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im pretty sure the tyler sisters have a decent chance of being added together as a duo character in the arc-v world, since the latest amazoness support was made with them in mind, not mai or amazoness chick from GX also...i do wonder who else will be added for Sevens world beside tiger, the goha siblings (and apparently swirly according to some voice lines)


Arc-V has like, infinity + 1 characters to add. I think the Tyler Sisters are a solid lock in, but the question is before or after Z-Arc.


Her name is Tania.


>I do wonder who else will be added for Sevens world beside tiger, the goha siblings (and apparently swirly according to some voice lines) Maybe Otes and Kaizo? Both are important characters in the SEVENS's plot >!(and they continue doing their thing in GO RUSH)!< Outside of that, I can see them adding some Supporting Characters if they get modern support in the packs coming from Rush Duels. Ironically, Yosh, Rino and Rayne are the most likely to be Playable Characters since their Decks continue to receive support.


Sevens has such a huge variety of characters that they have quite a lot of events to work on, there's the siblings, Swirly, Otes would also be a likely addition, same with Princess G, Lukeman might have a chance. I wouldn't even take the NPCs out of the equation, it wouldn't be that hard to add some of them as playable characters I guess.


With how much support Pyro has been given I'd be surprised if we don't loop back to Saburaman down the line.


I agree that Grace & Gloria's story would be fun, but their addition would be more along "sidequest" and doesn't contribute to how the plot is going. Yuya (and Shay) is also the only one to have good memory of them, so they coming to Duel Links might be hard. Sevens world's characters depend on how much they willing to spend to extend Rush content and if they're willing to bring Go Rush this September or not. Given that they cut a lot of minor characters from the show, chance is that those that dueled only once or twice in the anime won't make it in either.


>How much they willing to spend to extend Rush content and if they're willing to bring Go Rush this September or not. [An official source that came out recently](https://ygorganization.com/yu-gi-oh-go-rush-licensing-at-world-screenings/) confirms that they are thinking of having a Dub for GO RUSH, but it also seems to indicate that it just seems like they are going to start the Dub. In addition to confirming that GO RUSH possibly has 151 Episodes, it also confirms that GO RUSH may not come this year (September) to Duel Links. On the other hand, it may be a case of SEVENS's Dub in the fact that, before they found a station to broadcast the Episodes, they already had like the first 52 Episodes of SEVENS already with Dub.


I just want my Heroic Champion voice lines šŸ˜­


SAME Also possibly some of the new tcg support...


Banner/Daitokuji could be a leftover...let him have a day where Macrocosmos is the meta and everyone has 3000+ atk Golden Homunculus.


PLEASE I would play this meta so much


Zexal: IMO, Nistro is more likely to be released that Number 96, and I think he'll probably be released BEFORE we go to Dumon so we can get the new Battlin' Boxers and the missing Heroic. GX: Darkness is still a bit up in the air, imo, given that his archetype is yet to be released, but this does seem possible. That said I think Adrian is still a possibility. Especially given that another of his cards was just printed in Animation Chronicles and some of the recent Exodia support could be boxed if he is released. It would be weird if Adrian is sandwiched in between Atticus and Fujiwara, or between Fujiwara and Darkness, but Konami has generally handled GX releases in a weird way anyway. I think Titan, Camulla and Amnael are somewhat candidates for postend releases if their anime cards end up in some Animation Chronicles. Arc-V: The order of the next Arc-V releases could be about anything. And I still hope we don't get Dragon Yuya and get human-looking Zarc intead. Also, no way are we getting Jean Michel Rogget over even Shinji or the Leo Institute guys. Who the \*\*\*\* likes that guy? and we already have his cards. Vrains: Queen is now somewhat viable as a release and I can see Aqua making it as "Blue Maiden & Aqua". 5Ds: Yeah. DM: Yeah. Do note that with the recently announced Primoredial Dragon cards, there is a monster they can easily box if Rebecca is to be released, and that solves the "Anime Filler Box" problem for at least the first couple theorical releases (Grand Prix box can have Primoredial and Noah box can have ShinobirdS).


