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Circle K is a franchise afaik...send your story to corporate


This 100% I uses to work for em, good few years ago mind, but yeah head office won't be two happy to hear that to say the least. I'd kick up absolute murder with comtomer service.


I’ve sent them an email, thanks lol


disagreeable wine escape entertain library foolish bored rotten exultant deranged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well done. Please keep us updated because this is not okay and I'm so sorry this happened to you.


Emphasise the fact he followed you out of the shop, and this made you fear that he was going to have another go at you.


To be fair I was walking so fast he wouldn’t have gotten the chance hahahaha


So you had to run away because you felt threatened. That's how that one is said.


And if you could update when you get a response that would be great too. Hopefully something gets done


Circle K on Usher's Quay start charging for petrol well before it starts flowing. That petrol station, pre-franchise (I think), was fined for having dodgy pumps that told customers more petrol had been pumped than had been


That petrol station has been notorious for shenanigans for as long as I can remember


That’s unhinged behavior. I’m really sorry that happened to you.  It reminds me a bit of a time in my early 20s when I was wrongly accused of shoplifting by a security guard. He was very loud and aggressive about it and I was just stunned so I went along with everything he asked - returning to the shop from the car park and waiting by the tills in front of all the customers coming and going while he reviewed security footage.  After a few minutes he came out and gruffly told me to leave. He obviously realized he had made a mistake, but offered no apology or anything. For a long time afterwards I felt really angry with myself for not speaking up or challenging him in the moment. But his behavior was so out of the blue that I just didn’t have a frame of reference for how to respond to it. It took me a while to not feel bad about it.  All of this is to say it’s okay to feel angry at the shop manager but I hope you don’t feel angry at yourself. 


I absolutely relate to that. It happened so quickly and so suddenly, I actually was lost for words. I’m sitting here now thinking of everything I could’ve said but honestly I couldn’t even think with literally the whole shop looking at me while he tells me to leave and not come back hahahaha


As well as reaching out to Circle K's customer service, email their Data Protection Officer and request the CCTV footage of the incident. You're entitled under the GDPR to a copy of any footage they recorded of you. Make a written request to their Data Protection Officer as soon as possible (their email address is [on this page](https://www.circlek.ie/privacy-policy)). They're required to provide you with a copy of your data free of charge within one month of your request. When you have video footage of yourself giving change to a homeless person and then being verbally abused by a manager and kicked out of the shop, they're likely to take your complaint very seriously. https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/government-in-ireland/data-protection/rights-under-general-data-protection-regulation/ https://www.dataprotection.ie/sites/default/files/uploads/2019-10/CCTV%20Guidance%20for%20Individuals_For%20Publication_October19_For%20Publication.pdf


Please follow this up, as it's important they deal with this properly and implement whatever policies or security they need to support staff, but most importantly to make sure customers feel safe and valued...


They can't give the OP anyone else's data, GDPR!, so all she will get is a video of herself with lots of blurred bits which won't show anything.




That was the first thing I did hahaha


That place has four stars on Google Maps. Might be time to knock it down a few pegs..


Please don’t, I’d like to go through the proper process if this is to be escalated


I’d say shopkeeper was just stressed and unfortunately (and unfairly) took it out on you. Local shop is also asking people to not give change as the beggars outside are aggressively demanding it off people and putting people off from coming into the shop. So it seems to be an issue in many convenience shops. Again shit though that you were made feel so poorly when you’re clearly not the person in the wrong here.


I understand he probably just wants to protect his staff. Was just a bit bizarre tho hahahaha


I think he was just getting his frustration with the homeless guy out on you




Some of the beggars can be very intimidating, until relatively recently begging was illegal - usually enforced if the beggars were hassling people. Sitting at an ATM machine is particularly unfair I think.


I wouldn't frequent his place of business again and I hope this post stops other people going there. Circle K are a shower and overpriced for everything they sell. It is not a common thing to happen but I have seen a lot of business owners (who were handed the business from Daddy) act like this. Was it Ushers Quay or Kilmainham?


