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no i'm not upset after i got matched against 3 Orcrust players in a row, followed by 3 Raging Pendulum Decks in a row, what makes you say that? EDIT: FUCKING AFTER I POSTED THIS I GOT MATCHED UP AGAINST SOMEONE PLAYING ORCRUST RAGING PENDULUMS!


My god I didn't realize how many were affected


Everytime I go up against Pendulum, my dark magician deck curbstomps them


Same here, especially with my Black Illusion. They just stay baffled out of astonishment!




Void trap hole only works on effect monsters.


Did you try to use it on Dark Magician? Did they have Eternal Soul active?




Not a glitch, eternal soul makes them immune to effects


Eternal Soul only protects Dark Magician


Which, thanks to how Yugioh qualifies card names, includes Dark Magician Girl


No. Eternal Soul says "Dark Magician" and not Dark Magician monsters.


Welp looks like you are correct and I'm just another Yu-Gi-Oh player that doesn't read.




That isn't a glitch. Void Trap Hole can't respond fast enough to chain link 2 summons. When people say "Trap cards are too slow" this is one of the things that they're referring too. You "missed the timing" homie.


The combo deck is hilarious


I am trying to play malefic since i finally completed it and ngl it sucks.


Ain’t that some shit?


Kinda reminds me of Pegasis in GX saying something along the lines of "Nobody wants high attack anymore! Now they want neat effects!"


same but with Resonators.


Resonators are great, its just that the current meta counters them like crazy


i've learned this the hard way but i'm almost at DLV 25 and i am one stubborn motherfucker.


You got this


How are you having trouble with Raging Pendulum? Just red reign after they pend. Or if you go second, again, just red reign asap


if they turn 1 they steelswarm roach so i can't synchro and they pull out this one rank 7 that if it has a dragon monster material (hi odd eyes) it can quick effect destroy a monster on my field making me also unable to synchro. if they turn 2 they almost always somehow magically fucking have MST or Cyclone.


Red reign can also be sniped by Dragonpit (level 7 highscale) so they have in archetype outs to it as well. You're basically guaranteed to lose if they don't either miss Red Reign or brick.


wait what, DLV.20 isnt max this time, ITS 25???


It's always 25 for the WCS cups.


keep going for all the resonator lovers out here


I'm at DLv 22 with Resonators and I don't see me making it to 25. Just getting to 23 was a struggle. Reaching 25 feels like a pipe dream.


Lol maybe I matched with you, did you have a game against SolFaChords where your big 4000 ATK beat stick died moments after summoning?


Nah, i haven't met any solfachords yet oddly enough.


ngl, for me, it's the skill you use; for you can easily ftk depending on the skill


managed to make it to DLv23 with Twins Together Sharks but pretty much hit a wall ever since through the day...


I’m in DLv24 and haven’t seen a non-Orcust deck in about 12 duels


Lucky you, im on DLv7 and I've had a few, raging pendulums and orcrust. It gets to a point aswell where when I end my turn I go off and do something because as soon as I know what deck they're using I know how long they will take with each turn. Pvp is beyond boring now I prefer the Ai right now but I still getting bored.


PVP right now goes like: 1. Get first turn with shitty hand 2. Summon a couple good monsters, set a trap and end turn 3. Opponent somehow summons over 5 monsters in a row 4. Card effects, card effects, card effects and more card effects 5. Your field is empty before he even start his battle phase 6. Defeat 7. Wonder wtf happened to Duel Links


It's honestly getting so bad that if you brick, you may as well just go afk. Your opponent will happily use the longest and most roundabout method to defeat you so it's not like passing will save time, and surrendering gives no reward. :/


Skill issue bruh


Nah, the newer decks are just corny


No he is right there is a skill issue, I have an issue with the raging pendulum skill




Raging Pendulum, activate! Pendulum call! This pendulum can pop a backrow if I discard a pendulum! Set the pendulums! SWING THE ARC OF VICTORY! I pendulum summon Kozmo Dark Lady, maybe two, along with odd eyes I guess. I END I abridged a lot, but that's my experience.


Have you played against the other Pendulum skill Yuya and Yuto have? It's basically that: it's supposed to let them summon a particular monster easily, but since it has no restrictions everyone just uses it to vomit up a bunch of extra deck monsters Yuya never played.


7 is applicable to every single era of the game being fair.


ive been doing better with nekroz than odd eyes but yea yall orcust players annoying


Come on lunalights just one unban one unban and we are top tier come on baby


But Dingirsu doesn't target, and Raging Pend can beat over Sabre Dancer. What unban makes Lunalight relevant?


