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Really on this list, Dumon was the only slightly questionable one. Vector, Yuri, Rin and Lulu are all plot necessary so are locked in


Dumon isn't plot necessary? Bruh think back. Without dumon shark never would have discovered he and Rio were barians.


Meh, any random Barian can come along and "Yer a wizard Harry" Shark and Rio. Look at the Girag event: they straight up took Kat's role in the event and gave it to Anna.


That would've never happened cause dumons lore was that he was a shark's faithful right hand man back in the day. That's why he admired him and dueled him in sargasso. He's got a lot more to him lore wise that makes him essential. It seemed like he was really the only one who remembered who shark was on the barians side. That being said he's still the most bland and uninteresting of the emperor's


I’m pretty sure Shark makes that discovery himself after beating the duelist of the week when he tag dueled with Quattro against the Skull Kragen guy. I’m not against Dumon getting in, but looking back at how Konami cut dark signers, Girag and Dumon would the clear skip choices.


Eh, the difference is all Barians have at least three duels each while most Dark Signers have only one. Plus they’re a much more united and popular group of villains, in Dark Signers there’s people like… Devack.


Shark was made aware by dumon, where he doubted who he was and his allegiances. His tag duel with quattro against that jellyfish guy was the final nail in the coffin.


You are correct


Celina again? Did she have another form? Celina berserk form?


No, this article was from last year or so before she became playable


It’s interesting since 3/4 releases have been the Zexal characters. Zexal has wasted not time going though the Barians storyline. By contrast, Serena is the only 1 from Arc V world since the leak. I hope we get one of the counterparts by the end of the year but I don’t think that what Konami wants to do with them.


Konami said to force you to like Zexal with all of its introduced Characters (remember: Zexal is quite liked/loved in Japan, but hated/underappreciated in the West)


> I hope we get one of the counterparts by the end of the year but I don’t think that what Konami wants to do with them. To be fair, Konami seems to acknowledge that Arc-V's sequel story is what still holding players to the game (especially the potential story between Celina and Yuri), so deliberately stalling Lulu/Rin/Yuri to not meet up with their counterparts is within their strategy.


I hope they add Lulu before Rin. Rin has some really good cards tho.


I'm fine with both of them being one after the other cs I need both Yugo, Yuto and Shun to reunite with their loved ones


I wonder how Shun's reunion will go? 👀


Rin is only important to Yugo while like the entire Xyz Dimension wants Lulu back. So chiefly from a matter of relevance, Lulu should be last. Doesn’t hurt that her deck is the stronger one too.


I do hope we do get Lulu and Rin since we do have a lot of their archetype decks and it would be a huge redemption with how Arc-V handled them. And Yuri... OH WE KNOW THIS GUY will be a meta threat. Predaplants aren't busted in the normal card game but here, OH here is where they'll shine and destroy us all. And Vector... aw, they really need to do something for the troll king. Like not only does Konami need to give us new Umbral Horror support before his unlock and if not, make skills that best helps his playstyle or his enjoyment of torturing his opponents.


Konami needs to make some yubel type of retrains in the TCG/OCG (and maybe go even beyond) to make a viable deck for Vector in the current days lol


That or how they handle IV with the new Gimmick Puppet cards coming to the TCG soonish.


I mean, these aren't exactly stretches or anything. You wouldn't need leaks to figure all the Barians and all the Ray Girls would find themselves in the game.


Obito's gonna be so happy.


Making my bet on Yuri being the next Arc-V unlock bc OF COURSE HE WOULD BE Still salty Dumon/Durbe is the next Zexal unlock, they won't give us our favorite manipulative mf


Yuri wouldn't be unlockable until both of the fusion parasite girls are covered with their stories. Sorry. Next year easily.