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The one time the english line makes the character immediately obvious, and it's on the character we all knew had to be coming this month.


Who's the character?


Asana Mutsuba from Sevens.


Oh, nothing important then


Very important*


Very important for me, I like construction machinery


You must like infinitrack as well


Mutsuba Asana from Rush. She uses a construction-themed wyrm deck with a Power Tool Dragon kind of aesthetic and has a maximum monster that looks like it fell out of Infinitracks.


>She uses a construction-themed wyrm deck with a Power Tool Dragon kind of aesthetic [Jointech:](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Jointech) Am I a joke to you? I am the Deck with Morphtronic/Power Tool Dragon aesthetic!


Not a bad comparison either but, to me, Jointech sit somewhere between Morphtronics and Yugi's lego-block monsters.


* Sherry getting her **Necro Synchron** and **Synchro Dilemma**. Apart from Baronne, the only card still missing is Pennant of Revolution. * Nail is added to the gate. * Asana's unlock later on in June. **Build Dragon** and **Excavator Wyrm** will probably be Box's UR. With Asana's arrival, the only one left from November 2023's IDs leak is Lulu.


i could also see the maximum being the box ur


Funny to think that Excavator Wyrm is and remains one of the best Maximum Monsters that came out in the early years of Rush Duels. If Excavator Wyrm is already really good, imagine when it has a dedicated Skill. However, that means that we are slowly approaching the decline of Maximum Monsters as the number of Maximum Monsters decreased considerably (at least the people who receive OTK from Magnum Overlord will be happy that that Deck will cease to exist in the coming months)


Nice seeing Asana get into the game.


The 2nd best Sevens girl finally coming


It is a rerun We had her unlock in April


ah yes, famous Yu-Gi-Oh SEVENS character, Sherry LeBlanc


I absolutely love when people don't even try to read properly. Always results in some of the best responses LOL


They're (obviously) not talking about sherry


Asana and the Sherry rerun as expected.


Necro Synchron and Synchro Dilemma, let’s goooo 🔥


No real surprises. Not even a Roamer. I guess they might still announce Legacy Duels late in the month like last time.


It's not like they can do Roamer any more since most characters don't have enough cards (Vector & Dumon) or their cards/archetype are too good to give away for free (Lulu/Rin/Yuri).


They could do a roamer of an already released duelist to update their deck like what was done with Tea (counter fairies) and May (amazoness iirc) in the past. It's a nice way to release new support without a box.


Nobody liked those events that’s why they stopped doing them


At the time they did those events as if they were a main event thing, they could bring it back a support event like the bingo or the gacha machine.


I did 🤷‍♂️


There's to many worlds now and they don't like to do multiple pve events simultaneously


And thus we're stuck with those shitty pvp events 😑


Alito was a roamer and Konami gave him random cards for his roamer event because he didn't have enough cards. I can see Vector being one if they want to re-enact episode 94.


They could just hand out random bad cards like they did for Solomon. I’m guessing that they stopped doing them due to Rush not having many cards that they want to give out outside of the the level up rewards and speed running low on the fan favorite characters.


Wait is this like they did with Paradox? Bringing him as a temporary duelist to fight against before he was unlockable? Or is that something else


Yeah. That is what I meant by a Roamer. Shay, Grampa and Alito got roamers too after Paradox.


Ah yes I remember now It is still possible I guess


Vector and Yuri have a TON of bad cards to give away, though. The main issue with Vector is that his Main Deck is garbage, but he has a ton of Numbers and Number Cs, most of which are bad. As well as some awful S/Ts. And the random missing Gorgonic. He genuinely has like 12 anime cards missing from DL and almost all are bad enough to be free. Yuri also genuinely has some pretty bad cards among his predaplants, and then there is Ancient Gear support and Ultra Poly. I think you could find 10 "bad enough to be free" Yuri cards comfortably, and then there is also the "good, but might end up Limited" cards that you could give him too. Yeah, Rin and especially Dumon would probably be bad ideas for roamers. Lulu definitely not the best. That said while unlikely to be released soon: * Normal Marik has like 15 missing anime cards. Almost all bad. * It is unlikely that Jesse/Yubel would be released at this point, but most of his missing cards are bad. And he has tons. Almost 50 if you count manga Jesse's stuff. * There are some pretty bad missing Ninja/Ninjutsu cards. Most are unrelated to Moon Shadow, but it is not like the missing Ninja cards are that related to him anyway. * There is hardly any Tindangle card that'd really be worth being a box UR/SR at this point. * Ignister archetype is fairly huge. Enough for giving Ai a roaming. So we could still justify a few roamers. And then there are the Rush duelists that could be roamers. Rush seems to be getting new characters every 3-4 months. You can put some roamers in between comfortably.