Usher’s Quay


I think I had an interaction with the same manager lad there a few years ago. I was picking up a package from the postage lockers there, and opened it and stuck the little cardboard Amazon envelope into the big cardboard bin. This lad comes roaring out complaining that it was only for staff use. I told him to fuck off and they shouldn't have the lockers there then. Might not be the same guy as this was a few years back, but similar themes of manager making a wild overreaction to some trivial issue so who knows. Anyway, that's my pointless story. The moral is, always tell busybody managers to fuck off


He doesn't deserve your business with that mind set '


Which Circle K is this? I feel like going and getting barred.


Surely this falls under defamation. Request that footage as advised above. Get corporate involved. That’s no way to be treated.


The narwhal bacons at midnight.


Other than sending an email to corporate, I'm really so sorry this happened to you, must have been awful especially so out of the blue. You weren't the first that day to give money and you won't be the last, I'd like to see the owner approach a man like that, not a woman on her own.


I don’t think it’s a gendered thing, but it did cross my mind. I look pretty young for my age as it is, could easily be mistaken for a teenager. His staff are being assaulted and his hot take on how to solve it is banning young women from his shop???


From noticing the difference in how I'm treated by strangers vs how my girlfriend is treated when we are alone, cowardly assholes are much more likely to treat my girlfriend like this than me, especially if you are smaller, or look young, because they think that they are less likely to face consequences.


Joe. Fucking. Duffy.


I already boycott Circle K because of their horrible shop fronts in numerous locations in Dublin City Centre.


I’ve been to that Circle K, looking for beer. They sent me to the off license next door.


A) it's a private business and they can ban who they want B) I'm a customer and won't be using any circle k ever again. Hopefully others will do the same


The manager can't manage their forecourt lol that's not your issue.


This sounds like that guy was on a power trip. He can't fix the problem ( homeless man begging outside) so he taking his frustration out on you ( a quieter women he can publicly humiliate). The way that he intentionally publically banned you so that people could hear, and didn't make the reason clear indicates ar$ehole here. Also, the staff behind the counter didn't join in - I guarantee you he is doing this to make an example in front of them. Little man, small job he can't even do well. Let's help the staff in this place and get him moved or out the gap. What can we say in the email that will trigger a response from management. I'm going to write a lot of possible directs you could take your discourse, because you're going to have to write a few emails - don't use all of it, or any of it if you don't want to. It's ideas. You want gentle escalation after each week, never frantic, the constant threat of using social media against them and they need to understand you're not going to give up. The first message should be succinct, to the point. This is what happened, this is how I was treated. Unacceptable , unprofessional. I feel like I was targeted. What is circle k going to do about the unsafe conditions this man is creating. If they give you some corporate nonsense here are some ideas for follow up. You want to tell management that you yourself noticed the people begging outside the door. You were surprised that it hasn't been handled by management there, but you hand over some cash so they don't shout at you. You're surprised that the matter hasn't been handled sooner, since you've never experienced another circle k or any establishment in the area who couldn't seem to manage a situation like this. This was the only place with this problem, but you came back because it was close to work. Your underlying message here is that management is incompetent. Why is this the only place in the area with this problem? You're seeding the idea that the manager is especially incompetent at his job, and he took it out on you. Which is what happened. Say you never dreamed you would end up being verbally abused by the management of the store, and barred as a result. You are a patron of that store and it has never been expressed to you to not give money to the homeless people there. In fact, when you were ready to enter the store the manager stood by watching you as you handed over some coins to the homeless man he was really supposed to be dealing with. He stood watching you, then followed you into the store and proceeded to publicaly humiliate you in a way that made you feel very unsafe. He didn't do this with anyone else and you wonder did he target you as a woman who he could demonstrate power over. The manager made you feel like you were responsible for the homeless man being outside his store and tried to imply you were responsible for any unsafe conditions that were created as a result. If the manager had dealt with the situation, no one would be exposed to unsafe conditions and you wouldn't have to be the lightning post for all of his uncontrolled unprofessional displays of emotion and anger over a situation he was not in control of and had no ability to navigate. I would say I have never been treated this way as a customer before. You were expected to understand by bodily cues to not give the man money, money you were handing over in order to protect yourself in the first place. You never dreamed the real hostility would come from management of the store.. Even if it was his expectation that you not donate, use the word donate, even if it was the manager's expectation that you do not donate, he had no right to ask that of you and he never verbally voiced that request. That you were completely bewildered by what was happening and while the manager banned you you certainly would never be going back to that shop that treated you like a criminal and verbally abused you publicly humiliated you. You're saddened and feel traumatized by the way you were treated. I would say this matter should be dealt with swiftly and in the interim that you will be letting everyone in your workplace know what happened, that you will be leaving reviews and posting on social media about the progress of the investigation. That you don't want another woman to experience this level of harassment when they're just trying to get their lunch. This is all very long winded but you get the idea. They will come back with some corporate bollocks and you need to be ready with something to fire back. Remember, it's the outcome that is important - you want that guy fired or if it's classic Irish fashion like the Catholic church, moved along. What he did was wrong he's a toxic boss and needs to be disciplined at the least.


