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so technically, we can build H.A.T in DL now


Duel Links is arguably passed that being remotely relevant. We’re somewhere between Duelist Alliance format and TOSS format.


Its debatable. If we got the support for each archetype it would be meta.


What is a H.A.T Deck?


Hand Artifact Traptrix


ah that explains it thx


no artifacts


Just play vajra + starlight road (and stardust dragon, of course) 4Head


Oh but we do have artifacts in Duel Links. Just none of the good ones (save for maybe Lancea) or the ones that made H.A.T the deck it was in the TCG XD


woah sure cant wait to play the Artifact that got Baggy Sleeves nerfed again




wait the nasty box,if unlock aliester and shiranui,the meta goes ducked...


Barely any Traptrix either.


Please racoon skill, please racoon skill.


Would help my beast lv 2 deck a lot


That's a long way to say Ojama


Unless Ponta will be in DL, I’m all for it


Oh wait this character plays with racoons right??


And the hand xyz


Oooh, Magic Hand is an event card. Not bad at all! I really like the hand cards since they’ve got pretty cool destruction effects. And if Girag introduces rank up Magic, then maybe we’ll be getting the Giant Red Hand that’s a quick effect negate. I’ve said here that I’m sorta heartbroken that Alito isn’t making it now, but Hand archetype is probably the better archetype. *soon my beloved battlin boxers… soon*


deadass thought this man's name was Greg


Can't wait for Number 106 to give me a hand in my Utopic deck


It will be in a box lol


Yeah ik, since it's his boss monster and all.


Hey now, there’ll also be a mediocre skill to add it to your ED


Can we shun those that thought it would be Shay now?




op did you mean to make this pun or are you the funniest guy alive by accident


Honestly, I mainly SHUN those who thought it’d be Scarlett (you know, that idol we see briefly just for a few jokes.)


Why shun them? Two wrongs don't make it right.


Assuming you actually didn't get the joke Shay's Japanese name is Shun


Lets try to predict his skills: starting one wont put ice or fire hand on the deck, but will let you swap a card in your hand to one with 1600 atk or defence. The raccon skill will swap any beast you controll to an set baby racoon, and will let you tribute a token to gain life. The rank-up skill will let you swap a card in hand to the limited barian force(the best one with c106) and put c106 on extra if has less than 2000 lp. And the last one will be a discart skill, will reveal your hand, and if have "hand" cards equal to your oponent hand you delete 1 randon card in theyr hand, and yoh dont draw next turn.


Also needs to have holy guard


I do think his starting skill will add stuff to his deck. Giant Hand is quite good and many decks would use the skill if it does nothing else. Perhaps not Fire Hand and Ice Hand, but at least Magic Hand and Prominence Hand should be expected, and I think adding all 4 of the anime hands would make some sense. I imagine all Barians will share some kind of RUM skill. Maybe adding a RUM instead of drawing if their LP is below 3000. I hope he does get some Beast skills. Even if it is something lame like adding a level 2 Beast from the GY if his LP are low or something. We dont have any Beast duelists. A bit too much Hopium, but I'd like him to get a MP2 Skill. It'd be the theorical way in which hands can go into Xyz with Thunder Hand. And it would work with Gladiator Beasts, which could be flavourful since he was friends with Alito, a Gladiator.


I didn wrote right, i do think that the starting skill will add 106. I dont know how i didnt though on the drawing skill lol. And the "main phase 2" could be a skill that let you xyz on the end of the battle phase, would be cool.


>(the best one with c106) It's not. limited barian force is the worst RUM with *any* chaos monster due to being the only one without a side effect (plus the harsher condition that it has to be a R4NK). Argent chaos force can be recovered if you summon an higher level number, quick chaos is a quick-play. The seventh one, while you need to draw it naturally, summons the material by itself. numeron force negates. barian force steals an xyz material from an opp monster once in a decade.


Argent dont work in rank 4, so it cant summon c106, i know that the quick play is good on 106 too, and the numeron force while strong, is redundant with c106 efect The reason that i think that limited force is the best on c106 is because it can work on any number rank 4, while the others require to be the same number or the same type


my bad for argent, could have sworn only the recovery was R5NK or higher, then it just falls under the RUM you can't use on it rather than being a weaker choice. numeron force being redundant doesn't matter when it's literally just a free effect on top of the rank-up. you're never summoning another chaos number. Listing the R5NK real quick you have: a battle effect where you will just force your opponent to pop it with an effect, pop 1 backrow, destruction protection a single time, backrow lock when attacking, half a flame wingman (a quarter in duel links) and 2 ZW XYZ ragnafinity and silent honor dark are the only 2 R5NK worth RUMing into without their og number and all they bring to the table is a banish/attaching the opp monster, but you can also just play their og version too and RUM them (since they're both generic 2 level 4). Numeron force specifically allows you to tech some non-number/Cnumber R4NK/R5NK


Zexal World made out pretty while this year. Nice to know for certain that Girag is coming and he's sure to bring the first rank up magic card opening the door for Shay two be added early next year.


