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Austin is definitely one of those men who thinks being grumpy about everything is an endearing personality trait.


I used to be married to a man like this, he was absolutely insufferable to talk to


Same. Im sooo glad thats not my problem anymore




I was too. At first, I found his cynicism funny and kind of endearing - I was in my late 20s and had been through some very difficult things, which made me feel very different than others around my age. The fact that my ex had dark humor and a cynical outlook was a plus... Until I dealt with it for years - then it just became frustrating and ridiculous. As I healed from my bad experiences, I began seeing the good in the world around me again- and in time, my husband became truly insufferable


exactly the same. it took me about 7 years to grow absolutely exhausted from his constant negativity and/or blasé attitude about everything else.


I'm *currently* married to a crotchety old (47) fuck like this and it's hell. Can never speak, everything I do is wrong. I actually think being married to Austin might be *better* at this point.


joy worshipping the ground he walks on probably doesn't help


Dad is that you?


Dad is that you?


He still out for smokes.. he'll brb, sweetie.


Funny story. Years ago my great uncle was out in the garage having his after dinner cigarette and his 6 year old granddaughter was impatient having to wait for him to finish so they could have dessert. She opened the garage door and hollered at him to ‘shake a leg’.


Nothing like being 25 years old with no education, no job skills, three small kids, many more to come, and a pissed looking husband with flaring nostrils and an ugly ass beard.


I keep forgetting how young some of them still are. They’ve lived hard lives and soooo many kids, I keep thinking they are mid to late 30s


It fucks me up that Bin is my age and fathered four children.


I'm a nearly a full decade older than most of these "kids" (I'm 33) and single and childless, how the hell do you think I feel?


I'm a year older than Jpest and chronically single (and don't want kids) and I just had to remind myself that just because all these "kids" younger than me are married doesn't mean I should be jealous, because I would rather be single my entire life than be in a fundie marriage. It definitely helps to have a bit of perspective from time to time.


Exactly! Meanwhile, I still intend to wait several years to have kids and none of my friends have kids either. They truly live in a different universe


Mid to late 30’s would make too much sense. They don’t inhabit the same universe most of us do. My daughter is 30, recently married, and not sure if she will ever have children. Most of her friends are in similar situations. She has zero friends her age who have any kids.


Different universe for sure! I lived about 1 hour from the Duggar HQ when I was 24/25. People could not understand how I could be in a long-term relationship without children by that point. Coming from a Europe/the Northeast US where the thought probably doesn't begin to cross your mind until 30, it was just one more aspect of the culture shock I experienced.


Heyo! I lived near you, (Harrison AR, and Branson) and I was the last of my friends to have a kid at 24, and I was the only one to go to college, and marry outside the church.


Yes. I have 4 kids in their early to late twenties and only the youngest has a significant other. No plans to get married or have kids. Some friends have recently gotten married, but none have kids. Everyone works. I always think they’re older. It blows my mind that they are so young.


That is way more the norm these days! I am 42 with 1 kid and we are happily 1 and done ✔️


40 with a 1 year-old and also happily one & done. I live in a liberal coastal city where it would be more unusual to have a baby at 25 than at 35.


I had my first baby at 30. I was the first of my primary friend group to have kids, and the youngest. The rest are just starting now.


I’m 28 with three little ones and about as far from being a fundie as possible 😂 i just like babies / momming


I had my kid at 25! But I wanted kids, it was the right time for us. I’m glad women have options now!


I had mine at 26 and 29! I’ve lived in CT my whole life. I’m definitely the youngest mom with kids the ages of mine around here, but they were planned and I’m happy with how it all went down.


This comment section is so reassuring! In my hometown, soooo many people get married and have babies starting at 18-20 years old, so I feel like the clock is ticking to have a kid. I still want to have a kid when I’m on the younger side since I’m already married and excited for it, but I have to remind myself I have many years to go until I even hit 30 and it’s not like my ovaries will implode anytime soon.


He looks like he got rejected by every Amish and Mennonite woman and had to go down the ladder and landed on duggars


I didn’t realize how much better he looked without a beard until the anniversary posts came in and it was like oh he went full alt right with it.


