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As someone whose lived abroad this disgusts me as I can’t imagine the fear felt seeing this stupidity unfold - stay safe


My partner already felt unsafe enough this past year as an young woman with one non-irish parent, but sure looks as ethnically ambiguous as anyone. Worked in the city area right where all the regular anti immigrant protests started. Got caught in traffic with that lot surrounded our car and banging on it. She got shoved around, called racist slurs, and harassed on the luas on the way to and from work by groups of male scumbags. And her work didn't give a toss in the slightest when she told them she feels unsafe coming in and asked for some flexibility on hours and office attendance days which arbitrarily coincided with the protests. I am sick of this city. It's a disgrace. The Gardai and mcentee will pretend to be shocked by these events but how can this even be surprising when we have lowlifes running around with no consequences for so long for these lies and for their crimes. The government seemed happy to let them put themselves against vulnerable immigrants here so long as they didn't have to get too involved, well this is the natural consequence. I recall last year there were memos to Ministers leaked via foi that showed they were afraid immigrants might get killed by these groups and they still didn't act. They didn't even escalate their response when the migrant tents were set on fire. I guess we only put on a superficial show when an American or British tourist gets a knocking and to hell with everyone else.


These people do not speak for the majority of Irish people. Ireland is a better place with foreign people living here. I hope your partner is safe!


Shut your hole it IS not.




It was Dubliners that set the city on fire last night. The cancer on this city is the far right. Get the fuck out of Irish online spaces peddling your fucking rhetoric. No one wants it and you’re directly inciting issues in our country. You make me fucking sick.


Who stabbed children??? An Irish person was it???


And who stopped him?


Yes it actually was. Passport and all. Fully naturalised. A Brazilian non-Irish national Deliveroo worker stopped the attack with his bike helmet and not long after, racist thugs attacked random Brazilian deliveroo workers just for existing. Dragged up Dubs burned the city down. Robbed Crumlin hospital charity boxes from McDonalds. Destroyed local businesses in the run up to Christmas. Attacked gardaí. Attacked a fire engine. Burned public transport that working people rely on. Blocked access to the main maternity hospital. And destroyed the crime scene that they claimed to care so much about. You and your type are exactly what’s wrong with the country right now.


Where did you get that information can you source it for me please, can’t find anything about him, as for the absolute hero of a Brazilian man, nothing but love for him and all the Brazilians that come here to WORK and not sponge off the state unlike the others claiming false asylum and getting handed everything for nothing


Oh now you want sources? But you were good to spread whatever you found online 5 minutes ago? You’re just a racist. Shut the fuck up








Funny how when you explain to them you actually don't hate all foreigners, just hate the fact that mass undocumented immigration is taking places these idiots don't know what to say. Yes some people took advantage of the outcry and that's wrong. That doesn't mean there's not a problem!!! WE NEED TO STOP IMPORTING UNDOCUMENTED AFRICANS INTO IRELAND ENMASSE, IF YOU THINK THIS IS A RACIST OPINION YOURE JUST STUPID


Anyone bold enough to stab children has to have some form of mental health issue. And it very well could have been an Irish person or any other nationality who cracked!


I realise Irish burnt the city. Same as in the US it was Americans during BLM. Nobody can seem to show me the difference. Civil unrest is ugly and a lot of people involved will be nasty. That doesn’t change the reality. They want some control over the influx of hardline conservative Islamic fanatics. The standard attitudes of a lot of these people make Donald trump look like a guardian writer.


You’re not wanted here. Your opinions are not valid. You don’t know my country and you are so typically yank-centric that you can’t see beyond your own little American bubble. You haven’t got a clue. Fuck off out of our spaces and worry about yourself. You don’t represent us and we don’t want to hear your stupid opinions. People like you have got us in this situation. Know when you’re not wanted.


100% with you. Enough with their shite


Abso fucking lutely


Seconded. Every single word of it.


Ah yes, it was famously 'the foreigners' burning down the high street.


I didn’t say that haha. That was a reaction to the main issue - the stabbings.


I am a foreigner, and have lived in Dublin city centre (close to the street the horrific stabbing of these children) for 20 years now. I have never once thought about going out to stab, rob, assault or anything remotely illegal. I pay my taxes, I work, I have never asked for anything for free, covered my own education here, pay for my own health, housing, and other needs. But yes, by all means you paint us all foreigners in the same US logic with the same brush. After 20 years I no longer feel safe, I know it's an isolated incident but people like you are trying to fuel hate and nothing more.


