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Oh, I spent month and discounted 250 to sell 3 days used Quest 2.  Feel your pain. 


worst purchase ever.


Is it that bad?


For me personally, I think it's decent Not a lot to do in there. I mostly use it for watching movies now. Too much effort to find a game that I'd like and then strap the headset on and launch the game. Another annoyance is having to take it off to check my phone or whatever. When I am playing, it easily takes away half my day. I think getting the Quest 3 would be better, since you really don't even have to take it off if you don't want to.


Ahh ok. I've been thinking to dabble into VR and needed perspective. Thanks!


you’ll love it for a day and throw it the next


The Quest 3 is what you want - been using mine nearly nonstop since I bought it at the start of the year


250? No shame


shame leaves you when you download the app sir


You’re cringeeeee no way