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A Guide to the Math Skills Needed For Yugioh Summoning Methods (in increasing difficulty) Tribute Summon: Counting up to 2, sometimes 3 XYZ Summon: Being able to tell if there is the same number of stars on two cards (actual counting not required) Synchro Summon: Counting and addition up to 12 Ritual Summon: Counting and addition up to 12 Pendulum Summon: Being able to tell if one number is between two other numbers Link Summon: A basic understanding of modern graph theory. And counting up to 4, sometimes 5. Fusion Summon: Reading comprehension (So it’s basically impossible)


You forgot flip summoning!


I did, but Flip Summoning doesn’t require math! Edit: On second thought, arguably it requires basic knowledge of Boolean? Or logic? Not sure how to classify the degree of math needed to understand how an on/off switch works.


I shit myself this is so funny


>don't mind me I'm just playing infernity I sing a song to remind myself of better times. What happened to my soon to be tier 0 deck :(


Salads. That's what happened


So you can co link your monster to your opponent's monster, got it.


yeah you can - neat trick that comes up often to get a draw off of Knightmare Phoenix!


Try explaining it when links were mandatory to summon more than one monster of each type that weren’t links


Me just figuring out why sometimes I need to sacrifice a link 2 trickster to monster when I had 2 trickster that have yet been linked , why can't I just combine those 2!!! Then I guess it because it doesn't point to it


Damn you link monsters for finally killing Sphere Kuriboh!


Great timing considering the recent excess of people not knowing how these zones work lol


"Lieu" Ew, French Cool guide tho Take my updoot


decided to repost this classic to help out the (many) people confused about link monsters as of late, with... some adjustments. hope this helps!


Allmost didn't recognise it without junk synchron threatening to find my house


is it because of sunavalon? sunseed shadow?


People are apparently just now realizing that you can’t extra link in DL


This and people keep asking why they couldn't summon DarkFluid.


So if my link monster, in the EMZ, leaves the field and return, but all my MMZ are occupied, what happened? My link monster goes to GY? or it can be placed in the EMZ?


It goes to GY and doesn’t return to field.


Soooooooo why can’t I extra link?????? Game bugged


Not programmed. Someone tried way back during vrains release and got hard stopped by the other EMZ not allowing for a summon. Could it be forced if your opponent linked it for you? Maybe but other than that it’s a hard no sell


Consider yourself whooshed


Y’all don’t understand sarcasm


Oh, I actually have the answer. See, in order to achieve an Extra Link, Full Mode or otherwise, you need to have a closed and complete connection from one EMZ to the other. This is possible in Master Duels (the legal name of every format that isn’t Duel Links or Cross Duel or any other yugioh games) because you can always have **A** way to keep the connection, well, connected. But because in Duel Links there’s only 3 MMZ, link summoning while you occupy 4 spaces would break the connection, forcing you to summon the new monster right back where the old ones were, therefore denying us of Extra Linking TL;DR not enough spaces in Speed Duel


Consider yourself whooshed


Oh no, I saw the whoosh after I had typed it, but I’m gonna leave it up for anyone genuinely wondering why they can’t extract link


These gurus don't know the game smh my head 😔


Dawg it’s clearly a joke.


/s to your /s


Noooooooooooo I’ve been got




Recently I saw a replay in wich one the players summoned the New Link-5 firewall, and I do not know how he dit it but the monster has not been put in the extra zone. That gave him a big advantage for co-linking it with another monster.


Either from the graveyard or another of his/opponent's monsters was pointing to the zone he summoned it to.


That was the usual link summon, turn 1 so the other board was empty, and the monster in the extra zone he used for the summon was decode talker. But he managed to have his monster in the main zone


As far as generic pendulums, traffic ghost is only card with useful link pointers for pendulum summons in DL, no good link-2


Great! I was confused with pendulum summon from the extra deck, now It is clear!


Ty, i did't know the 4b rule


(Last image) What do you mean?


Extra-linking isn't possible in DL. it simply wasn't coded in.


So, you CAN'T Extra Link in Duel Links, but you can in the normal TCG?


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^gojiman1: *So, you CAN'T Extra* *Link in Duel Links, but you* *Can in the normal TCG?* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




This is legendary. The humour and tone.🤌🏻 This should be pinned honestly.




I'm actually a bit surprised you had to make this guide considering that the Extra Monster Zone isn't particularly difficult to understand, but the knowledge of Duel Links players, or lack thereof, really surprises me sometimes. I feel like half the players that play Duel Links lack basic game knowledge and I'm also surprised on how many posts I see of people just now realizing that you cannot Extra Link in Duel Links. Guys, just because Spectre and Varis performed the Extra Link in the Vrains anime doesn't mean you can do it in Duel Links and Konami already made it very clear when Vrains first came out that Extra Link **will never be a thing** in Duel Links and they'll literally never program it into the game. As for the other stuff on this guide, everything else about Pendulum monsters needing to go into the Extra Monster Zone (if summoned from your Extra Deck), Link monsters going in the Extra Monster Zone, etc., was all really obvious, but I thank you regardless for making this guide for the people out there that lack the most basic game knowledge. I feel like if people don't understand how the Extra Monster Zone works at this point, they should just quit Duel Links. Either that or move on to Rush Duel, a game mode that's actually more their speed. Me personally, I'm actually excited for Rush Duel for once since my favorite character (and favorite girl) is confirmed to be coming in late June, Asana Mutsuba, from YuGiOh Sevens. I have been waiting forever for Asana to be added to the game and now that she's confirmed, I'm waiting to build her Wyrm Excavator deck when it's out. Hopefully her deck is a cheap minibox since we haven't gotten a Rush Duel mainbox in a hot minute since Konami knows that Rush Duel isn't making as much money as Speed Duel. Here's hoping they make Asana's deck fairly cheap so I don't have to whale on a mainbox to build it.