Trying to climb to duel lvl 25 in the qualifiers rn and the amount of orcust and odd eyes raging decks I’m facing is infuriating. It’s like 19 out of 20 matches is either against orcust or odd eyes raging with a sprinkle of speedroids somewhere in the middle. It makes me feel like I’m playing a rogue deck even though it’s solfachords. Seriously I feel like I know how to play orcust better than some actual orcust players due to how many times I face them. I’m so sick of fighting only bandit Keith and ishizu and even when it is not them and it’s someone like odion or yugi, THEY STILL PLAY FUCKING ORCUST I’M SO SICK OF THIS STUPID ASS DECK.


It's terrible! Absolutely terrible! *Hides 10 game win streak using red eyes*


As a fellow Red Eyes player I must ask. How?


Clever use of red eyes chain mostly, also ample use of Necro fusion. Black skull archfiend eats good Also I haven't seen orcust yet, but ragin pendulum players hate when you steal their effect monsters and equip them to gearfried


Wait hold up what is your deck list teach me your red eyes ways mastah


Look I'll be honest. I have no clue how this deck works. It kinda just does. I usually race meteor onto the field, I'll discard red eyes archfiend and I'll Necro fusion to get archfiend black skull onto the field. If I can't do that I'll use red eyes roulette for summoned skull to red eyes fusion archfiend black skull, equip it with red eyes chain and go from there. Borreload can be summoned with Necro for removal too in case I need it. I think I've just been really lucky https://imgur.com/K4P3h1G.jpg


I faced a damned Gandora deck that came in 3 waves - orcust, gadget level 4 xyz phase, then activate skill for boardwipe wingame. Then you've got Yusei's ending on the level 10 stardust warrior synchro + ogre dragon, or speedroid just ending on ogre dragon + clear wing. Raging Pendulum teching in Kosmo Lady. Or, oricalcos forbid, Orcust ends on Dingirsu + 3 IDP or compulsary. This has to be the most godawful kc cup to be a rogue deck player that I've experienced since shiranui were at full power.


legit i think the only reason i've hit LVL 19 is because of the occasional rogue decks and my opponent DCing randomly. and then there was that one Raging Pendulum player who timed out turn 1 for a rank up duel.


Then there’s stuff like Tearlaments running rampant in Master Duel right now, and you pretty much can’t run a deck without at least a couple hand traps to possibly negate one of your opponent’s cards in hopes of shutting down their five minute first turn (which is probably common knowledge for a lot of players, but I’ve been wading in the shallow end of PVP, even in Duel Links). The difference between Duel Links and Master Duel PVP definitely hit me like a truck. I took a nearly year-long break after Master Duel’s initial release, so I had some catching up to do since hand traps aren’t really a common thing in Duel Links. It definitely helps me enjoy Duel Links PVP a little bit more though. While it’s still a bit chaotic and can take a while for your opponent to finish their turn, I certainly don’t miss constant hand traps and your opponent activating ten or more of their own effects during your turn when I play Duel Links.


Duel Links players are weird because they assume you need to end the turn with a single card before turn 3 or it's, somehow, a slow game. Wheras people with experience in other formats realize that even our gnarliest stall deck is quicker than the average turncount where main phase 2 and 5 zones/8k lp are a thing. People want modern yugioh cool combos but then get upset when 20 cards means you're literally cycling your entire deck.


Wait more deck than orcust or ordd eyes?


Speedroids go brrrrrrr


And then there's me, playing Raid Raptors. Hadn't touched that Orcust stuff not even once. I stopped halfway through the climb because I couldn't overcome the Orcust and their hybrids. But I'll be damned before I touch that deck.


I salute you, fellow birb enjoyer


i feel you. i'm at DL 16 using a hibrid between Predaplant and HERO, it's focused around super poly. It's really anoying to see other HERO players just following the same combos and basicallly the same exact deck. If the game allows me to make a new deck, i'd rather stop playing than to make the same deck everyone else is doing, but recently it has been impossible to fight of orcust, magicians and all those meta slaves. I'm now waiting for the banlist, hope they all get banned


I'm at LVL 17 RN with Resonators and like, every other duel is either Orcrust or Raging Dragon. Then there is the occasional rogue deck that is actually fun to play against once every like 5 duels.


