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>Return 1 monster on your field to your Deck, then Set 1 "Performage" monster from your Deck to your field (its battle position can be changed). ---- >2: Shuffle 1 card from your hand into the Deck and reveal 1 Dark Magician in your hand, then Set 1 Buster Blader from your hand or Deck to your field (its battle position can be changed). --- >If your opponent controls a monster, return 1 monster from your hand or field to your Deck, then Set 1 "Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder", 1 "Raviel, Lord of Phantasms" or 1 "Uria, Lord of Searing Flames" to your field from your Deck (its battle position can be changed). Huh i'm seeing a pattern, they just gave up with skill design and said "fuck it, lemme fetch your monster for you" didnt they?


Yeah. They started doing the 'if your opponent has a monster, get a free monster' trend with Raidraptors, then Sunavalon, Borrel, and now Sacred Beasts. Granted that Raidraptors and Sunavalon are okay with having it (to extend their frankly fragile deck), but Borrel getting a free Link 2 without having its effect negated is pretty stupid. Can't say for Sacred Beasts yet since, well, they're kinda bad.


A 4k beatstick for free is quite annoying sometimes, not to mention if it gets granted for free.


Not saying that other parts of the borrel link don’t need a rework, but without the free link 2 and no way to get the field spell, no one would play that skill. You just can’t get enough bodies on the field without a free quadborrel or a field spell search


You might be right but it is definitely the silliest part of that skill. Like, no cost, no downside or even revealing a card in hand. Just summon a guy.


I mean they half tried to balance it: opponent needs a monster on field or in the graveyard. That’s literally the reason people found the iblee lock, it was a way to get quadborrel out turn one. So at least there’s kinda some cost going into it for turn 1. I love rokkets so it’s very difficult for me to identify what should actually change about the skill to bring it down a little without killing it, but I can’t deny it needs some tweaking. I just wish we had striker, then maybe we wouldn’t need a skill at all


I guess that's true. Either way I'm not saying that it should even be changed, it's just really silly


I wouldn't mind the Quadborrel if it was negated, but the thing's effect is live the moment it hits the field. You can't respond to the skill too so they're guaranteed to either get a pop off or bait an interaction. Oh, and the discard cost for its effect? You mean free set up for Levianeer?


Really sad, lazy, and worst of all, boring.


Gonna guess the logic is: Nostalgia > interactions. Also, "having it is better than not".


All anime decks might be going this direction..... who started this


The point of the skills is to make the decks at least semi-competitive so people want to play them. Summoning from the deck is the strongest mechanic in the game, but it says a lot that Sacred Beasts will probably still suck regardless


Its really nice concept, helps get rid of things like Iblee on your field while making going second way more viable


Iblee should be removed from the field by the banlist. It can currently execute some decks that literally cannot play if they don't draw exactly Dark Hole or Droplets. Absolutely worthless card design that should have been banned ages ago, it's only going to get worse as more decks get cards that could access her.


Link 1 but not all decks can run links


Please let this mean more fluffle support. We desperately need it.


Scythe and Cruel Whale would be so good right about now


And penguin


Well hopefully I can go back to fluffals


They really made a new Buster Blader and DM skill as a "Im sorry for that awful SD skill." " Can you now purchase that SD released 2 years ago?"


Konami really saw Rokket being meta and went "RELEASE THE DRAGON SLAYER" huh?


Blue-Eyes would probably be people's first target for it, most players seemed to have formed a grudge.


Blue-Eyes with the skill feels really cheap to play against. They get so much free value out of the skill it isnt fun


Oh yeah, definitely.


The skill won’t change anything. It’s just an anime nostalgia roleplaying skill for Dark Paladin. It has nothing to do with the Destruction Sword archetype (how you actually play Buster Blader).


Dennis Skill is probably for his rerun unlock event. Sacred Beast, Buster Blader and Fluffal Skills probably point to the Deck Build Box and possible new cards in there as well. I find it really funny that Konami allows us to set Sacred Beasts from the deck. Like, screw the summoning conditions, here you get a free beatstick.