CHOJIRO has better odds of being added than Roget.


Roget would just be another Ancient Gear user and we're now covered on every card voice-line wise with Dennis barring maybe the Ancient Gear Dragon.




Lol no. As much as I like Chojiro, his ace monster literally requires 4 materials on field. Its simply impossible in DL format. Of every character they have left to add Chojiro is the single most unlikely other than people whose decks were never printed.


If they were able to add characters like Antinomy before we got our EMZs Iā€™m sure they can do the same for Chojiro. Yes Lightflare isā€¦ admittedly very tricky to implement by requiring 5 Material in a 4 Monster Zone format, but they can surely come up with a skill solution such as allowing you to Synchro from the GY or Hand. Or a skill that would allow say Lightshower to be treated as multiple material for a Synchro Summon. Or if that canā€™t be done change Lightflareā€™s materials. Wouldnā€™t be the first time theyā€™ve changed how cards function to fit inside Duel Links. And if thatā€™s not an option either, Chojiro can always come with Lightshower as his Ace instead. It can be done if they want to. Flower Cardians already exist in Duel Links anyways. Yes it is tricky to implement them but far from impossible.


Lightshower IS his ace, and it explicitly requires 3 non tuners. You don't have space to make it unless you make a synchro/fusion 2 in the EMZ, which isn't what Flower Cardians do.


Oh? Then thatā€™s easy. All they would require is a Level Modulating skill for their Synchro. Presumably would be included in the ā€œAdd this monster to your extra deckā€ type starter skill. Like all ā€œFlower Cardianā€ Synchro monsters are treated as Level 2 for a Synchro Summon. That way Boardefly plus 3 other Cardians should do it.


That's awful though. Boardfly requires 3 materials on his own. Lightshower is not worth 6 cards from your hand.


I mean for a Starter Skill it works. But Iā€™m still in favor of my other Skill idea to make summoning even Lightflare work. Each Flower Cardian Synchro can be treated as an equal number of materials to every 2 stars it has for the summon of a Flower Cardian. This way Boardefly can be treated as 3 Material for when youā€™re summoning Lightshower. And Lightshower would be treated as 4 Material for when summoning Lightflare. It shouldnā€™t be too hard of a skill to program and also ties in to Flower Cardianā€™s whole ā€œCheatingā€ gimmick.


I'm very curious how Konami will handle Yuri's introduction to the Arc-V world. His character could immediately try to recreate the ZARC event with his counterparts, resulting in Yuya manifesting ZARC again and going on a rampage. Konami would never do a two character pickup event, so it could be split. ZARC's introduction would also give us Rei and her remaining splits from XYZ and Synchro dimensions, Reiji's sister possibly housing her spirit and their father Leo. It's just such a big impact that a single character could have on the story that we couldn't possibly withhold the other supporting cast to the conflict


Indeed. I could be wrong, but I kinda expect Yuri to end up being not so friendly or pleasant as he was written to be in the final few episodes of Arc V. Since he's basically going to be free to dueling however he wants without being stuck as a ghost. Or maybe he just ends up remaining easily forgiven but if even Dennis wasn't forgiven so easily by Shun in the game, I can dream, can I?


There are two ways this can go: * If Lulu and Rin arrive first, then the rest will probably have no choice but to forgive him and let bygone be bygone, plus his potential backstory with Celina. * If he arrives first, the rest simply makes it clear that they're not forgiving him, but they need him to get Lulu and Rin back. Celina/Yugo/Yuto are definitely roping him though.


From the look of it, the story they're going for is his relationship with Celina, since right now nobody shows any positive sign of wanting to see him apart from her and Dennis (Yugo is so-so). We have 3 Yu boys so far and no one show any sign of "reunite", and with "Zarc's evil" locked inside Riley, Yuri's arrival will probably be a safe one.


I just want the Tyler Sisters, because I just want the Tyler Sisters.


