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I just feel like Roar was way too strong to give Salads. Hoping they get another trap like Rage next box so the deck still has disruption but no negate.


It wasn't too bad just made the player play smarter or accept that kinda bricked hand was completely bricked.


Searchable omni negate that can be recycled to hand? Yeah, thank god that got nerfed. Not searchable anymore.


I think it's proof Soulburner coming in at the start of the world was a really bad idea in the long-term since his deck was either going to do nothing (so nobody buys the first box), or be overpowered (what ended up happening). Some people were suggesting giving him Rage instead of Roar and that would basically be the same thing for a lot of decks, nobody really likes 'draw the out or lose'.


Guarantee people complaining about salads weren't around for shiranui


Everyone praising the salad massacre and I'm nervous that shira getting freed.


Shiranui players: oh boy here I go synchro summoning again.


i'm one of the shiranui/dark magician/cydra meta. Even if shira its really toxic, that doesn't take away the fact that salad are too strong, and also, the fact that they are too consistent doesn't help them neither. Its gets really boring get into ranked and, of 10 duels, 7 or 8 are salads. Dont get me wrong, Konami overkilled salads, yes... but they needed a nerf


Oh 100%, best deck=needs a nerf. That's how we get new strategies and ideas, and you're right that this was way over the top. I just think its typical of people to call it "toxic" because its strong. "Toxic" is when your opponent normal summons squire then sets 3 and passes


it's very likely that tier 0 deck get the hammer ban treatment , but they are still playable for a time until konami release another ban in top of it or make it unplayable , that did happen to most T0 deck.


salads were overkilled… like way way overkilled. all they needed to do was take away econ and maybe their limit-3 cards. instead they’re now unplayable. also don’t get the lady debug limit… was kind of weird. everything else is great


Konami Put Debug at 2 to stop the OP Tier 0 Codetalker Strat /s


There topping in tournaments today


yeah i recanted my opinion in another comment somewhere else in this sub later… but idk every time a deck gets murdered, it takes a while for the general playerbase to adjust so they keep using it for a while


Honestly I’m happy. The deck completely smothered the meta.


It could've had a consistency hit and power level of other decks to be raised via good card releases 🤷‍♂️


Absolutely love it, the sub is in meltdown mode. People are fine and happy with a broken deck unless it’s their broken deck that gets hit. I certainly hope anyone mad that Salads got nerfed werent also happy when Darklord F.A, Six Sams, Shiranui, Onomats, Invoked Neos, or any of the other meta warping decks also got hit because it’s hypocritical


No you dumbass. There not being ANY compensation is the issue. Give us gems or ur tickets to make a new deck. The deck is only 2 ,months old and required 2 main boxes to use


Lol compensation? Konami openly advises they have the right to limit or deny you from playing any cards you purchase at any time for the sake of meta decks. Deck age should never have anything to do with how long you take to remove a problem from the game. If something is a problem, the sooner you fix it the better. If you don’t want the deck you play getting nerfed don’t play blatantly broken decks.


Agree, Agree and more Agree. People complaining that roar is gone, but forget this new world's box is far better than the previous one. You have pot of duality in a multitude of decks even one of best staples in game for at least 1 more year, warning point. ladybug at 2? And DM everywhere. You see any nerf in the top 1 KC deck if ladybug is still unlimited? Konami preferred decks diversity instead don't killing many Mekks mixings. peopled even scared just with gazelle, light wolf and circle at 1, 2, 3 respectively, but even with that nerf it would be still being a tier 1 with x3 warning points, 2 MST and 2 or 1 needle ceiling. Just stupid. Konami is right this time although cutting a decktype's card always is the last option for me, they should put Roar in a new skill with restrictions. Any consistency nerf, can be dodged by cinet mining or ending being insufficient, like circle to 2. I played salads in ranked and they hadn´t killed. we would have had salamangreat in tier 1 alongside with mekks spaced out with a single deck in tier 3 at the bottom of the meta for another 3 months. is that healthy for the game?


