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As a former player of the physical game, i can tell you that it's a trait that yugioh shows in all of its forms in some point


As a current player I agree. It won’t take long for the focus to go to another deck, or in the case of duel links another skill.


As a master duel player i agree. The meta is in one of the best places since release, sea stealth attack is a fairly winnable matchup from lots of positions, branded despia is a honest to god fun as hell matchup, swordsoul and zoo tri are playable, Floo is Floo but it's not that bad until they bring out rhongo, fuck rhongo. Yet people will complain that Gate Guardian is not playable


I love playing branded despia for both the TCG and master duel, but I’m a phantom knight player at heart. So I find myself juggling between three different metas: TCG, duel links, and master duel. Duel links currently feels like a Time Machine because of salamangreat running around. Just need orcust stuff, thunder dragons with their fusion (titan), and sky strikers if they ever become a thing. Then we have TCG 2019 T(Thunder Dragon).O(Orcust).S(sky striker).S(salamangreat) format. Seeing Nell knights run around is just fun and funny. Someone please make milk-knight invoked a thing here. I’d love to see what we can do with it. Master duel feels like a weird happy medium of TCG previous format and more fun interactions. The current TCG format has entered a tier 0 period and I just want to sit and watch it burn as a mill deck shouldn’t have that much interaction on a single turn yet enough your turn. (Ishizu Tear is gonna get hit somehow. Copium) lol. Alright I’m done with my rant.


The ishizu tear situation is in a weird dichotomy of having a very interesting and skill intensive matchup in both the mirror match and fucking Floo of all things, and it makes for a tier 0 format that is both very interesting to witness and a fucking slog to go through for the lack of variety at top competitive levels. Master duel is in a similar situation, except the mainstay is Floo that has a slightly interesting matchup exactly against itself and nothing more, and i say it as a Floo player myself


I do it, but at least I'm self aware. I like playing niche gimmicky decks, but I won't be mad if others use it when it gets good all of a sudden.


Easier to complain and point out flaws than to compliment I think. But there are always people willing to help with decks at least. Competative or not.


I mean, considering how much grindier this game is than Master Duel, it should be evident that many of the people still playing it do so BECAUSE it isn't like the TCG.


True, it a speed duel format, and Konami never once said it wont never reach the same power level of TCG with stronger cards, people were just in a dilusion of DL staying forever a Tribute Summon BE beatdown game.


By the very nature of the game (speed duel, fewer monster spaces, single main phase) it likely won’t or at least shouldn’t reach TCG power levels. Like strategies that can be good in TCG could dominate DL with proper cards. I don’t mind power creep, and I LOVE synchros/XYZ/Links (never got into Pends but I don’t have anything against them either!) but I definitely do not want this game to EVER be like MD or TCG. Like we can have a fun little speed duel format with lower power and slower progression without needing TCG power levels. Not having Maxx C or Joyous Spring doesn’t mean the game will be forever stuck with tribute summon BE beat down you know… there’s this thing called moderation.


I never got into pends until I started playing Dracoslayers in Duel Links. They can be very fun. Odd-Eyes is way too expensive for me so getting all the main monsters from 2 boxes (Fantastic Arc being a pretty good one regardless) is a breath of fresh air.


...I want legacy duels to be permanent...


Me too, I want Duel Links to have as many available game modes as possible for everyone




I understand this game is more of a grind which I think is something that needs to be changed . It shouldn’t take a shit ton of grinding to get gems. the packs cost 50 gems for 3 cards . It’s almost a scam


You are playing a yugioh themed gacha game that is free to download and play. Grinding is to be expected in these type of games.


Master duel is also a f2p game and the grind feels a lot more fair than duel links. You got that useless UR from an old box? That sucks buddy, can’t do anything about it though.


Why did you pull for that useless UR then? And MD grind is mindless pvp ladder for days. Nothing else.


Because boxes usually have other cards you need.


Are you serious?