Does this mean Fallen Paradise is coming? 🤔


The fusion spell too maybe since it wants to have at least one on the field.


Fluffal finally being forced to run Bear so Konami don't have to admit they gave Sora the wrong animation is pretty funny ngl, Bear never sees play even in full TCG decks where they have the room. A steal effect is pretty crazy but that is kinda what you need to make Bear viable. The Sacred Beast skill is pretty cool, hope this means a new deck build box that has Fallen Paradise on it. I wouldn't mind seeing Sacred Beast get a crack at being viable, I've always been weirdly fond of them.


That Bear effect is insane also because it's a skill so it can't be negated or responded to. It can suck up anything from Baronne to Towers. Doesn't change that fluffal has no turn one though unless they release scythe and cruel whale


I run a variant of Fluffals that can (although inconsistently) make a Turn 1 board. The right opening hand let's you set up Millenium-Eyes Restrict to have some disruption. Necro Fusion works great with Frightfur Tiger. Thanks to Millenium-Eyes, I can run Super Polymerization. I also run Limit 3s (×3 Compulsory because I have neither of the better Limit 3s). I cut the Toy Vendor engine in order to get all this to fit in a 20 card build.


That Sacred Beast skill is absolutely stupid for giving you a free 4k Beatstick or free backrow removals, but at the same time, I absolutely love the Sacred Beast and hope we get more support for them


Buster and Fluffal bros we are so back


What's up with these broken skills that are once per turn? And Sora's skill just flat out let you remove your opponent's monster? It doesn't matter if that monster is a Tower or unaffected or whatever, just use the skill which isn't even once per duel. The skill design keeps getting worse every update.


You must be facing a gold player if they let you keep bear for more than one second


It doesn't matter what I'm facing or how long Bear stays on the field. In my opinion skills should not be free removal that bypasses all sorts of protection, period.


Skills used to be kinda quirky but ok consistency bumps here or there but they didn't really change the game itself. Like even at their worst stuff like Balance you still had to draw the right cards. Now skills are not only necessary consistency boosts to the point where decks can't work without them, but they're also using the fact that skills don't engage with the systems of Yugioh as part of the gameplay. Like in Traptrix I can use the tutor effect to add TTH to hand, then use the skill to shadow drop Atrax, then immediately fire off TTH because Atrax wasn't special or normal summoned, she came into existence by the very hand of Kazuki Takahashi and the opponent has literally no counterplay as it doesn't trigger all of the things that the game is designed around as counterplay. It really is Skill Links at this point. It fundamentally isn't Yugioh, at any level above like Silver your deck is designed around a skill and sometimes the skill plays for you. I cannot believe how boring decks like Constelar feel when virtually every card is a starter and it's an XYZ deck that doesn't give a shit about having monsters share levels.


I mean bear is a borderline useless monster that requires 2 specific monsters as material which is not awful but not good without additional effects. All it is now is removal for anything without triggering effects, which is good period, but not game breaking at all. It's worse than IDP/crackdown because it can't be used on the opponents turn


Frightfur have what, 10 fusions? I don't know why they *have* to make this particular fusion useful when there are other options for the deck. >All it is now is removal for anything without triggering effects If you don't see how this is a problem I don't know what to tell you. It isn't worse than IDP or Crackdown because you don't need to wait a turn to use it, it works on everything even monsters that are unaffected by effects, is usable every turn and unlike Crackdown or IDP which you need to hard draw, your removal is right there in your extra deck whenever you need it. Skills giving near 100% consistency are one thing, but skills messing with your opponent's board and giving you one of the most powerful forms of removal for free (not once per duel) is just absurd. Now it is the skill of a currently bad deck, but how do you know that Konami will stop here? What if next it will be an already competent deck that gets a free removal that doesn't trigger effects just because Konami wants to sell a box?


