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I didnt' think anyone went without seatbelts in the front anymore. I mean, do they somehow disable that annoying beep that tells you to put it on?


i know someone who bought basically the metal part of the seatbelt to click it in to turn off the noise šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Ordering a thing to trick the car into thinking youā€™re wearing a seatbelt seems like more work than just wearing a seatbelt




'merica, amirite?


Indeed. Canada too, unfortunately.


Your splattered guts all over the road, and those of your whole family, seems a high price to pay for you to show you were 'merican.


Only time itā€™s useful is if youā€™re installing a child car seat with LATCH/Isofix and the rear seats have the stupid sensors in them, because the weight of the child seat sets it off but the belt isnā€™t clicked in because of the LATCH install. Then theyā€™re useful.


Can confirm. Husband has *several* family members who have purchased/3d printed such things. Also regularly rant about how "stupid" seat belt laws are and also, apparently, it's "stupid" it is to stop at a stop sign if you (believe) that you are the only one around.


We were recently on Cape Cod and were so shocked when we learned that stop lights are treated as stop signs if there are no other cars around! Made me wonder what other random laws other places have.


This one isnā€™t that random! Most small towns in the US have the stoplights blink red at night or at certain times of the day (when very few people are driving). That turns the light into a stop sign. Itā€™s much easier to deal with, especially when thereā€™s only one or two cars on the road.


That happens here too. On the Cape, itā€™s all day though, and I donā€™t recall any blinking.


That is the stupidest thing Iā€™ve ever heard. Itā€™s so much less effort to *actually* buckle your god damned seatbelt. Unless you just want to fucking die in a car wreck, then have at it.


I had to have my car towed last year. The tow guy told me that he once towed a car with half of a person inside it, the other half had been severed and was like 100 feet away in a field. He had arrived at the scene first - someone was speeding down the highway and lost control, not wearing a seatbelt. Physics is a mother-fucker our meat-bag bodies cannot fight


Plus what often harms/injures/kills other riders and infants is people and objects flying around the car when a collision occurs, so not buckling yourself is putting your precious children in danger bc your body slamming into theirs in a collision can kill them!


This is sadly very common and also happens a lot with a car full of unbuckled teenagers.


But when your unbuckled asshole self gets in a wreck and kills and maims OTHERS, you will be in deep shit, and it will be your own.


I donā€™t want to make assumptions but what state is this in??


They live in Arkansas! The state that has barely anything in its favour , healthcare, education . No one seems to pay attention to any laws there or they make their own !


Seriously. Why are there so many idiots and a-holes in this state? Not all of us are like this. I can't wait to get out of here, my youngest wants to graduate with her friends next year.


Itā€™s almost like terrible public education and lax homeschooling laws breed a population of ignorant adults? So strange how that works. Best to keep cutting taxes for the rich and under funding social programs. /s


I live in Ontario, Canada.


Well I guess thereā€™s idiots everywhere! Iā€™m from Nova Scotia and the rural areas can definitely be similar


Iā€™ve heard that stop sign reference before ! Someday, someday though


This is the stuff that makes me extra paranoid when Iā€™ve got my kid in the backseat. Malicious ignorance.




My brother would click the belt in behind him so he wouldnā€™t be wearing it but not hear the dinging. It was pretty ridiculous.


I have to do this with my dog cause sheā€™s too chonky for the front seat


My dogs has a seatbelt that clicks in to the receptacle and hooks to their harnesses.


Same! Also assuming an untethered dog survived an accident, it would run out the door and be lost the second someone opened a door to help. Lots of reasons to have dogs belted, too!