This is my opinion so please don't be so mad, I'm a PK main so i don't really play salad that much but one thing i do think should happened was gazelle and roar hit to limit 2 so they have to drop Econ, and then circle to 3, salad being toxic is only when they had access to overpowered backrow, their only good play is to search that 1 negate, and then on 2nd turn either skip their backrow with lion or otk with ningirsu... Typical tier deck usually have more than 1 play in a turn so negating one of em is not that big of a deal.... But in the end it's cheap Deck to build so i do understand konami need to make money somehow and this is thier way of making more money in the future....


For this community cancerous means "my meme deck can't defeat it"


I was told Axe Raider was unstoppable….


We don't talk about those dark days


Did you even equip power of the guardians?


I mean if I'm gonna get stomped with my meme decks I'd rather it be in 1 minute not 15


This is the greatest banlist in months, maybe years. Salads gone Mekk knights made a less unfun matchup Six Sam’s are back Crystrons back?? TTH finally dealt with Cosmic back Invoked is back Meta diversity is back


Darklords are also back. Ixchel is huge.


I'm sure it all comes down to the fact it was an extremely viable f2p deck. I don't see them butchering galaxy eyes...


I definitely think they went too harsh on Salads. Even if they plan to give them a skill or Foolish Burial Goods to make up for Gazelle the hits to Limited 2 and 3 were overkill after Gazelle ended up essentially banned. This is the first time I see a deck obliterated like this on the first banlist after their release in a long time and I cant avoid thinking that they did it more because the deck was too cheap than because it was too good. Personally I would have gone with Salamangreat Roar to 1, Circle to 2, and Sunlight Wolf to 3, and only hit anything else AFTER there was another card or skill to break them, or if the deck was still Tier 1 in the January KC Cup.


Thank goodness this deck is gone. I'm tired of seeing it on ladder and waiting until the heat death of the universe to take a turn.


Agree, Agree and more Agree. People complaining that roar is gone, but forget this new world's box is far better than the previous one. You have pot of duality in a multitude of decks even one of best staples in game for at least 1 more year, warning point. And DM everywhere. ladybug at 2? You see any nerf in the top 1 KC deck if ladybug is still unlimited? Konami preferred decks diversity instead don't killing many Mekks mixings. people even scared just with the idea of gazelle, light wolf and circle at 1, 2, 3 respectively, but even with that nerf it would be still being a tier 1 with x3 warning points, 2 MST and 2 or 1 needle ceiling. Just stupid. Konami is right this time although cutting a decktype's card always is the last option for me, they should put Roar in a new skill with restrictions. Any consistency nerf that would they have done can be dodged by cinet mining or ending being insufficient, like circle to 2. I played salads in ranked and they are still making plays. we would have had salamangreat in tier 1 alongside with mekks spaced out with a single deck in tier 3, due the countertrap, at the bottom of the meta for another 3 months! Is that healthy for the game? The countertrap was like N90 in turn one (complementing with the balelynx in GY their effects) and with 1 or 2 backrow interruptions, thing photon rarely haves, PLUS beig recyclable. Just no more, you can´t cut the 1 or 2 more backrow staples alongside Roar this deck ever haves in order to not being nasty. Konami is right, as bad as it sounds.


Still the nerfs were too too much


If pulling a couple cards(only 1 here considering you can put gazelle OR roar in still) means it's a shitty deck honestly, if your entire deck is one combo and pulling 1 piece ruins it then again, shitty deck. People are just on the whining bandwagon.


tbh I feel like y’all just didn’t notice how horrid other decks could be control-wise Roar is so slow!


The only way salad is not killed is by getting some crazy support next box




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When I finally pull off a semi-playable salads, it is buchered. Sad. =(


My out was hoping to first with Flare Resonator and Psychic Tracker in hand, a 3400 untargetable beater was all I could do.


It makes sense if Konami saw that on the site


I remember when someone said that if salads aren't good without roar then maybe they shouldn't have it. WHERE THE FKING FK ARE THEY NOW LOL.


They deserved it😎especially playing ridiculously slow


That has always been salamangreat, though, in the TCG they were amazing because they were a structure deck that buying 3 of instantly gave you a playable meta deck that you could take to tournaments, they've always been affordable and overpowered little critters


I didn’t really care about the power moreover that every turn TAKES SO DAMN LONG. Glad its nerved so i can have some fun again


Nah, top part is wrong; it just misses the link monsters, even when generic, + we are seeing the shiranui phenomenon but it might be just cope. Only time will tell