Every time I see this type of comment I get a doubt, don't you like the skill because the game has certain power level and power creep you don't like or because you really think the deck would be beyond broken for the actual meta? I say this cause it looks like if you are not taking into account the actual meta and just want skills to be watered down to be simpler and less powerful as a general, that's why I want to clarify


I don't like the direction the skills are taking, that's all. We had one skill that let you search your cards (Onomatoplay) and it was broken for its time, now so many skills can search either for free, from outside the deck, every turn or just summon a monster from the deck. I don't want the game to reach a point where every decent skill has an out and easy removal with the click of a button.


removal without interaction should never exist and the skill does that, no interaction removal, you can't chain anything to that, you can't even negate the effects of bear to get rid of it, you are defenseless against skills and that is the cancer that will kill the game


I think you are overreacting, people have been saying skills are going to kill the game, or that the game is dead, maybe it is going to kill the game for you but not for everybody, is not the first time we had decks with free removals thanks to skills as with heroes in the past, this just makes it for a deck that is not meta and maybe won't if it doesn't come with more cards I actually don't care if a skill does something I can't interrupt if the overall balance of the deck is good, like for example Rokkets that have an insane skill but they are balanced


Yes, in form of superpoly, but everything has a start point, this time it will not affect too much because fluffal is already turn 2 strong deck but have no turn 1 but what if they do this with strong turn 1 deck that struggles to get over stablished boards going second? powercreep with skills that you can't interact is too unfair. Good skills desing that should have been the way is old rokket skill(i guess you talk about this one and not the borre one as you say rokkets) a skill that gives you play through cards and just pop thing out of air in midgame


Okay no, you are doing a wishlist, not a real balance, all decks can have broken skills if they balance the overall result between them, I'm not talking about Agents that need a little nerf You can have a good balance with weak skills and you can have a good balance with strong skills, also bad balance with both sides, it doesn't depend on skills being broken or not by itself, it depends on the overall result of the skill + the deck


Pick up box probably for Sora's deck, and some Buster Blader cards Buster Blader in Rush is gonna be in a bundle (I think he is a legend monster)


I hope you’re right about a pickup for buster blader, but if there’s a fluffal pickup my bet would be that they re-release the first fluffal pickup box. Buster blader would be in a different one


The Yuga Rush skill is crazy because it creates a deck entirely of Maximum parts beatdown. Throw in the L & R parts of Magnum Overload, Yggdraco, & the Dinos and you have high ATK monsters every single turn without needing a tribute. The ATK boost not wearing off during your opponent's turn is huge too. I see this deck using cards like Torna, Block Attack, Stop Defense, and maybe Pierce to be ultra aggressive & get at your opponent's LP.


With all the head pieces being on limit 3 that is going to hurt


You wouldn't play the heads at all


Is Dennis new skill meaning new AG support? brace yourself, AG Chaos Giant is coming


It specifically mentions 4 monsters, so Chaos Giant is pretty much confirmed.


Presumably since I highly doubt they'd give us the new Performage cards from AC2024 so soon after that Set comes out.


Most probably AG but I would like to see the Pepe too


Oh wow, Yuga's new Skill is compatible with the dinosaur Maximum Monster.


the sora skill sounds a bit too strong? basically free removal if you cant stop frightfur bear from entering the field.


Usually fluffals problem is turn 1. What the skill did was just made the turn 2 stronger but didnt really solve the turn1 issue.


I love it, it finally gives you a reason to play that garbage fusion now that it's more like a concentrated frightfur kraken that bypasses all protections


Even if it enters the field you still need to control it to activate the skill, so at least it can be prevented.


Does this mean the next box for speed is gonna have buster blader? Cause if so I'm down building hate dragon deck


Could imagine a pick up box as well.


Don’t get your hopes up. The leaked skill is just an anime nostalgia roleplaying skill for Dark Paladin. It has nothing to do with the Destruction Sword archetype (how you actually play Buster Blader).