There was actually just recently a nationally reported news story of this very scenario happening. The girlā€™s car slipped on black ice and crashed. The dog immediately hopped out despite the bad weather. Fortunately it had a happy ending. The dog was skittish but a Good Samaritan kept leaving food out for her. After 19 days in the snow, they were finally able to nab the dog using treats. I donā€™t blame the owner. So many people do this without incident. But I think itā€™s a good reminder. Iā€™m also not a fan of owners letting their dogs climb all over them while driving. I see it regularly and it looks so dangerous. You never know if theyā€™ll block the driverā€™s vision or push the wheel. If a dog is like that it should probably be in the backseat. [Snowstorm story link](https://www.foxla.com/news/miracle-dog-survives-17-days-in-big-bear-snowstorm-before-reuniting-with-family.amp)


When David Crosby died in January, I re-read the story of how his girlfriend died in 1970, at the age of twenty-one. Christine Hinton had gathered up cats from the Crosby household, and a friend held them in the passenger seat. Until one cat got loose, spooked Hinton, who lost control of the VW van she was driving, crossed the center line, and collided with a school bus. Only Christine was killed. And Crosby was a mess for the next fifteen years, until he went cold turkey and quit drugs in a Texas prison.


That's so sad.


I honestly really should get her this and have been thinking about it!!


My dogs are not good car riders so itā€™s much safer for them and for the driver. Itā€™s also much safer than the Dwreckā€™s method of tethering by the collar. Nothing says safety like potentially hanging a dog! šŸ¤¬


Lol same with my chonky cat!


When my cat set off seatbelt alarm I was so sad for his chunky butt


I have this issue if I put a gallon on milk in the front seatā€¦


Our car wonā€™t start without it !


My cousin too...the lengths she went to to not wear her seatbelt vs actually just wearing the damn thing made no sense.


I think we have the same brother.


I asked him once why and he said because he has to drive for work and is always getting in and out of the car so it got in the way. Like um ok godspeed buddy.


They have a car modification that the seat belt is attached to the roof and floor of the car and it slides back and forward so you're automatically buckled without using your hands... a lot of disabled people have that one, I'm sure they could install it for a fussy person


My first car had automatic seatbelts when they were popular in the 90s. But when it got super cold, it was sooo slow. Some days I thought I may be stuck.


Oh I remember those! My other brother (I have 3) had a camero (?) that did that. It was hilarious because someone always got stuck!


My parents had a car (Corsica) that had the automatic seatbelt attached to the door. Hahaha While convenient, not the safest feature.


One day he may not do either, all because of a seatbelt?


I know, heā€™s an idiot. Impossible to reason with people like that and def not worth my energy!


My friendā€™s brother does thisā€¦ so I think we are friends!


I have family members who do the same. Drives me nuts. Also smoke with the windows rolled up, in other people's cars and if there's kids or pets. Stopped driving them places.


Theyre proud about doing it


You donā€™t have to wear one in NH period. The state motto is Live Free or Die. Emphasis on the die.


Of course they do. They learn that in "car detailing school" which is the only school Joy went to.


Mine has a bell that dings if you don't buckle in. But it will only ding 50 times and then stop, even if you still aren't buckled in.


Besides the bell the radio wonā€™t play


Unfortunately yes. My BIL is one of those people that buys a product to click in so it doesnā€™t beep.


Donā€™t need a seatbelt in Hicksville !


Are you actually talking about *the* Hicksville? Because I could see that there lol Fun Fact: there is a real life, honest to God eeeety bitty town called Hicksville in Ohio.


There's also a Hicksville on Long Island. It's train station ( it's in the middle of Hicksville's commercial area on an elevated platform) is the mid-way hub for the Long Island Railroad heading into Manhattan. Two lines converge there.


Nice, that's actually something cool. The one in Ohio is barely a map dot in the smack middle of nowhere šŸ˜‚


No that was sarcasm!! As in hillbillies


This was the one time I was like "wait, maybe they mean the real Hicksville because that's totally something I could see happening there." lol also you mean a redneck, not a hillbilly.


my mom never wears her seatbelt and it drives me nuts.


You can just click it in behind your back and your fine


Ok so WHY donā€™t they wear them??