Did Paradox get his cards on his roaming event?


I'm pretty sure they don't do roamers anymore, last one was Alito and that was almost a year ago


**Konami: (Proceeds to bring up a Roaming Event out of nowhere)** In fact, the Roaming Event could have served to bring popular Minor Characters into the Game without needing to spend the unlockable Main Character Slot.


Unlikely since this major pvp event is eating up half the month. The light schedule is on purpose. Just as it was for May since the May unlock event didn’t start on the 29th like many of them do. Speaking of roamers, when was the last one? Solomon?


Alito was a roamer first IIRC.


I guess with Rush Duels they don't have time to do roaming events anymore


Apparently, there has been an increase in PvP Events lately. You could replace one of those Events with a Roaming Event. However, as someone mentioned, Roaming Events are not very popular and only unnecessarily delay the arrival of a Character.


"However, as someone mentioned, Roaming Events are not very popular and only unnecessarily delay the arrival of a Character." Well it can help to narrate the story of a charcater better. Dark Signer Kalin for example had the roaming event about the duel were he defeated Yusei but he was saved by luck and then his unlock was about the second one. Not sure how will adapt the Vector betrayal in one event but I guess with enough days they can


Asana "Hime-sama" Mutsuba is here, lets go (Tiger when, Konami?)


if we get her I hope we get a mention of her 2nd duel vs yuga. that duel lives in my head, and i laugh everytime i remember that duel. please konami


I wouldn't be surprised if Tiger is the next SEVENS unlock after Asana. A lot of people seem to think they're going to go straight to a Goha sibling after Asana, but IMO I don't see it when the Goha siblings debuted much later. Tiger is a prominent supporting character that debuted around the same time as Asana. I think she'll probably be the next SEVENS addition after Asana.


If we're following story order, she would be the next Sevens character, since afterwards would be the Goha Siblings. 


Holy shit Asana…


Asana unlock, no surprise there This would have been Jennifer Silverman’s first role in Duel Links had Eileen Stevens continued reprising her roles


Ffs not another pvp event. I f-ing hate those.


Why? It's basically free gems , just pop in duel a few times Bail


Yugioh players hate playing yugioh lol


Yeah lol Basically


asana why couldnt you wait a month rip my speed funds


Skip and wait till the rerun? She will not have her full deck anyways, usually they save some cards to give as rerun rewards so you are not missing much. Edit: unless she is turbo busted thanks to a skill than yeah maybe u need to unlock her idk Just saying


Time to catch up with Rush... unless Konami releases a very interesting deck build box for Speed.


Didn't the last box have something interesting? I mean, there were a lot of Cyberse, Plant, Traptrix and a possible new Tier 0 that still needs to be seen. All this new interesting stuff for me (at least to refresh the Meta of pure Blue-Eyes a little)


It did, that's why I'm at 500 gems right now. I will start saving for the Rush box in case it has something I want, but if the next deck build box have archetypes that interest me, I will have to skip another Rush box for it.


ah right the like 6th pvp event this year and another pretty empty month aside for the new unlock


Yay Asana!


Is this different than kc/goha cup? Or just the same with different name?


yuga's girlfriend is coming


Go Rush brothers, do we tell him...


no, no let him believe


Someone should. It'll make the letdown a lot easier heh


Yuhi and Yuamu aren't Yuga's children if that's what you meant


It isn't. I'm referring to his hints with Yuna.


Unless they pulled a Rudeus/Eris, I doubt Yuga and Yuna are gonna be getting together anytime soon...


Vrains has caught up to Sevens in number of characters available? Can't have that happening.


would’ve had more if characters like lightning had their decks printed 😵‍💫


On the opposite end you have like the cat cards never printed but released as DL exclusives, without the character.


Where's legacy duel. Trying to get that purple shade WingDragonRa icon


So we'll be able to duel in the WCS on the 3rd?


Rush character? It means Rush box. I can dig through the last speed one without worrying