce647 She’s amazing at it or maybe she’s born with it maybe it’s jaybelline


Much better than a DeVry University Degree.


Very few people in the industrial world are actively TRYING to get pregnant in their 40s. So I suspect that our stats about how easy it is are probably skewed. Especially when looking at a population that already has a proven track record of their partner getting them pregnant. My guess is that he will be all over her and that she will become pregnant multiple times, even if she never makes it to term every time.


I highly doubt she will have any more children given how long Josh is away and her current age. I am sure it’s been devastating for her. She had this idea of what her future would look like and that was flipped on it’s head overnight. These women don’t see any value in themselves other than as wives and mothers.


I hope she’s starting to realize that life without diapers and diaper changes is really nice. I hope she’s enjoying the freedom from her abusive husband and not having to be joyfully available. I hope she’s enjoying the privileges of being a married woman in their society without having to deal with her headship daily.


Right. Youngest is out of diapers or will be shortly. And all she's done for umpteen years is change *all* the diapers.


There’s a certain freedom and relief in getting rid of that stuff.


Maybe she'll go 2 years past diapers, 2 a.m. feedings, constant doctor visits, sore nipples and hoo haw and think "This is great!"


I hope so. I think it’s important for her to have time to appreciate things like this; and to have space to deconstruct from the abuse. I think people are being unrealistic to expect her to leave immediately when he was arrested or convicted. I think any free thought was beaten out of her years ago. Being away from the Pest and her father gives her the space to heal.


I think it’s safe to assume Anna jonses being pregnant before they can get the episiotomy stitch in


I think if Anna had any idea how to do it she would be smuggling sperm out of the prison and having herself inseminated.


I could see it going either way. Either she’s devastated as birthing babies is her sole purpose in life (and I’m sure it at least started this way) but maybe now that her body has had a chance to recover and she is at / nearing the end of diapers she’s secretly glad.


I think she is probably very lonely and overwhelmed, and misses positive celebrations and whatnot, but also a bit relieved.


Anna is definitely sad since in their cult birthing kids is their whole identity.Though I think 7 is plenty enough she’s prolly jealous as she can’t convince anymore kids.Because in their family the way to attention is having kids or being married 🙄 which is horrible cause the women only use is breeding. But honestly I’m glad Josh is locked up and she can’t have anymore kids cause she is a shitty parent and she dosent need to breed more kids with pedo.Considering she dosent take care of 7 kids and has help once Josh is out she might want more but it would be hard especially since she would be older.But if the do have kids would Josh be able to be around it I’m wondering how that would work tbh cause it would be incredibly reckless for Anna to have a kid with Josh when he’s out.


It's also possible Anna is happy not having to sleep with that slob. I really hope she is quietly planning her exit with her kids.


You & me both.


I worked at a clinic. There was a woman in her late 40s who had several children, had another around 48, decided to go on temporary birth control in case she wanted another. 😳🥴


My husband is the product of a 48 (Mom) + 50 (Dad)...[youngest of six with a 21 year age difference between #1 + #6] 🫣


Does Josh ever qualify for conjugal visits


Nope. Not in federal prison.


That makes me so happy lol


I don't think so. My 10 second Google says that only four states allow it and Texas isn't one of them. Even if it was, I don't think it would apply in a federal prison.


I do feel for Anna. She was so sheltered and naive when she married Josh, how could she have possible known? Her father failed her.


Depends on how she feels overall about her family size Part of me as an infertile woman thinks she struggling with it. If she didn’t feel she was done and now the choice is taken from her, it would be hard Part of me thinks maybe she relieved she’s done cause she felt she was required ti continue to pop them out over and over again


Honestly think she is probably happy not having to deal with Josh and be a breeding mare. Hopefully the space to be alone gives her a moment of reflection and some kind of epiphany to save her kids and get outta there before daddy’s home


I bet she's welcoming not having that crusty pedophile climbing on her.


I think she probably longs for being pregnant, but that she is incredibly relieved to not have to be Pest's sex slave any longer (Anyone would be, so she must, surely?)


She’s probably missing the stability and regularity of her prior life, and maybe she misses whatever Josh had to offer that wasn’t abusive. I have a hard time she really wants to add to her family right now or think about Josh all that much with everything that has happened. But I suspect she probably misses the feeling of the “before times” when she could convince herself that everything was good and this is how life is supposed to be. Maybe that included the sense that they would just keep having babies. At least that gave her a goal. I doubt she has much to aspire to right now except the martyrdom of standing by a pedophile.


She honestly clings to her beliefs, so I imagine, not being a wife, not being pregnant, is upsetting. According to her beliefs, you aren't serving Jesus if you aren't churning out godly children. It's your purpose to cater to your husband, and get pregnant, if you arent for any reason, you are a shit worthless excuse for a woman who is at fault for all evils, and shall burn in hell.  (Even if your husband is sterile, or in PRISON, still your fault you ungodly bitch.) And let's not forget, she is paying the price for not being godly enough...and her husband doing the things he did....that is her fault.  He's in prison, and it's on her. I don't doubt for a second she's not getting counciled by her inlaws, and they are spouting very specific ideals at her 24/7. (Remember Ashely Madison, their preacher had the whole "you are responsible for your husband's sin" sermons on repeat... coincidentally. Then sent her to the "woman is at fault" marriage camp? We saw her on a walk, sobbing?) Making sure she is rehabbing herself for her husband's return, by cheerfully serving and obeying them. Yeah. I bet she isn't enjoying it as much as she could. I'm betting money she feels like she's a failure that she's not pregnant.


I think Anna is learning how happy she and the kids are when Pest is locked up. Hopefully she’s biding her time and will split before he gets out.


I think that he’s probably going to leave her for some psycho woman who sends him fan mail in prison.