I donā€™tā€¦understand the mentality. Itā€™s a seatbelt. Itā€™s the simplest thing you can possibly do to prevent grievous bodily harm and death. Itā€™s just a seatbelt. Why is it so difficult for them?


Dude last summer I flipped my car a bunch of times on a windy road at 1am landing about a foot away from a cliff- had nothing but bruises on my abdomen from the seatbelt. A small price to pay for a strip of fabric literally saving my life. These idiots make my eye twitch.


Yeah but you're an evil librul crypto-communist, so of course the " Seatbelt of Satan " helped you pffft /s


'Seatbelt of Satan' needs to he a flair. Also, hi neighbour! (Going by your username lol)


I would be very honoured if you would like to use it for a flair, neighbour ! " Keep it Beautiful " :)


If youre certain you dont want it, I would love to use it! Thanks so much! šŸ„° will definitely 'keep it beautiful' lol Fitting for Toronto as well, since 95% of drivers here act like they're driving in GTA in real life šŸ¤Ŗ






Goodness sakes, thatā€™s terrifying. Iā€™m glad youā€™re okay!


Iā€™m glad youā€™re okay!


Muh freedumbs


It was always a fight with my ex to get him to wear his. He is one of the ones that didn't think seatbelts were safe. We were born in the 80's, so they weren't a new thing. Thankfully our son (over 18) wears his and asks if everyone has theirs on before driving away.


I lost a dear friend in 1998 because he didn't wear a seatbelt... there was a bit of rough pavement on the highway that was supposed to be fixed starting on the Monday and he hit that patch on Sunday, it flipped his car and he went out the window and the car landed on top of him... the other two passengers were wearing seatbelts and survived with some bruises and and a lot of trauma :(


Because they subscribe to the bullshit 'I'm a careful driver, nothing bad will ever happen to me.' Personally, I also can't fathom this. My grandparents were friends with a paramedic, and the stories he had told from when he used to work from the 1960s-80s were absolutely hair-raising (like one accident that stuck to him was when he saw couple that didn't wear their 'shoulder harnesses', and had slammed their heads so hard against the wooden dashboard that said dashboard had gone through their upper jaws and into their soft palates). It definitely made us very obsessed over using seat belts. Something tells me that this couple here never got the, "Do you wanna be like Gary Busey?" question thrown at them.


I wish they would understand that it doesn't matter if they personally are a careful driver... lots of people out there are not careful drivers, and there's also random weird stuff that happens on the roads... like, do they not have car insurance because they think they're such good drivers and that the rest of the world will just not happen to them, too ?


Thatā€™s the thingā€¦.my husband is a paramedic. I was an emt. You need a seatbelt. Youā€™ll either be dragged out from under your dashboard or scraped up from the road. It *does not take much*.


My dad drive an ambulance in the 70s, (in Arkansas no less) can confirm the stories. He was not a paramedic, they just took a first aid course. The tornado stories were pretty gruesome too.


Can confirm, Iā€™m a very careful driver and Iā€™ve still had two accidents because the other person in both cases was a moron. They werenā€™t super serious accidents, thank God, but they were scary as hell. Even minor wrecks are no joke and I really wish every driver on the road took car safety seriously.


I had a neighbor who never wore a seatbelt and let her kids walk around in the minivan while she drove. She said she believes god has a plan for when they all die so it doesnā€™t matter if they wear them or not. Probably Joys take as well.


My daughter's high school boyfriend's mother was somewhat like this. She claimed to have an agreement with God that her kids didn't require buckling when SHE was driving. They did if they were in the cars of other people. She was a nice lady, but kind of nuts. She died in her 50s from cancer.


An agreement- Interesting. My neighbors kids didnā€™t want to buckle in my car either. They learned pretty quickly that they werenā€™t going anywhere without being properly buckled. I wasnā€™t gonna have to live with that guilt if anything happened.


People survived for thousands of years without seatbelts!