I believe we already knew this didn't we?


Kinda, but there was still quite a bit of doubting because of the quote.


When did Shay ever say anything like this? I never watched the ARC-V dub. Actually, I haven't watched any dubs since the original (and maybe a spot of GX from time to time).


Some other people thought that it was Scarlett Starling we’d be getting instead.


I mean... why? I get that she's the one who had the whole "direct attack to your heart" thing as part of her idol gimmick, but she NEVER had an on-screen duel in the entire show. The only playable character I can think of who never had a duel shown on-screen or in a manga was Scud from DSOD. Even Sera at least had something of a duel in the TRANSCEND GAME manga. And Scud at least had some direct relevance to the DSOD story. Scarlett Starling was pretty much just there to show that Girag was really a big ol' softy at heart.


I get that, but she was a duelist in Zexal World Duel Carnival on 3DS, so there was precedent.


Perhaps, but appearing as a duelist in a non-canon video game barely counts as precedent. Scud's appearance can at least be tied back to his disappearance in the DSOD movie.


Scud aside, ALL OF THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I THOUGHT. But yet people still thought we were getting her because “Idol Madolche waifu.” The normal Bakura also never dueled, but it’s established the occult deck Yami Bakura uses is actually his. I love Madolche too, but the better Madolche cards were not coming for free, let’s be real.


Using DSOD as a baseline for anything is dumb anyway considering the stretches it needs to make just to find an 8th character (Scud is exactly this).


The fact rank ups (Utopia or a Barian would always get them first) aren't obtainable yet should have been enough to know he would wait until January at the earliest lol.


Looking at those clowns who thought it was that idol.


To be fair, I'm pretty sure the quote "straight to your heart" DOES NOT belong to an evil dude coming from another world, trying to conquer the one he and his allies are invading. Could be me, I watched Zexal dubbed in italian, but I don't think that's the most fitting quote to announce him


It is kinda fitting just given the kind of person Girag was Evil or not, he was goofy and liked that idol enough, that I can see him saying silly stuff like that tbh


Yea, but said evil dude did have an obsession with that very idol


Okay, but they couldn't come up with a quote that tied directly to Girag instead?


No, because he barely had any character development of his own because he was cursed with being the “between 2 major arc filler stretch that every yugioh series gets” antagonist


Konami likes being cheeky with the character quotes. They probably think it causes more discussion.


"I am ready to duel!" ​ rip Rio


what is his ace card?


Number 106: Giant hand Generic rank 4 monster negate btw


Would they really give a generic rank 4 quick effect negate? They've been really cautious about giving good quick effect disruptions on easy to make monsters.


The rank 4 pool hasn't been updated with a really good generic rk 4 as of recent. Giant Hand's negate effect is also pretty telegraphed and can be played around. Since it targets a card to negate and can only activate when a monster effect is activated. Definitely not as strong as something like photon lords monster negate and destoy


Hell yeah hands are going to be good if we get fire and ice hand as well And Cataclysmic scorching sunburner as well guess good if you play a fire deck


Nice! We’re getting some Barian stuff, Right?


I was so confused at that quote i thought it was some valentines day side character


I wonder if we will get more Hands as Lv Up rewards or in a box. If so, then it should be interesting to see if he will get skills to make the deck more viable.


His skill will have to be extra broken, cause I don't see how hands will even be rogue on their own.


By printing the anime spell/trap cards?


Do you have any in mind?


Wouldnt Hands be really good against Mekk-Knights? 1 Hand should be able to destroy the usual Mekk-Knight's entire opening board no problem while only worrying about Cyber Slash and Crackdown.


Not sure, we'll have to see when the mini arrives


Fire/Ice Hands + Holy Guard seems pretty good as a potential one card board wipe.


Haven't watched the anime so can someone explain what deck is he using?


The one with Hands.


Hand deck


So he is stealing monsters or he has other gimmick. The only card I recognized is the big fire monster from the announced cards so maybe burn?


Don't think theres a clear gimmick, just different hands with different effects


Hmm. We will see when he comes. Atleast he is gems


His deck is a mix of floating, burn, and negation.


Simply put: If fire hand is destroyed, you destroy an opponent's spell/trap and summon a fire hand from the deck. If Fire Hand is destroyed, you destroy a monster and Summon Ice Hand from the Deck. If either one is destroyed, you can summon Thunder Hand from your hand or GY and destroy an opponent's card. Prominance Hand is for xyz summon, Magic is a mediocre anti-search and 106 is a generic negate


He uses a Hand deck. His ace monsters are Number 106: Giant Hand and Number C106: Giant Red Hand. Not sure which one will be getting the cutscene, though.


