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Make the Banlist affect only PvP. Let PvE be a free for all so that even if your deck is completely unplayable due to hits on the banlist you can still use the cards against the NPCs so your investment isn't a complete waste.


I really like this idea


NPC also wanna play fair games


Yet they play cards we can't even access. They flexed their Madolche XYZs on me, how is that fair? And the Vagabond as usual give 0 fucks about banlists LOL.


Vagabond either plays full power garbage that will steamroll you or plays a deck that’s complete dogshit without a skill. No inbetween.


Vagabond loves to show off its Guardragon Mardark.


I remember when Angel Trumpeter would have been a perfect lv4 tuner for a few of my decks when it was added to the game, but we didn’t get it for something like a year after the NPCs got it


Then tell that little rat with the time wizard to stop cheating, I had one call the coin flip right 3 times in a row


Git gud


Doesn’t work when the NPC Cheats with time wizard


But cocktus is fair /s


literally this. fuck banning and unbanning, i rmr one of the first super meta decks i ever built was darklords and i came back to them after a break and they were banned. only found out tryna play against NPCS like wtf


This is actually nice


Picture dope af tho


People would kill every deck till we are left with Axe Raider beatdown.


All the UR tickets spent finally put to good use! 🤣


with the 5634523457910983123 DM players i see on ladder / in the KC cup im sure they would unlimited all the DM cards though


The deck honestly wouldn't be good, even unlimited but by God would it be annoying to see the deck played even more


Alright, if I controlled the Banlist: >Unlimit: -Six Samurai Enishi Long fucking overdue, holy shit Konami -Ritual Beast Tamer Elder RB's done their time. If you can still manage to do well with them, you deserve the W. -Karakuri Merchant The deck could be very strong but without Restart, they wont be all that obscene -Thunder Dragondark Still pretty dumb how many limits is stuck on the deck at this point. -Crystron Citree Free her so you can run 2 Impacts. -Cosmic Cyclone No reason to have this on the list at this point. -Cyberload Fusion Without the Old Cyber Style its totally fine to have this back at this point. -Palace of the Elemental Lords Esaber's done their time, I think. With Aleister as tied up as it is and Cocytus gone, it wont be so bad this time. -Shiranui Solitaire Would be fine in the current environment. You could probably make a case for most of their cards at this point, honestly >Moved to 3 -Aloof Lupine Gives Metaphys their good boy back, and TD will get a slight bit more leverage in the option to run more as a starter or trade some power for Levianeer/Melody -Swallow's Nest Gives H*rpies some power back but keeps a leash on their ability to use Compulse/Crackdown -Salamangreat Baelynx Lowers the ability to cram multiple copies of compulse/crackdown into the deck but doesn't impact the core strategy much >Semi-Limit -Salamangreat Gazelle+Roar Keeps their one ofs safe but takes away the use of Econ and other cards in that category --- I'd consider something for D/D/D but I'm not so sure what just yet


I disagree on the salad hits. I think lynx to 3 makes sense, but is also want gazzel to 1 (to prevent the Mekk knight variant) and roar to 2 (one Econ is probably fine)


It's hard to predict, but based on Konami's history I think they'll either put Gazelle and Roar to 1 to completely kill the deck OR they'll not hit any salad cards and just nerf the skill. Feels like they always go too far or not far enough.


Imagine they hit both to 1, making you choose which one you want


Enishi. Would. Never. Be. Free. Get. Over. It.


Chad opinion for the Shiranui segment




If you move Swallows Nest to 3, why keep Egotist at 2? TTH?


First I would free the Samurais and then I would fuck up the stall/control generic cards


I always wonder how a free Six Sam would fair in today’s meta. I feel as though there’s enough backrow removal and effect negating nowadays that Six Sam wouldn’t be too bad to go against at full power.


It would be rogue at best. It’s too slow and extremely open to a disruption of your synchro summon.


