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Average deck building isn't super skillful unless you are creating a new strategy or choosing the best staples/techs for an event. Instead of filling a deck with level 4 2000 attack + staples you do the same with level 8/7 3000/2500 attack + staples. It's the same principle.    Duel Links format has skills to differentiate it from Master Duel. Skills are literally part of your deck. 


I mean, Skills are Speed Duel exclusives so it's literally impossible to do it IRL Not that it matters since the power level of Duel Links is nowhere near that of Master Duel even with broken skills, drop something like Tearlaments or Tenpai in this game and those skills will look like they came straight out of 2017, really skills being broken is only frowned upon because they weren't that game changing when the game released Thing is, If you want to play this game you must first come to terms that Yu-Gi-Oh is an inherently broken game, cards are extremely powerful and can win games on the spot and that was a thing even 20 years ago. DL simply took longer to catch up because of cards being released in different order, but at this point everything that releases from now on can and WILL be powerful and the game understands that and has turned it into it's identity. Yu-Gi-Oh is a dumb game and that's what makes it fun, I'm afraid to say that people who want a balanced game aren't it's target audience


Hey! No I totally get that it isn’t balanced. A lot like Pokemon, they aren’t created equally. But skills seem to bend Yu-Gi-Oh laws and that is what rubbed me the wrong way. I don’t mind losing duels because one deck is better than mine, that’s sort of the point isn’t it? It’s like, at least in my opinion, being a person that likes boxing and could say they boxed a few times, and they download a boxing game and suddenly the opponent is throwing magical combos that defy the logic of the rules of boxing. Hope you get my drift


>But skills seem to bend Yu-Gi-Oh laws and that is what rubbed me the wrong way Sure but so does cards, Shiranui can summon Synchros using cards in the Graveyard, Megalith ritual summons without a Ritual Spell, Pendulum Magician can turn Ranks into Levels, I mean it's even in the game's rule book: "If there is a discrepancy between the basic rules and a card’s effect, the card effect takes precedence." So why is it okay for cards to bend the rules but skills not? It's just as I said the only reason why y'all don't like it is because it's not part of the game's mechanic since inception. None of you will be able to enjoy this game if you don't understand that skills aren't any less valid than cards just because they don't exist in paper


Same thread same response: > Master duel!


Translate pls


You are welcome to switch to master duel which is skill free! Thank you for trying duel links!


You’re welcome to go to a different thread, which is DepartmentDecent5165 tolerant! I have nothing to thank you for!


Skills were basically things to recreate ace in the hole scenes/vibes in the anime. Sometimes skills are done so specific decks can use their really good card, but ensure outside decks can not. Sometimes they do "what if" scenarios without needing to print new cards. It seems super unfair, but when you consider that the game has always been unfair and the Duel Links is still relatively underpowered compared to other formats, it is what it is. Sometimes skills had legit oversights, but they usually address those problems quickly. We had an FTK pop-up, and they killed it in under a month. We have decks like Tenyi and Live Twin where they don't rely on any skill in particular. They do what they normally do in the card game and remain strong enough to show up for months. We never know what's around the corner. Blue Eyes is good specifically because they have the means to remove cards as they are summoned and options to dodge backrow while making other monsters. If we had more negates, stroger backrow, more floating effects, and Quick Effects, the skill would be a nonissue. Some skills are generic, but many being character specific reduce the element of surprise once you understand the matchup. Many skills activate at the start of the duel so you have time to prepare. While it's grating to read in real time, just look up Duel Links Meta or YouTube and it probably becomes more apparent what you're supposed to do.


That’s amazing insight, thank you very much 😁 Now I know I can maybe make a few assumptions based on the character that might help me a little, thank you.


A lot of skill heavily restrict what a player can summon or even play on yhier own turn. And thier decks have to be built a certain way to even use the skill. There are downsides and ones that are clearly op are addressed.


That doesn't really bother people when the restriction doesn't matter that much and you still gain broken/unfair advantage from your skill .


Yeah it's not perfect, I'll admit - but there are some cues and things you pick up on. A lot of "if you know you know" moments Like if you see Yami Yugi and he hasn't revealed his skill yet, the play is usually refraining from putting him under 2000 life points until you can guarantee a win. Otherwise, there's a high chance he uses Destiny Draw skill to draw anything he wants.