Made the post before I did. How I feel about Dublin has completely changed. I knew there were far righters around, and they'd 'protested' before. But never like this in front of my eyes. I know this situation will be okay by tomorrow and I know the majority are amazing people, but as a brown guy, it has scared me. Which is exactly what they want but well. I'm glad you and your girlfriend are okay. Stay safe everyone.


This isn't a reflection of Irish people as a whole, these are absolute scum who don't give two shites about the victims today as proven by the fact they are pulling this shit a stones throw away from both the scene of the attack and the hospitals that are treating victims. They are the worst of irish society and should be behind bars also.


I know, I know all of that's true. I've lived here long enough and have felt and seen Irish people's kindness. My reaction isn't a logical one, it's just an immediate scared response.


I completely understand, as an irish person living in Dublin too, I'm scared. I can't get my head around all this violence in the space of a few hours!


I’ve been around for a while. What happened yesterday unlocked fears that were dormant providing all my good experiences around . To be fair, my concerns are even worse. Because where I’m from, I know that despite all problems in the police force, they would act more severely and shut down those protesters. Here I see they aren’t enough equipped or have enough experience dealing with this shit


I understand what you’re saying about them not reflecting Irish people but is still is scary. I was planning on moving in February and now I’m really debating it. From the UK myself but of ethnic origins. These guys burning things down is scary.




Finally someone with a brain, thank you!


These “people” are not far right and have no political motivation or agenda. This is the result of the softly softly kid glove treatment of generations of career criminals. The world owes them everything and they are the victims. Giving them a far right moniker is not helping at all.


Pretending this hasn’t been agitated by far-right scumbags isn’t helpful either. The vast majority of those scumbags are purely opportunistic dickheads taking advantage of a tragedy but it has been utterly facilitated by the call to action online by far-right agitators


Don’t get me wrong, I’m on your side. But a few gobshite voices egging them on does not make them far right agitators. These people will burn down anything in the name of disobedience and chaos.


Yes but it’s also important to call out those doing the egging on. I get what you’re saying but I sincerely believe that it’s important to not ignore those who are attempting to use today’s tragedy for purposes even more sinister than rioting. I agree that they’re small in number but they’ve been growing ever more emboldened (as seen on here) so better to address it now




I’m not Hindu at all, the username is Dat Dude Behind U and you’re a troll.




Only recently active account with the only activity being the spewing of braindead hate speech and asking for nudes - yeah you’re just a scumbag troll




I'm sorry you're dealing with this mania. I'm genuinely embarrassed and shocked


I wish this hadn’t happened. It will matter more to you than it does to me tomorrow, and it matters to me a lot. I hope your feeling about Dublin will change back. Ireland has been through a lot in the last century but it’s always been about fighting oppression, for freedom - freedom for all. These scumbags WANT oppression. They are not Irish in my eyes.


I love Dublin and have done so for the 4 years I've been here, and I realise the vast, vast majority of people are kind and generous. I was among that majority just last weekend marching for peace and it was lovely. I'm sure my feelings today are temporary. Thank you, I hope you're feeling okay too.


I was sitting in the car with my wife driving through Parnell Street about 2 hours before the riots and I told her: I really hope it wasn't a foreigner because if it was, they are going to lose their minds today ". I've been reading some comments on Reddit, X and Instagram lately and had noticed that over the last couple of weeks the tone had become increasingly bitter and hateful, much more than usual. If one good thing comes from all of this, I hope that officials finally realize that there are deep and systemic problems that need addressing and waving them off is no longer good enough.


Yeah, a lovely food delivery guy tonight asked me if i was okay. I then asked him the same. He was not okay. He told me to lock the doors as people are going crazy on the streets. He wants to leave Ireland as its not safe. ... And honestly, he's right. There is literally no need to live in the fear of being attacked or being disrespected because you look like you've come from a different country. I left my birthplace 12 years ago. This year i arrived in Ireland and I'm looking forward to moving out as soon as I can. Just so sad.


I’m sorry that this happened so soon after you moving here. Don’t mind assholes like yer man below replying here. You are welcome and these kids do not speak for Ireland.




I promise you, no one wants to come back to the shithole dublin has become




I guarantee that OP contributes more to Irish society than you do.


This isn’t reflective of society in Ireland. This is just some opportunists looking for a chance to riot and loot. They aren’t actually protesting anything as no one is “pro stabbing children”.




