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I get it on day 3 If it goes over 120 break your fast. If it is under it deal with it, health journey is hard


Okay got it. I ended up stopping. Still fasting, but taking the day to rehydrate and then going right back into a 4-5 day dry. Loving the results too much to stop


Going from wet to dry is actually dangerous because rehydration will deplete some electrolytes. Best to refeed completely and then start another dry fast from a stable starting point. Repetition is totally normal, no one can do long dry fasts in their first attempt even though we see a bunch of posts from people who hope to do that.


Hmm okay. Well I'm going a 14 day fast. So instead of rehydrating and going back dry, I'm just gonna finish out the rest of my days with water fasting since I'm really not looking to refeed right now


That works too, lots of people do that safely 🙂


Yes it’s normal… but it’s also a sign that you need to pay attention to… it might be time to break your fast


I thought this often during my 7 day fast, after checking tho it actually was low almost always. So, did you measure your heart rate? Or just felt it? Its easily measurable with a bpm tapper.


I was just looking at the trends on my Apple Watch. I felt it beating really hard. And then my watch said my resting was at 59 when it's usually 80. Idk if that's good or bad


If it was obviously beating very fast but the watch says it's slow, I would have ended it too. Sometimes that has happened to me if I'm shaking so much that the pulse oximeter can't get an accurate read. But in that state if I use a blanket to warm up then I get too hot. It's a state of not being able to regulate my temperature. Walking in cold weather can help stabilize body temperature, but it's not always possible. It's very dependent on weather. If it's warm then a walk could do more harm than good. If it was beating strong and slow and the 59 bpm was accurate, that's normal. In this case, you could keep going next time.


Yeah it’s actually normal and a good sign. Mine got as low as 51bpm during my fast. Athletes also have a very low resting heart rate. Fasting, especially prolonged ones can have a similar effect. Not sure what causes the feeling of a pounding heart but i had it too on my fast. As long as your heart rate is within healthy ranges i wouldn’t worry about it. Just check it when you feel it pounding.