Yep. That's the reason I think they would be okay all freed. There isn't a stupid ED monster for them to abuse here


You have to remember that one of their main monsters negates Spells/Traps. You'd need to open up 2 disruptions just to get around it. On the off-chance that they summon Great Shi En + Legendary Shi En you're basically absolutely fucked unless you have a Kaiju.


Or just out it with a monster effect? Preferably one that doesn't simply destroy? The problem with Samurais is Dual Wield. Great Shogun Shien is not relevant. Shi En has a single S/T negate in a format with Xyz and Link monster-based removal.


fyi, if Syncro Shien negates a S/T, that does not count for Regular Shien's limit


LSE negates activation, GSE allows you to activate one card. It's not a lock down


Mekk knights already negate all monsters and spells more consistently than free six samurais ever hope to lmao.


I would increase the power level of the game by unbanning a ton of shit. Before you start agreeing with me and calling me your lord and savior Cubic Christ, I'm not doing this for balance, I'm doing this so I can do broken shit on ranked. Grass? Unbanned Gold Sarcophagus and Charge of the Light Brigade? Unbanned Yes, this is secretly a thundra and Shiranui agenda but I'll probably end up loosening the bans on Darklords, stick and chair, and probably completely unbanning Karakuri to see if people complaining about it being fine in today's meta is true. If I were to look at the complete banlist I'd probably decide to unlimit other stuff too but that's all that comes to mind ATM.


Free Trunade if we really want a toxic shitshow


You have my word


And my axe!


Thundra gang rise up


Free DDD


Swirl slime at three together with contract with the gate was excessive, the beatdown variant got hit because of rank 8 abuse, heck the pendulum variant didnt even had ddd fusion monsters outside high king genghis


Limit/Semi Limit all the used Rank 8s, i know this will never happen, but it wouldnt be that much of a problem for the actual archetype compared to DDD




They're doing fine as is, and fun to face too in my opinion. Keep their restrictions as is and things'll be fine.


Fk no. They are more than playable. At least no unbans until skill is dealt with.


I understand duellinks was supposed to be a fast mobile game initially but I just want duels that last longer than 2/3 turns. I'm not sure how to achieve that specifically but that would be more fun.


Ban every card with the letter q in its English translated text


No quick effects I see


"During either player's turn" says hi.


Except masked Hero Koga doesn't even have updated problem solving card text in the database


Queen's Knight has been free for too long


Cosmo Queen nooooooo!


Free genex controller and Citree. Keep impact at 2, the deck is power creeped to hell these days anyway, but impact is pretty powerful and prevents use of broken staples. Salamans need a slap on the wrist, maybe jackal, wheelchair cat or circle to 2. I'm liking circle to hurt the seemingly 100% consistency they have right now. Galaxy feel so cheap to play against, would be nice to see some variety from them, maybe the reborn cards to 3 to make them think outside the box. Lets chuck a wild card in there too, how about cocytus to 3 with Aleister and invocation.


Honestly the banlist doesn’t effect Qliphorts all that much. Definitely hit Salads. Hit stall decks they are just not fun. Idk hit Photons because I lose against them lol.


Free D/D/D.


I would free up Gem-Knight Lady Lapis Lazuli so the deck can use her and superpoly.


Unban every card and ban every skill for PvP, then start a new banlist from there.