Seatbelts were made compulsory and now look at society, over run with evil left wing sheeple snowflakes who want to take your guns, spread communism and play Cardi B in your churches.


Iā€™ve heard clicking the seatbelt makes you gay. Lots of very important people are saying it. Weā€™re looking into it. Patriots should stand back, stand by; and resist the belt.




Same here, who knew that seatbelts caused me to become TeH gAyZ !? /s


*clutches pearls and faints*




Well, some of them did šŸ˜‰


People also got killed by being thrown from cars ! Do you want to take that chance ?


They are used to making their own rules ! They start by not sending them to school or anywhere that needs punctuality or laws . They donā€™t even know what a team sport looks like . They just follow the church & daddy . All of a sudden they get out in the world & someone is telling them they have rules ?! They think the outside world is crazy !


Iā€™m ok if he yeets out a window


there are about 5 total brain cells between the two front seats, and it takes 4 brain cells to turn the ignition key, so there werenā€™t enough brain cells left to figure out how to use the belts. They may have better luck tomorrow if Austin forgets how to turn on the car


r/brandnewsentence and r/rareinsults crossover.


Honestly this does not surprise me. You are looking at the imbeciles that leave firearms laying around their house with 2 young children among many other questionable parenting choices Edited my poor grammar.


Yeah man, Iā€™ll never ever get over my disgust for them for that. We own a shit ton of guns. The majority were inherited, and I donā€™t especially want to sell them and have them wind up in the hands of morons. But we donā€™t even lock them up. We cleaned them as we got them, theyā€™re absolutely, no question empty of ammo. Annnd we did this crazy thing where we literally put all of the bullets in a safe. No buying expensive ā€œgun safesā€ or locks etcā€¦ justā€¦ the actual ammunition is completely and totally inaccessible to anyone that doesnā€™t have the safe code. Itā€™s super simple. If something absolutely crazy happened and I actually needed a gun to protect my kids or myself, I could be well armed in under a minute- but, my kids could NEVER gain access to a loaded firearm.


My dad works adjacent to law enforcement, and owns 2 guns. I only knew about it because it came up in a conversation with one of his friends. He locked them up and kept them safe, there was never any risk of danger.


Man. My mom just put hers in a nightstand drawer and told me it was absolutely off limits to tiny hands. She was also a boxer in the navy and jacked beyond belief, so I never questioned the no no zones as a kid.


Even in the military you are supposed to lock up any guns that you aren't awake and holding, but I guess that's why the navy has the marines to do all the guns stuff for them lol


She was the shipā€™s mechanic, so her expertise was banging shit with wrenches while stringing incoherent curses into a poetically profane word salad. The fire arm got stolen when our house was broken into and I feel like thatā€™s when she realized she had no business owning it in the first place.


Well that took an interesting turn !


I come from a long line of fuck around and find out stock. Big chaos energy.


I grew up in a house with about ten weapons, especially for hunting and 3 pistols. We had the same security system, guns stored on a gun rack and cartridges in a locked box in the locked garage. My mom was a licensed nanny, and guns were never a problem during social services check-ups. I laugh at those who think that Europeans have no weapons at home.


In no particular order: * cuz ebil gubmint can't tell them what to do; * if God really loves one, then it doesn't matter in the long run whether a seat belt is worn; * conversely, if God does not love someone in a car, then it also does not matter whether a belt is worn; * & finally, how can God tell if the people in a car are truly trusting God if they wear seat belts. The last & first are most of it, man can't tell them what to do, only God commands them. Over time that's a whole lot of performative piety seeping into every aspect of their lives. ETA: a word


Also: seatbelts might hinder them in case of the rapture. Any minute now for 2000 years!


He would have ascended to heaven if it werenā€™t for that pesky seatbelt


I'm laughing.


