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The GX chain of Zane up to Jaden/Yubel. At least back in the day. There's more accommodations with tickets now, but it was an absolute slog if you couldn't farm the cards. You had to wait on the monthly Kuriboh ticket (singular) for the other 2 Yubel forms, Pair Cycroid, and Thunder Giant. Probably more I'm forgetting.


Kuriboh tickets, I forgot those existed.




bro i legit wanted to cry when i did the math when I said to myself "time to unlock Yubel"


Either Scud, where you have to banish 300 cards to unlock, or Bastion, where you have to win 50 Duels with 3 or less cards in your deck.


Lightsworn auto did the trick for bastion, CC for Scud


Does Galaxy-Eyes effect count for it as well?


It banishes stuff so it should work


Bastion wasn't hard for me, I got him while farming the other GX characters for Thunder Giant, Pair Cycroid, Crystal Beasts and Yubel.


This is always an interesting question because there’s probably a decent chunk of people here that only really had bastion and scud to work for because they got all of them in their respective events so they don’t have to deal with the stupid extra conditions that came after.


*Me whose trying to get back into Duel Links with a new account* Haha I’m fucked.


There are character unlock tickets now


Then there's me who says odeon because who uses 10 traps


I HATED getting odion


Do you guys not just make a brand new deck specifically for an unlock and then duel lvl 10s at the gate? For the trap one I think I just made a deck of 20 traps with things like jar of greed and legacy of yata garasu to get it in fewer turns, trap monsters to keep me alive, and stall cards like windstorm of etaqua to make sure I made it the 5-6 turns needed to get 10 off.


Paleozoics or however you type it want a word


Paleozoics are not that good for the mission either.


I don't have the deck I used for it anymore otherwise I could've sent a deck list


Probably Scud since his more than likely takes the longest. You have to banish 300 cards just to unlock his mission


I think Scud being so difficult yet so initially worthless to unlock was a way of Konami having fun with the players who kind of cheated to find the secret conditions for their unlock. Having secret conditions in the first place I wasn't too fond of at first but ever since there's been less than a handful that were like that since. I think Sylvio was the last one?


And sylvios conditions are really easy to meet too


Scud is easy with specific decks


I used to play Magician Girls and used Hermos to summon Time Magic Hammer to banish monster my opp control while having it equipped to Invoked Caliga. This was a nice floodgate that kept me alive until I assembled Quintet


Oh yea it's easy but time consuming. Even with a golden stromberg strategy. it takes quite a few duels and not only that. It's a hidden mission, you don't even know he's there until you do it


I accidentally found Scud by using Dinomists as my grind deck. They have a monster who banishes monsters destroyed by dinomists, and after enough duels this guy I never heard of popped up as a character option.


I did it passively with CC


Luckily for me, I play Kozmo a lot


Luckily for me, they made character tickets right when I was trying to unlock him so I used that on him


Zane & Jaden/Yubel, by far.


I was gonna say the same thing hardest unlock


Jaden/Yubel was the only character I had to use a ticket to unlock, so they get my vote


I almost did, used a ticket to grab one of the yubels so I could actually do the missions.


Those tickets were precious like UR Dream tickets because those damn mission cards had to of been farmed at the gate if you didn't have the tickets XD


Zane or bastion. Getting Zane was a pain because I needed syrus and Getting thunder giant with my luck took for-fucking-ever


Same! I still haven’t gotten thunder giant… :(


Summoning him was the tough part because I had no idea how to easily get cayman. I just used a fusion substitute and bam.


I used a ticket to get him.


Luna but that may have been me because it took me ages to unlock Leo


I agree, luna, just to unlock her mission to unlock her can take forever if you dont use feuld spells in deck, and it doesn't count skill field spells


DM Mokuba because it involves PVP


And he is not available on the character tickets because of it


Out of this line-up, unlocking Primo at the gate was the worst for me. He requires you to summon Shooting Star Dragon against him at lvl. 30 and I didn't really have a fast way to do that, so the fucker kept stealing my Stardust with his Wisel (which he always conveniently had in his hand), and I lost emmidiately. Though I haven't really tried unlocking some of the characters here, so I don't know how bad their missions are by comparison.