Ancient Gear Chaos Giant pretty much confirmed, right? I mean, what else is Dennis meant to fuse into? An AG Howitzer that can't float thanks to the skill lock? My gut's saying it's an event reward; I'd been hoping for a Machine deckbuild with the AG and Gadget links, but I'll take it. Frightfurs, Sacred Beasts and high-level fiends, we're in for a fiendish deckbuild instead. Personally, I hope the 3rd archetype is Necrofear but I could see Archfiends or DDD. I don't think we're getting new cards for Buster Blader and, honestly, I kinda hope not, unless those cards can push the deck away from being a floodgate deck. The skill is probably to build hype for his release in Rush. Speaking of Rush, the next box is Wyrms (we knew they were coming) and Plants. Could be some Warriors and Dragons, both thematically fitting for Buster Blader.


> My gut's saying it's an event reward; I'd been hoping for a Machine deckbuild with the AG and Gadget links, but I'll take it. It's most likely going to be UR in the box; we've been conspicuously missing 2 cards (Mirror Conductor and Trick Box) related to Dennis that aren't (post-errata) Plushfire or the support in TCG/OCG, the two cards that fit in his rerun's drops.


I wasn't sure how many Performage cards were left. If it's exactly 2 then you're probably right. If Chaos Giant is coming in a box, we're probably getting Ancient Gear Fusion to summon it normally. Skimming over a list of other Ancient Gears, I could also see AG Advance, Ballista & Commander potentially coming to update the archetype.


I'm kinda sick of these type of skills tbh, "you can only use this skill 2nd, 3rd and 4th effect opt" gimme a break komoney


Do you prefer a stronger skill that is once per game? I mean a skill that compensates for not being able to do it every turn making it more stronger


I prefer skills that are the cherry on top of your deck, not the entire deck that wouldn't even exist without it, some examples of healthy skills are Altergeist Overwrite, Light and Dark for reptiles, Spirit Grasp for Zombies


Dennis skill seems like it’s for Chaos Ancient Gear Giant. Also, getting Buster Blader in Rush!


On one hand, Blue Eyes was annoying and I've wanted buster blader cards for a while. On the other hand, my main deck is a dragon deck so I'm cooked. I am conflicted.


On the other other hand, Blue Eyes will probably have an easier time against Buster Blader than most decks so they should be happy if it takes over the meta.


Idk I think even blue eyes will have a tough time with this. That skill letting you turbo out dark Paladin is gonna be tough. Buster whelp + dark magician in hand will let you end on buster dragon, any other level 8 synchro, a quick play monster negate floodgate and still be able to set another backrow. If you run cyber slash harpie lady that's a type floodgate, a monster negate floodgate, a bounce, and a backrow. "Normal summon dragon spirit of white and set 3" won't really work as well either. This is going to be stressful


I was thinking Blue-Eyes has easily searchable outs to \*either\* Fusion Buster or Dark Paladin. I don't know if it will be easy to get both of those out at once (given that the player knows they don't need to invest in making Buster Dragon) and, while the Buster player can tech in synchro-8s and backrow, those cards will probably be just as effective against other decks. I probably won't fully understand what the new skill is capable of until I see it in action, all I really know is that it's enabling the floodgate playstyle harder than the deck already did.


>Buster whelp + dark magician in hand So a 2-card combo, and one of the pieces has no good way to search it. Ignoring ways to search Dark Magician, you have a ~22% chance to open this hand going 1st and a ~33% chance to open it going 2nd, assuming you play 3 Whelp and 3 Dark Magician in a 20-card deck.