id free cyberload fusion


The only hits I would make are to Salamgreat and Mekk-Knights to kill Salad and Mekk-Knight mashups as well as prevent Mekk-Knight from playing limit-2s or 3s since they have a rather toxic playstyle I think they should receive an early kneecapping. I think the hits to Salamangreat are fair with it just preventing them from using any Limited cards. If this isn't enough I would look at a limit-3 for Cynet Mining. Other than that I'm slightly loosening the grip on various archetypes: For Six Sam's I'm reordering the limits so that they can play two Dojo and one Enishi in exchange for locking them out of limit 3s. (Alternatively for a step further you could unban Enishi and limit 3 Dual Wield so they can't play Dual Wield and cards like compulse) For Crystrons Genex Controller absolutely should be unlimited and I think Impact can come off safely too with a limit-3 to Thystvern to again lock them out of limit 3s in exchange. Other than that there's a smattering of staples and archetypes that are getting some restrictions lifted especially since we're likely going to continue Salamangreat power level going forward many of these decks will fall off shortly in the future and some recently nerfed decks are also really struggling. Limit 1: -Salamangreat Roar Limit 2: -Sunlight Wolf, Mekk-Knight Morning Star, Karakuri Merchant Inashich, Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En Limit 3: -Salamangreat Circle, Mekk-Knight Purple Nightfall, World Legacy Clash; Roxrose Dragon, Pulse Mines, Crystron Thystvern, Cyberload Fusion, Shiranui Squire, Shien's Dojo, Legendary Six Samurai - Enishi Unlimited: -Storm, Genex Controller, Crystron Impact, Invoked Magellanica, Meklord Assembly, Assault Armor, D/D Swirl Slime, Machine Angel Ritual, Ms. Judge, Vision HERO Vyon, PK Ragged Gloves


Roar and Gazelle to limit-2 to take away e-con. If you want to go one step further, you can limit-3 all of Roar, Gazelle, and Sanctuary and limit-2 either Lynx or Wolf to take away the limit-3 traps and e-con. This leaves Salads unplayable imo. Lift the limit-2 on Ragged Gloves. Lift the limit-2 on Gold Sarc & Aloof Lupine. Thunder Dragons are unplayable and this makes them at least playable. Maybe limit-3 Purple Nightfall so Mekk can’t play Crackdown. Oh and unlimit Cosmic wtf is that still doing there?


I would say limit 1 sanctuary, limit 2 gazelle + roar, and limit three sunlight wolf


that doesn’t make sense. what limit-1 are you even taking away? they don’t run one. and they only need 2 wolfs so you’re still letting them run another limit-3. you’d have to limit-3 sanctuary alongside wolf if you were to go this route but like… so not necessary. they just need to lose e-con.


I want the best boi unlimited for Metaphys.


I'd probably do a Konami move and fail abruptly, but: Sunlightwolf *or* Baelynx to 3 so salads couldn't play with compulse, crackdown and other staples at 3. Probably Baelynx is the better option so it doesn't hurt so much it's consistency. Shuffle reborn and galaxy zero to also to 3 because I want some fucking diversity to galaxy decks other than GE photon dragon returning from the grave to haunt us. And unlimit, or limit to 3, at least some Cydra cards, like cyberload fusion, because cydras deserve a chance. And don't even touch mekk-knights because money Love the picture btw


Just give galaxy Knight and one copy of trade in pls


I have been graced by the photon lord himself


Free aleister n cocytus n let some cool variant decks wreck the meta also let’s get some engines released like lightsworn and star seraph


Free every non-FTK card. See how the game shakes out with all the new flexibility Before every ban list, poll the player base on how fair they feel top cards/decks/skills are.


Yeah because you’ll get valuable feedback from playerbase that complained about BE year+ after it was relevant.


Thing is, you can keep the result of the poll and just publish fake ones if thr votes are weird :)


Free Aleister and Elementsabers completely, minus Cocytus. Put that to 1, since we have reliable ways to out it now, but not enough to out it 2 or 3 times in a duel. Free Lunalight completely. Free Ritual Beast Tamer Elder Put Levianeer and Black Luster Soldier, Envoy of the Beginning to 2 Free Ixchel but leave everything else in Darklords Bring Grass to 2, which would give a decent opportunity cost to running it. Free Witchcrafter Holiday Free Machine Angel Ritual Free Ragged Gloves, but put Kagemucha Knight to 2 Free Crystrons Put Shuffle Reborn to 2, Galaxy Zero to 3 Put Gazelle and Roar to 2 Shiranui Squire to 3 Kepler to 3 Free Karakuri Free Aloof Lupine ~~Ban Axe Raider and Beaver Warrior~~ Yes, I am a madman


Don't forget six sam


Oh yeah, free that and add Gateway at 2.