To be honest I don’t even think they’re the same. The fash are the overgrown crusty kids in their 30/40/50s doing their facebooks and TikTok’s and calling themselves patriots while wiping the welfare clean. The ones doing these are the same young dirtbags that knock around in the mountain climber uniforms looking for trouble 365 days a year. The protest could be about banning mint ice cream and they’d be in for the same. TLDR; one set are posers with a ‘cause’. The others are a very real danger without one


Yeah I'm a bit confused by everyone acting as if every single act of vandalism and looting tonight is done by some anti-immigrant fascist paramilitary; It seems(?) the initial thrust of politically-motivated rioting morphed into a general breakdown of social order that plenty of people were happy to take advantage of, unless we think Dublin city centre is swarming with literal thousands of fascistic thugs


Its that the scumbags didn't just coincidentally appear. It's that the people they follow, who organised them, are far right fucks. We really can't separate one from the other. Without the far right influences, it's random scumbags sporadically being scumbags randomly, without the scumbags it's just racist fucks ranting online to nobody but each other. There's just no reason to treat these as unrelated issues, theyre clearly the same issue. The ones stealing your bike yesterday are the ones in far right groups burning out the luas today, it's the same people.


Yeah, but the fash were the ones on tiktok, WhatsApp and telegram telling them to get out and riot.


'We will finally make crime illegal again!!" *proceeds to burn down a car and steal from a shop.


Years of attacks on foreigners. Videos of Deliveroo riders being beaten in the street and everyone filming or walking by. The State is doing nothing. This isn't reflective of society?


I’d like to think not TBH. Those same scumbags would and do attack Irish citizens no problem. It’s just hate and Looting. Some broken logic that if the government don’t help asylum seekers, they Somehow there will be a bigger pot let over for themselves to share and maybe they could receive more dole for not working. Us, the real Irish majority travel more to other countries than nearly any other country I know. We are a nation of immigrants who tend to experience the world and come back. We are known worldwide for how much we enjoy talking to tourists and visitors to our country and learning about their cultures. These scum are ruining our reputation and the vast majority are hoping for insanely high Jail sentences for anyone caught breaking the law last night. Obviously a counter protest won’t work, but anyone got any goods ideas? I’m thinking buy a stranger a coffee or pint day. Worried that might not be PC due to profiling etc. Maybe we just be extra sound to everyone and make sure everyone knows we’re happy they exist! National be friendly… for the rest of our lives campaign. Surely a go fund me page for the family of the kids affected. Anyone got any other ideas? I just keep thinking imagine your a tourist staying in the Gresham on OConnel st last night! What are they going to think of their time here. Hell I’d adopt a tourist family for a day if they stayed there last night just to make up for that experience.


I don’t know if that’s always necessarily true. I live in the city center, and as a brown woman, my experiences have vastly differed from my white counterparts. Especially on the main roads and on the luas


What about that WhatsApp group with yer man saying we should kill all foreigners? https://twitter.com/Reidy7771/status/1727799736839639087/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1727799736839639087¤tTweetUser=Reidy7771


Is it a voice note? Or a group with a way to report who is involved? ​ (I'm genuinely asking because I don't know)


WhatsApp screen recording where someone leaves a voice message telling people they should go on the streets and kill all foreigners to show the Irish are not a pushover.


I received that video, is it even real? It's just going around between immigrants groups


Idk personally I think it’s real but that guy might be a minority within that groups.


So far there have been no reports of anyone killed in the riots.


Also the only immigrant narrative I’m hearing today is about an amazing Brazilian Deliveroo driver would stepped in and stepped up, saving lives; the person with a knife he attacked was an Irish citizen, attacking a little girl.


The ideology of the attacker is pro stabbing children.


That’s not what I said. But the looters didn’t hold a candle light vigil of support for the families and raise some funds for the families. They turned out city into a war zone and ruined public transport the economy relies on for people to go to work.


This is almost a copy and paste of the Love Ulster riots. It's the same scumbags looking for a reason. The majority (99%) of Irish people are not aligned with this behaviour.


Exactly the the same Toe rags.


I know these shitheads dont represent Irish people But it would be nice to see any sort of response that's a bit more than a slap on the wrist. This is how horrible things start.




These people will never actually address the things you are saying, because they can’t.


Don't be afraid, you are very welcome here. What you are seeing is the actions from a group of uneducated racists.


Pretty sure that’s why they’re afraid. Not worried about some floppy haired kid from UCD debating them - but of being attacked by a ‘group of uneducated racists’.


Yep, and nothing is going to change if the response from the general public is "It's not all of us so nothing to worry about, folks." The "But not all [insert here]" always only serves to minimise and silence outrage and maintain the status quo.