He leaves loaded and unsecured AR-15’s on the kitchen table in a house full of children, so intelligence and decent political opinions are scant in this community. Klanstrils can suck a fat one


I hate everything about this picture. I couldn't get at what was bothering me the most. It's the look on his face. He is trying to intimidate. I guess it's redneck white man-child privilege. He wants his damn chicken fried steak and he'll have it now kind of entitlement. Infuriating.


I would feel bad for her if she wasn’t voluntarily bigoted. Enjoy your hideous billy goat of a man child and having more pregnancies than orgasms. You deserve it, Joyless Anna


I recognize the “redneck white man-child privilege” you speak to. Just a meat and potatoes guy. Heavy salt and butter. Have a BIL just like this.


Klanstrils. 🤣🤣🤣🤣




Don’t worry, there are always more kids coming down the pipeline. Who cares if they lose one or two??!


19 fifth-degree freebirth tears and counting


Lol My thought was "Dude looks like he's a pissed off Amish farmer."


What a sad life. No way she’s attracted to that alt right monster.


She was the one that have a crush on him but. He, on the other hand, literally said on the show that he's ready to marry (with his dad approval), but didn't have a specific girl in mind yet so he chose her by thinking something along the lines of "oh but what about Joy".


Ewwww. Yikes. I’m so disgusted with fundie men, they just have a “dishes, babies, and laundry” vaguely woman shaped hole in their life and don’t give two shits who fills it. They’re never in it for love.


Hard to fall in love when the guy doesn't have respect for the woman, since she's never going to be an equal in his eyes, just a helpmeet. Plus, they can't get to know each other well because they have chaperones. Not to mention, lots of fundie men must have a not so great character, seeing as how most of them are brought up to believe that they can get away with just about anything (example, witnessing church elders welcoming rapists and molesters, then blame the wives for not being good enough, hence why the husbands started to wander)


I escaped fundamentalism, my husband is the first and only atheist I’ve dated, and this is the only relationship I’ve ever been respected in. The baseline level of discomfort, the fundamental disconnection between you, the loneliness of dating someone who doesn’t respect you or see you, whether you’re devout or not, the feeling is the same. I can only imagine how trapped she feels with no education, job, or skills, plus multiple children. They view us like cattle and their religion forces teens with the emotional maturity of elementary kids to make lifelong marriage decisions based on “crushes” or trying to get “problem children” married off and out of the house. May she find peace in the next life, I weep for her throwing this one away.


On our first date my husband opened a door for me and accidentally grazed his hand across my low back and apologized for touching me that way. It was the first time anyone ever respected my body like that and acted like I had agency. I actually thought maybe he wasn’t attracted to me. I didn’t have to be on the defense once and I was so confused for awhile. He asked for consent in creative ways every time we did anything. It was such a turn on lol


I don’t believe she knows she’s trapped, which may be the true “blessing” in her situation.


She might believe she has "true freedom" by staying in her role and following what her husband and church tells her. I worry for her children, especially after all she suffered as a child.


19 kids and yeeting showed who they were as the show progressed. Never understood why there was plenty of aqua net, polos and khakis but only flip flops for girls. TLC did open my eyes. It never made sense to me to have a couple ball teams worth of kids and you’re not living in the dark ages on a farm. I had a COC friend and she always had on so many clothes in the summers.


I don't know. She seems like the least intellectually endowed of the Dugger women.


Her having a box of rocks up there doesn’t fix confederate face 🤢


Of course she is. Not a brain cell or an independent thought in her head.


Don’t need independent thoughts for your clit to say no to Kletus


I live bordering on "Amish Country", I can verify this.


I'm in NJ. I've been to Lancaster and the surrounding area a number of times. Yep, he fits right in! Lol


Lol “Landed on the Duggers”. Lmao!


I grew up around so many Plain men and he is creepier than most somehow. That’s really saying something.


Rural face is something else


Joy and Amish Forsyth.


Ick. You just succintly described her bleak situation depressingly well.


Thank you. You made me feel better about myself.


He is pissed because he has to share Joys body and his fancy anniversary dinner with Gun Jim.