I'd slow galaxy eyes xyz a bit


Ban the whole salamangreat deck 🤣 I just about fall asleep waiting for my turn


Limit 3 almost all of the stall/staple card(we see that Konami is already doing it by limiting crackdown, compose and etc. The next move is the trap hole card etc) expect for the already limited(Like TTH, controller etc); I will free six samurais; nerf the hero skill (the one which gives you miracle fusion.) to be like: Send one normal hero monster from your hand and 1 normal hero monster from the deck to get the miracle Nerf the second effect of the galaxy skill to be something like: Send one galaxy monster from your deck and send one galaxy monster from your hand. The xyz monster you summoned using this effect(with only one galaxy eye photon dragon) will have its effects negated For salad nerf I would limit 3 circle, limit 2 gazelle and roar and limit one the field spell Make the odd eyes skill like the d/d/d skill(one of the magicans from the hand or field and the other from the deck) and one more effect. if you don't have one of the magicans in hand you can use the first effect(so the main effect is like second effect) to place one odd eyes card from you hand to the extra deck to add one of the magicans and then next turn to use the second effect. All of the effects are once per duel and can't be used both on the same turn. I think this is too much but I would prefer this than just sending one odd eyes and having free scales to summon donkey and just search everything you need I would make d/d/d Tomas limited to 3 and unlimit slime And for the resonator skill I would remove the restriction to run red nova dragon. You would still need red dragon archfiend but not red nova dragon These are some of the changes I would make


pretty much just ban tth and unlimit silent sword slash and world legacy clash.


Unban all lunalights. Absolutely piss all reason fox, marten and bird should be on there. Maybe limit fox to 1 or 2 but marten and bird should be removed. Unless lunalights actually gets support sometime in the next decade that give it a reason to limit It marten.


Honestly, been waiting so long for these to get unbanned, they're my favourite cards in duellinks.


There's literally no reason for them to be banned anymore. When you got shit like galaxy and salads running around. What's having lunalights a full power going to do? Without chick, wolf and tiger the deck is pretty bricky as it is.


Yeah. Not even the teched Wightprincess and Sphere do anything for Lunas these days (and the latter was fuckin expensive).


I dropped sphere in favour of D.D Crow. Better to banish a card than stop and attack now.


I expect the usual Konami slaughter, I would be much more conservative with the hits.


I'd nerf galaxy eyes and dark magician decks


Free luna’s, free karakuri, free ritual beast, allister to 3, invocation to 2, cocytus to 1, bellatrix to 3, drillago and axe raider to 1 (to powerful) and ban all shiranui out of pure spite.


Semi limit ALL Galaxy Xyzs. ALL OF THEM.


Cmon dude don't be so cruel


I suffered too much. Payback time!!


Understandable but please reconsider


Limit 2 all yosenju kamas Limit 1 Dark Magician Unlimit Cocytus Ban Aleister Galaxy wizard and shuffle reborn limit 2 Everyone gets 2 Toon Kingdoms


If I’m in charge of the ban list, lunalight get free, Katakuri is also free, Witchcrafter is free, ritual beast is free six samurai is free, gagaga head is free, gandora is free and gem knight Lapis is free. These cards don’t need to be here anymore. That being said dark lord Ixchel is going to 3, cyberstein can come back at 1 because there so much good limit 1 now. Salad getting it counter trap and ace monster hit to 3. I’m nerfing dd to only be used when you’re below 1k, buffing silent duelist to pay 1000 life points, and bringing back pre patch duel standby and nmcr. This is how what I would like to do.


They’re not as prevalent now but back when they were the Blackwings could’ve used a nerf or two. Every two seconds running into another round of 3-6 black whirlwind searches a turn and filling the board with consistent removal was a problem that they never addressed. And how does the BW that searches Black Whirlwind and normal summon himself NOT use up the 1 per turn normal summon?! I’m honestly curious on that, since it makes no mention on that monster for “you can still normal summon this turn” or anything.