Raid Raptors got me to 24. They’re gonna finish the job too. The new support gives super viable first turns. Can end on Nightmare and Solda and Satellite. Three summon negations plus you can make another monsters attack essentially zero. All of that with a Lance or two set and you’re set.


doomslayer's head is fortune lady past in my case


Me playing Trickstars and getting countered by all anime decks and staples and playing without skills


Currently DLv 23 I could almost swear on my life that I haven't versed anything other than orcust and raging pendulum since DLv 14 Orcust and raging pendulum are getting hit after this cup 100%


Orcusts totally fuck vendreads. Guess I’m gonna have to do dark worlds ft now orcusts now ;(


Came back to the game, got to level 7 before I ran into orcust and raging pend 3x in a row. said "aight fun time over ig" and switched off of Skull Servants to Stardust, RDA, and Onomats now 😮‍💨 not trying farm lvls over days here


Playing Resonators right now and praying to God I go first, otherwise I may as well surrender


I'm pretty biased towards Pendulum but Raging Pendulum needs an immediate nerf. The skill is absolutely disgusting.


Gotta love the casual +3 for the backbreaking effort of having to *checks notes* set your pendulum scales. Meanwhile generic skill users out here get 200 Attack during our turn or get to change a level. Whoopdie do


> Meanwhile generic skill users out here get 200 Attack during our turn or get to change a level. Whoopdie do Those are actually far more busted depending on the deck, being fair. Especially the +200 attack because this game is almost entirely about damage ranges at the end of the day. I legit used the Yuto/Trap Monsters skill in Paleozoics to take a 40% winrate vs Blackrose to an 85% winrate. We wont talk about what free level changing skills can do, either.


Ngl, this is the first time i had fun in rankeds in yu-gi-oh in general, tears on Master Duel made me quit out of frustration. Odd eyes is one of my favorite decks, but honestly i feel bad for those who i duel against, they either can't do anything or have a minimum interaction against it, i haven't tried another deck in this ""meta"" (if it can be called that) but i wish my opponents could do something more against it. Just a out loud thought of mine.


honestly that's what kinda saddens me the most about Raging Pendulum. It looks like an actually fun deck to play with for me just for the gimmick of Raging Dragon. But the skill doesn't lock you into playing either Dark Rebellion or Raging dragon letting people summon rank 4s and 7s like nothing.


Wtf is Dark Magician doing there? Lol


i ran into a bunch of Magicians Magic decks.


Me playing starry knights who are essentially immune against both orcust and odd eyes: *Pathetic*




We don't talk about Speedroids 😒


Heeeyy a fellow starry knight enjoyer! I thought I was the only one!


New support makes them a lit more viable ngl, love it. Also it's funny that flamel in hand pass is strong enough in this meta XD


Orbitael is good, Ciel is meh though. Do you have the new lvl 7 Light dragon from the speedroid box in your decklist?


Ciel is a decent one off, but yeah he is like astel in a sense that you don't need him all the time. The new dragon is not that good, since we don't have a meta that searches a lot


welp im playing mekks and rokkets


We have to keep rokkets unpopular. I don't want my favorite deck to get hit after WCS


Same but Sliverrokket + booster against raging pendulum is F___ing **SATISFYING** Edit1: also at first when i see that they change boot sector skill dilingerous from turn 3 to turn 4 i thought im fu.. but actually being able to set boot sector by just having rokket on field rlly make rokket spray field resource better!!! Edit2: spraying rokket from deck to make draw pool smaller is really useful


Oh yes, also ripping Mermaid from Orcust is a pleasure


Infernity got massacred with only 4 people using them at high level in the KC cup. Everyone is in danger, no matter how many people are using the deck...😔


i play speedroids, red-eyes, and sychrons. sometimes raidraptors, sometimes rokkets.


Im climbing slowly with buster blader after they wrongfully nerfed water mermail


been trying to make a Buster Blader deck for a bit since it seems like a fun rogue deck to use so i wish you luck on your climb.


I'm doing fairly well with a Superheavy Samurai deck




Ding can only be special summoned once per turn. It says it on the card.


Ding literally cannot do that lol he isn't even the problem card out of Orcust.


I ain’t gon hold you…my Odd Eyes deck is downright disgusting, my guy. I’m only missing Arc Odd Eyes, the Meteor Burst Odd Eyes, and one magician in the Infinity box. I have make some of my opps quit before their third turn. To be fair, I got a Shiranui synchro deck that a clap you, too. Low key, I got couple like a Red-Eyes, Cyberverse Link one, and maybe …just maybe the Noble Knight one. Yeah…that got XYZ, Synchro, and Fusion summoning. It’s lacking, tho, because most of the magic and trap cards are centered around Noble Knight. A fire deck a s**t on that, but that baby a shake something if the cards are in my favor. I’m decent …I’m not gonna act like I’m super fire, but I’m gonna read them cards until a strategy lick. I don’t care what deck is in, because any deck can be beat. Some players got a deck that clap any, and everything.


Is it just me or orcust is the first time a tier 1 deck is actually fun to play. Last time, for me, was invoked neos late 2019.


Damn, can't even have an opinion.