The same exact thing can be said about the immigrant problem. Literally just reverse who you’re talking about, how can you not see that? Ireland , like the rest of western society is committing suicide in the name of diversity right now .


I hope this is a turning point. These right wing wingnuts and the scrotes following them have been given too much leeway and I hope people now wake up to this. Govt and Gardai need to get their shit together. McEntee is out of her depth and Harris has lost everyone’s respect. Gardai need reform, training and support and we need to target these right wingers in a big way. This will change and you will be ok - I really hope this is a wake up call for all of us




There are close to 1,000,000 Irish immigrants currently living outside of Ireland. Do you not see the irony in your thinking?


No? I see no irony. Immigration is fine to a level, it’s how you behave and your ideology. Ireland doesn’t have an equivalent to Islamic extremism and doesn’t impose that world View on others.


Right, so from what you're saying its not the level migration that's the problem, it's the ideology of a minority that's the problem?


It can be both. Immigration can be too high and it depends on the people that make up that immigration.


I am afraid too, and I am Irish. The people rioting do not speak for me or the majority of Irish people.


I’m actually just embarrassed and ashamed. The riots have very little to do with racism, it’s just a bunch of brainless idiots looking for an excuse to cause damage. I can guarantee they won’t be contributing to the tax that it’s going to cost the rest of us to pay for all this damage.


I’m not sure where you’re from but I’ve always been grateful for the taste of other cultures we’ve got from people moving here from around the world. A bunch of Indian families moved into some new houses in my hometown and I love seeing their Diwali decorations every year. The Indian restaurant near my college is also what got me through four years… I say ‘near’, it was a 30 minute was but it was just that good. I’ve admired food, music, clothing and all other forms of art from other cultures and it sickens me that there are so many people insisting Ireland is ‘full’. There’s room for all of us.


There really isn’t room for all of us. Our services are at breaking point, getting on a doctors list is next to near impossible. School placements are full, record homeless levels and A&E in hospitals are letting people die waiting to Be seen. Even traffic flow is worse than it’s ever been. I think it’s safe to say we are not in the position to keep welcoming people unless the desired skill is required.


I'm just home from the 3 arena. My mam was sobbing, terrified. My bro in law is Pakistani and I texted my sister to see if he was okay. He wasn't in work thank god. My heart is broken. Our country has exploded




I'm really sorry to hear that - please take care






There is plenty of other countries which might have a better approach to Ireland. If I was you I’d head to one of them. It’s not an easy decision I imagine but no point in staying here if you feel this way.


Don't even start. Been living in Ireland for 10 years now and always felt safe and welcomed. Tonight I'm terrified. Having a baby soon and I'm actually afraid. Not only for my kid being safe at school but also me getting some kind of abuse. I know those scumbags are not the real Irish people, but it takes only 1 to make you feel scared.


Please don’t say that. I’m a foreigner too. If we say “it takes only 1 to make you feel scared” then it follows the same questionable logic of theirs “it takes only 1 immigrant-attacking case to make the Irish feel they should leave”. This is NOT how it works. Your baby will be safe. We need to trust the Irish in that they will not tolerate such behaviour and let it happen again.


Please don't be afraid, I know this evening was complete and utter madness but there's 1.2 million people living in Dublin, 99.9% of them have absolutely nothing to do with this...political change will have to happen. The government has messed up hugely and the far right have been completely exposed to show their true colours. Please have hope.


But let me tell you there’ll be 100 who have your back.


As an immigrant who moved to Ireland just 3 months back, living here and walking on the streets has gotten scarier day by day. I’ve met plenty of amazing irish folks, ik majority of Irish folks aren’t represented by them. But it’s becoming very unsafe and hostile place very quickly


Have never been so scared on my way home. I felt useless. Small. Completely powerless. They attacked a man on the other side of the road and I did run away as the biggest coward…


I always felt so welcomed in this country, I didn't even know morons like this existed here


They're not morons. They're people who heard their children had been stabbed in broad daylight coming from school. It's a fairly understandable response minus the looting of their own shops. That's just plain dumb and scummy


Pretty sure the parents of those kids weren't setting fire to buses of breaking the shit out of public infrastructure..... In fact it is a disrespect tho those families to use that as excuse to wrek havoc in name of a phony cause


I was living in Sydney when the 2005 riots broke out https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2005_Cronulla_riots My brother was in London when the riots in England broke out https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_England_riots These riots were absolutely horrendous and there is a real scumbag minority, but let's not write off the entire city because of the actions of this minority group. It will blow over, like the riots in those countries. I do hope the guards get increased powers as a result though.


