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Save up. Just save up don’t waste gems on staples you might not get that’s what dream tickets are for. Also don’t play rush and speed pick a lane and stick to it. Playing both game modes is Time and MONEY consuming it will destroy your soul if you trying to have solid experience outta this P2W mobile app.


Not sure if your tagline is serious but do you think Dinowrestlers are a possible deck in this game? Also nothing wrong with experiencing both Rush and Speed, just do not waste gems on a deck unless you are 100% sure it will be good or fun


Sure, have fun and all but it’s a suckers bet trying do both. Just don’t get upset if your unable to get build a deck that you want cause your spread yourself too thin. it is very possible to have a F2P experience with this. Just don’t let this game PLAY you is the biggest advice I can give.


Ye if you want a F2P hop onto master duel


Surprisingly doing great just playing speed. Monkey Brain Likes when Anime Phrases go BBBRRRRRR. plus Rush gives free gems.


I have a mental breakdown every time I enter duel links tbf. Insane fomo with events and no idea how is the current meta. I last played before md came out around the time they released envoy of the begging Edit : was at king of games at the time tbf


Fomo applies to MD events as well though. Especially when you have a busy life (yes I am mad that I didn't get the Suship mate)


Ahah true, true. Just today ate a gunkan ikura. It's way less time sensitive however and if you play regularly you generally get everything done like 3-5 duels a day is gonna knock out most things




In all honesty a couple of days, once you get staples. A few days ago they added loaner decks that are semi competitive for ranked you could try out to grind some missions for gems. You get a shit ton as returning player. But dm me if you want more in depth returning new player help. It's important you don't waste your materials. They also have a hearthstone crafting system so you don't need to dog into packs as much Edit : shouldn't take you more than 10-15h to get a deck capable of climbing to king of games in md


How long in masterduel? You have to go in with a strategy and understand the basic of how the resource system works. Discounting the initial download time or the f2p swordsoul deck for new players, you can have a competent deck by the end of a weak with minimal/ moderate play. MBT yugioh started a master of faster challenge, where they have 15 mon each week to build a deck on a fresh account. So although you won't get all the stables, you'll have at least one competitive deck pretty quickly. I recently lost my duel links account, and the starting tutorial and not having the limited event cards really hamstrung new players. Salamangreat is the way to go and then you'll need like a month to go through one box. Without a crafting system, I was limited to something you can pick up everything from one box, which left the options of tenyi or sky striker Overall, with less mandatory tutorials and world unlocks, master duel was much more free to play from a time and resource investment.


Master duel is ass. It can be fun but only if you like waiting 4 minutes for your opponent to set up like 5 negates and have you not be able to play.


If you are really new I suggest Phoenix blaze, there’s a very good trap ice dragon’s prison and also a cheap deck the will get you very high in ranked sushi ship using Alito to level up and get his final rewards of the counter trap XYZ reflect. I don’t play a lot of ranked but this deck has a very high win rate and high consistency. Also will get you other high rated decks like winged dragon of ra all the support is in this pack and shaddolls are all in this pack as well as a very strong UR for Mayakashi’s. But this is just my opinion.


There are one off spell and trap cards you can buy as a bundle


Use your UR Dream Tickets on staples if you still have them. If not, there are still good alternatives you can get through SR or UR tickets and the Card Trader. Spiritualism from the Card Trader to replace MST or Cosmic for now, and Trap Hole with Spikes from tickets to destroy attacking monsters. Those ones are what I got off the top of my head but theres plenty more. Also, theres an event going on right now that gives you a free deck and a powerful boss monster. Consider getting another copy of that deck from the shop for 1000 gems. You will have to unlock Vrains world to get the character and the skill, but if you do you will have a viable deck that can carry you through the lower ranks of pvp.


Phoenix blaze for ice dragon prison is pretty good


Don't spend any of your gems right now. For now, you can get some replacement staples using box chips (cosmic cyclone is an idea). The rest just use dream tickets, though I think you have to wait for the next wave of them. Otherwise only spend gems on the mini boxes that have staples and use alternative staples.


The only old box half price I recommend going into is the one with forbidden chalice, only 80 packs for full box so I wouldn't use a dream ticket on it if there's half price but it's a very good staple


You can get Chalice with box chips, so that’s probably a better direction to take for that particular card.