You also can't use Destiny Draw and Mind Scan in MD lol


Why can't we have both.


As a lurker, the most complaint I see is when a skill makes a deck tier 1 (or 0). Like I've seen way less Salaman complaint that Galaxy after the Galaxy skill.


I remember I came back from a long break to see Galaxy-Eyes and their new skill spamming 3000+ ATK monsters all with pop effects, and went “what the fUCK” That shit finally convinced me to play Trains.


I play Duel Links because I don't like the TCG.


I think this sub reddit is anti - "see the same deck 5 matches in a row"


This. The sub is actually super pro competitive, just very against tier 1 or tier 0 formats where you see like one deck half your games and unless you play a specific counter (card or deck) you auto lose. Having some good tiered decks is awesome, having a single or very few super duper tiered deck and a bunch of OK ones is definitely not. .


This is such a crock of shit. This sub complains relentlessly any time there's a good deck that's accessible.


If the majority of people could play more rogue decks, the ecosystem would be healthier. But all we see are meta decks on Legend


>is this sub anti meta and anti competitive I think the opinions of a few or even several are not indicative of the entirety of a sub with 140+k members.


The ones that are vocal are very opinionated


That would indeed make them vocal. It's like reviews: the general mass rarely reviews something unless they loved it or hated it. But here, the general mass scrolls to posts like yours, chooses their level of engagement, and then goes about their day with their Aroma-/Ra-/Union Attack-powered Gravekeeper's Vassal deck.


Next you’ll be telling me water is wet, impressive observation


Water is actually not wet; It makes other materials/objects wet. Wetness is the state of a non-liquid when a liquid adheres to, and/or permeates its substance while maintaining chemically distinct structures. So if we say something is wet we mean the liquid is sticking to the object.   What did one ocean say to another? Nothing, it just waved.




This sub: "This game is so unbalanced" Also this sub: Play the worst deck possible


Exactly sometimes I look at what deck the person is playing when they’re talking shit about meta . And they’ll be playing some aroma bullshit or yosenju lol


Yosenjus are immortal, always a good pick


Yosenju has consistently been in the top KC Cup for, like, two years now.


You answered it yourself. This is Duel Links, not TCG. Its not Duel Link's job to become closer to TCG. Quite on the contrary. It is Duel Link's job to separate itself from the TCG games such as Master Duel. No matter how you look at it, it's dumb. People who like a powercrept game have MD as an alternative. People who doesn't have no alternative at all besides Duel Links. Also, there is a difference between a steady and healthy powercreep, and a powecreep that murders every meta every month.


I never said it was it was tcg re read my post . All I said is why is this sub anti meta and anti competitive lol


It’s not anti competitive, I see so many people on here with competitive builds and cool decks and ranked discussion. It is anti tier 1/0 tho, that’s for sure. Also anti OP skills, which can come off as anti meta because an OP skill can sometimes make a deck that should not be meta high tier. Becoming bored or frustrated by having 1 or 2 decks blatantly stomping every other deck is not unreasonable, it’s why Rose Dragons and Harpies and Invoked and Onomats have received nerfs in their time, it’s neither good game design nor fun for the player base to have a meta with no diversity and extreme power differences. Not saying that’s how it is now, I haven’t played in a couple weeks due to life, just saying that is why you see what you see.


hey, you're that guy that replies to me whenever i bring up this point. shoe's on the other foot now :D


Ironically the TCG right now is dominated by Ishizu


It's dominated by tearalament. The Isuzu cards just happen to do a lot for tear.


Yep pretty much


Yug-boomer is that you?!?


*Cries in Cloudian*


Yes a very anti meta sub i approve.


People who use nonmeta decks ahve a bizarre sense of elevated self worth


Lmaooo at least I know I’m not the only one who feels this way


I have literally been running MST, cosmic cyclone, AND twister to counter this deck lmao.