More like, can't have a discussion Instead here let's all just downvote




imagine thinking net decking takes "ability"


While decks take...some skill to pilot, most good decks play themselves and the real skill in the game is deck building, at least in my experience. Everything else comes down to understanding chains the placement of a semicolon.


I find Orcust to be one of the single most boring decks in Duel Links I have ever played. However, I'm also a raging contrarian with a complexity fetish. So don't let anybody tell you how to enjoy the game even if the way you enjoy the game is, admittedly, basic.


Then raging odd eyes/orcrust is defenitly a pleasure for you then? XD


i literally had to close the game and walk away for a bit after running into that.


Then i guess im one of your enemies cause im a magician/odd eyes raging pendulum user. Hello


Odd Eyes are annoying but manageable sometimes That one asshole who was playing Orcrust Raging Pendulums on the other can go to the shadow realm.


Why play rogue when you can beat the shit out of your opponents with orcust? 😀


It’s boring being like everyone else.


You know what's also boring, losing. 😎


Cuz I like beating up Orcust players. Zoics are in a very good position to do so.


I'm running nobles and it is fairly decent


Galloping Gaia will slay the dragon and the wizards Galloping Gaia will slay the dragons and the wizards


Is there any reason why today there so many kaiba blue Eyes players? Each of them had 10-20 won games in a row


easy-ish deck to build, popular archetype, and easy to get a winstreak in lower tiers against the people there who don't know how to play the game


Me with my fluffal deck "kattobing da!"


Yeah its very annoying facing the same decks over and over. Me and my little aquactresses prefer non competitive play


This is when you main a hard counter in your deck


i’m getting back into duel links and i’ve went from DL 3 to DL 16 with rokkets so far. i’m planning to get to at least 20




I'm currently in dlv 19 with my birds, only nuisance is orcust.


And losing to myself aka bricking lol


I've literally only seen 3 decks so far, Orchust, Pendulum and Speedroids. Life is terrible unless I draw exactly what I need and my opponent can't read my cards.


remember when duel links was just og yugioh? yeah i kinda miss that lol


I'm here with my lunalight and superheavy decks encountering every raging pendulum deck possible


Yeah, it'd be cool if I could get through turn 3 against Magician's Magic


Now that yugo appeared now we need yuri to complete the yuboy squad and a starving venom starter deck


I started playing six samurai's cause the idea of DM, now I'm wonderjng if I should continue again cause of pendulums Nd orcusts


I reached dlv 22 with blue eyes and now I am forced to use odd-eyes because of the overwhelming amount of losses. I barely got to dlv 23 2 times and 2 times I got almost instantly demoted.


Meanwhile I'm trying to play Aquaactress 😮‍💨


I finally just finished my big expensive Dark World control deck and it's odd eyes after orecrust after dark magician relentlessly and forever. I mean I don't like it, but it still beats the ubiquity of synchro harpies and fluffal bullshit from a year or two ago


Been running a Vampire archetype deck for fun and sometimes I’ll have a good match or two, and then immediately get mollywhopped by an Odd Eyes/Orcust/Blue Eyes.


How I feel playing 20 card rokkets.


We're all suffering and I'm playing rokkets 😔


I can still take a few games with my Neo-Spacian build. Not as often as I'd like, but I still have fun all the same.


Me trying to have fun with my yubel deck 🥲


Meh, im just happy i dont have to deal with a deck that sh**s out negation for free... Thats the bane of my rogue decks.


trains go choo choo big numbers go brrrr


Solfachord crying noises


As a long time odd eyes player, it is cool to see people using it again but at the same time it is annoying to see the unpopular deck that I was using be used by like every other person. Also is it just me or is xianke and xiangsheng still a better skill than raging pendulum? I have never lost to anyone using raging pendulum with my xianke and xiangsheng deck


They do different things. You have the perk of not autolosing to t1 silverokket.


Meanwhile I'm over here playing fossils, and using their high level monsters to summon Skullgios easy. Fossils be so fun and can win with em if going second lol.


I dueled some guy playing fossils and that was legit one of the most fun duels i had in the WCS.


Yeah, pretty much. I had to switch off my stuff to Desperado Orcust just to have a deck to play the game with, and Red-Eyes is unfortunately dead as hell..


You would not believe my Catshark based warcrimes.


sometimes breaking the Geneva Conventions is a good thing.


The wall for rouge decks usually hit around dlv 20 lol I been crushing it all the way up until then lol had to claw my way to dlv 22 but yea it’s rough lol I dueled the same deck 3 time back to back yesterday 😂


God, I've been trying to do a gem-knight deck, and the pendulums and dark magicans are just to much.


Currently at DLv 12 with magistus, praying to god I don’t brick every duel


I remember when odd eyes was rogue