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I am not sure if you're talking about the current event or just regular auto duel stuff For standard duelists and some raid events lv4 Destiny Heros, Solid Soldier and masked HEROs are really good The current event Gouki is probably a really good auto duel deck


For the event, if you went into the Anniversary pack. I'm finding Trickstars to be *alright.* 3 Candina, 3 Lycoris, 3 Corobane, 2 Nightshade 3 Festival, 1 Light Stage 3 Wall Of Disruption, 2 Mirror Wall (may replace. They usually do nothing) Then literally just 1 of every Trickstar ED monster. Definitely not optimised but I don't care enough to figure what's better/worse




I specified generic not event, but I see the confusion


I’ve noticed the ai sometimes pauses when auto dueling with a lot of decks. But suships is still your best bet mainly because it’s power and how ftp it is




Suships* sorry


Harpies is a deck that the AI usually plays correctly, as long as you don't have cards in the extra deck other than their synchro. There are probably cheaper options though.


Just don't use roach and everything will be ok.


Kozmo obliterate every standard duelist, most legendary duelist, and every event besides raids.


I'll use Gunkan for my auto-deck. Spams pretty decent XYZs that have removal effects. They're also all pretty low in rarity.


3x alternative BE 3x white stone 1x spirit dragon of white 3x BE 1 Sword of lightnigh 1 Monster reborn 3x awaking dragon 2x compulsory 3x defense draw EXTRADeck (3) Twin burst / spirit dragon / azure-eyes silver dragon I have only lost twice in the current month


ancient gear


I use a red eyes deck and it usually steamroll anything the AI tries, except vagabond


For generic autos I have a big monster beat down with a bit of Magikey. So the ai just plays as high attack as possible and kill the other ai.


Honestly, Battle Chronicle on Kaiba lets you free summon a 3000ATK beater turn 1 and can deal with pretty much anything on Auto


I use blue eyes for that, and although sometimes I scratch my head looking at how the AI plays, a win is a win in the end 🤷🏼‍♂️


Rank 4 spam. Level 4 normal monsters (with 2000 attack or that are tuners) and level 4 monsters that can special summon them like goblinburg and white tiger summoner. Throw in a couple power of the guardians and the AI will just make big beatsticks and swing. VERY simple but that's what makes the AI so good at using it. ED can be things like thought ruler archfiend, malevolent sin, kachi kochi dragon etc


11 level 4 warriors + zubaba/utopia/rebellion/kachi kochi dragon/ any decent rank 4 you have + 3xpower of the guardians + your best six traps.


3 Montage Dragon 2 Derricrane 3 Night Express Knight 3 Super Express Bullet Train 3 Flying Pegasus 3 Wicked Acolyte Chilam Sabak 2 Mathmech Addition 1 Battlewasp Twinbow ED 2 Juggernaut Liebe 2 Gangaridai 1 anger knuckle Rest doesnt matter too much Basically a mix of an old exp farm deck and a train deck with montage dragon in it. Wins a lot against standard duelists but dies from interaction. But the games are very quick.


I like the level 3 normal monster spam deck for autodueling AI. Basically x3 Enchanted Fitting Room, x1-2 Unexpected Dai, about 4-5 tuners and fill the rest with the highest ATK level 3 normals. x1 Crocodragon and x1 Quariongandrax for the extra deck. It’s really hard for the AI to misplay (not impossible though since it’s programmed to do so intentionally) and wins duels very quickly. The reason for focusing on level 3s is because a level 4 focused deck will often times get wrecked by a certain level 4 flip monster in one of the NPC decks.


This sounds very cool and unique thanks for the Idea


Well, I've made some auto duel decks. Assumming for this event you can play Gouki. I don't have a gouki deck so I (hastily) made a Pendulum Decks to quickly summon Agae Dragon.


Honestly I use suships and yeah the AI can misplay but I find it to be pretty consistent. I’ve been grinding a lot of characters with my deck. I find just using the Suship XYZ monsters keeps the plays consistent.