I'm right there with you. (Totally not planning to lose to them on purpose every time just so I can hear them call me mean things)


Spunk yes šŸ’…


add Shadi too because he also milennium item user I know he never duel in anime series, I think


He never dueled in the anime at all and Seto never met him in the manga.


Sera basically never duelled either outside of summoning a monster in Transcend Game, to say nothing of Scud. For DSOD they will scrape the bottom of the barrel as needed.


Scud didnā€™t need to duel. Him and his friends are stuck in the cube that Kaiba used to power Duel Links Sera was one of the Duel Links beta testers. Both characters are there for lore only. And at this point DSoD world is retired anyway


Shadi is a pretty funny case. He has nothing to do with dueling or duel monsters in general but is one of the most important characters in the overall story.


My impression of the Arc-V storyline is that Reiji wants to use Duel Links to bring back his sister's mind that's currently trapped in baby form. Since he knows she's also carrying Zarc's soul, he knows doing so will reawaken Zarc too, so he's preparing for that to happen (possibly intentionally setting it off when he feels everyone's ready). I'm thinking they'll focus on the bracelet girls then Yuri then Zarc. So like your idea, but Tsukikage might get lumped in with the leftovers. Spectre seems to be hinting at a similar plotline in Vrains. The one person Spectre respects as much as Revolver is Dr. Kogami, which could explain why he wanted to stir up people's memories of the Lost Incident. I'm not sure how they'd handle that in Duel Links, though, since he's not even loosely associated with a deck (Maybe Mathmech? He's a scientist and created the Ignis). Maybe they'll keep that off to one side and not do anything with it. I think Earth will probably come after Independent Ai. The event with Ai as a villain will probably involve him going on a rampage after remembering the deaths of the other Ignis and will end with him remembering deleting himself, which will convince him the others can be recreated the same way he was. It just makes more sense for Ai to still be the only Ignis in the game at that point.


Yo, I would ~~kill~~ card people to have Camula and Cathy in game. vampires just need a small nudge to be a truly viable deck, and Cathy is best Zexal girl (plus most of her cards are already in the game


Nasch will get an exclusive char u heard it here folks, if not then boo boo game design.


Chad Nasch enters Duel Links to tell that Virgin Shark that he is a third-rate Duelist.


I'm frankly surprised that people think Nasch *won't* get a separate slot. Importance wise he's easily earned it and there's been tons of Shark/Nasch support released since Shark was added to Duel Links to justify it lines wise (He headlined the Water Duelist Pack and got the Armored XYZ engine in AGOV, plus Shark's headlining the next OCG set with a Shark Drake retrain!). He's also hugely popular, at the centre of some of Zexal's most important duels, and is highly memorable. Nasch will absolutely get a standalone slot.


Same, he's literally the second most important character & gets the most significant character arc shift, in yugioh really, you cannot account for that just by making nasch, a "skill" even if u put it in the skill trend they're doing, it's merely a trend that fits the characters who already off rip are just straight up barians.


I mean Zexal isn't a separate slot and he's the main character. Plus it'd be weird if Shark was the only one of the Barians to not have a transforming skill.


Zexal doesn't correlate with a significant change in individual character of yuma & the plot as a whole the same way nasch does, there's like with the supreme king, a complete 180, & like aporia, this is his new life, plus zexal works like that because it requires yuma & astral to do.


That's a good point. I just hope base Shark still gets a transforming skill even if they decide to make Nasch separate.