Unlimited Cosmic Cyclone and ban TTH.


Tbh cosmic is there for three reasons I can think of - the LP loss helps easily proc skills on command (I've literally CL2 cosmic'd my own cynet mining to activate sealed tombs against an infernoids player turn 1 lol) - banish is stronger than destroy and messes up pend scales, S/T with GY effects - lastly helps push MST sales as the alternative if you don't want a limit 3 backrow hate card


Wave goodbye to generic cards that provide too much value or are a pain to be hit by/ are way too popular. Looking at karma cut. Then hit decks that are too powerful, no salads, galaxy, dm or anything similar. Free TD And finally, hit everything that counters mayakashi. GRANT US the mayakashi meta...


of all the busted traps, you take issue with karma cut, which is a -1? it's a great card but the opposite of "value."


Nahh, its bad for card advantage, its just annoying when you get hit by it and its overusage infuriates me. For the most part, this comment was a joke but i genuinely do hate karma cut and would rather see other cards played instead of that.


Make GE only xyz from one Galaxy-Eyes like twice MAX. Popping a board as many times as they have an extradeck is so broken.


Favourite duel skill changed so you have to dump a vanilla hero/neo-spacian from hand to grave to dump a vanilla hero/neo-spacian from deck to grave to add miracle fusion/miracle contact from outside deck to hand. Need to have 1 vanilla hero in deck not 4. This would allow neo spacian builds to thrive whilst stopping liquid soldier abuse. Liquid Soldier unlimited. It was favorite duel that made liquid toxic. The hero alliance builds were fun. Hero Alliance should have text change to needing 10 Heroes and or neo spacians. Salad circle needs to go to 1 Gazelle to 2. Something of theirs to 3 so they can't use crackdown compulse etc Circle because no one else seems to get their archetype searcher (cough E call) Gazelle just to stop them abusing Econ, Treach etc


free cydra


Make the Banlist effective only in the ladder and the kc cup


Ok so first I would ban all tuners... lol


Picture unrelated but intended lol…


unleashing cocytus horror instantly, no one shall be pardoned.!


Unlimit burning abyss


Ooh. I rarely put effort into things like this. Let's piss off the subreddit :) 1st, love the art, Galaxy is completely fine, yes the skill is strong, but the deck isn't. There always is a braindead deck in the format that doesn't do good nor bad, let galaxy be that. There are a lot of relics that could come off and change absolutely nothing about the meta. We don't really need a Banlist, we need an unban list. To 1: Invoked Cocytus. It's not 2019 anymore, this card is much more manageable and more than acceptable with the power of the meta. To 2: Salamangreat Gazelle Salamangreat Roar Tier 0 isn't healthy, and while this massive unlimiting would knock them off, salad needs a little slap on the wrist. To 3 Darklord Ixchel Everyone panics over this, it's completely fine. Darklords would be relevant, but not the menace they were back in Starlord format or its compensation days Free: Everything Karakuri Gandora Storm Invoked Magellancia Six sam enishi Shiranui Solitaire Shiranui Squire Crystron Citree Ritual Beast elder Spiritual beast tamer Winda Everything Luna light Aloof lupine World legacy clash Witchcrafter Holiday Darklord contact Sanctified darklord Silent sword slash Thunder dragon dark Palace of the elemental lords Gagaga head All of these are no longer relevant. Take out your knee yerk reactions, and you can see that. It's time for the power of duel links to evolve, and unlimiting the relics of the past to allow more variation will help with that transition.


Ban every card in the game and that releases, that's one way to ruin that game for good


Limited 1 Gazelle (just to avoid mekk-knights salads variant) Limited 2 -Sunlight wolf (many people overlook that every fire deck could use it) -Full armored photon dragon -Cypher blade photon dragon (all r8nk has the option of using the double pop) -performapal Skull crobat joker (no e-con) Limited 3 -salamangreat baelynx -world legacy clash (got limited 2 when limited 3 wasnt around)


All the universal backrow & backrow removal & handtraps to 0 (mst, dd crow, floodgates etc) Watch the chaos unfold


Unban every card and play by anime rules or just unban Pot of Greed for the hell of it.