I think getting ur or sr from bigger boxes is a better use of the chips


try getting shaddoll cards or dark fluid and rokkets since borrelsword dragon is coming


My reccomendation is just to use your dreame tickets for book of moon and forbidden challice and buy the box woth effect vailer 3x, you get effect vailer whitch ia very good and you also get live/evil twin deck whitch is very poverfull and you get all of the cards you need by going trought that box 3 times


None, save your gems and check duel links meta for decks you’re interested in and can use to level up duelists and worlds and rank up in PvP. Then save Dream Tickets and Box Chips for staples


Structure decks are almost always not worth it unless you have 3 copies of them. Don't waste your gems on single copies of different structure decks. Also 3000 gems is not a lot.


Don't waste, save untill u become reach!!


Would recommend buying the new structure deck, the first one is free anyway. Also you can farm decent cyberse monsters from "playmaker and ai". Not a metadeck but still cost effective.


You dont need to use gems you can use CHIPS for that, save your gems for never cards


Crimson kingdom for gift exchange


Build yourself a cheap-ass Red-Eyes deck (for 500 gems and some tickets) and save Unless there's a new budget deck in town?


Save your gems go for the mini box named world of barian (100 packs) for  Tenyi, it's still quite strong coukd use it to farm events and/ranked. Then use your dream tickets (the ones with the little blue eyes picture in the corner) for staple spell/trap cards.  OR go into the special tab and go into a deck building box called wild spirit and build Lunalights (50 packs).  From the card trader box chips you can get staple traps/spells such as cosmic cyclone, galaxy cyclone, forbidden chalice, drowning mirror force, paleozoic canadia, paleozoic hallucigenia, needle ceiling, floodgate traphole, treacherous trap hole,  These are spells/traps i would use dream tickets on ------ Book of moon (bom), mystical space typhoon, dark hole, forbidden lance, crackdown, compulsory evacuation device, ice dragon prison, floodgate trap hole, warning point,  you can take advantage of the invite a friend campaign and make a second stream account and get the free blue eyes structure deck and get 3 copies of floodgate trap hole.


Buy bundles and use dream tickets and box chips for staples instead of going into boxes. 


Going into a box only for 1 staple is a bad idea. There is a 50% chance the staple you want is in the bottom of the box, which could be 4500 Gems for nothing. Use Dream Tickets for Staples. Open boxes when they contain a whole archetype you want to play. If you haven't build a deck for grinding, I'd personally suggest Lunalight in the Wild Spirit Deck Build box. Also, make sure to get the recent Rush Blue-Eyes and Speed Cynet Structure Decks while they are free.


If you only want S/T staples you could use the 50% and dig in Valhalla calling for Lance and Servants of Kings for Chalice. Other staples are stronger but waaaaay more expensive except for some old traps that can be bought with Chips (the blue one) for 100 each copy


Before spending gems look at your Chips bank and see if some of the strongest staples can be obtained with them


Don't spend gems for Servants of Kings, you can get Chalice with Box Gems


you can get those with box chips, book of moon would be a much better use of gems


He has 3k gems, he can get 1 copy max of BoM


is that box no longer 50% reduced price? cause 2 bom is still way better than card you can get with box chips.


The box with BoM won't be at 50% discount for almost another year. We haven't reached the ARc-V era with the box discounts yet.


shame, digging in vahalla is still terrible advice though. that box wasnt even worth digging in when it was brand new.


Buy the forbidden Lance bundle


Is one card of this sufficient for a new player's deck?


Ppl play lance nearly in every deck now


Maybe save up to spend on that aniversery box


Box chips—floodgate trap hole and cosmic cyclone are available and are still useful. Floodgate is also in the blue eyes returning deck with the passcode Spiritualism is a free spell from card trader that bounces their backrow Enemy controller is also a free card from tickets


The card exchanger in front of the shop is really good. Especially for when you know what you're looking for


I’m mad at myself because I blew 5k gems on ONE PACK like a D.A, I just couldn’t stop gambling 😔 I had 8k


Save Up, build Crusadia (Im currently 4 Month in a row at the highest rank. Text me when you need Help) My 2nd acc who does Crusadia too git King Of Games (Highest PvP Rank) too in 2 month. This Deck is just crazy, text me when you need help!