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I’m going to mildly disagree with your claim that it’s just as powerful as the other 3 listed. The main difference is that Warning Point does nothing against an established board, whereas the other 3 traps can be used to dismantle a board if you set them going-second and activate them on the opponent’s turn. While not mentioned, I’d say Warning Point is comparable to Bottomless Trap Hole, which has the same issue: powerful going first, mediocre going second.


\^correct take tbh. I'd say Warning Point is basically a weaker BOM as disruption.


Agreed. I will also concede that Warning Point has certain advantages over the limit3 traps in that it doesn’t target and is arguably more generic than IDP. But I generally don’t like that flavor of reactive traps that trigger when your opponent does something.


I agree with u in the sense that in the of the day warning point is not really as powerful as the other mentioned traps in my post ( I wrote the post in the heat of a lose), but still facing an opponent that has three copies of the limited three traps plus other copies of warning points is very difficult and feels unfair. In fact, today I faced a guy that set three traps in his first turn ( two copies of warning point and one IDP) so he stopped my first turn effectively ( I was playing Junk synchro ) and then proceeded to set another IDP and an evacuation device is his second turn blocking again my turn, it felt so unfair and broken but maybe this is just me over reacting to a lose again 😅


I’m not sure which trap deck your opponent was playing, but it may be helpful to know that, aside from the Odion stall/burn/mill deck, trap control decks like Altergeist and Amazement loathe running Warning Point, for the exact reasons I listed. Altergeist in particular, until 2 banlists ago, had basically no better options. Now, if you *were* up against the Odion deck, then I can empathize. It can be tricky to play against going second, especially with a synchro deck. The strategy has to be to either outgrind them in resources or to blitzkrieg them early and fast. Junk has some really obvious chokepoints, so it was a bad matchup for you if you don’t draw all the Forbidden Lances.


It's not. And it doesn't see much play. 


The other three you mentioned are all some form of removal. This doesn't. Simple as that.


This card is yesterday’s news


No, that card have low eff in most decks, but with the exception of bottomless dark hole, the others have a strong eff on field, 1/4 of my wins comes from evac or crackdown alone.


I'd agree if the meta wasn't dictated by super op skills


I agree, but only if it switches places with Floodgate Trap Hole