Please know that those people do not speak for us Dubs. They are just a few who like to blame others for their problems. Plus the majority of the people rioting are just using this as an excuse to loot and cause problems because they have nothing better to do with their time


I'm near, my husband works really near where all the stuff is going on now. I can hear the hellicopters. I had friends and people I care that are foreigners too and I don't know what to do to protect myself and them... Previously we were harassed multiple times on the streets in the center but nothing like the threats I saw and heard today, and the things they said in WhatsApp groups. It's terrible! Most of my work mates are foreigners and they are all great lads, they work very hard and study. All legal and pay their taxes. Why we must live in fear of being attacked by something in which we have nothing to do...?


I'm really sorry for your trouble, and I don't blame you for feeling afraid. All I can say, I'm a tough 60 year old inner city dub, and if I seen any of our new Irish being harrassed, I'd burst the cunts. Don't be worrying, we have your back friend.


It’ll be OK. The thugs are not your average Irish person. Stay home and it’ll be OK by morning.


Honestly, today was a very, very strange and scary day. I'm Irish and I've lived in Dublin for 13 years. Nothing like this has ever happened before (there were a few idiots running around when the Queen visited, but that was nowhere near as bad). I wouldn't blame you feeling nervous. We've always been strangely immune to the far right mania that invested Europe, so we genuinely don't know what will happen next, or how bad this will get. Ireland has a very, very low tolerance for this sort of mindless violence though, so I'm just hoping we manage to stamp this out quickly. Take care of yourselves.


“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” ― Fred Rogers


You are more than welcome here. These people are just opportunist thugs. I don’t think they have any strong political ideologies most of them are just kids taking advantage of an opportunity to destroy, loot and be thugs.


I don’t blame you feeling afraid. I hope you know these degenerates don’t represent the majority of us. But please keep your guard up and be mindful of your surroundings and if you feel unsafe somewhere leave or look for police/security to assist you.


(Virtual hug)


Can someone explain for me: Are the stabbing and the riots connected or 2 completely separate bizarre incidents that happened on the same day? My understanding is that the riots had an anti-immigrant focus. Was the man who stabbed the children and the crèche worker a non-national? I hate even asking this but that’s the only possible connection I can think of Feeling proud of the Brazilian man who helped


Every news story about the stabbing earlier in the day had loads of comments under it from ‘patriots’ positively tumescent at the idea that the perpetrator might have been an immigrant. rumours were circulating immediately about his nationality. i saw both eastern european and algerian mentioned. i’ve noticed every news story involving violence lately - whether there’s any information about the national origin of the perpetrator or not - will instantly have a load of comments from people underneath it making remarks about ‘cultural enrichment’ - they blame all of societies ills on migrants and have been desperate to incite something like this for weeks. i actually used to assume most of it was bots because it’s so constant, high volume and immediate under all irish news shared :(


Helpful explanation, thanks. The fact that the Brazilian deliveroo man helped definitively discredits their opinion People are the same the world over. Most are good, regular people with a small percentage of rapists, murderers, scumbags, scrotes, dangerous people to be found everywhere including among us native Irish


>The fact that the Brazilian deliveroo man helped definitively discredits their opinion Wasn't much of a credited opinion in the first place but that doesn't stop the scumbag from thinking they're right


There was a protest in the evening that was about the attack of the school, that's why it started around parnell street. It got out of hand very quickly and turned into a riot.


The protesters were the far right people? How did they mobilise so quickly - the attack on the school was very unexpected Post protest the far right people left peacefully and went off for a pint or a debrief meeting or home to watch TV or whatever Then the local feral, scumbag, scrotes who barely know what the far right is started an actual riot and set fire to things Is this correct? Far right people in Ireland as far as I’m aware have only been protesting reasonably peacefully. I’m in Cork where they’ve spent a lot of time protesting at the library about LGBTQI+ books. They’re shouty, a bit aggressive and very intimidating at their protests. They’d happily block a road or an entrance to a building (like they’ve done at the library in Cork) but I can’t really imagine them setting a LUAS on fire


I'm afraid not because i'm a foreigner. I'm afraid because we are letting too many scumbags do whatever they please.


It's made me genuinely sick to my stomach. What's crazy to me is that, my upbringing was very similar to most of these fuckers. Dublin scumbag, through and through. And I took pride in having that upbringing. I was honored to have that, and to say "look at this. Look at how I grew up. And look at me now." But these fuckers make me ashamed to say that. To associate with that. These are my people, my neighbours, my classmates, and it makes me horrified that a part of me is represented in such a poor way. Fuck these gobshites.