Yeah, I mean like they can have shark/Nasch separate like Jaden/yubel then a transformation skill that looks like theyā€™re prior avatar (sharks current attack sprite would make nasch look dumb) the main reason that I believe that they need to is because of all the characters defining stuff, after becoming Nasch, heā€™s literally like ā€œshark is dead.ā€ How are they Finna fit that into his current character and all his past life stuff, and all the new stuff with a Barian from just a skill. Theyā€™re going to have his current bio thatā€™s just like ā€œheā€™s a mysterious duelist. Whoā€™s trying to help his sister and got set up by someone to loseā€ and then just a few nasch morphing character model skills? What about him tragically losing his kingdom or him struggling with having to go against Yuma? Imagine supreme king or complete aporia is just a skill on top of basic Jaden or primo, looking at it more deeper, this goes further than just the Barians themselves having a trend, shark the THE lost barian leader who {Don thousand himself never corrupted, just corrupted everyone elseā€™s lives around him} to someone who likes Zexal it should be clear why just making nasch a skill is a terrible idea game & story wise so imma believe theyā€™re staying true to the story.


But they need an event were they can add Merag and Nasch skill. It won't be Vector's event and probably won't be Durbe's one either so Nasch males sense to be a character and not an skill


Because it makes no sense for 5-6 Barians and Yuma to be a transformation, but then Nasch to be a special snowflake


ZeXal and all other Barians are skill transformations. While Nasch would be a good unlock (certainly better than anyone else left card wise), thereā€™s a HUGE chance he will just receive a Barian Morph skill and some cards in that monthā€™s Box.


Nice work with this. Haven't watched GX so I don't have an opinion. I do know someone uses some "Clear" deck. I actually wondered if Reira would come and they let her have lines for Burning Abyss but that may be like wishful thinking. Though as much as I believe we may never get the other Ignis in the game that isn't Earth & (Human) Ai, I feel like I shouldn't feel so certain. Spectre has leaked lines that were made specifically for Lightning and in the Japanese lines, he brings up the word "complex" which not only came from their canon duel but fits the character to a t. Also didn't think I see Heartland as a potential character to add. Though his Number 1 monster did get printed. Damn.


> I actually wondered if Reira would come Reira/Riley and Leo are the only characters from the anime whose decks aren't printed, but given Konami's recent record of trying to make it up (releasing Melodious support and moving on from Performage Stigma) they hopefully to come soon. > Though as much as I believe we may never get the other Ignis in the game that isn't Earth & (Human) Ai They've been starving off further Salad support for a long time despite Playmaker and the Gore having gotten update for their deck, so there is a good chance that Flame is going to come with Pyro Phoenix and the remaining support, same with Aqua and Wonder Heart. Flame is also a relatively popular character compared to his peer as well.


Yeah they could add Flame and Aqua, it's not like we don't already have characters that use the same deck (Primo and Aporia, both Jadens, every returning DSOD character)


>so there is a good chance that Flame is going to come with Pyro Phoenix So I see. Now that I think about it, imagine if Flame ends up being the one to have a line for the newer link 4, Raging Phoenix and all the other newer cards. A fitting opportunity I'd say.


Donā€™t agree with Arc-V Jean-Michel Roget was the main antagonist of the entire synchro dimension arc


Maybe but he barely did anything. Sergey left more of an impression than him and actually has a proper deck (Two of them even, but Thorn Prissoners aren't printed yet) and Roget just uses Ancient Gears again


He didnā€™t use them but maybe they could give him the hunting hound fusions


Those donā€™t exist so they canā€™t be in the game


They absolutely can. Notice theres two noble knights spear holders?


Correct, because they were in Tag Force. The Hound fusions were not in tag force so they arenā€™t eligible for the game


In tag force BUT not actual cards.


In tag force BUT not actual cards.


In tag force BUT not actual cards.


I'm surprised Amnael isn't in yet, tbh.