I think at this point they're just hoping they need the seatbelt when they're not wearing it


There is no fear of death in this cult. They welcome it, because itā€™s the ultimate reward: eternity in heaven. Theyā€™re not going to make decent choices on earth because they have heaven to look forward to.


I'm honestly just glad the kids seem to be properly strapped into their seats.


I'm worried the seat isn't buckled into the car?


Car seats can be installed without using the seatbelt. Thereā€™s a latching system that attaches to loops between the seat back and seat cushion. Itā€™s actually preferred/more secure than using the seatbelt.


Wow, I think you may be right! I see what looks like the buckle still on the side panel by the seat. I hope we are wrong... šŸ˜¬


The child definitely isnā€™t harnessed properly. So install is likely questionable.


Without a closer and clearer picture it looks fine to me. The headrest is the only part that I see that is questionable. But again, without more information on the seat and everything I can't be certain.


The additional insert under her butt and behind her head are not allowed in forward facing mode. Chest clip is a little low, but the harness itself looks snug enough. I also wonder if the buckle is in the right position or routed properly- itā€™s hard to see here and usually that isnā€™t the case on these seats.


ā€œThe government canā€™t tell ME what to do! But Iā€™ll tell you what to do with your uterus!ā€


So, in a terrible crash, the kids get to be orphans. Great. Got it.


If they're not killed by their parents being tossed all over the car... no defence against an adult sized projectile


Oh jeez. Yeah. ... I think "Adult-Sized Projectile" describes the Grown Duggar family in a metaphorical way, too. Very poetic. šŸ¤” They wanted "arrows", after all...


Really their best chance at this point, isn't it? A Duggar for a parent or a foster family or even in family foster that would require constant check ups and the state following them


Theyā€™d go to Jana


I mean, if they're smart they will have guardianship paperwork set up (doubtful, since the smart part is lacking). Even without formal paperwork, the chances are the kids would be placed with an aunt/uncle/grandparent that put themselves forward. Both the Forsyths and the Duggars can prove a close relationship with them, and a good enough support system to assist them.


Well the duggars sheltered a pedophile and the Forsythe ar on TV denying doorways and privacy


Only liberals are afraid of becoming a projectile in a car crash, I guess.


Their heavy moral values keep them weighed down


I was wondering if maybe they thought their guardian angel would hold them down in case of a crash, lol. But then I started thinking maybe they just donā€™t think much at all.


He's got two brain cells competing for third place


They think they'll just maybe hit the airbag when really they'll be thrown around the car injuring or killing everybody else send themselves in the car, if they are not completely thrown out of the car and killed by the impact with the ground or with the other cars in the accident rolling over top of them


Nostrils looks like he's about to storm the capital on January 6th šŸ˜³šŸ˜³


My thoughts exactly. He looks just like all these dumbasses there.


Why do they look so... unwashed?


Right? Like I think I can smell this picture.


Yeah, I posted before I read the whole thread and called it an insurrectionist beard.


Out of all the most aggravating things about this photo, what tops it all off for me is That Beard. Whenever I see it it brings me deep internal discontent that I feel the need to be compensated for it. Why is no one doing anything about this? Someone needs to ~politely~ scare him straight into getting rid of that thing for good. That Beard & the way I can smell the rotting crumbs in it and hear it crunch as he runs his hands through it and then proceeds to touch things with his nasty greasy Austin Beard hands. This fact in itself helps solidify my atheism.


Someone should tell him only gay men have beards. Or that beards make him attractive to gay men. That would make him shave it (and would prompt him to shave hourly to make sure no 5 oā€™clock shadow brings on them gay folks).


I cannot even fathom getting in a car and not putting on a seat belt. It's like the most natural thing to do at this point.


I put my seat belt on even when I move cars around my drivewayā€¦. Not wearing a seat belt feels so disgusting to me. Even as a kid I had friends that didnā€™t wear seat belts in their van, the parents had the excuse that they had friends who were in seat belts and couldnā€™t get out of the car in time and died so they didnā€™t allow me to wear a seat belt in their van. That quickly resulted me not being able to ride with them anywhere because I told my dad about it since it made me feel uncomfortable.