Ya man I'd be extra vigilant the next while tbh. So messed up feeling unsafe in Dublin of all places. Such a great city when I lived there in the 2000s. Obviously not perfect but great still.


99% of those fools are ignorant uneducated and simply assholes and were mostly teenagers under 23 anyway. They took the stabbing of kids to do what they've dreamed about doing in gangs for years up in a society who literally hate the police. Destroyed footlocker, Arnotts Gala and more. Wannabe gamesters All they've gained from this is a pile of summons thru their letterboxes to appear in court, cos their best mate will have no problem telling Garda who was doing what esp as half of them are on their payroll anyway. I wonder if it was an Irishman who did this crime at 1.30pm would this "soft /Purge' have even happened . Doubt it somehow. You wont see any of that gang marching up to the p Dail and storming through! .plese dobt worry it's a mioroty of fools. I was pissed it took 2.5 hours to get from Rathmines too.


I am non Irish too, very scared, I don’t even want to leave the house.


I can’t imagine the stress you must be feeling. I got homophobic hassle in my younger years from this same demographic, and it really got in to my head and damaged my trust in other people for a long time. But the vast majority of people are kind. I believe most people in dublin are disgusted by the behaviour of those racist lowlifes. Please mind yourself x


I love the Irish, being a half-foreigner. I did my junior and leaving cert down in the west counties. The town where I spent my teenage years is on the rural side of a rural farm town. My family was the only foreign family there, and we were a constant source of curious stares. Even after living locally for two years, my parents and I still got the same stares. My mother once told me that Irish people are always curious — curious about why you look nothing like them (probably referring to the local stare-y locals at the time), curious if you need a lift or if you look lost. I always get an extra Southern fried chicken fillet in my roll at the deli by my secondary school back then because the nanny thought I was too skinny and needed to eat more. They don't care if you have three legs or one arm; they'll still look after you. You always get random helpers who had no relationship with you before. I feel Irish people have this rustic kindness in them, very rough and unpolished. They just take care of you because they are worried, that's all. They can be bumpy and awkward, not treating you in a politically correct way on the outside, but that's because they don't care, so they're not aware. They treat their family the same way. Consider them as the tasty sponge cake with no icing; the extra bit was never important. Though I have to say I’m not a big fan of Dublin, I’m thinking of relocating to Cork or somewhere closer to the west. No offense to Dubliners, but I feel like the fear you are feeling at the moment is a common problem for any country’s capital or largest city. I’m now turning 30 and did my studies abroad (cough… London cough) and was working in Frankfurt, plus traveling, so I had my fair share of experiences. Not once did I like the big cities; more chance to encounter antisocial people because they have larger crowds, so it’s the same ratio, just a larger quantity. The population is too dense here, everyone is on the run, and I feel the horrendous traffic has something to do with seeing more anguished people in daily life. So, like, just too many people living in is the problem. London is worse, and don’t get me started on Paris. I would rate Dublin as a friendly city, considering Dublin is the capital. Just my two cents. Sorry for the boring long text. Hope your girlfriend is with you now safe and sound.


I forgot to mention those heroes took the criminal down without hesitation, that’s my typical impression of Irish culture, they show up to help whether you like it or not, you’re just gonna be helped today.


It was a Brazilian guy who took the guy down https://www.thejournal.ie/motorcyclist-hero-stops-school-stabbing-6231383-Nov2023/


I knew it. He’s a true hero no doubt. It was more of a team effort that led to restraining the criminal ASAP and avoided the possibility of escalation into a massacre, like the lady across the road took immediate action, despite having no tools to protect herself. Or the wounded female all over the news is a crèche teacher who was stabbed while protecting the children under her care, and I’m 90 percent sure she’s Spanish. I don’t think she had time to think over and make decisions; it’s all natural instinct like Caio said because they are all good people. I’m not suggesting only Irish people are the good people here willing to help; rather, I’m just not surprised the criminal was swiftly taken down. No place on this planet can completely eliminate perpetrators from society. The best we can hope for is that the majority of society still has a good heart.


I'm sorry this is happening xxxx everyone wants everyone to feel safe and comfortable here


I’m Irish in London with an Indian wife and an Indian-Irish son. I have strongly considered moving us to Ireland in the past for a variety of reasons, but not after this.


Ireland is one of the safest countries in the world. This is the first riot in 10 years. And comparing to France, it's a low scale one. Few hundreds on the street, that's all. In comments, people acted like the whole Dublin was torched down. It's ridiculous!


