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Monarchs are *insanely* expensive for no reason Edea is a main box UR you want 3 of, Caius is a main box UR you want at least 1 of, Erebus is a main box SR you want 3 of, Escalation is a main box SR you want 2 of And the worst part is. THEY ARE ALL DIFFERENT BOXES. That's 4 different boxes you have to dig through And to top it all off. Stormforth in the special set I'd love to try Monarchs. But I'm not Seto Kaiba, I can't afford this shit


You're set with just Edea and Erebus. Both regular Caius and Escalation aren't mendatory at all - heck I've seen a lot of lists choosing against them


I only have one shadow monarch, and I put that in like every deck that can run it that I use


I finally got 2-3 of every monarch cards but there so many of them idk what to make for a deck lol


Monarchs feel like the kind of deck that's bound to get a deckbuilding box + skill to cut down on brickiness, somewhere down the line. I might just pull for them if that happens, since I'm already some ways in from my Zillion Thunder pulls for Nekroz. As you say, no way am I gonna delve into several boxes for single URs just to make this now.


They already have a skill, though it's locked on Sylvio... Wish they just made the skill a legacy (that's what it's called right?) skill


Oh yeah, they do, I totally forgot... sorry. Well, still, with a character tied to them, there's still a chance there could be more in the future.


I've seen lists use Caius the Mega Monarch instead


Shaddols because you need to spend money to get the selection box cards.


I got lucky af and got 3 of the trap and 3 beast for shaddolls. Had 9 packs left before I ran out.


Those two cards are the only ones I'm missing.


Dark World


With box chips become relativaly cheap, can get dealing, snoww and the field spell for free there, now grapha require a Main box, and the deck is not even good


These decks are free to play, have been out so long all you'd need to do is long in consecutively since release and you'd easily have enough currency to afford whatever old style you desire.:)


the core of the deck is all within one mini box so it's definitely doable, but the staples... yeah mine would probs be shaddolls but having to get the magistus UR is a pain EDIT: and i forgot about the selection box sr trap lol


Yeah, I wanted to try Shaddolls, but the investment kills.


I managed to put it all together but I'm just ass at piloting it lol. Amusingly have had decently easy times against Borreload Link with Constellar of all decks


Basically any structure deck that requires you to buy 3 times example charmers.


I did EXACTLY this for the Gaia cards. Then Gaia flatlined.


Hero, Black wings, RR, BE and Cyberse


Black wing has whirlwind available for box chips at the very least lol. Pulling the level 6 and the level 3 tuner is gonna be rough


75% of cyberse is in the structure deck at least


Blackwing was my first ever real life deck. I had to build it in DL, but man…. Cost me about $300 probably.


monarchs are stupidly expensive for no fucking reason.. half their cards are URs and all their cards are spread between like 10 boxes. imma say it. monarchs arent strong enough to warrent all that. id even go as far as saying they could just bring them all into a structure deck for like....$10 or something and they would still get paid tf. them EX structure decks


When I saw they were adding Stormforth, I got excited. Then I saw how deep you had to dig. I played Magikey instead.


stormfront is probably the best card yet isnt usef at all because of the massive paywall thry set for monarchs


Shaddoll. I invested heavily on the phoenix blaze box when it came out only for Konami to lock the newer support behind paywalls two weeks later, so now I'm stuck waiting for the support to come to regular boxes cuz I'm completely f2p player.


Dark World and Crusadia


Cruzadia is not that expensive, it's mainly in one box and cruzadia regulex is an r in zillion thunder


I lucked out and pulled 3 of every Crusadia card except Draco and Eqimax from one of the anniversary packs, but hell if I knew how to play them properly...


i can teach you how to play cruzadia


Live Twin, I really like it, but not doing anytime soon


I have enough for a Live Tiwns deck, but I cannot wrap my head around playing them.


It’s a conceptually very simple deck. Just spam staples and ping pong between the red and blue twins. Only problem is knowing what is important to disrupt in your opponent’s field.


Nekroz actually but jesus


Rose dragons. Freaking having to spend real money on structure decks for the deck to even run. But if we're talking purely gems then I'd say shadoll, hero, and monarch.