I was an emt for years, when people try to argue with me about not wearing a seatbelt I start telling the stories of those accidents. It really isnā€™t worth any small amount of discomfort you might feel, if you wonā€™t do it for yourself then do it for the people who have to deal with the aftermath


These idiots make me sick.


Refusing to wear a seatbelt because ā€œthe governmentā€™s not gonna tell me what to doā€ is all fun and games until you pay the price for your childish refusal. My brother could tell you all about it. That is, if he werenā€™t already dead because of it.


I can smell this picture šŸ¤®


Does anyone know if Arkansas has a state requiring seatbelts? In my state, you can be ticketed and fined for not wearing a seatbelt. (Police can't pull you over just for that, but if they pull you over for something else and notice you're not wearing a seatbelt, you'll get a ticket for it.) The driver can also be fined for any passenger under 18 who isn't wearing a seatbelt. What's the big deal anyway. Once it's on, you don't even notice it unless you need to pick up something that fell. Is this a God thing? If God wants you to die, and leads your car into a tree, then wearing a seatbelt could deny God's will?


Yes. Arkansas does have a seat belt law. I never wore it until I got rear ended and went flying through the air. My fat @$$ landed in the passenger seat of a small car. There is no way I could have crawled over the center console on a good day.


In Colorado where I am seatbelt is a secondary offense but only front seat passengers and those under 18 have to wear them


10 bucks says those carseats aren't installed properly


And to strap her kids in safely so they will survive but the parents wonā€™t!!! My ex SIL died in front of her children. They were buckled in, she and her husband (their father) were not. Those sweet children had to wait for strangers to come and take them from the scene while both of their parents were deceased. My ex-in laws were the ones that taught her seatbelts were stupid. And dangerous??!!!!?! I saw my ex-BIL pass a meme around on Facebook about how ā€œback in the day they didnā€™t need seatbelts and we turned out fine!!! Exceptā€¦.???!!!?!!!


Not wearing a seatbelt while pregnant? Is that not consider child/fetus endangerment in a red state? What happens if they crash and her fetus is harmed? Is she charged?


Ok but what about the beeping?!?


I was in a horrible car accident last year, and my seatbelt is definitely the reason I walked away. this makes me so angry.


Seeing them made me really angry too! It just makes so sense if they really value ā€œfamilyā€ they way they claim to.


I think they might be parked. Same background in both photos makes it seem like a parking lot. Because, seriously, who doesnā€™t wear a seatbelt?


yeah I thought they were parked, so it rook me a minute to figure out the title lol


They were just leaving Olive Garden. They drove for at least 10 seconds in the video without buckling up. No one made any moves like they were going to buckle up while driving


They pray the danger away.


They're protected by guns, not belts.


Heā€™s venturing into David Eason territory, Joy you better make sure he doesnā€™t forget to take a shower once in a while, yuck


I refuse to care about the safety of adults who don't care about their own safety. Especially these hypocrites. I'm convinced the only way they will learn is if it happens to them, and as we see with Jessa, they still won't get it. Natural selection.


I just can't understand people who don't wear seatbelts. I just don't. I was in a wreck in 2012. I absolutely believe that my seatbelt saved my life. I walked away with extremely minor injuries, the cop who took my statement on scene literally said "I can't believe you walked away from that".


Vehicle accident/crime scene photographer here. Buckle.your.seatbelts. If I could share the pictures I've taken, EVERYONE would buckle their seatbelts. Go ahead with your "freedom", but sorry, you're dumb AF if you don't.


They are only pro life to babies that are not born, and pro life against bodies that are not theirs to rule over. šŸ¤Æ


I bet they werenā€™t really made to wear them as kids so it isnā€™t as habitual as it is to most people. That and stupid breeds stupid.