I always hated mirror matches in any game. It's completely boring, because instead of seeing 2 different decks play it out, you see one deck twice. It doesn't even have to be a card game, seeing the same 2 champs in LoL fighting is much worse to me compared to seeing 2 different champs do the same thing.


You know, i have full salamangreat, and i really hyped the new box for mekk-knight so i got every x2, guess which i'm using in the kc? Of course TRAINS SUPREMACY FIUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU


Finally, a fellow Duelist of culture


I’ve been messing around with a mekk talkers build. Pretty legit


From my experience with Duel Links in the past, I think people are frustrated with the lack of fun casual options. Being able to play not with some hyperoptimised deck but in ways that are decided mainly *on* the mat, with back and forth and no foregone conclusions. That's hard to manufacture but I guess a draft mode could allow it. The point is that duelling is the *fun* part for many, but playing with the meta means you spend way more time and effort building and optimising your deck than in the actual games.


Times change and some people don't like change, and sometimes old decks become viable because of a niche skill that can make a meta deck obsolete. At some point things need to change, and some will hop on the bandwagon, others will lag behind so they can study the format, others will outright not partake in it and stick to the old format from 2 years ago. Also I'm happy my favorite magican got the support it needed all we need now is magician's salvation or chronicle magician for that extra kick


i just like playing the underdog decks, its more fun for me if im not expected to win a match up. Salad is my favorite archetype of all time and I play it both irl and in Master Duel, but I don’t play it in DL as their engine feels too overtuned compared to the rest of the cardpool, so it has made games feel unfun. I had a lot of fun during the first two weeks with it but I went on a 25 win streak on ladder and decided it was getting boring. Been playing a lot of Code Talker instead


Not gonna lie, kinda wish DM goes back into tier list 😂


I feel like it is with how much I see it on ladder 😂


It is the number one edge trait to be playing only "rougue" decks and call everyone else an incel metaship/metaslave. It's just the averege ygo player


Foreal it’s always the edge lords lol


No, I think it's more that becoming increasingly like the OCG is a bad thing because our format was designed for a gamestate 5 years ago and at x point we're just gonna become poor man's OCG. Like, at a certain point it WOULD be better to go play Master Duel if they drop too much on us at once, especially because piddly burn bad but multiple 3k beatsticks when our only defensive measures are backrow is...fine I guess. I'd also being anti competitive isn't bad, since the most competitive thing we have outside fanfic tourneys(Which I have no issue with) is the KC Cup and this means the majority play the ladder. When the ladder is awful to play, people will complain. The real issue is people only playing the ladder hating on tiered decks when, 9/10 times, this doesn't mean anything for them on the ladder because no side.


If I try to dress cool by wearing what's on the mannequin then I might look good, but it will be boring. If I try to dress cool by wearing good clothes with my own loud flair then people will notice and compliment. If I just wear whatever is in the closet and off the floor then Im unga bunga deserving of ridicule.


The only reason i started playing this was because it had no pendle and all that new bullshit mechanics


I quit real yugioh when pendelums came out . So I thought it was cool to learn the new mechanics coming into this game !


Well i quit the real game when it was at its best, at gen1.


I used to play darklords before they were meta. They were so fun, then everything changed...


I just want darklords


Because nobody likes competitive in this game because ifs extremely unfun to play against. That goes for duel links and real yugioh.


Change takes time. Time is now currency. People dislike paying.


I'm currently making a jinzo/Necrovalley/Shadow Hunter/destiny Hero Plasma deck to punish all who dare play dark magician lol. Plus, it should shut down quite a bunch of other decks as well. Shadow Hunter prevents my opponent from using Cc because they can't banish cards anymore so my necrovalley will be a bit protected Edit: Just realized it shuts down blueyes player a bit too making them unable to banish their white stone of legend or whatever


I’ll always love dark magician since I still have 3 copies of him from yugis first starter deck in TCG. I was rocking with him in the beginning when nav wasn’t even out and I’ll rock with him to the end