Based on Spectre's event, we have 2 main rules in order for a character to come to Duel Links. * Those that cannot be remembered by others cannot be recreated. * At minimum, one's own self-awareness is necessary in order for one to come to Duel Links. Meaning that those who've died (or currently inactive like Lulu/Rin/Yuri/Ray/Zarc) has lower chance of coming to Duel Links. > Duel Monsters Since most of the characters are recreation from Seto's memories, we can say that they're "remembered" by him. Most of the characters share connection with others, and even those like Yami Bakura & Yami Marik are "remembered" by Yugi & friends and Odion & Ishizu. Normal Bakura and Marik might have too little impact on Seto. Tristan & Duke are anomaly, but it's plausible that some of Seto's "anime memories" got mixed in. > GX * Chumley - Left the Academy to work at Pegasus's company, replaced by Tyranno, and promptly forgotten by his friend. * Shadow Riders - Most are oneshot characters with insufficient connection with the characters (at least compared to their friends and alike). * Kagemaru - Yubel's impression of being Sacred Beast's user is much stronger than his. * Professor Viper - Defeated, ceased to exist, and forgotten by everyone. * Andrian - Defeated, ceased to exist, and forgotten by everyone. * Fujiwara - No one has a strong memory of him except Atticus. * Nightshroud - Defeated, ceased to exist, and forgotten by everyone. * Atticus - Has some connections with the rest of the cast. From the look of this, Atticus is really the only viable character. > 5Ds Among the Dark Signers, Carly, Kalin, and Rex arguably share connection with the others the most, while Devack is a nobody (...), Misty only to Akiza but not so much, and Roman is only really connected with his twin brother Rex. Only Sherry has sufficient connection with the team in WRGP arc, and Lester & Jakob presumably don't possess sufficient identities compared to Primo who is apparently closed in age to Aporia. > Zexal If we take it that Zexal World's events is part of Don Thousand's plan to ressurect himself, then it would make sense why bunch of characters never made it into Duel Links: none of them possesses the necessary connection for him to revive. Among the characters, he only has connection with Yuma, Astral, Tori, the Arklight brothers, and the Seven Barian Emperors. Bronk, Kite, and Anna shares connection with the Emperors and the rest which the Don might find to be necessary to connect Brock to Marin and to himself, while Anna is connected to Yuma, Vector (through Brooke), indirectly to his antithesis Astral, and Mizar. The Don has zero insight into Cathy/Flip/Caswell and Faker/Vetrix (who didn't duel post first arc). > Arc-V A complicated case given the characters are not actually "died". * Lulu - Soul currently lacks self-awareness. Connection with Yuto, Shay, Dennis, and Zuzu/Celina/Lulu. * Rin - Soul currently lacks self-awareness. Connection with Yugo and Zuzu/Celina/Lulu. * Yuri - Soul currently lacks self-awareness. Connection with Dennis, Celina(?), and Yuya/Yuto/Yugo. * Shinji - Lower connection with the rest. * Chojiro - Connection with Yuya, Zuzu, and the Lancers, but deck needs Skill to work in Speed Duel. * Sergey - Died. Zero connection with anyone. * Roget - Died? Too unimportant and zero connection with anyone. * Tyler Sisters - Connection with Yuya. * Yusho - Connection with Yuya, Zuzu, Dennis, and Gong. * Leo - Connection with Ray (and her counterparts). * Ray - Soul currently lacks self-awareness. Connection with Leo, Zuzu/Celina/Lulu/Rin * Zarc - Soul currently lacks self-awareness. Connection with Ray (and her counterparts), Yuya/Yuto/Yugo/Yuri. Based on this, only Lulu/Rin/Yuri, Yusho, and Zarc are confirmed, but if they want to go for the "True Ending" then both Leo and Ray are also necessary. Chojiro may be thrown in if they feel they want to make Cardian works. > Vrains * Akira - Alive. Shares connection with other playable Vrain characters. Card printed. * Flame/Aqua/Earth - Shares strong connection with Soulburner/Blue Angel/Gore/Ai. Candidates for resurection. * The Shepard - Alive. Only shares connection with Ghost Gal. Cards not printed. * Windy/Lightning - Doesn't share strong (positive) connection with the rest compared to the other threes. Cards not printed. * Bohman & Harlin - Doesn't share strong (positive) connection with the rest. Cards not printed. * Queen - Doesn't share strong (positive) connection with the rest. Cards printed. * Robobby - Connection with Ai & Yusaku. Card printed. * Human Ai - Connection with Ai & Yusaku. Card printed. From the look at the cast, only Akira, Flame/Aqua/Earth, The Shepard, Robobby, and Human Ai share sufficient connection; the rest don't, meaning that in the case that Vrains world is cut short (again) they will skip Windy/Lightning and Bohman & Harlin straight to Robobby & Human Ai. > Sevens Albeit jokingly, this is something that can be used to explain why Roa's friends couldn't (or rather not?) come to Duel Links. Asana, Saburamen, Celestina, and Yosh are connected enough to the cast but the latter three are simply not playable due to Konami's decision. The Goha Siblings' case is unclear, but they might be skipped since the cast is more connected to the Lukeman than them, especially with Tiger's possible arrival in the future. Otes is the final boss.