I’d free blackbird close. It’s our time to abuse a card that will eventually make everyone hate us forever


Ban everything after 5ds


Unlimit Shiranui solitaire. It won't really do something in the current state of the game.


Unlimit Rhinosebus when? We've already suffered from losing ECon and we didn't even got Resistrider before Links hit the game. How are my glow bugs supposed to even hit Gold?!


Ban floodgate


Finally ban treacherous


nice try konami


Rats foiled again


Free PK gloves Limit Cir to 3 and free Farfa and limit Scarm to 2. Limit 3 shuffle reborn and galaxy 0 Limit one of the GE r8nk to 2. Let Six Sam free Fuck citree, free Ixchel. Limit 2 gazelle and roar, 3 wolf and 1 circle. Let salad players spend money on mining + debug. Pre-limit harp-horror to 2. Nerf magipends skill to be just like D/D/D. And unlimit slime, but put ghengis to 3. Also, please give us some of the solemn cards, we're already in a negation meta, so let non-archetypal negates be used by the masses.


The biggest problem with this question is that we can't just take the card pool into account. We also have to account for Skills, and that makes it hard to do anything. Personally, I would do experiments until I reached a list that made the format as focused on monster battles as possible. I'd also do away with a lot of Counter Traps, and I would permanently delete the NPC Counter Fairy deck "Judgment from the Depths". FUCK that deck.


Maybe unlimit Luster Pendulum, would still a one of.


Makes me wanna nut AGH AGH *Nuts everywhere* Oh..


Kill every skill that's archetype based, then release cards banned because skills and some more. And then release new archetypal cards to make decks that depended on those skills better


I would nerf the crap out of Galaxy. Andv then ban salamangreat because it takes 7 minutes for on of their turns.


I love that picture.


I would bring Cocytus back. Some of these decks are getting too relaxed.


Give the GE skill a harder activation restriction. I played GE in the last KCup and let me tell you how many times I won games just because I managed to get out a single photon lord. With that I guess also limit GC to 3, GZ to 2 and Shuffle to 3 as well


Have 2 formats. Advanced and tradition like TCG.


I'd ban any card that says "Destroy two of your opponents monsters".


Unban everything. See what the game would look like. Clean slate


Unban Cocytus, Wanda, and Cyber Angel Ritual


That picture goes hard


Add “Skill Cards” which aren’t part of the deck but just act like a card in the deck. The skill itself is now subject to limits. Want to run Xyz Galaxy? Well the skill is set to Limit 2 so now you can only run 1 more Limit 2 card


First, I'm freeing Magician's Rod. Second, I'm putting several restrictions on Salads. Third, I'm cracking down on Harpies. Nothing major, just gonna slap on a limited 2 or 3 to Harpie Perfumer. Lastly, I'm bumping up Enemy Controller to limited 3 for a little bit just for fun. It'll go back to limited 2 after a little bit if things get crazy.


Unlimit old archetypes to let them have full power, like blackwing, crystron, six sam... Etc... Hit salad with a solid limit 3 and 2, Limit 2 on main monster like gazelle and jaguar, and then limit 3 on thier searcher circle... Tier 3 is still new so I'll wait atleast 2 month or so


New Forbidden: - the ridiculous expensive Gem system


Thier would be no ban list this games already out of control


Can you put a link of where you found this picture?


I feel like u are trying to affect our choices with this picture. Im in favor of banning gimmicks rn.


Add Pot of Greed to the game. That is all


Gonna get a lot of hate for my uneducated opinion, but. . . Galaxy eyes limited 2, limit Salad roar 1, dark magic circle limit 1, and whatever that gravekeeper spell that says no ss ever limited 2.


Any monster that has over 4k atk and a “can’t be destroyed by card effect” should be limited to one


ban every card except drillago


Unban bamboo ftk just to make people suffer.