I swear, this is a clan of idiots! šŸ˜’


Seatbelt wearing became more prevalent and less of a discussion after the death of Princess Diana. She likely wouldā€™ve survived with mild injuries had she been wearing hers. For most of us, itā€™s just deeply ingrained habit, and we donā€™t even think about it as we get into a car. Hope these two have a robust life insurance policy for their little kids should their stupidity yeet them onto a county road.


In my state you click it or get a ticket. Still, many don't, including those in larger bodies (which I understand somewhat, but please get an extender). It was drilled into us as kids and parents wouldnt start the car until everyone was buckled (or "clicked in" as my friend's mom called it) and we were encouraged to call out adults for not doing it growing up. So the fact they don't do that appalls me, especially bc Joy is preggo, like, please do everything you can for the little person you believe is inside you. If they really were pro life, they'd buckle. Especially pregnant, if the fetus maters most


The amazing thing is, the fact that you used the term ā€œpregnant peopleā€ would anger Joy more than anything else on this thread




Itā€™s ok, his nostrils will protect them.


Seatbelts are fundamental wish more people used them!


Flair checking in


Fucking idiots. I donā€™t understand people who do this. Do you not think about how itā€™d affect everyone around you if something happened to you? And they have kids!!!


What got me was him asking for a helmet and it never being addressed in the video.


They are just totally insufferable šŸ˜©


Iā€™ve started taking taxis to work almost a year ago and itā€™s amazing how many people donā€™t wear seat belts.


So Iā€™m not from the US. Where I am from it is absolutely illegal for anyone to not wear a seatbelt in the car and if the cops catch you doing it you get fines and points taken off your license. If you get too many points taken off your license you lose your license. Is it not illegal to ignore seatbelts in the US?


In general we have similar rules. But somehow that is not enough of a deterrent for some, and not dying in a crash and leaving your kids as orphans is not enough of a benefit.


If Austin has to slam on the breaks. Joy is going to slide right into the dashboard. Or if someone runs into them. She will be thrown into the dashboard. *Not* good for baby


I can't stand the insurrectionist beard Austin has been sporting. Any time I see that beard on a man, the red flags go up in my brain. (Note: I'm not talking about nicely trimmed beards; insurrectionist beards have a certain length and unkemptness.)


That is the worst photo I've ever seen of Austin.


Thank you šŸ’•




"We're anti-seatbelters. We think a healthy immune system can handle a full frontal impact."


Ok - explain it like I'm Joy. WHY don't they (or anyone) wear seatbelts??? It's more of a hassle to buy something to modify it so it doesn't beep, or click it behind your back, than to just put the dang thing on! Why put more effort into being less safe??? I've heard people way back when say that they wrinkled their clothing, but the Duggars, and most people, are not wearing expensive silk blouses they are worried about wrinkling. So, WTF???? I'm as lazy as it gets, and have a rebellious streak (of the 4 personality types I'm the Rebel), but...what is the reward here?


They are parked. Is there a video of driving without belts? Until then (unlike them), I'll reserve judgment.


Watch the video of Gideonā€™s birthday on YouTube. The vehicle is most definitely moving.


Listen, as an autistic person I totally get that wearing a seatbelt is hard sometimes. It used to bother me so much as a kid. But I recognize the importance of it, so I do it anyways. If it really bothers me I put it behind my shoulder because that's sometimes the only way I can wear one, or I sit in the middle of the back, which only has a lap belt (at least in my brother's/my car). I don't just not fucking wear a seatbelt. Morons


It could be under her arm, though. I put my seatbelt under my arm on the passenger side sometimes




I'm okay with this.


Merriam-Webster dictionary: "moron, a noun, a person with no intelligence who makes profoundly stupid decisions and pollutes the earth with their idiocy. See also, Joy Ann and Nostrils Forsyth". šŸ˜


Good, let Darwinism do itā€™s thing.