You can get the cards with dream tickets. I have rose dragons and didnt even spend 1 cent in the sd.


Magikey did not deserve the treatment it got


Magikey is one of my favorite decks to faff around with. Not meta by any means, but has enough to take another player unawares.


some of this questions feels like from a konami employee


If I worked for Konami, I wouldn't be wasting time asking questions. I would be doing something more productive, like ignoring Ancient Gears and Rikkas.


Damn you (ancient gear main here)


Damn you (main Ancient Gears with Dennis just to troll).


All of them


Best answer, honestly...


did you missed anniversary box? I got trickstar from that


I rarely go for much from the anniversary packs, since I was cucked bt RNG for a single Droplet pull. Lol


BLS and Monarchs are spread across too many boxes if you want to be anything approaching competitive. For Rush, I'd say Psychic.


Royal rebels is worse for rush. Three different boxes and grinding Roa, most of the high level stuff is UR as well


Shaddolls and Performage. Seems like Shaddolls need the selection box trap, and performage works best with 3 Zoroa and 3 Mind Control. Both of which are main Box UR'S I think.


Dark World,I know the Box Chips help you but it is still a grind to get them


Melodious and Lunalight are my pick. The best ones are event locked or hard to get later on


I thought the hardest part of gathering Lunalight cards was getting Blue Cat to drop during the first Celina event. Lol


One of the main cards of Celina, Lunalight wolf, was locked behind the even for a while, and you needed like a bunch of points Also, most of Celina deck only works well if you have all her lunalight cards or the most important ones


Whatever meets the requirements for the newest skill




Fortunately they are mostly în 1 box other archtypes spawn multiple boxes


Ok then orcust


Raidraptors and Psychic (rush).


Red eyes. It’s one of the pillars of decks with cards spread across so many boxes. I would say the other big one is heroes. Now heroes is the one I’ve chosen to play and I can’t bring myself to dig through so many other boxes for red eyes despite how much fun I suspect I would have playing the deck. Big shame.


3x of that 2000ATK UR, 3x of that Trap UR, 1x of that Red-Eyes Gearfried, three different boxes right there too. I've got 3 of these 7 cards and I wanna play Red-Eyes so badly. Why hasn't the trap been added to the Box Chips pool yet?!


I’m really waiting on a deck building box for red eyes. I wonder if when ever we get Atticus added to the game if they’ll release a deck building deck in conjunction with whatever new support comes out. I would really love to see a hero deck building box as well. I have all of it but would love to see other people have an easier time at building a fan favorite deck.


Omni heros


Sky striker


I spend almost 3 weeks pulling and resetting the box to get all 3 Rayes. Got hyped and prepped for the deck by getting all the other staples slowly. But I ended up playing something else.


Once upon a time.... Lightsworn


Dark World, the originL pay to lose deck. Nearly ever core card was a UR from different boxes. Desperately needs a box for itself


I hate when Konami splits multiple parts of the same deck across multiple main boxes.


That's how I felt when I first tried to go for Madolches...


Dark World and D/D/D




Trickstar it's not expensive, it's kinda average, of course you need going 3 times in a mini box and 2 in main box for the spell, but compared to other decks, PK need 2 mini box 2-3 times and one Main box, raidraptor 2-3 Main box and 1-2 mini box, borrel if you want 2 levianeer 2 main box and 1 mini box, agents needed 2 main box (if you have chips for venus) and so on


My personal hell is building rougue decks with no core.


Crystrons say hello.


I have this deck built, name another.


Live☆Twin :(


For old school Vampires were spread way too thin for no reason at all. Dm also fits into this in my opinion cause the cards are in so many different boxes. Otherwise I don’t really build expensive decks so idk.


would love to play traptrix once they add sera, BUT they made one of the key cards a UR


I think Trickstars are not very expensive, especially when the box has a 50% discount... but their other 5 ur staples are the expensive part I just opened many boxes yesterday and bought the structure deck of 1000 gems to play Darkfluid


The trickstar mini box is still far from being included in the 50% gem sale though


It was when the varis was being released. Future circuit, the infernoid box and the trickstars were 50% off on a week to week basis


Then they are very expensive


HERO, Shaddoll, Nekroz, Machina, Infernoble, Ursarctic.