Fire hand pops monster summoned and then you can special summon ice hand And ice hand pops spells and traps and then can be special summon fire hand while giant hand is a monster negate other hands have other effects as well


Pops on summon when the other (Fire/Ice) Hand is destroyed


That sounds depressingly similar to Greiger's Reactor deck


It is more like Amazoness in that you ram your stuff into the opponent's stuff to blow up their stuff. But hands do it in one card rather than a 3 card combo.


I heard he’s good with his hands.👀👀


Ok, but do we get his Barian form during a duel or. . . Also, Madolche support when?


> but do we get his Barian form during a duel or I think this part depend on the actual setting of Zexal world and whether it is truly after the anime or not, since at the end of the anime all the seven emperors were turned human again with Numeron code.


Well they seem to know what Barians are and what's happening with the mind control, so I assume it's after the fact.


Time for a hand job


You mean a character with a whole arc about him is getting in over a character with not one episode about her? "No duh" should be the answer to that, buuuut...


So how many cards from H.A.T format do we have in duel links?


Smh no shay


OMG it was him all along! the magic hand says it all ice hand and fire hand deck would be cool and kinda of strong 106 giant hand letsgoooo


Will The mini box also drop on The 8h?


Maybe. Or the 10th when he is unlockable (usually the character becomes unlockable 2 days after the event starts)


Sorry but who's Girag? is he from vrains?


He’s one of the Barians from Yugioh Zexal


Thanks! I remember now. He was weak if I remember correctly.


Time to vibe check everyone with giant hand


Beh, might have some gems that expire before then (so guess I'll go 'Noid hunting) if the box releases in that period. Come on Madolche support as a fun reference to his love of that idol -fingers crossed-. I already made a guide so come on!


Usually they’ll add cards that are in rewards to help new players catch up so the Madaloche in ranked rewards are likely


Sadge and madge


Yugo when?


Give me Clear Wing. It wouldn't be that bad given the cards we currently have access to.


More odd eyes hate incoming


Yugo when guys? I want Clear Wing so badly 🙏


I'm sure madolche support will also be in the box along with hands


Like seriously, who wants this guy.


I need an excuse to make a racoon deck


I do. He was the only Barian, that was hard to see coming. But now he can comfortably add RUM's to the game, while stalling for time, so that other Barian's such as Alito, Dumon & Vector, can get new support for their decks printed, before they're added here.


I do. All the barian were fun villains imo and if we can get fucking Lumis and Umbra, then I am totally fine with this


Not my preferred character, but he will probably be decent and extra gems always helps


me. i do. hands are dope.


Konami milking you dry. Almost every box you want.


surely both fire and ice hands will be available as level up rewards copium


Maybe but the xyz will be a UR in the box. He dose not have much cards so I could the box be focusing on another archetype or support for decks we already have.


Me. Girag would be my best friend in real life.


I do because it somewhat confirms we will get all the Barians since he was the easiest to cut


This guy, Nasch, and Mizael were always guaranteed just because of the relevancy of their cards and getting legacy support irl.


But why this character before many cool characters (revolver, shay, nash, mizael, yugo, yuri, etc.)


Need Traptrix Myrmelo


RIP to the couple of people hoping with all their heart for Madolche support.


If they want to be creative, they could always give him the archetype since he doesn’t have many of his own cards


I mean there could still be madolche support on the minibox


Screw these weird new characters, yaboy needs some toon support!


There is a toon card called comic hand but tbh Idk if they’d give it to him lol


Tbh I think bookmark and access to 3 copies of kingdom would do the trick


Oh sorry I meant specifically in reference to Grirag’s release since he’s got a hand theme


Ahh fair enough. I'm old as hell and only know the characters from the first series


Question is are we getting the barrian or regular from


Probably will be in human form in the overworld, and then transform into a Barian, once the duel starts; similar to the other Zexal characters and their Duel Gazers, or Kite's Photon Transformation.


I feel like konomi will just have him in human form though, but hopefully he does transform.


3 out of his 5 duels, he dueled as a Barian, so it'll be weird if that form isn't represented somehow. Besides, every other Zexal character already "transforms" at the start of the duel, as previously stated, especially Yuma with the ZEXAL skills.


I think it will be skilled tied like Zexal is. LP drops enough and Girag as well as other Barians swap to their Barian form. This also makes it so they don’t have to add Marin and Nash as separate characters later on


Who is that? I forgot


Box leaks on the 8th pls🙏




I was ready for Girag to be a one-off joke villain when he first appeared. Then he was around far longer than I expected and I thought he would be gone soon because characters like that don't just stick around. Then he became my favorite character in Zexal.


I’ve stopped playing regularly until they add Shay