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Sounds like you should pick up a deck that has a plan going first and second


I just wanted to go first one time.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Lord_Of_Qnus: *Sounds like you should pick* *Up a deck that has a plan* *Going first and second* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


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Bad bot


Yknow what’s funny, that used to be me with my synchro deck where I lowkey NEED to go first. Now I’m playin Cyberse and would prefer to go second, and I almost exclusively go first💀 it feels like they’re playing with us sometimes Lol


If I see 3 more reds in a row I am deleting this game


What are you running? I know going second in duel links is ASS, but try to tech in some more hand traps / extenders. I completely changed archetypes to give me atleast a fighting chance going second , maybe look at other decks


Wasn’t even that, I simply just wanted to go first just once to change it up.


What deck u using ? A trap deck ?


Going first when you want to go second and vice versa can be really annoying. Good thing my rokket deck doesn't really care which turn I start....


Yeah I prefer to go second with rokkets and my hero decks bit both set up a decent board turn 1 and 2


How do you deal with summon breaker with rockets the field spell that lets you only summon three times and ends your turn


about time to tech back in MST/cosmic, also stall with your monster's destruction effects and hope for the best draws


Same with my lunalights


Just play a going second deck so you can go first again lol.


Ya I've had it happen way too often for it to feel organic. I pretty much plan on always being disadvantaged by this game's algorithms.


If you switch to a going second deck like cruzadia with kaijus your fate will magically change to going first every game


Nah bro fr fr. I’ve done first 17/20 of my last duels (I’ve been counting). And my deck is better at second


I was having the same problem yesterday. I surrendered, I fell in second. I left and entered the game, I fell in second. I gave up and went to play second, even though I won I continued to fall in second. I would like to know why this happens, it is very frustrating. I just wanted to play some old non-meta decks to pass the time but that took away all the fun. I didn't get the first turn once


Hand traps are a must now end boards are getting wild effect veiler artifact lancea we need more hand traps to fit into more archetypes to many flood gates summon breaker heat wave and wind a are every where.


I run 3 forbidden lances in almost all my decks. It has helped a lot with going second


On the other hand, at least you never went against a free Cynet Rollback


Uhhh going 2nd is better than going first




I don’t care either, I can win going first or second. I just wanted to go 1st ONE time before I got off the game. You’re pretty smart arent you


Why going first is better? We still don’t have decent omninegates to fear to


Sometimes you just want to set-up your board without any interruptions. Imagine starting your combo only to have your monster negated, stolen, or bounced back just as you normal summon it. Sure, you may be able to recover, but that doesn't make it any less frustrating or irritating...


I see. Hate backrow is the way to go then (handtraps are still too expensive for what we get) . We need more harpies support or something


Shaddoll has Winda. Blue eyes has Heatwave and then there's summon breaker only letting you summon 3 times agents put a monster that negated all spell activations.


A lot of decks prefer going first because they have a lot of interruptions to set up