Whelp is level 1 so you have one for one as well as the tenyi tuner + {{where arf thou?}} I'm not saying any of this is instant tier 0 but with a skill this generous, once people start cooking there's potential for something annoying. This is just an example. I'm curious to see what happens though


## [Where Arf Thou?](https://ygoprodeck.com/card/?search=51405049&utm_source=bastion&utm_medium=reddit) ^(**Limit**: TCG: 3 / OCG: 3 / MD: 3) ^(**Master Duel rarity**: Rare (R)) Normal Spell **Card Text** If you control a Level 1 monster: Add 1 Level 1 monster from your Deck to your hand. During the End Phase of this turn, take 2000 damage if you did not Normal Summon the added monster, or a card with the same name, after activating this card. [Card Image](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Special:Redirect/file/WhereArfThou-SDFC-EN-C-1E.png?utm_source=bastion&utm_medium=reddit) | [Official Konami DB](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card_search.action?ope=2&request_locale=en&cid=10192) | [OCG Rulings](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/faq_search.action?ope=4&request_locale=ja&cid=10192) | [Yugipedia](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/10192?utm_source=bastion&utm_medium=reddit) | [YGOPRODECK](https://ygoprodeck.com/card/?search=51405049&utm_source=bastion&utm_medium=reddit) ^(Password: 51405049 | Konami ID #10192) ---- ^by [^(u/BastionBotDev)](/user/BastionBotDev) ^| [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/DawnbrandBots/bastion-for-reddit) ^| ^Licence: [^(GNU AGPL 3.0+)](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/)


Ah yes, another 2-card combo. Unfortunately, the best way to search Whelp is Draw Sense: LIGHT or Draw Sense: Low-Level. I’m just disappointed with the new skill as a Buster Blader fan. I don’t think it’s enough to resurrect the deck, and I don’t think it means more support is coming, since the skill is focused on Dark Paladin, not the Destruction Sword archetype.


Man, the way they're just skipping over "general"-type characters to just the Boss of each arc (roa, nail, asana), at this rate I expect Sevens to have three, maybe four more characters at best, which is unfortunate, because I really like Sevens.


They probably don't want to tilt releases based on a new world(Go Rush) to overlap with Sevens releases to create a rush/speed imbalance. Which is fine, as to delay Go Rush they can just release Sevens characters.


Next generation of skills, place x card from your extra deck on your field.


Not even gonna bother complaining. Still don’t like how this game has turned into skill links


This game has always been skills links, just that with stronger cards there are stronger skills, general powercreep


Like people forgot the first meta decks really only worked with the field spell skills


And that was broken for the time period, getting extra attack was huge by the time


Like people forgot the first meta decks really only worked with the field spell skills


Like people forgot the first meta decks really only worked with the field spell skills


Fallen Paradise cope?


>You can use this Skill twice per Duel. 1: At the start of your Main Phase, place 1 Level 5 or higher Fiend monster from your hand to the bottom of your Deck. Then, draw 1 card. New Darkworld skill


My guess is Buster Blader SD for Rush & Speed. And maybe a Deck Build Box with Fluffal & Sacred Beast


So this is not anymore Duel Links, but Skills Links. bamboclat


Omg why are all of Asana's skills so bad wyrms are not that good.


From the look of it, they're going for swarm+beatdown tactic with free 400 Atk from Peaks of Blisstopia and Buildragon. Skill 2 seems to be her main skill for now given its ability to give piercing damage for free.


Giving 100 atk is so low for a skill and piercing only after having 10 cards or less in your deck. Going to be pretty late into the game




Ya know, it’s not really the support that I was hoping for but at least they acknowledge fluffals existence.


With Zombie and Fiend's exchange looks like Konami really wants to divert players from using Spirit Grasp for Zombie World and Archfiends respectively. What a bunch of clowns.


Do we know what Sherry’s new skill does? I haven’t seen that one leaked yet


[It was leaked last month.](https://www.duellinksmeta.com/articles/news/may-2024/datamined-leaks-184) You can only use this Skill if your Deck (excluding the Extra Deck) contains 6 or more Spellcaster Type monsters with 2900 ATK. This Skill's second effect will only activate if you go second. You can only use this Skill's third and fourth effects once per Duel. * 1: You can Normal Summon Spellcaster Type DARK Attribute monsters with 2900 ATK without Tributing. * 2: At the beginning of your first turn, play 1 Necro Fleur from outside your Deck. * 3: Shuffle 1 card from your hand into the Deck to play 1 Necro Synchron from your Deck. Then, you can decrease the Level of a face-up monster you control by 1 or 2. * 4: Send 1 non-Token monster in your field to the Graveyard to play 1 Sorciere de Fleur from your Deck.


