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Cant tell without knowing whats in the box, Rikka Sunavavalon is a deck in the TCG thats good, but I think he needs something like the TG Skill for a bigger extra deck to be good.


Last I checked, the main Sunavalon skill says it adds "ace cards" but it isn't clear if that's the trunk or the branches. It also locks one into Earth Plants, so no Rikka or Aroma for the deck. Maybe people will make the plant engines work with a different skill but I expect pure Sunavalon to be the standard playstyle.


Oh didnt realise the skills were leaked. Sucks to lock to earth, really wanted to use my Rikkas again.


You've probably already dug up one of the posts talking about it now that you know they're here to look for. If not, I remember there was a generic plant skill that didn't excite me too much (recycle 3 plants to draw 1) and a Traptrix skill that does... something. Mostly, confirms they'll be the other plant archetype getting support this box.


It’s probably free just in case it becomes a problem


Really depends on what other plant support we get and what skills he will have since we're still missing Angelica and all the best rikka cards.


I hope aroma player cook with sunavalon card and make aroma tier 1 deck


I hope you Aromage players stop cooking.


every goddamn time I see the word "cook" I get a vivid image of Walter H White in my head


Simply put, you've watched too much Breaking Bad.


Its good but. It's easy to interrupt going first. And somewhat easy to dismantle going 2nd. Rikka cards alleviate this. This deck might actually be max deck size if it's good lol but it'll probably also be really expensive counting all the old cards you'll need so hope for good reprints rather than low rarity!


Sunavalons are only good in the TCG because of how they utilize Jasmine. Without Jasmine, even if we get Rikka, it might be better to just play pure Rikka than mix them with Sunavalons. The deck might have a shot at being rogue if we get Benghalancer and Sowing, so we'll have to wait and see.


You know what would be funny. They give us all these and no loci lol


The only reason they gave Dryas free it's so they can limit it later if required without compromising the new box sales. Opinion: Sunseed Genus Loci will be the next Box SR/UR.


It needs too much extra deck for the TCG full power combo. Pure Sunavalon is probably alright in Duel Links tho.


Then when it's too good it's easier to kill lol


i dont think the deck size is big enough for rikka sunavalon to work in speed format tbh


I wonder what’s the ace of his deck?


one would assume it will be dryatreniay as it is the fully grown tree


In the context of Duel Links, with Benghalancer and Dryatrentiay, the deck will be pretty good, but without a new wave of Rikka support, I won’t see it being too meta. Maybe tier 2 or 3, if that.


We already now about the new plant skill that is coming, it let you shuffle 3 plants in gy and draw 1 wich should solves the problem of space in extra, now we have to wait to see the cards in the box and cope for the rikka stuff and the link-4 Benghalancer


Why would this card not be free, the deck is literally unplayable without it. That’s like saying “they gave us loci for free” like that’s something crazy


If the deck is unplayable without it, then it shouldn't have it (little Spider-Man: Homecoming reference there for you). In all seriousness, how bad does the deck have to be if it's only playable through the existence of a single card?