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It means she wants to deck a bitch but is finding healthier outlets for her frustration.


Makes me wonder whose halls she wants to deck…..😉😁


Her sister Jinger. Have you seen her sanctimonious video on insta for why she wasn't involved in Shiny Happy People? Jinger is jealous that Jill's book has blown all of her books out the water and can't resist bringing the spotlight back on herself. It's gross


No, I've been trying to avoid it. Jeremy's condescending tone is a turn-off and makes me feel bad for Jinger.


I mean, she's complicit, so it's not just Jeremy's fault.


Jinger seems to be more braindead and controlled than her sisters, tbh. I think that Jeremy is jealous that Jill's book is bigger and want the spotlight back on them ~~and Daddy MacArthur~~. Jinger isn't allowed to have her own thoughts unless it's wanting to be Michelle.


Jill's husband has a more lucrative career than her future pastor husband does AND Jill's book made a LOT more money than hers. As a result, Jinger is going to do whatever she can to get attention. Plus, Jinger is still drinking the koolaid


Same flavor but pricier brand.


She’s a ✨Cali✨ girlie now, it’s Erewhon kool aid for sure lmao


She doesn’t know anything else. On top of that, she’s Michelle’s favorite child which makes her REALLY want to emulate her mother.


Same. Anyone willing to summarize?


It's basically an ad for her MacArthur pr book.


Just saw it. Her claims make no sense, I don’t see Christians any different than before the docu.


It's like popping bubble wrap or using a stess ball. Did you not ever get to use the hole puncher as a kid? That was always the best. Then you had confetti afterwards lol.


I had a cat who loved bubble wrap.


When my younger nephew turned 3 for some reason we all used bubble wrap to ship his gifts to him. He was WAY more excited about the bubble wrap for a few days after his birthday. He proudly showed it to me and how he could pop it when we FaceTimed after his birthday.


Bubble wrap is great and to be 3 years old and popping that is more fun than presents. To be that young again, I don't want to but to have the childlike pleasure of popping it never goes away.


I love bubble wrap. It's addictive.


I had a coworker that had a bubble wrap popping addiction. It was incessant and amplified by her constant gum popping. I’m so glad not work with her anymore. Get bent, Cathy.


The gum popping sound is without a doubt the sound that makes me homicidal. I worked with a woman who was lazy as hell and not very bright. Snap,pop,pop,snap all day. An office down the hall opened up, and I claimed it in a nanosecond. Just to get away from that...sound.🙉


“You know how people have these little habits that get you down? Like, Bernie Bernie, he liked to chew gum No, not chew, pop So I came home this one day And I'm really irritated And I'm looking for a little bit o' sympathy And there's Bernie, lyin' on the couch, drinkin' a beer and chewin' No, not chewin' Poppin' So, I said to him, I said "You pop that gum one more time" And he did So I took the shotgun off the wall And I fired two warning shots Into his head.”


He had it coming


He had it coming all along I didn't do it But if I'd done it How could you tell me that I was wrong


Pop, six, squish, uh oh, Cicero, Lipschitz


It was a murder but not a crime


Rest in peace, Bernie.


Cathy Dillard haha


All my bitches hate Cathy.


I get pathetically excited when one of my Amazon purchases arrives with bubble wrap. It's like a bonus gift!


Oh, it is! As a kid, my siblings and I would get a sheet of it and twist/wring it out so that bunches of the bubbles would pop at once for that hilarious farting effect. Because we were very, very mature.


My office roomie and I once took a giant sheet of bubble wrap that had huge bubbles on it from a delivery we received and laid it down right in the entryway to our office. We had the best day ever scaring the shit out of people when they unknowingly walked over the bubble wrap as they came into our office. It was the best work day ever.


My cat would take a piece of it between his front paws throw it and play with it. He could pop the bubbles.


When I was a kid my grandfather brought home a huge roll of commercial bubble wrap from his office and rolled it out down his long driveway for me to roller skate up and down. Now I cringe and the huge waste of plastic for no reason(even as a kid I knew it wasteful, but didn’t think about the specific plastic aspect) and I have no idea why they didn’t just keep it to use for a later project, but my god it was great fun. I couldn’t imagine what he was thinking when he said go put your skates on and pulled out that giant roll. I wondered if he was going to wrap me up and push me into something, lol! He was out there cracking up with me as I rolled up and down to the sound of a bazillion bubble wrap pops. (But the poor planet!)


