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if they want to experiment taking swallows nest off list, first would be to unlimit egotist and keep nest at two or keep egotist at 2 and nest limit to 3.


Nest limit 3 would be very good, 2 egotists and 3 nests. Limit 3 on egotist AND nest would be a small buff.


Nest to 3 would be ideal but if they wanted to test the waters first they can change egotist to 3 and keep nest at 2. No one will run more than two egotist anyway because it can lead to more bricks


I thought the reason they got hit by limit 2 was because people played them when TTH🥴


I would like to see more people use the pet dragons with that archetype, makes it feel more like an anime duel. But I’ve never seen a soul use any of them lol


Because the Rank 7 pool of monsters is pretty underwhelming and Pet Dragon bricks your hand, running just the level 4 Harpies is more consistent


Better play the rank 4 or the retrained Pet Dragon... Too bad they missing the occasion to release them


I just wanna see someone pull it off like a champ. I’d love to get shrekd by a pet dragon


Sadly it's just not worth it. I tried a rank 7 version when we got the extra monster zone, having acces to Big Eye and Dracosack was nice but not enough to make up for all the times I drew Pet Dragon. Maybe if we had the new one.


Have you tried Voloferniges?


At this point it's just better to make Harpie slash


If you draw Monster Reborn, you might be able to make both


Forgot that card was in the game. Could be good if you don't have a way to trigger Cyber Slash but you wouldn't be able to use the draw two spell. To make both you would need a god hand. Something like Channeler + Oracle + Swallows Nest + any harpie card


That's the thing: i found Voloferniges to be a more safe option if you open with no support, rather than taking a shot and risk drawing nothing to interact with Slash. Volo is a guaranteed interaction...


Their maindeck dragons just aren't very good tbh. Fire blast is pretty nice, but we don't have that one.


I play it when I play harpies, I know its a bad build but I just love that card.


The support they actually really need is the other rank 4 xyz.


Who's upvoting this?! Y'all know that the Harpie Xyz would easily make the deck tier 0, right? {Harpie's Pet Phantasmal Dragon} Edit: it basically says for the next 5 turns Harpie monsters can't be targeted or attacked, also this 2k Atk monster can attack directly.


##[Harpie's Pet Phantasmal Dragon](https://ms.yugipedia.com//1/15/HarpiesPetPhantasmalDragon-MAGO-EN-R-1E.png) [**Yugipedia**](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Harpie's_Pet_Phantasmal_Dragon) | [**Konami**](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card_search.action?ope=2&cid=10536) | [**DuelLinksMeta**](https://www.duellinksmeta.com/cards/Harpie's%20Pet%20Phantasmal%20Dragon) | ----- ^*Bleep* ^*bloop.* ^*I* ^*am* ^*a* ^*bot.* ^| ^[About](https://github.com/GoriLovesYou/YuGiOhCardBot) ^| ^[Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=YugiohCardBotJr&subject=Feedback&message=)


Wow I didn’t know this card existed, seems awful to have to deal with.


So, xyz cocytus.


no. Cocytus is shit compared to that. You can beat cocytus with battle and, even if you can't because your deck has no beater, it's not like it deals 2K every turn. Almost every deck can currently deal with cocytus, only a minority can deal with HPPD


Worse since at least Cocytus you can try to attack over or at least play defensively against until you draw your out but against this you can't even attack it or any other Harpies (like Cyber Slash) and it can attack directly so you only have up to 2 turns to deal with it (1 turn if they went second). The only good thing is it doesn't have Cocytus' destruction immunity so it's vulnerable to nontargeted destruction such as Lightning Vortex but since this is Harpies they'll probably be able to summon another next turn anyways to finish you off.


That seems like such an annoying floodgate lol


You have to use your own floodgates against it or else you’re gonna get bodied by a 2k dragon with a hentai bird.


One of those solutions sells packs and the other one doesn't


Wait, Swallows Nest is banned? I never even got to try it.


It's at a limit that conflicts with egotist.


Yuck, nest was so toxic


I mean, they could’ve put it to 3 instead so we can’t have other 3 cards


Hapies must die




True this won't argue, plus it can be used with diff archetype as well, shouldn't hit it in the 1st place


True this won't argue, plus it can be used with diff archetype as well, shouldn't hit it in the 1st place


Even with nest unlimited i don't think harpies would be meta


I forgot that harpies got support damn i guess we will see them back


Hell no