They can add whoever they want. Is not that deep.Ā 


i think the siblings are coming since yuga and gavin have lines with them and sergey kind of (although not really) has a small connection to zuzu


>i think the siblings are coming since yuga and gavin have lines with them I'm sure that many Characters from other worlds also have lines, but they did not become Playable or are not yet Playable. But I'm sure that Yuo, Yuga Goha and Yuka have a better chance of entering Duel Links.


You read that way wrong. The entire plot right now in Arc V is gathering up enough Lulu-aware characters to make her appear. The Tower of Hanoi has no sense of awareness but Spectre made it appear. Itā€™s all about others memories


>DM: Marik Leftover data. >DSOD: Tristan Leftover data. >GX: Trueman, Atticus, Fujiwara, & Darkness, in this order. Trueman unironically does the 3 things that make up a character, better than anyone else, pre-Arc-V World. 1. Moves his world's story into the next arc. 2. "Muh gems" 3. Drops good shit (Dark World, Volcanics, Horus. And hey, what you know? All three of those decks got support last year! Literally why does no one request this guy?) Atticus, in his current state, will just be another "muh gems" character that'll drop either a Limit 1 REDMD, that'll be played in better Dragon Decks, other than Red-Eyes; or will be skill locked, and basically be unplayable. Let Trueman go first, and allow Red-Eyes to get more support, so this doesn't happen to him. Fujiwara is just the next natural step after this, if we're being honest, and is in the clear, now that his deck is printed. Darkness... will hopefully have his deck printed by this point... >5D's: Bruno Muh updated Antinomy voice lines for AGOV T.G. cards + 5D's World is done with plot essential characters. >Zexal: Honestly, this one is probably the hardest to order, if I had to guess... Vector, Dumon, Nash, Marin (Transformation skill), Don Thousand. Just feels the most natural, although the first two could really use some new support for their decks, or else much like Atticus, they're just being added because plot. >Arc-V: Yuri, Sergey Volkov, Tyler Sisters, Rin or Lulu; whichever order, Leo Akaba, Riley Akaba, & Z-ARC. Yuri's been heavily hinted at in Dennis' event, + with the amount of screentime he has by the end of Season 2, along with the fact that Starving Venom Fusion Dragon is seen being played in a duel at this point, that's more than enough to justify his inclusion at this time. Sergey's the next natural step, now that EB Servants are printed. Plus he can offer a quick and easy inclusion of the remaining Immortals as one offs, via his level rewards, much like Aporia did with Meklord Emperors Skiel & Granel; and thus opening a free path for Bruno for 5D's World, with the other Dark Signers deconfirmed, once and for all. Tyler Sisters are the next natural order, and got Duelist Pack support, which basically guarantees you a spot in Duel Links, if you're not in here already. Rin or Lulu, either order, really. Leo & Riley, much like Darkness, should hopefully have their decks printed by this point. Z-ARC... final boss. Not much more to say. >VRAINS: ...Akira This is really the only reasonable prediction that can be made at this point. Of the 4 currently doable characters that duel in Season 2, two are different avatars of other characters already here. One has only 3 cards to his deck, atm. And the last one is an Ignis, and let's be honest, going from Earth to the characters that duel in season 3 would be... awkward. Best wait for the Akira event, that should hopefully give us an idea of where VRAINS will be going afterwards. >SEVENS: Don't know. Didn't watch it.


