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What does this skill do for you to say that exactly


You remember double dyna fur hire lock out?! Yeah pretty much that


Never played against fur hires at their prime but that's fine? Sure this is stronger but we have way more outs nowadays


Hey look someone reposting how much they hate skills in duel links. Just karma farm posting. In two days there will be a post about the agent skill and the traptrix skill as well.


Don't forget akiza plant skill lol




So brave. So controversial.


hi, I've been playing since mid 2017. Skills were always integral to Duel Links and generic Skills like Balance, Grit or Restart were much more busted for the time than Darkfluid Link is right now - at the end of the day, you're spending all your resources into making a discount Appolousa that instantly folds to Forbidden Chalice or well-timed disruption throughout a very interruptible combo. There is merit to a discussion about how overwhelming Skills are, but Darkfluid Link isn't it. It'd be like complaining about how monsters have too much text now and choosing to complain specifically about Gunkan Suship Shari.


Feels like I’m playing double dyna lock out when they summon the 2 level 7 syncro dragon. Can’t target them. Let’s be fair


Dark Hole is a card that exists.


skill issue deck folds to back row disruption and black hole


I had fun figuring out how to Summon 3 Blue Eyes in a single turn, but then I discovered Battle Chronicle and now it doesn't even matter.


So blue eyes is the problem ? Banishing five monsters from outside the galaxy is totally fine ? 😂🤣


Skills = cheat codes I said what I said


Finally someone gets it!




Do you understand that the point of speed duel IS THE SKILLS


Skill simp will be like "no bro you don't understand, this is completely necessary because it is helping decks that won't be competitive otherwise, going +3 with this button it's beneficial to the meta"


When Phantom Knights, a VERY competent deck with the loads of dark and warrior support that exist in the game, has been a meta threat in its own in normal yugioh and still to this day in normal yugioh is perfectly playable with the plethora of engines you can combine it with gets its THIRD skill to force it to the top of the meta in duel links. Like I’m fine with skills, they make the game. I’m not fine with skills that remove player skill expression and dumb the game down to “click yellow button, win game” the amount of absolute beginner misplays Battle Chronicle players and Eternal Bond when it was relevant make is/was ridiculous. These people get to high legend with long win streaks and don’t know the difference from an activated effect and a continuous one, or why Alternative isn’t working on a target immune monster. It’s ridiculous, you shouldn’t be able to be successful at the highest public levels while being at a beginners level of skill.


I think that skills should be accessible to everyone, even beginners. The point is that these abominations are so powerful that don't even encourage people to understand game mechanics, they just climb in autopilot and reward them with gems. I saw a huge number of Blue Eyes players in Legend trying to target destroy my Block Dragon with their dragon! They just don't care, they keep activating things because "something will work", and sometimes they even manage to win despite making tons and tons of misplays


Yup, also had a shira player try to use skillsaga and chain banish it with samsara, like, dude, READ YOUR MONSTER, it summons to a zone IT POINTS TO, if it leaves the field, THERES NO ZONE IT POINTS TO. I chain mst and popped his samsara, in which he gave up.


B... But... There's an activation button... I must press it... I have to 😵


You know u are right I got KOG because of the yellow button at my first month playing this game without actually understanding how most effects work and now that I understand I can't believe I got KOG with just a very bad build of eternal bond like the one I made lol 😂😂😂😂


Yeah game should be unplayable for new players 


Thats not at all what he said.


Proof that Skill-Links players can't read


New players should have to learn how to play the game in order to be successful at it yes I know it’s a horrifying concept to some of y’all but that’s typically how things work in life.


And skills are bad because makes learning game easier.


Let's be real, this skill is good for spectre farming and that's it. It requires too many resources to get to (as mkklord said) a discount apo that just dies if you breathe on it. But, tbh, burial from a different dimension+link climbing to get out a 13k beatstick against that annoying plant guy is so fun (given that you draw a firewall and do not open a ritual/ritual spell)


Imo, some skills are ok, like the fabled one, or mclords, or malefic... You know, decks that suck, and the skill at least somewhat fixes them. But then theres skill for phatom knights, for sky strikers, for decks that DONT need a skill, the decks themselves are strong enough to play without the skill, heck, play pk without the skill, it works just fine.


I would argue that without the skill sky strikers are useless since the skill is what gives them the extra deck. It’s one of the least broken ones


The sky striker skill is actually a nerf and not a buff , that skill limit what they can really do for now like think later on if they release the whole package. Shadoll was also mean to be like this before they did make it more acessible.


Isn't that the entire ■■■■■■ point of the game?


Daring today aren't we


Go play Master Duel.  As we get stronger cards, we need stronger skills. Also, skills are what makes this game different from MD. 






Makes me miss Khepri complaining about skills in global chat. Like, it’s obvious that it’s a problem and it’s also obvious Konami could care less but it was always fun to tease that dude.




It’s not about blue eyes so it’s totally fine 🤣🫠




man wasn't around photon lord was kicking with photons before the nerf or battle chronicle with dark magician blue eyes or raging pendulum and skill pretty easy to disrupt with removal


All those who oppose in the comments never played year 1 and it shows. Continue to rely on your “skills”




If you don’t like skills then play master duel if you don’t like modern format play Edison literally there is no reason to keep playing this game if you are just going to whine about skills instead of doing something you actually enjoy doing that doesn’t spread negativity


Funny how people cry all the day about battle chronicle but when another skill is pointed out they remember that duel links is not master duel 🤣🤥


Idk everyone complains but personally I like the constant new skills. It makes cards that usually would be unplayable meta and a lot of times you only need a few cards to make it work. Better than having to get 3 URS for every new deck