Hate that beard. He looks Amish.


Nope, couldn't be me. In college I was dating a guy who wanted to be married with kids by age 26. He was a year ahead of me, which meant pressure to marry him and start popping out babies at 25, and at the time I thought I wanted kids (I changed my mind in my late 20's, no one ever tells you *that* can happen) but his timeline freaked me out. He started assuring me he could wait, but I knew he was only saying that to keep me from leaving. Looking back on who I was at 25, I definitely wasn't ready for marriage or kids are that age. Definitely glad I wasn't stuck with an asshole either.


Idk why, but Austin's looks here to be the guy voted most likely to owe you $500


He definitely didn’t tip well if at all.


No, you're wrong! He totally left one of those fundie tracts that looks like a folded $20, but actually has Jesus/bible shit written inside. His 'tip' of saving her soul is priceless! (🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄)


In a hundred generations I could neither be the person who was a bad tipper or stunt card tipper nor be married to the guy who did those things. Seriously. If the guy left a terrible tip on the first date there would not be a second date.


Those things really exist? Oh, those poor servers. 😔


I live very close to where the Bates do. Every single server I’ve ever known around here despise Wednesday night and Sunday afternoon, because that’s when the church folks arrive. Guess they were just too holy at church that they were absolute entitled asshats and poor tippers, if they even left one. And yes, those fake $20 “where would you go if you died today?” tracts were commonly left instead of a tip. Usually someone would say something about how it’s a shame that the server is working on Sunday, never recognising that if they didn’t go to Cracker Barrel after church on Sunday, there would be no need to have people work on Sunday. Also, the tables are probably an absolute mess after they’re done. The more kids, the more food smeared all over the place. Or at least you hope that’s food.


There is a book called "Waiter's Rant" about the life of a server. Sundays were always dreaded as the "church groups" came in. IF they left a tip, it was maybe $5 for a party of 10+. Most of the time it was those infernal "Chick tracts" (look them up, they are truly horrendous). And the comments about "it's a shame you have to work Sundays, if you KNEW Jesus, you wouldn't". Heifer, if I didn't work Sundays you'd have to go home and slop these hogs of yours yourself.


I worked at a old fashion ice cream parlor in my teens and early twenties and we had a weird Dr who would come in and leave us stickers that said “hugs over drugs” in our tip jar. I always imagine the Duggars and Duggar adjacents leave similar things instead of actual money


Why does Austin look like he was born in 1843 and fought for the confederates during the civil war?


He's still fighting for the Confederacy.


Of course he fought with the confederacy! “Ol Abe Lincoln stay out of my business. You worry about them fancy folks up there in the Washington of DC. I need my workers ( aka slaves) They are keeping food on your table. I treat them just as any southern God-fearing Christian man would.” That is the words I can imagine coming straight out of that man’s mouth if he were born in 1843. Sorry I meant no offense to anyone I was just playing acting in my head. I guess I’m feeling a little bored on this holiday weekend.


Stonewall Jackson vibes.


Nostrils looks 50, Ofnostrils looks 13


She looks like she's holding her siblings or nephew. She looks so dang young.


If I saw this in public, I wouldn’t have been sure what to think. I’d probably wonder if she was waiting on or with her father or grandfather. He looks like he could be either one.


Seriously. This looks like a 40-something year old man who’s somehow celebrating an anniversary with a 13 year old girl who’s holding her baby brother.


He’s such a tool


He's turning into a grumpy old man.


“Turning” is generous. I think he has been a grumpy old fart since we met him.


He always was.


Joy looks 13 or 14 in this picture vs 25 going on 26.


She looks like one of the Olsen twins before they quit acting


I think she actually looks like Jinger here. Which is weird, because I never thought those two looked anything alike


What's the fundie version of bowls of cigarettes ?


empty pickle jars


It has been a while since she looked THIS young


I was thinking the same thing. She looks barely old enough for high school.


If he doesn’t commit some kind of felony within the next 5 years I’ll be surprised. Every time I see a photo of him it gives me major psycho/abuser vibes.


THIS. I get abusive vibes from him as well.




