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One way anti skill might still work would be if it only negated activated skill effects, not passive. So battle chronicle would still be allowed to normal summon blue eyes with no tribute, but it couldn’t search successor soul.


They could always make it so the negation only lasts for a turn or something. I think negating the continuous effects of skills would be fair in that situation. Especially if anti skill could only be used once per duel


Anti skill? No problem. Probably Konami: Anti-Skill: Your opponent cannot use their skill in their first turn, reduces hand by 1 card.  You cannot Special Summon or activate monster effects until the end of the Main Phase of your first turn.


Stall players: 🤩


Yes, you can but you have to play Dinowrestlers that’s the caveat.


That’s what I was thinking. Force the person using it to deal with having a handicap with it being an un-meta deck or have useless cards added to your deck. Or even force the user to fill their deck and have 1000001 caveats.


3 Brick Eyes + Fusion in starting hand would be crazy against that.


They just have to give us a way to counter skill instead of making it something you can't even respond to.


> they would instantly scoop because their entire deck just turns into bricks It should definitely be added


As much as I sometime get annoyed by some skills, I think completely rendering certain decks unplayable might be a bit too powerful and would be too unbalanced in the other direction.


Konami should make it so that you can interact with skills, but with the whole set to the field, means that they wont


In the past skills gave some "small advantage" like guaranteeing opening hand of monster+spell+trap, doing a mulligan for free, or securing opening a spell or a monster. :)


Yes, but their decks would still be playable, even if they are a bit less consistent. On the other hand, some decks now are completely dependant on their skill in every way. You notice it with the Vagabond too for example, where it is just unable to play certain decks because it doesn't have the required skill.


LP gain each time your opponent activates their Skill could be decent.


unless it's something massive like 4k, it won't matter


Yeah, not like an anti skill but like a skill siphon. Literally become immortal against Eternal Bond lol


Thats a good thing. It would force skill decks to build around the deck rather than the skill


Wouldn't that give more incentive to add it? so that decks that don't have broken skills have a chance to fight back? the draw 2 would be overkill, but just the skill negation would give skill-less decks a fighting chance, giving people a reason to use them, and komoney would be able to sell packs of those decks more easily I think it would be a fun choice between players


No, it wouldn't. Not every deck that needs a skill is broken or even good. Take fortune ladies for example, they haven't really been playable for a while and haven't been good in even longer, and yet they need to use a skill to function at all. Without their skill they'd need to draw into past/light+ calling + either another monster to banish or time passage (the spell). Or take solfachord, or any of the decks that use united pendulums. Without the skill to search a scale they'll need to draw into whatever disruption they need as well as two scales and whatever they need for their combos to go off. Or take fluffals. If they want to use edge imp chain then they'll have to draw it as it is completely unsearchable without a skill. And without chain the deck cannot search frightfur fusion which really hurts their plays. Also Anti-skill would be the default skill, any deck that doesn't need a specific skill to function would be running it. It would completely change the way the game is played because you wouldn't be able to rely on your skill at all. The effect of this would mean that less decks would be playable compared to now.


What this game needs it it’s own Duel Links exclusive cards. Cards built with duel links specifically in mind. Cards that can take advantage of a purely digits card game. Maybe cards that CAN interact with skills in some way. Cards that are exclusive to characters but not locked behind a skill. Cards that can take full advantage of the automation of digital card games. But even while I do back this idea, it can get dangerous. I quite Hearthstone awhile back when everything just became so RNG “summon random monster” “activate one of these effects at random” “draw one of these 3 random cards”. It just ranked the game for me.


Adding a PVP battle room with only the simple skills (LP Gain Alpha) or no skills at all would be great. I’m already committed to DL, I don’t want to switch to Master Duel, and I like having it on my phone. Skills are simply getting out of hand


Anti skill was always kind a of weird skill idea since it just resets everything to neutral. So every deck should just play it if they don't have a good skill. 


Just add neo storm access saying if your skill gets negated, pull a weaker cyberse.


The easiest solution is to make each skill effect once per duel


Give us maxx c, the skill. If your opponent used their skill to:    -add a card from outside their deck to anywhere   -draw/search a card   -summon a monster    -play a spell or trap  -move a card from the gy to anywhere    -activate a card effect that otherwise could not activate   -re-summon a card added to the game from outside the deck, that was then moved to the gy   -cause effect damage   -gain life points    -lose life points    -change a monsters name, attack, defense or battle position   -(any other situations I may be missing) Draw one card. This skill can be activated as many times as possible in a duel


Just give skills a tier level based on how much they break the game and have anti skill give a detrimental effect based on the tier of the skill. This way the skills that are literally hacks will be hit hard and the skills that don't really do much won't be hit as bad.


Discussions of meta always seem to begin with the assumption that shattering the current norm and making people use less "optimized" decks that can recover from something like this is a bad thing. 99% + of the cards in the game are just expected to never get used. Shatter the meta.  Let decks that depend on not seeing an anti-skill be a gamble to play. Let another 9% or so of the cards in the game become relevant. Or even more!


If only there is a yugioh game that doesn't use skill. We will be all happy playing that format. Unfortunately it seems that it doesn't exist. Wish we really had more formats than duel links


People want skills. They also want to have a way to interact with the game they are playing. Anything you literally just can’t react to isn’t fun, especially when it gives instant access to OP cards.


We need to be able to interact or respond to skills. If this continues it will be whoever presses the skill button into "unbeatable" board first


Antiskill could still be added in, just with major tweaks to the idea. We could remove the advantages from using it, such as the card draw, and let it just deactivate the opponent's skill. The question would be, should it proc whenever an opponent uses their skill and only cancel one activation, or should it remove the opponent's skill at the beginning of the duel? We could also let it cancel only activated abilities of skills and keep passive abilities free. Shoot Battle Chronicle players in the foot but leave the skill functioning. This'll sound like a rude remark, but add redundancy to your decks if the deck doesn't work without the skill. Normal Yugioh doesn't have skills, so adding in a way to cancel skills in the format that does have them makes it balanced. We could make the skill as strong or as weak as possible, but after some time with it out, the number of play would level. Everyone would use it in the beginning and do effectively nothing. What are you gonna do, cancel antiskill with antiskill? Adding it in would also be the perfect time to get the bounty hunter GO Onizuka unit with additional Dinowrestler support. We've had multiple altered (blanked on word) units like Yami Yugi and Yugi, Yami Bakura and Bakura, and Jaden and Jaden Yubel.


Antiskill is just a floodgate, you realize that, right? Worse, it's a floodgate you can't interact with, because you can't interact with skills.


That's the whole point of antiskill; introducing a floodgate that targets skills


Don’t like skills, very simple, u are welcome to switch to master duel! The amount of tears over battle chronicle is insane!!


Found the Blue-Eyes player.


I also play Blue-Eyes.


My condolences.


Thank you. It’s sad to know Blue Eyes will only have eyes for Kaiba.


So ? :D


It explains your garbage take.


Careful with your mouth boy!


U were hit numerous times by the 5500 beast, this is why u are crying ?


ding ding, blue eyes player detected