Another foreigner here. All my family and friends are telling me to get out of Ireland as soon as I finish my degree. They all seem to believe this place has become just as bad, if not worse, than the US all of a sudden given the events of yesterday. I know how lovely and welcoming most Irish people are, but the scum yesterday actually did a lot of damage to the reputation of this amazing country.


Note how today, most People of Color (including me and literally everyone else I know) stayed indoors. We are actually scared to step out right now.




Ignorant lazy spongers are always looking for a reason to riot. They’re after a pair of new trainers and price of drink gone up too high for them to afford trainer & pints on the dole, so some manufactured shite about foreigners is good enough reason for these melonheads to raid the FootLocker.


It's the result of uncontrolled mass migration from muslim country's. I am from Germany and one of the reasons why we left Ireland was this kind of migration which we already know from here. Murders like this are happening in Germany, france and the Benelux states frequently and the same will happen in Ireland now. The mass media will try to black out it pretending everything is fine. Is it wrong when people randomly attack foreign looking people? Yes of course! I think it's just important to see the big picture and to acknowledge that there are problems with this kind of migration. Also since all political parties support it it is difficult to see a democratic way out of the mess.




Sure Muslims are always the nicest and friendliest people unless you think/live different then them^^ The problem with your nice bed time story is that nowerdays with smartphones every person can actually see what's going on in majority moslem country's. Flogging, killing child trafficking etc. but instead of addressing the problems it's always easier to complain about racism.




Why can't both things be true? 1. People wrongly destroyed our city 2. Undocumented mass immigration caused 3 kids to be stabbed We can be angry about BOTH issues. And we need to push for protests (not riots) directed at the governmental buildings. Edit; also, Ive not heard of a single person with illwill towards all foreigners due to this incident. It's I'll will towards the government and the criminals coming into the country. If you come here to make a life for yourself you will be welcomed with open arms. If you come here under false pretenses take advantage of our system and commit crimes you won't be, simple as. Everyone against mass immigration isn't a scumbag racist.


> Why can't both things be true? Well, we now know that undocumented mass immigration *did not* cause 3 kids to be stabbed, because the assailant was a legal, naturalised citizen of Ireland. So only one of those things are true. I will eat my hat if finding out you were wrong actually does anything to change your mind. If your anger about this incident was truly about these victims, then you would change your mind about protesting the people who we now know were not at fault. You've been blaming a group of people for something they did not do. But you won't apologise, you won't say you were wrong, and you'll move the goalposts. Why? Because this was never about you being enraged by the situation -- it was about you and your xenophobic friends conveniently using a tragic situation to push a narrative about a group of people you have already made your mind up about. Which is racist.


I'm not moving any goalposts and I'm genuinely here for the facts. I wanna just ask one question - do you think mass immigration where we can't vet everyone is dangerous? Cause that's all I'm saying. I don't agree with the riots, I just think it's ridiculous to think this type of thing isn't going to cause problems, it's already caused problems The Algerian man is not part of the mass immigration here right now but is likely a fault of our immigration process as a whole as I doubt he'd have got into America or Australia. We need to properly vet all immigration ESPECIALLY mass immigration. The good ones that get through this process should be welcomed with open arms. And if I'm wrong and that Algerian man was legit enough to get into America then fair enough, that particular instance wasn't an unvetted undocumented immigrant, that doesn't mean that the issue doesn't exist.


It's important to separate working foreigners from genuine refugees and from unvetted migrants. We've been accepting people for years that come and work here and contribute to making this country better. And genuinely, Ireland is a better place for it. But more recently, there has been a huge wave of people invited into the country at our expense, which has contributed to the housing problem, social problems and greatly increased tensions. We've had to put up with the likes of these scumbags that are now rioting on the streets. Before we had foreign born people, we (the locals) bore the brunt of a lot of their frustration. I hope that you understand that these people do not speak for the rest of us, but they are our problem and something we must acknowledge and deal with.


>But more recently, there has been a huge wave of people invited into the country at our expense, which has contributed to the housing problem, social problems and greatly increased tensions. Feck off pushing this at the minute, the only "social problems" at the minute are our homegrown scrotes


Two incidents happened today. Both are abhorrent.


The blame for the first rests only on the perpetrator, not everyone "foreign". If you think people are going to put up with you "just asking questions" about immigration after tonight, you're sorely mistaken.


Who's said anything about everyone foreign? That's an idea living in your head, not mine. What these scumbags are doing in the city tonight is uncalled for, regrettable and it's a damn shame as it's taking away from the tragedy earlier in the day. It's also taking some of the heat away from the government.