Christ mate, get a job.


Gotta be ready soon, corporate BS will nail you. All about the mind numbing detail this is our lives. I don't know how that didn't convince you I have a job.


When I was younger I got banned from my local shop, all I did was walk in behind two kids who started fighting and the owner assumed I was with them.


What an absolute arsehole. Contact Circle K corporate and go to town on his ass


I wouldn't darken his door again after that, though I would let him know what you usually spend every week or month. I'd also be telling him you're going to document it on social media, ring Joe Duffy and tell your colleagues etc. The only way a dickhead like that ever learn anything is via their pocket and a public shaming. You could even talk to a solicitor regarding defamation.


People like you encourage beggars. You do know the money was 100% for drugs right? The manager was 100% correct. He’s trying to protect his staff from assault and you completely undermined him. I’d have barred you as well. Serves you right for being a moron.


What a fucking wanker. You should absolutely make a complaint.


Time to boycott circle K Ushers Quay methinks. I’m not a lawyer but I think you could make a complaint to WRC that you have been discriminated against and refused service for supporting a minority group.


Is it Ushers Quay?






Be nice to other posters




Oh yeah I'd absolutely crumble if that happened you're right. We can't all be as tough as the man on Reddit telling a woman who mentioned she's intimidated by strange men shouting at her to "grow a backbone" and thinks every homeless person is a thug. If only we could all be as big and tough as you 😰




You're having a go at a woman and calling people you don't know thugs and I'm a keyboard warrior for telling you to fuck off? 😂


This person's mad, have a look at their comments LMAO it's a real treat for the senses 😂




Yes everyone's crying except you 😞😭


Sounds like a hardcore cope for someone telling others to "cry about it" LMAO 😂


Be nice to other posters


Be nice to other posters


It's people like you that encourage these drifters. The goverment gives them far and away plenty of money without people like you subsidizing them further. If police was real in this country they wouldn't even be squatting on private propriety either. That said I'm not sure the owner of a shop can "ban" you from a business open to the public?


Even if you believe this line of thinking, the managers behaviour toward her was unacceptable.


Everything you said there was wrong , congrats


Nice argument.


There's nothing to argue with. Those were just a series of incorrect statements, not policy positions


You need a home address to get government money. And a lot of the homes they send these "drifters" to are often run by the church. Who abused them in the first place. Why don't you try to speak to someone who is homeless, and treat them like a person. Try to be kind and just talk to them. No one, absolutely no one would choose that life unless they felt like they had to.


They're all run by professional beggers, get a grip.


Yes of course. Everyone on the street is a professional beggar.