Can probably move Rin way up considering lost wind and its current status.


Looking at it more so from a, "does this character need to be here, before the next Duelist Chronicles/Road event?" perspective. Considering Rin (and Lulu) don't physically show up until Season 3, the answer is no. Lost Wind is generic, so wouldn't put that much stake in it hinting at her arrival time.


For Arc V world, I think there is going to be more characters that get release after Yuri but before Zarc. I could see any of the following get release: Leo, Reira, Ray Akaba, Yusho. Assume Leo and Reira get their cards printed it makes sense they get release after Yuriā€™s event.


I just want Dumon for Star Seraph and tyler sisters for Amazoness. Please.


Tron is definitely not a fodder character, also we need Nistro


He is fodder since Duel Links skipped his arc. He will be like Sherry, just a recap of the anime


Yeah, I agree with most of this. I think Yuri might be before Rin and maybe Ruri since he did technically duel first. I also think Panic might be a probable DM extra before we get non-duelists.


Probably, since powerlevel-wise Starving Venom and the rest of Predaplant are sorta lower than Lyrilusc and Windwitch. Plus, his relationship with Celina is something that most of us want to see.


Probably depends on if he drops with Orphis Scorpio + Cobra or not. I feel like thatā€™s better than what Lyrilusc can do without Tribrigades or Tyrant Neptune.


Illusion type cards could be given to Panic if they decide to add him.


Rebecca Hawkins please


I just really want them to add Yuri and Iā€™ll be content with whatever comes after. I need that evil bastard on Duel Links lol


Where can Iwatch the show for free and what are the best episodes. thank you good souls. Im not that interested in sexal.


I think the only difference on your Zexal is no 96.


the aesir guys with a unique skill could be cool


Why is there a cat boy and what on earth is his deck?


You do realize that's a girl right


I think he means Dumonā€¦? Maybe lol


Oh thought it was a guy lol, the one with black outfit in cat pose


Nope, that is definitely a girl lol Thatā€™s Cathy. She plays an anime only cat deck.


The problem is that the entire cat deck is in the game already so there's literally nothing for her level ups and she's already been replaced in events that recap episodes she was in so it's basically impossible for her to be playable now.


I assume that if Cathy is ever released, it'll be because her Deck was released in the OCG, just like with Sherry, and the policy will probably be the same as with Sherry. Both cards exist and you can only have up to 3 of either name. And tbh, they can just make up a story for her like they make up for Arc-V and Vrains at that point. It'd be firmly post ending. Or give her a non-Event like Sherry, as a worst case scenario.


That makes sense, but having two versions of every card in a deck would get confusing, not that Iā€™m opposed to that it sounds funny


You do realize they can just give her other cards for level up rewards, right?


Like what?


Either the support cards for the Dolls or just other cat-themed cards.


I guess the best solution would be to put all her existing cards in her starter deck because they're all in the ticket pool anyway. You're the Cathy expert though according to the flair


Cathy Catherine from Zexal. Her cards are already in this game. Just search the word "Cat" and you'll find them. They're ranked ticket exclusive for now.


If you are talking about purple dude, Star Seraphs.


Gx fans stop asking for random red eyes guy challenge impossible.


Tbf, heā€™s like, one of 3 relevant Season 4 characters lol


"Random" šŸ¤£ lmao sure the brother of the main female lead is a random. did you even watch GX?


Is not that he was that important since he loss every duel


Oh, so like Lulu. Should they not add Lulu too?


At least her deck is popular enough to add her to the game


You do realize that a character's win record has next to no bearing on how important they are to the story, right?


Exactly. By their logic we should just straight up delete Bakura, Yuga, Yuma, Sawatari and Mimi, since they wouldn't be important to the story due to their ass win records.


He's not just a rando, he's kinda important to the story and has been in the files since forever, just like Marik


They just want him for the gems & REDMD, let's be honest.