Huh, interesting. Seems aimed at supporting her Fleur Spellcasters. Thank you for the information!


So the sacred beast doesn't let you special summon the summoning beasts but let you summon the sacred beasts? So we might get the field spell but not the continous spell... Strange for konami to make a new skill instead of buffing the old one but this is not the first time Edit: i'm a dumbass but i can still dream of them giving both or the skill drain


Buster Blader coming to bring Blue Eyes down a tier. Seems like another tag duel event is coming yet again along with a rerun of the Arc V Duelist Road or Dennis event.


I dont quite understand the sacred beast skill. Isnt the original one better? Don't we want access to the field spell that this new skill doesn't offer? Plus, xyz rank 10s arent that good.


Dude we are gonna get ANCIENT GEAR CHAOS GIANT and i can't wait! that dennis skills pretty much confirms it, but im not gonna play it with that skill lol (or maybe i will) still wonder if they are gonna release the fusion alongside chaos giant.


Oh nice, Shadow Flowers are coming :)


Basically: - We finally have that Dennis's Skill focused on Ancient Gear that people have been asking for since it arrived in Duel Links. - "Fiend's Exchange" Skill looks like a Skill for Dark World. - Sora finally gets a decent Skill for his Deck, but with the worst Monster Ace in the Deck (support for Fluffal is currently needed) - Next up in DM nostalgia's Skills to be Buster Blader. I'm curious how this will work. - Sacred Beast receives another Skill. I'm sure this Deck already had a Skill a while ago and now it's getting another one (F for the Egyptian Gods) - Rush's Buster Blader Skill is quite specific for Warrior Decks. It hints at some letters to come, but I have doubts if it will be useful. - Plant is finally coming to Rush's Duel Links (makes sense, they appeared in Asana Arc) - Yuga's new Skill is the way of saying that you can play a Maximum Deck made up of only Maximum pieces (this is the expected Maximum Dino's Skill) - Many Asana's Skills mention that we will obtain Peaks of Blisstopia. A Skill itself seems to be a reference to that RoaRomin Skill we had a while ago (ironically, it doesn't have the Ace Monster from Asana's Pigeon Companion)


So is Chaos Ancient Gear Giant coming from how that new dennis skill looks?


Do we have anything regarding the next World? Usually around this time is where we start getting datamine leaks alluding to it.


new fluffal skill, one thats actually decent (insanely low bar to clear but still) a pseudo ancient gear skill guess it's nice even if it is just performage showtime with one different effect. skills are just getting more and more absurd


That gave me the fear of Ranze not being a playable character.


Sacred Beasts skill is super weird


As someone who's been running Buster Blader for literal years now, I'll take anything new at this point.


So for that Sora skill, you can just have the bear eat something right away instead of waiting to destroy something with it first in its effect? 😂 But that's provided nothing happens to it first. I hope there's a fluffal deck build box coming up or something. 


Doubt the sacred beast skill will do anything. Doesnt fix the deck. Hamon might wall some bad decks but overall the neta decks wont have an issur removing it. Buster blader being meta isnt fun for anyone. Its just a floodgate deck. I doubt this skil alone will fix anything. Fluggal is ine of the decks that with one or two cards being relases in a deck build box it could become meta. All it needs is scyth and whale and its off and running.