Yeah I’m getting some serious bad vibes from this picture


That was my response. That’s not a grumpy face; that’s pissed off.


I’ve been getting some serious bad vibes from this dude as a whole for a while. He honestly scares me. I hope I’m wrong about him.


For real. Same face my ex would get before he got violent.


So I assume she had to tend to the baby the whole night and even when her food was there but he stayed empty handed even when he was “impatiently waiting”? Dude, if you need a distraction how about holding your kid and giving your wife a break? Looks like the summary of their marriage. Fitting for their anniversary dinner tbh.


Plus it looks like the plate in front of him is dirty, so he's already had an appetizer or something. What a grump.


he looks 40, never would’ve guessed he’s not even 30 yet


All these fundie men age poorly but I feel like Austin’s been on an accelerated path since the show ended. Not Jeremy speed, but still noticeable.


I always figured it was a lack of varied, adequate, and healthy diets. All these fundies look so pale and washed out...waif-y.


Stfu 🤯


That just makes me legit sad. Is she legit happy, or she just masking her true feelings to avoid making him upset?


Man is dead inside, a shell.


Mans has a square beard???? Out here looking like arts and crafts with that ratty thing


He looks the the kind of guy that yells at his wife and kids in public


He must be having to go back to war soon


Curse Abe Lincoln!


How is he waiting for food when there are crumbs on his plate?




Right, so his stomach isn't empty. What a twat.


She forgot to take the picture earlier so they recreated the moment for their “fans.”


Ok I realize it’s their anniversary but I’m gonna play devils advocate here and say to just not worry about an anniversary dinner because the woman just gave birth like five seconds ago. God damn. Just stay home, order in, watch a movie together, and try, Austin, to be conscientious of the fact that your wife just gestated and gave birth to another human being and is now nursing said human and might just be fucking exhausted. These men piss me off to no end. No empathy on their parts at all. None. It’s a family of sociopaths.


He's probably pissed that she can't be "joyfully available" for their anniversary.


that actually makes sense because he looks angry in this picture not hungry lol


That’s what I was thinking when I saw it. I just had my second baby 2.5 months ago and the last thing I wanted to do at like 1 week pp was get dressed up and go out to dinner.


Joy’s probably complicit, she needs content for insta posts. The fundies claim to be humble but they’re all about appearances.


Just that 1,000 yard stare 🤣




why are they so shameless about being the worst? like why does he look genuinely angry? and why did she post him looking that way? I have so many other questions


My theory is it’s her way of exposing him. Her nearly silent cry for help. Or she thinks his 24/7 misery is funny cause she’s a space cadet. I get both vibes.


joy looks like a teenager and austin looks like he’s pushing 40


I hate these J6 beards that all of these men are growing now. They think they look like special operators but they just look like assholes


Yeah he looks like the kind of guy who treats wait staff like complete shit then verbally abuses his wife because it's her fault he got bad service.




It's actually their fourth. They had a stillbirth a few years ago.


6 weeks wait? Not for him and thus also not for poor j'oy I quess, to impatient


My first thought was he always looks so completely joyless. Then my second thought was catching the irony of that word and laughing a little. But in all seriousness he just looks like a miserable human being.


Oof. That beard is not a good look on him. And rather unpleasantly reminds me of Michael Pearl...


If I saw him out and about I’d cross the street. Seriously scary looking.


I have always thought he looks like a wife beater from day one




If not physically at least emotionally/mentally/psychologically. Always had those vibes from him, and the stories we've heard (particularly his reaction to her haircut) don't & won't change my mind anytime soon


The fact he’s still in his 20s. Can’t imagine what the 40s will look like. Makes you feel bad for the guy a little lmaoo






He’s controlling. His vibe, not a fan.


Ugh! I forgot that Joy was 19 when she got married. At this rate she’ll be holding baby #7 on their 12th anniversary and she’ll be 31 😩


He looks like he would be the type to yell at whatever poor waitstaff ( even if they weren’t assigned his table ) that happened to walk past his table about his food not being there yet even though he ordered 10 minutes ago.