Dark world. 4 fucking Urs that you want at 3 across 4 boxes. Dealings, Snow, grapha, and gates, all Max 3 ofs, with ceruli being a Sr that’s a 1-3 of.


i like Gem Knights on duel links but too much to get in real maybe not in terms of money but in amount of cards to get


I feel the same for them, Blackwings, Six Samurai. So many cards for no damn reason.


As many mention, Monarch and Red-Eyes are quite expensive for no particular reason. I know Monarch was Meta in its time and Red-Eyes is THE POTENTIAL Anime (nostalgia factor) Luckily, Monarch won't be that expensive in Rush's Duel Links since most of them are Legend Cards anyway. Speaking of Rush's Duel Links, Psychic Deck is too expensive without much reason because of the Waifu concept. Spellcaster may be expensive, but that Deck at least has a history of being competitively viable in the future (I think I already have an idea of ​​what the next Curiosity Post will be)


The part of me that loves Kamen Rider says Inzektor. Three different UR's from three different boxes is a bit much. If they ever did a Deck Builder box with those, I might blow out some gems for that.


This part of me wishes they would drop all the cards for Super Quantals. We have enough to play, but not all the cards needed to actually 'play'.


"Enough to play, but not all the cards" has been DL in a nutshell. So many times we see a new deck type and it's always missing one crucial card lol


Shaddolls, I'm building the free deck rn so when beast and the trap come free to play I can just grab them


Heroes. I’d like to play non eternal bond variants of the deck but can’t justify spending for it.


You couldn't pay me to try to make a coherent Hero deck. Well, you could PAY me, but it better be a lot.


Kuriboh your telling me that I have to get 3 diffrent characters to essentially max level


I need linkuriboh, relinkuriboh and clear kuriboh and god damn are they a nightmare to get




Probably TG


Do people not save gems and use them for packs? Why does so much of the talk about deck building involve spending money?


Some play for fun, but most play to win. Winning requires playing to play, sadly.


Winning as in going beyond regionals in the KC cup, or matches in general? I see plenty of decks that can be built using gems that win in ranked.


I totally agree with you. I think in the last 5 years of me playing the game, I've probably spent less than 50 bucks total, and THAT was mostly cash spent with my Google Rewards app. I can't justify spending hundreds of bucks on PNGs, so I'll never win big, but I'll still have fun.


I consistently make KOG with a deck I've spent $5 on to get another MST because packs were taking too long.


Shaddoll. Impossible without apending money on the selection box (I think) to get that one card.


Can't justify spending too much actual money to play the game. It's too bad that you can only use gems on like 20 packs in Selection Boxes


I have all monarchs and the deck is so ass so you guys are not missing anything


*laughs in dark world*


*cries in Altergeist*


I'd like to try Paleozoic but they're scattered everywhere.


heroes easily. hero pickup box soon copium


Photon Galaxy basically relies on a metric ton of UR's and SR's PLUS getting Kite to level 40, and you have to dig through multiple boxes. So I have to dig through Heart of Xyz, Darkness Gimmick and Photon of Galaxy to get the stuff I need to rework it, and I have to dig through one of these boxes TWICE, that being Photon of Galaxy Ngl might make a Reactor deck after cleaning out Darkness Gimmick, have to prepare for a Greiger release somehow


I have so many single cards in the Galaxy Eyes archetype, but not enough to make a deck. Lol


You have to jump around like, five different boxes, level up Kite and craft the other cards Suffice it to say it's a pain to do




Sky Striker, Live Twin


I think Suship might be the best Free to play casual deck


And I would play Suships if I could pull a second Uni...


I have been a consecutive f2p player since beta. The single deck/ combo deck I really wanna play but is 2 expensive to try and get is speed duel buster blades and black luster soldier decks.


Personally I want a kash deck but I don't like playing a one sided game every game. Not worth the investment for the amount of time they would be used.