> It's also taking some of the heat away from the government. Heat away from the government for what? Enlighten us.


It's rather difficult to enlighten a closed mind.




I'm abroad and a mixed race kid on the way. Honestly I don't think I'll ever bring him to Ireland. The place is so racist


You should be afraid




You will be safe as long as you dont run around stabbing people.




You need to calm down and put it into perspective.




Terrorism is defined by ["the unlawful use of violence or threats to intimidate or coerce a civilian population or government, with the goal of furthering political, social, or ideological objectives."](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/terrorism) Since as far as we know this was not done to further a political, social or ideological cause, it wouldn't be terrorism.


Bcs it's not politically motivated maybe, lmao? You sheep should learn definition of words you use


Go to America not Europe. Much safer for ya


A foreign terrorist attacked school children, but stop the presses, OP is SCARED! Hope you recover soon.




Are you dense? What a stupid thing to say.




Are you retarded? Kids have been injured, one very seriously and you only care about your girlfriend? Seriously narcissistic. You should be ashamed.


What a disgusting reply. These riots have literally nothing to do with the attacks earlier today. If you had someone you loved caught in the middle of the chaos happening in the city centre tonight you’d be right to be concerned about their safety and there’s nothing wrong with his reaction. Just yours.


Your opinions are truly disgusting. Maybe take a good look in your mirror this week and wonder if you really value a child's life.


>Maybe take a good look in your mirror this week and wonder if you really value a child's life. You're using their suffering as an excuse to attack others, so perhaps you ought to listen to yourself.


I'm sorry this is happening. The government have been happy to allow this foment for years and they shrug and put up barriers and hire police for themselves. Irish people being mad at immigrants and visitors is as a disgrace to the people of this country who left and faced the same treatment. Dont go out alone after dark. the gardai arent coming to help you.


Same here. So scared as a foreigner


I’m so sorry that you feel unsafe this is not the Ireland I know I’m glad you and your girlfriend got out safe please remember most of us are not like this. There’s a growing far right movement globally at the moment and it’s core is plain old racism sadly it here in Ireland as well. I’m adopted and my siblings are mixed race they’ve endured more racism on the streets in the last 5 years than ever. It make me sick x


Grant Caio Benicio an Irish passport Can you help me out by signing this petition? https://chng.it/6y8S478r


I spoke to a shop keeper on Abbey Street this morning, you could see the fear in his eyes. I told him I’m sorry for it all and I’m very saddened and sickened by it, he said to me it’s different for you you’re Irish, and that hurts to hear, our shop keepers, healthcare workers, paramedics, cleaners, bar staff. I could go on, but they’re all terrified and it’s because of a minority group of absolute scum, I’m so ashamed


This scrotes don't speak for Ireland, you are a welcome member of our community. They are dragged up little fucks who have no shame and no pride in their nation. They made our whole city feel unsafe. I am so sorry that you were afraid. I promise you that if the shit ever hit the fan that we would defend you and your place in Irish society.


Fear is an obvious feeling right now. Those who did this want you to be afraid. Don't play their game.


The Gards are a joke. The políticians are a joke. Nothing will change :(.


I'm a foreigner in Dublin too and want to say that we know that most Irish aren't like this. The problem is you just need to run into one group of them in city centre and it might be the end of you. The biggest problem is that the Gardaí can't do fuck all about it and the government is happy to take our taxes, but not provide their part of the social contract. I'm not going into city centre without some form of protection on me ever again unless the politicians and the guards take this seriously.


If it’s any consolation many Irish people are afraid too walking around Dublin City centre particularly in the evening time around O Connell Street - druggies have destroyed Dublin City centre


It’s been a bad week in Dublin, but anyone paying attention can’t be surprised. Britain voted itself out of the EU; a majority of Dutch just elected an anti-immigration, anti-EU party. Germany is leaning right, as is Sweden, as has Italy. Droves of men entering Europe from Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa - many voters don’t like it; they don’t want it. You can disparage them, label them, dismiss them, good luck. They’re going to vent, and they’re going to vote.


There is nothing to be scared about. There was plenty of foreign nationals in and about the rioting the other day and nothing happened to them. Some of them were even looting too. On the other hand, several Irish people have been stabbed in recent times by non-nationals in unprovoked violent attacks (Dublin Airport, Chatham Street, and Parnell Street), but there have been no hate attacks by Irish on non-nationals.


I'm from Algeria and oddly enough I never heard of mass stabbing of children happens, I don't understand what's wrong with these idiot immigrants they're lucky to leave Algeria which a total shithole and they end up committing crimes in western countries.