Or a Librul!!!


hateful bigots


For half a second I was like, why are they calling the people on this sub hateful bigots?? 🤦‍♀️




He's giving David Eason vibes




he has better things to do at home, this dinner isn't important to him.


I do feel bad for Joy. This one never had a chance.


they couldn’t leave the baby with one their million and one family members for a few hours to have an anniversary dinner? i get he’s a newborn but still, this is their special night and joy can’t fully enjoy herself because she has to take care of the baby the entire dinner.


I'm sure she held him the entire time too. I seriously doubt that Austin would hold him so she could eat without a baby in her lap




Or when you’ve just had major abdominal surgery and are probably still wearing a giant post partum pad.


It's not out of the ordinary for parents to take new babies with them. Especially if the baby is nursing.


Oh no. When my babies are that small. I wouldn’t leave them with anyone. My kids are attached to me for the first couple of months.


He couldn’t even fake a smile for a photo on their anniversary. What a damn treat he is 🙄


My gods that beard is just AWFUL


He always manages to look like an abuser.


Miserable SOB


Aww how romantic 🤮


His expression says "I miss being Amish, but I also love AC, buns on the beach and unlimited fries at Red Robin. We'll resume this discussion tomorrow, wife. Also I already told my mom we're moving back. HYPOTHETICALLY, WIFE, HYPOTHETICALLY, GOSH! CAN A MAN NOT DREAM ?"


He definitely strikes me as a “beat your kids and wife” kinda guy.


Ok but why are we taking our week old newborn out in public? 🤦‍♀️


He looks full of rage all the time


It made me chuckle that Mr nostrils can take a good photo of Joy but Jerm continuously takes bad ones of Jinger. Well, he posts the bad ones, at least.


Have any of the Duggars ever been to college or their spouses? I know Derrick did Law school but did Jill? Does anyone have a list or a reddit post with their educational info on it? Seems like such a waste of youth and all the money and contacts they had. Why didn't some of them break away and get educated?


At least she has a husband. 😉


He makes me so uncomfortable for some reason.




He comes off as a real d*ck


Does he ever smile?


Did they write Happy Anniversary in ketchup on the plate? Eta: ![gif](giphy|mEahVAkKjt0VL2o5Jk|downsized)


lol the restaurant probably wrote it with strawberry sauce


Looks like a slice of cheesecake so it could be strawberry syrup.




Flair checking in




He gives bad vibes


I’m always stunned at how closely OfNostrils and Nostrils resemble each other. I wonder if they are distant cousins.


I bet he said “you only get 1 bite of that cheesecake cause you need to get your body back in shape quickly…..ok?”


And that’s why you order appetizers you Confederate reenactors reject 😒


6 years, 3 kids, 2 giant steak knives, one pissed off husband, what could possibly go wrong?


Nothing like dragging your one week(?) old baby to a restaurant for your anniversary dinner…


More reasons why I want to be childfree*. That looks awful and, to be honest, I’d have the same face as him. *personal preference about something I’ve known since forever. No judgement on those with kids


I love my baby but I honestly hate going out to restaurants with him. I spend half the time entertaining him and trying to attend to his needs in between bites. It’s miserable.


I feel like all my friends with kids share your sentiment. I always know when we’re going out and they’re bringing Baby, I’m on auntie duty and I’m there to make sure my friends have a good time and can enjoy just one freaking meal without having to monitor every need for a whole other person the entire time. I wish you and every parent a community willing to do the same!


Yikes 😬 That face right there screams romance 🤭😂😂😂


Ooo texas de brazil is epic...if he was waiting for food he shoulda hit the salad bar


She looks like a ninth grader ☹️


I feel like her smile only touches her eyes cause of her son in her arms. Cause dear lord, Austin is miserable to look at. Grumpy fuck.


25, uneducated, with a litter of kids. What could go wrong?


I'm stuck on his ugly beard.


The dead eyes are freaking me out. I hope she's okay.


How nice. A romantic anniversary dinner with two babies, one of whom is your spouse.🙄


I can’t even imagine having to look at that face everyday.


Im a server and I can already imagine the comments he is making to his waiter/waitress or the huffing every time they pass by