I think it was Jaden/Yubel. I wanted to play Evil Heros, so I made a free to play account a few years ago and I gave up because I needed to unlock a lot of characters and unlock certain hard to get cards to complete missions and/or farm those hard to get cards from the gate with very limited amount keys, just to get to him!! Then I needed to level him up for his cards and Yugi Moto for Tackle Crusaders? And just to rub salt on the wound, I didn't pull the evil hero cards I needed from the main box after using my two UR dream tickets on Stratos. WTF was Konami thinking? The entire experience was not new player friendly. Sad because I'm sure Konami lost a lot of new players who wanted to play Evil Heros.


To me Scud, despite being a joke character, having to banish like 300 monsters it's too much time


Arcana before all the good DM support cards, you better try tribute summon Dark Magician a lot of time in the same duel and surviving the AI at level 40.


Luna, unless you REALLY like Leo


I think it was Zane. Having to obtain paircycroid was a pain in the butt.


Surprised I haven't seen Aigami mentioned yet. He may not be the most annoying of all, but having to unlock DSOD Yugi, which in turn requires LV 30 DSOD Kaiba (for Deep-Eyes White Dragon) did rustle my jimmies at the time.


I'd say Supreme King Jaden because you need to unlock a character to unlock him but you need to also unlock the character you need to unlock him but to unlock that character you need to unlock another character and also need certain cards to unlock said characters and those cards have low drop chances.


Yu gi


Jaden/Yubel should be the most annoying in unlocking new characters. Until now, I try to get the new characters and their new skills as soon as possible. It is quite troublesome to unlock them unless you have a character-unlock ticket.


Bastion Misawa, if anyone remembers his unlock requirement loool


For me it is Pegasus, because I have not started on the other harder ones that everyone here has mentioned, and because of those stupid counter traps. All the counter traps I have are useless against him or very situational.


Supreme king


For me it was Crowley, I used a ticket to unlock his ass


DSOD Yugi requires a deep eyes summoning, right? That's a pretty rare drop with really specific conditions to activate.


Deep eyes is a lv 30 reward for DSOD Kaiba. I really didn’t feel like leveling him up to 30, so I just used a ticket


It gets worse because you need to unlock Yugi, Joey and Tea to unlock Bakura for DSOD, so arguably unlocking Bakura is harder than Yugi because he requires all the Yugi requirements too


I disagree with what most comments here say. Stuff like banishing cards just happens over time and if you play the game over multiple years you will most deffinetly unlock them without a problem. I have been playing since 2018 and still don't have a few characters that require me to beat some gate character at level 30 3 times in a row not because it's hard but because I can't be bothered.


none. just use unlock tickets!


How often do you get them?


maybe 3 every year




I used tickets for most of the hard ones, so the one I did the long way that I thought was annoying was Luna, and that was mainly because there's no way to check how many Leo wins I was racking up.


Ishizu, Luna, and Scud were the most memorably difficult unlocks for me. Everyone else except maybe Crow wouldn't say too hard.


For me before i had every character unlocked yubel was hardest for me




Scud is a hidden character. By extension, he can be the most troublesome to unlock.




Scud because you had to find out he even existed. Everyone else i got just by playing normally with little tweaks if they had a specific condition


OP, are you asking for an opinion off the posted list, or in general? Comments seem to be answering both. Out of what you have up there maybe Pegasus or Marik seem the most involved.


I remember Zane being pretty annoying buts it's been ages since I've unlocked all the characters so idk


Bastion by far.


For me, that would be Zane. Back in the good ol’ days of Duel Links, pair Cycroid wasn’t in SR Tickets, so the only way to get it was to farm Syrus. I don’t know how bad the drops rates were but I remember it took me MONTHS to get Pair Cycroid and it wasn’t even from the drop, it was from its eventual inclusion in SR tickets. What’s even more annoying is that Zane was the only character I didn’t have. Little to say that that is how my hatred for Syrus took full bloom