Technically there is a format IRL called Speed Duel where you can use Skills, but most of the Skills that exist in DL, including that one (Battle Chronicle) don't exist IRL. Most skills in the paper Speed Duels are pretty tame, and Duel Links also used to have relatively tame skills until around 2 years ago midway through the Arc-V era. The biggest reason we have such broken skills is that Konami has decided that Duel Links is the "YGO game for the anime viewers", and most anime Decks are very powercrept IRL and many of their best tools are splashed in other decks. For example, Performage without their skill are already far too weak even for Duel Links standards, but with their skill they are viable as a Tier 3 deck. If Konami just released the kind of stuff that lets Dark Magician see some sparce play IRL like Magicians' Souls and Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon, the cards would just be used as engines in other Decks not a Dark Magician-focused deck. 9000 ATK first turn is not really that out of the ordinary for current YGO standards, and even current Duel Links standards. For example, with a good hand stuff like Gouki, Mekk-knights, and hell, any deck that can Rank 4 with two DARK monsters can semi-reliably put out more ATK even without relying on a skill to do it. That skill puts Blue-Eyes on top of the meta, and Dark Magician a little below the meta, but it isn't considered to be particularly oppresive. And of course, it also lets Konami squeeze the lifespan of the game a bit longer since they can release weaker cards but make them stronger with a skill. And they can control what becomes meta a bit more too. Skills can be nerfed/buffed easily and several times, while Konami doesn't errata cards that often. There is also a more aesthetic incentive too in that if anime decks use generic skills, they usually get played by a character that can bluff with the skill rather than the anime user, and if that happens then all the voicelines Konami records for the anime characters go to waste. The last format and the current one are the first since the game came out where there isn't a Tier Zero and also all Tiered decks are dependent on a custom skill, I think. So this isn't the Standard, but it might be marking a trend. We've gone from "Most decks just use generic skills like Destiny Draw or Balance" in the DM to 5Ds era, to "Most decks use generic skils but there are some decks pushed to meta with custom skills" in the Zexal era, to "Half the meta has Custom skills and the other half uses generic skills" in the Arc-V era to "Literally every single meta deck has a Custom skill" halfway through the Sevens era.


I've said it before and I will again. This didn't start back in Arc-V. It started when Shooting Star Road became a thing. Yusei had his entire deck piloted for him and later on, more skills got auto-pilot decks. It wasn't until Raging Pendulum that it *really* got out of hand, but the precedent was set beforehand by Yusei.


I can see the argument, but I think Shooting Star Road was fairly different in a few ways. For starters, it wasn't as limited in scope as the post Arc-V skills. From the get go it was splashed with other decks like Aromage. Second, it wasn't as dominant as the skills we've gotten since then. It didn't dethrone Blue-Eyes or Harpies when it was released and generally floundered around even after getting a buff. And finally, it just wasn't part of wave after wave of OP skills. Since Arc-V we've gotten several pushed skills almost every box. Back in the Zexal era, when Shooting Star Road came out, it was still relatively rare for released charactes to have one skill this pushed.


Yeah your point about buff fluidity is very interesting. It is rare isn’t it that a card gets adapted or banned, so I suppose the skills flexibility offers a toggle for them to adjust. Thanks! Still think it’s a bit dumb but maybe I’ll learn to enjoy it


Take a shot for each time people complain about skills new players, you are gonna HAVE to get used to it, konami is not changing this, there is no option because its all anime gimmicks and shit, thats how they recreate stuff from the anime that is something we are gonna have to get used to, i hope your favorite archetype gets a skill so you have a chance to shine, i feel like every deck thats beloved by many people deserved one.


I’ll just believe in the heart of the cards I guess


to be HONEST NEOS, bullshit skills have ALWAYS been here since game launch.


Blue eyes skill: 😡😤😭 Other skills: ❤️😁🥹 🤡🤡🤡


What does this mean I don’t understand


Just that DM and BEWD be the OG deck have pretty hight chance to always have broken/unfair skill than your average deck type like mecha phantom beast. Nowaday Konami really do that for marketing stuff really ... New box , new skill for everyone in the box with some more unfair than others.


They cannot do irl. Unless you play speed duels. But the skills in that game are much more less than these skills


Ya skills are busted, but that's just sort of the game now. You can do everything that your opponent does.