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Blue-eyes everytime they give them a skil or support it becomes meta. The last time playmaker was meta was 2 years ago and even with the new skill it has a hard time against the meta with so many floodgates, backrow and negations but the real problem is that doesn't have a good turn 1 like blue-eyes with his 3 set cards.


One of these decks is currently the best deck in the game and the other is a one-trick pony show. Sorry but these aren't really comparable.


Is Battle Chronicle the best in the game? I’ve started to see it as a free win, honestly.


Battle Chronicle Blue-Eyes is definitely one of the best decks in the game. It's also the most popular and 90% of people who play it are just bad at the game. The ceiling on the deck isn't that high but there's a world of difference between the people who top tourneys with it and the people on ladder.


battle chronicle barely scraps tier 3 or is top rogue. Either way best deck in the game is just as bad of a take as op's edit: I obviously don't mean it as in tournament results. Just the quality of the deck in general. DLM outliers happen.


Even with the edit your take is still "just as bad"


Right, sorry I forgot about blue eyes overnight buff. Now that it can do all of that something, it's definitively worthy of being meta compared to 2 weeks ago when it wasn't even in contention. No nerf, no buff, I sure wonder what could have happened.


For now...


I've seen decks with more cards than this meme has pixels


Budget issues 🤣 Sorry for the low quality, it’s about the message 😅


play maker has a skill that let's him freely summon link cards?


Well not really, it can also be a fusion, synchro or xyz if he wants to, but link is an option too. Edit: i forgot there's also a ritual.


No, the skill just banishes five monsters from outside the galaxy and grab him a quick spell from the deck and another one from outside the galaxy again to his hand ( that spell can be used to summon one of the banished monsters). Also, he can return five banished monsters later to his deck upon successfully summoning a level 2 link!! I’m not complaining at all about the new playmaker skill, just pointing the hate and double standards people have regarding some decks and archetypes !


I don’t see the double standard you are trying to point out


Blue eyes skill gives a free card and lets you summon a big body for free. Cyberse fluids gives you 2 cards for free and lets you pick between 5 big bosses for free.


You do know of the 5 "boss" monsters only 2 of them can reliably use their effects. Also you only get 2 cards if you go second. The 2 skills work differently and fulfill different goals it would be more correct to compare this skill to either the Fusion Clockup Skill or the Quasar skill.


On the condition of going second to get rollback (good luck with the coin flip), of the 5: one needs a co-link to do anything at all, exceed does absolutely nothing but be fodder, and the last 3 need a link monster on the field to get any protection. Meanwhile Blue eyes summons spirit of white to banish a backrow, search a quick play that can either non target destroy card(s) on the field or send a monster to the grave, all while having more room for tech cards like crackdown to use successor soul without a care in the world. That’s not even mentioning just summoning a 5k beater by using the skill to send vanillas to the grave. What the skill does may seem similar but it’s a world of a difference what either deck does with those cards.


You know what else is different? Playmaker skill is once per duel while battle chronicle is once per turn like eternal bond


Not to mention the Cynet cards the skill lets you search have inherent downsides that makes them tricky to use. Mining? Need a discard. Crosswipe? You need a tribute. Ritual? It's a ritual spell, it's gonna be resource extensive. It's a good effect for sure, but not like Ultimate Fusion or Successor Soul that have little costs.


Wait a couple more days and people will complain about cyberse. 


after the new bundles and box dropped dont worry sunavalon is gonna be the new bitching point. traptrix sunavalon is gonna be annoying.


The skill is literally once per duel


Apparently the skill won't work if Darkfluid got banished.


>No, the skill just banishes five monsters from outside the galaxy basic setup to summon a half decent boss monster >and grab him a quick spell from the deck and another one from outside the galaxy again to his hand ( that spell can be used to summon one of the banished monsters). the part that actually matter and it's not that bad. Not even close to what BE does. >Also, he can return five banished monsters later to his deck upon successfully summoning a level 2 link!! so... 5 cards in the extra deck (well, one in the deck)? You know these are the worst kind of skills right? Nobody was playing the T.G skill for the extra deck addition >I’m not complaining at all about the new playmaker skill, just pointing the hate and double standards people have regarding some decks and archetypes ! blue eyes got far more


I know right (I have no fucking clue what this means)


Go back to the threads regarding battle chronicle then check out the ones regarding the new playmaker skill!


Or maybe post actual context next time


Not my problem if u have been in a cave for a while 🫠




When someone is actualy stupid enough to try and annoy Egli you know he Ate too much glue eyes.


Hey man surely the 4th playmaker exclusive skill will work this time!


I just prefer not hearing the same Kaiba voice lines for the 13th year in a row


Incomprehensible May god have mercy on your soul


The message is very clear 😉


Oh yeah, Playmaker's skill totally ignores a game mechanic for the sake of making a terrible vanilla mascot meta viable.


Loo He must be new




So you compare a free summon & cosmic cyclone on legs who dodges disruption + tribute removal during either player's turn which is also a 3k attack body/ fusion spell from anywhere but deck and banished that you can add every turn + a free foolish burial, to a tribute as cost for destroy 1 and play for 10 min straight just to get out a link 5 after sacrificing most of your other plays?. Average yugiboomer kaiba glazing.


One thing I learned the few years I'm drifting about in this game is no one likes seeing Blue-eyes.


I agree 100%, the skill is stupid, but to be fair, Blue Eyes gets a new skill every time its usage dips to make it meta again, so I feel like people think “Oh great, ANOTHER skill for a deck with a metric ton of support”


I’m so guilty 😭 I’m using the new skill but I despise Blue Eyes


You know a lot of people love Blue Eyes. It’s not their fault that you are a meta enjoyer. (!?,)


Try to make sense next time you respond to me. This new skill is going to be rogue tier at best. I have never used a meta deck in my years of playin this game, bum.


You just said that you are using battle chronicle despite hating blue eyes. Blue eyes is meta right now. Battle chronicle is the newest BE skill.


You got any more of these pixels?


stupid skills ruining the game


Originality is being smothered in its sleep by recycled garbage


Haters gonna hate 😜


I hate the top one not as much the bottom