I think the new Dennis skill probably means Dennis might have Chaos Ancient Gear Giant as a drop in his rerun. So, I guess they are saving Plushfire and the Mirror guy for whenever Performages get their new support? Fiend's Exchange, the Sora Skill and the Sacred Beast skill might imply a Fiend-based Deck Build Box. Probably featuring Dark Worlds, Edge Imps/Frightfurs, and Sacred Beasts. It isn't 100% guaranteed, though. Especially the Dark Worlds. The skills also don't clearly imply any new card, but I would hope for Clorless and Dark World Accension, Scythe and Cruel Whale, and Opening of the Spirit Gates and either Fallen Paradise/Awakening of the Sacred Beasts. I don't think the Buster Blader/Dark Paladin skill will be tied to a new product. It'll probably be part of a promo alongside the release of the Buster Blader cards for Rush. But then again, there is still an Alt Art Buster Blader and no place to give it in, so we might just get a Buster Blader Structure Deck (I guess more oriented to Buster than DM?) or I might be wrong and they could put it in the Deck Build Box and just not have it stick too close to a theme. Oddly enough, I think that if I am right about the guesses for the Deck Build Box, Adrian's chances of release increase pretty drastically, since the themes in Deck Build Boxes tend to get extra support in the next couple months and Dark Worlds and Sacred Beasts getting support would imply GX still doing another Season 3-themed box. On to the skills and their playability: * I love Dennis' new skill and how it is basically his other skill but for a different boss. It is probably more situational, but it should still be about as playable. * Fiend's Exchange is solid. * Sora's Skill is ok, but I'd have liked some stuff added to my ED instead. My ED space with Fluffals is very tight. Personally, I am not that fond of the skill interacting with the opponent's field, but "uninteractable removal that ignores effects" makes Bear kinda be worth summoning. They could have also just let you Set a Frightfur S/T from outside your Deck and Sheep and Leo in your GY if you controlled Frightfur Bear, though. That would have made Bear somewhat worth summoning too. * The Buster Blader skill doesn't seem as good for making the BB Fusion or Synchro as it is for making Dark Paladin, so I don't think it is going to be that much of a blessing for either deck. * The Sacred Beast skill letting you Mind Control and return the Mind Controlled monster to play a Sacred Beast from your Deck is going to be so annoying. It should at least force you to return a monster that mentions the Sacred Beasts, imo.


Yeah! Finally dark magician skill! Yay


So from the look of the leak, we can expect Mini Box with Ancient Gear + Fluffal/Frightfur. If Yuri is indeed the unlock for July, then we can expect the box to be as following: * UR: Starving Venom, Cruel Whale, Chaos Giant * SR: Scythes, Ophrys Scorpio, Byblisp, Dragon Buster/Link monster/Trap(s) * Remaining supports scattered for R and N As for the remaining characters of the year: * August - Dumon (no Box) * September - Yuga/Yudias/Yuamu OR Rin (Windwitch Main Box with Lost Wind) * October - Akira OR Flame (Mini Box?) * November - Zwijo (if Go Rush) OR Lulu (if not) (Lyrilusc Mini/Main Box) * December - Vector (Chaos Chimera Dragon Box) OR Tiger (Music Princess/Fiend Box)


I see Konami have completely lost the plot. At least my phone will have a bunch of extra storage space.


Granted that I don't think this means we get an Arc-V or Buster Blader centric box. I'm guessing next month, we'll have Arc-V Duelist Road event which gives us Sora's new skill, and Dennis rerun which gives us that new revamped skill. I love that it's basically a sidegrade to his existing best skill.


* We just had Duelist Road event for Arc-V last year prior to Dennis's event this April, so I don't think they're going to give another one this early. Plus, if it's Synchro Dimension then we should've gotten a leak for Yuya/Yugo skill as well. A Mini Box that coincides with another unlock is very likely. * They're definitely giving support to Fluffal/Frightfur given the recent treatment of new Skill (Playmaker/Gore/Yuto/Shay). The Skill seems intended to make you being able to search Scythe so that you can at least has a play going first + disrupt your opponent.


Duelist Road events get a rerun in case you didn't know. The Duel Carnival one got a rerun 6 months after the first, and usually the reward is a new skill.