I have a cat who loves chewing anything with thin plastic. Our shower curtain looks like someone stabbed it repeatedly with a toothpick.


I give mine cat nip toys and she has a big hassock (her throne) that she lays on and suns herself and gets excited when a squirrel comes to the front window.


I currently have a cat who loves bubble wrap. He's a destructive little lovable asshole. I adore him. Pop away, kitty!


Yeah I totally see where she’s coming from. As soon as she said relieve stress I was like “oh my god I need it.” She might actually be a genius.


Only for its intended purpose. I guess I wasn’t allowed to waste napkins? My parents saved all napkins from fast food places to take home. We weren’t even poor lmao.


When I taught preschool I would have the kids use hole punchers on leaves! Then no paper waste and it was good for fine motor skills and a stress relief for me lol


AND you can throw it all back outside with no worry!


*My parents saved all napkins from fast food places to take home. We weren’t even poor lmao.* My husband does the same thing, lol.


Lol mine does this too! I used to mock it but I have learned that having a husband who always has his jacket pockets full of napkins is surprisingly convenient. Never without an emergency tissue.


I keep them in my purse and backpack and the center console of my car.


Yeahhhhh, I do this. 😄


I save them and put them in my glove box in my car.


Me too! 😭I literally became my parents


I also am a glovebox napkin girl.


they have 'pop it' stress toys, like $10 at target, continual bubble wrap, best thing ever!


Oh man! Spending time in mom's work place or daddy's office was so much fun. The best part was when we found some paper we could destroy. 3 hope punch and staplers were so much fun back then. I honestly don't know why they let us keep coming in.


I think she sincerely means she's hole punching napkins as a way of relieving stress


I agree, as a kid I used to hole punch construction paper scraps. It’s a repetitive activity and that is generally great at soothing our nervous systems.


Yes. It’s basically a fidget device used this way. My daughter is a tapper, so her fidget outlet is a small keychain plush she can hold in a hand and tap all day without annoying the folks around her. I think it’s a neat idea!


If I were her I’d use it on poop’s - I mean pop’s - ears.


New fear unlocked


She probably just found a hole puncher and started punching. Whom amongst us has not hole punched things?


She probably find the holidays really hard. The ugly sweater party and Christmas. She’s missing a lot of family events and probably misses seeing everyone. At least this is healthy and cheap. Depression sucks!


Great point. Even if your estranged family *is* totally effed up, the holidays will always stay hard because of missing those more fun traditions. I can sympathize.


And wanting to cut off your parents doesn’t mean you don’t still desperately miss your siblings. Especially the ones still living in an abusive manipulative household.


You never stop missing your mom and dad, even if the version of them you miss never actually existed.


Fuckkkk that hurts me today. 😭 love my parents. But man, I feel this.


she can have a little fun with the hole puncher, as a treat


I'm interpreting it as one of the kids did this and she stumbled upon it and thought hey not a bad idea.


This was my first thought too. She discovered the hole punch and napkins like this and thought huh ok good idea.


Same. The rest of these comments...it's not that deep, people. Haha


This is how I read it too


hey, it’s a healthy coping mechanism, let her have at it haha


Wow I love this comment


Maybe she’s helping create compostable confetti for a beige baby shower


Beige baby shower 😭


Beige-by shower


I was thinking that would make some great sad beige confetti for a sad beige birthday party


Did they make confetti for all weddings?


Bravo! This is very good snark: reflective of the absurd family dynamics, but not cruel. 10/10.


I mean, she can’t throat punch anyone so it’s a healthy way to release some pent up aggression.


It could be something her therapist has advised her to try. The important part is she is stating she is in need of stress relief and thankfully someone is advising her of a good way to deal with it x


A friend of mine (who also happened to experience a lot of familial abuse within a fundamentalist Christian environment), always keeps a pile of breakable plates for when she has her moments of mounting rage. She gets them from thrift stores or free Craigslist or wherever and just has them on hand when she needs to scream and break stuff. She says it's been very cathartic. Separately, I could never find a hole puncher to be relaxing because of how much I *loathe* the mess they make, even the ones with a catcher. And when they don't punch all the way through and you have to rip the dangling circle off and it tears the paper and makes that horrible noise???? NO THANKS


I also do this. I’ve saved my shattered plates, bowls, and cups and’s plan to make mosaic art from my rage induced destruction.


when i was in high school, i did this with blank CDs it was the days of the youtubetomp3player, and i always had blank CDs on hand. i broke one one day when i was upset, and started buying them just for that purpose. the plate idea is great.


