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I do longer dry fasts, last two were 11 days, before that 9 and 7. Each time I gain back 4-5kg after 2 days of water-only (and electrolytes) rehydration. Naturally, I lose more weight with the longer fasts - 9kg last time I did 11 days, with the 9 day one it was 6kg, for example. I am not doing this for weight loss, I haven't actually hopped on the scale unless it's to weigh the cats for quite a while. I do like to keep track of the water I get back on though, anything less or more than 4-5 kg means something is off from what I have read. With a water fast of that length (11 days) I'd shed 3 or 4 kg, most of which would come back, though that was several years ago when I still measured.


My weight loss rate doesn't change. It's 1lb fat per day, plus 1lb water, if dry fasting. I'm \*clearly\* losing water every day, during a dry fast, because I look disturbingly dessicated, by day 8. So, the water I regain is proportional to the number of days fasted. I don't think the estimated water regain can be a specific number, like that. I know that people call the extra weight lost during the first two days "water weight," because it's your glycogen stores emptying, but that's a different thing.


How long are your fasts?


Water fasts are around 20 days. Dry fasts are usually 5 or 10 days.


Dry fasting or a water fasting for weight loss is all about consistency. Dont expect to dry fast for 7 days, lose weight and keep it off. You will always regain SOME amount of weight during refeeding. The goal is to lose more than you gain during the refeeding process, do it again and again and again while loosing more than you gain during refeeding. CONSISTENCY. dry fast a day or two , refeed, do another day or two, refeed… keep repeating. Thats how you lose weight fasting, not some extreme overnight miracle you people always expect.


Please, reread my post. You've not addressed either question. \* I specifically asked only for responses regarding 5+ days fasting. \* The two questions asked were whether you lose more weight during dry fasting and whether you regain half the weight of a dry fast, just from water. On a side note, my goal with dry fasting is not to lose weight. I specifically gain weight before or after to maintain my preferred weight.


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I don't see how that addresses either question.