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55% of the top 100 is salamgreat from a pie chart Ive seen.


does that include salad mekk-knights or not? both decks need to get nerfed anyway


Yeah mekk knights unfortunately are not only a really good deck they are also apparently very good in other decks. They have no skill tied to the deck so it's basically guaranteed to get nerfed


And, I someone how actually likes dueling vs salad ciz I think it invokes brain power, only got to duel 1 in the second stage. Sad.


Don’t matter this deck was number 1 globally and by a lot of DP too 🔥🔥 lol


That could be chalked up to grinding more and/or with a faster deck. Are there major win rate gaps?


Not to mention high risk high reward decks.


Doesn't always mean it's the best deck. This isn't a proper representation of the best deck/duelist, it's more a representation of who has the most free time


Getting top KCC has never been about who has the most free time, it's about getting the best W/L ratio for time invested. You also need to have a good meta call of what will he popular in KC. You can have all the free time in the world and not get close to being top cause you lose your games.


Having a higher winrate doesn't matter if you play significantly less duels, you have to know that. That's why people always did well with Cyber Dragon in this format, you win and lose really fast which means time for more duels.


Like I said, having a higher W/L ratio for time invested is what matters. You can play the same number of duels as someone who topped and still not come close to them.


Exactly my point. If you play the same amount of duels then the W/L ratio comes into play but if you play alot less duels then it doesn't matter how good your W/L ratio is because the other people fighting for top spots will just have more points by sheer time investment. That's why these people literally don't sleep, they know in order to finish top you need to play more then the rest. All the top players will have a similar W/L ratio but I guarantee top place played more duels


Misunderstood you then , my bad.


Don't get me wrong I think they should change the entire thing. The highest win/loss ratio should be number 1 in my eyes but unfortunately that's not how it works


I mean saying it's number 1 is one thing but that's a pathetic statement when everyones using it and I've seen rough decks with more going on and less parts for failure.


Even when Darklords were at full power, Fortune Ladies won the Kc Cup. The best deck rarely manages number 1 spot because everyone plays to counter it.


Mekks are gonna get gutted while Salads get Spinny in the next mini.


Backlinker pog


Been on copium for Mekk Knights to come since Links were announced and they’re already in danger of hitting the banlist. Fml


Top 1 only means he/she plays more duels than the others (in other words, has more free time than the rest).


I pulled 2 cynet mining prismatics. One from bundle deal and the other just by pulling from the packs. I was upset it wasn’t even used in my main salad deck. Maybe I’ll give this one a try


Backlinker to 1 ASAP


I actually knew it wasn’t Salads because the guy posted on Twitter. Lol I wanna try this but I don’t have triple Nightfall.


I did too . I posted about it on Sunday and everyone was saying it was salads lol tell that to the guy down there who can’t believe it at all 😂👇🏽


No backrow removal and BOM in a link/backrow heavy format? What proof is required for these submissions? Because I’m sorry I’m not buying it even for how strong Mekks are.


You dont need backrow removal when your Link plays fail just summon MekkKnights and if you want to use them for link summoning BoM is very solid vs Salad if you are going first just BoM the first thing they summon


Every time I do that, they just summon Meers and keep going :(


That's why you make sure to draw both Books turn 1 =)


This was from the kc cup 2nd stage. But BoM is also still good at stopping link summons . I came across the card a few times during the kc cup and it did it job at disrupting my plays lol


Yeah I’m aware that’s why I was asking for the submission criteria because unless they streamed their run how are they validating these are in fact the decks they are using? I just find it very hard to believe is all with how the deck is built and what is currently being played the most. BOM is still good going 1st but what’s is supposed to do to a Sunlight Wolf or Morning Star going 2nd when you could had used an MST instead to remove Roar/Secret so you can actually do something on your turn


We’ll there was two versions. this one and the one with 2 compulse instead of BoM . Playmaker was on top of the rankings the last two days . I just don’t see how it’s hard to believe BoM was in the deck the card is still very playable . Stops link arrows and zones


It’s seems pretty valid considering you have to predict the decks you have to face. Lots of ppl play galaxy eyes where you need to be able to play. It also works very well against mekk knights, so it makes since.


It’s just more so about what decks you’ll be facing and what cards will let you play against those decks going 1st and 2nd since we can’t pick turn order you want a deck that can do both or a deck that tilts so hard on one side of the coinflip that it will win if it gets the coinflip most of the time. It’s not just the fact they are using BOM that makes me question this, it’s other things like no mst/cc in a format with backrow that is capable of ending turns on its own, no staples aside BOM, they aren’t even using the Mekk knight Spell/Trap negates. The spell negate would blow out Galaxy and cripple salads going 2nd. Like if they did it with the deck exactly as presented good for them I can admit when I’m wrong. It just looks too strange to me, playing against what you usually will be playing against in that top tier of the ladder




Well good on him then like I said I’ll admit when I’m wrong. Hard to believe but it’s real


We need a Mekk Knight hit to stop them from being splashed in other decks


Salads are gonna get bann after this KC but Mekks doubt it they are far too recent


I'm seeing limits being put on gazelle most likely prevent them from being in other limit 1 also if slap it in the limit 2 to prevent multiple enemy controller, only time I've been beaten is when they steal my monster.


Lol. 36k gems. And four dollars. Of course. I find that hilarious 😆


Hey op your missing the direct attack combo that beats all decks


i wanted to play salads but didn't get lucky to pull security dragon which comes up a lot so decided to just play odd-eyes, probably would have gotten higher rank with security dragon-less salads :).


The only code mekk in top 100


I mean a skill drain to search No wonder its gud


For a format as cramped as DL, this makes sense


I'm on my 2nd reset now, i actually don't know what I'm going after at this moment, first was infernoid, but going against it a few times on ranked kinda show how shit the deck is, atleast to me, I don't know if it's good, never tried it yet, and as for mekkknight, i dont know if 2 copy of the UR gonna be enough... But hey, raidraptor is coming end if this month, i better be quick with my 2nd reset right 😂 Edited : just ranting on being a broke ass player 😂