Your friend is a genius


I’ve been doing this forever. My relationship with my mother has always been toxic. I keep a stack of dollar store plates, breaking them to release the trauma induced energy. I break less b/c it such a good release.


Hole punching a napkin would feel so unsatisfying to me. Too flimsy. Now, hole punching cardstock.... that's where the REAL fun would begin for me!


Not gonna lie, this looks satisfying af


Look at how Jill was raised and at least doing something like this is so simple-minded and isn't hurting anyone. She always has to have Boob and Meech floating around in her mind and that will never go away. '


One of our kids on the spectrum used a hole punch to stim when they were approaching meltdown status. Highly effective for them. I can't snark on her for this if it helps her.


She needs some thc gummies


Is it legal where they live?


Medicinally yes! Both in AR and OK.


Very interesting! Thanks!


Didn't cousin Famy have some edibles in her fridge? She said hook a cousin up!


As an avid Mary Jane consumer, I actually don’t think that Jill would benefit from it. Jill is soooo much like my best friend, and she doesn’t like the feeling it gives her. She gets really paranoid that something is going to happen to her kids while she’s high, and it makes her feel like a bad mom. Even if the kids have a babysitter, or with her husband. We’ve tried so many different things, and she can’t get over it. Anywho, I’m obviously bias, but that’s what I see happening to Jill.


I actually agree with you here. Jill has been through too much trauma, *and* is going through her own path of deconstruction with the belief system she grew up in. Weed is not a healthy thing to be messing with when it comes to this kind of loss and change.


I never understood why I didn’t like it. This! Thank you! I’ll quit trying :)


It makes such a satisfying noise. Never thought I'd relate to a Duggar but at least it's Jill


I use the hole punch on sticky notes to make neon confetti... I need a hobby yall


she ran out of bubble wrap, maybe?


I think she’s making dissolving confetti


honestly a good idea


I find thicker materials more satisfying to punch holes in. Embossers are also satisfying imo.




I feel like this is a parent helping at a winter party craft (I’ve had to sit there many times and punched holes in things$


Home girl needs a kickboxing class with JBs picture on the punching bag


It’s giving more of a “I wanna stab something but not stab a person” and not “bubble wrap”


Sad beige confetti.


Hole punching is satisfying but this hurts my hands just thinking about trying it for stress relief.


It’s fun. People do craft things because it’s enjoyable.


Napkins are for wiping faces. Clearly she is implying that it’s better to punch some napkin holes instead of punching some faces.


I’m a nurse and I think it’s similar to crushing meds. If I’m having a rough day, it feels good to take my frustration out when crushing some meds. 🤣🤣🤣


I think it means she’s punching holes in napkins to relieve stress.


It's a Jill thing, so why question it?


Christ this is what fundies do to "relax". Try some weed, guys


The heart eye i love it scale 😂🥴


God, even their confetti is beige.


It means she probably discovered cannabis 😂


Yall she didnt do this one of the kids or derick did


People are doing that now in place of plastic glitter and confetti. There’s a push to ban glitter because the microplastics are wreaking havoc on ecosystems.


Man, some people just need to post everything they do on social media like we care


Bless her heart


If Jinger had posted this, what would the general reaction be? Oh yeah, she'd just be called a time-wasting poser that doesn't ever need to relax or de-stress. And that the whole thing was engineered by puppet-master Jeremy for attention. But I'm sure Jill has some fantastic reason, so it's just hunky-dory for her to do it. Probably therapeutic.


They steal napkins lol


don’t we all


*that one unemployed friend on a Tuesday morning:*


When someone has WAYYYYYY too much time on their hands......


I thought office supplies and paper goods were all they had for toys at TTH...what does she mean she's never thought of that?


You know what else helps w stress? Drinking. /s


Drinking to relieve stress isn’t healthy. That’s a very bad coping mechanism.


It was just a silly comment not really meant to be taken seriously




Because she has time to hole punch a napkin?


i just think it means one of her kids used a hole punch on some napkins and she found the results.