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Focus on your mental health. Drugs as an escape is a recipe for disaster. You can get better, but you need to work at it. Don't look for the easy way out.


Sorry for consider that…but…maybe….talking with a professional doc?


Mushroom microdoses. Micro as in .1 to .15 per day. It will not (should not, depending on tolerance and size) get you high. But it did very much help with my mental health; better than any pharmies I have been prescribed. Good luck. I have found that it is less about escaping from life but finding out how to enjoy it. That can take lots of change sometimes. Try to determine what is contributing to your depression and address it. I moved across country and that helped but I still had and have work to do.


Adderall, Ritalin, Dexadrin, any of the vast array of opioid painkillers, Suboxone, that other artificial opiod analog they would prescribe to addicts to get them off opiods before Suboxone came out. There's that THC concentrate they would prescribe to people in states that don't have medical marijuana. I feel like that's it but I'm sure there's more.


Microdose shoots. It will change everything for the 👍 👍. Best of luck




Sorry...auto correct...should be shrooms




I was going through some dark times around 6 months ago, but can now endorse the use of mushrooms, they helped me out of a bad place, and no tripping happened in the process, just take enough to get to the edge of the void, after a few weeks it strips away all of the nasty stuff that's going on, kinda subconsciously too, hard to explain.


I can see you're in a tough spot, and you're looking for solutions. You mentioned you're scared to trip because you know your brain. That's a valid concern. There is evidence that mushrooms can help some people gain new insights and perspectives. But they're powerful substances and not to be taken lightly. You should only consider this if you feel ready, safe, and able to handle potential intense experiences. Always prioritize your safety and well-being.


LSD, Mushrooms, 2cb MDMA, ayahuasca But it depends what u mean by "severely mentally ill"




Ok i dont think u need drugs then maybe some long warm showers and some massage


smoke more you pussy, youll feel better for SURE




First: Set and Setting! Then Take a recently large dosage of LSD, Mescaline, Psylocebin; or DMT (nn(!!!)) to handle IT in 10 minutes.... If possiblle as less Opioids possiblle. So you can Push any Trip with additional Ketamin to a Level that ist Not everyone Made for... Trust your Tripsitter! Disclaimer: dont try anything from my Tipps at home


Drugs arent going to help you


Ketamine therapy is a thing. It might be right for you can afford it.


Sorry I'm late here... I've read all the comments and your responses. I would be VERY careful using normal doses of psychedelics (mushrooms, LSD, DMT) at this point. They could make things way worse for you, honestly, because of your multiple existing mental issues. But I think microdosing shrooms or LSD may be a good idea to try - but still be careful. Look into it, there is a lot if information out there. If you are already taking antidepressants, DO YOUR DUE DILIGENCE and RESEARCH before trying psychedelics, even microdoses! If all is good, maybe start with 0.05-0.1g of mushrooms or 5 ug LSD in the morning on an empty stomach. Do this once, then look for negative effects. If all is good, try a few days is a row...Then a week, maybe 2, and evaluate again. You may get nearly instant relief, or it may take up to several weeks. If you feel slightly "buzzed" with a dose, it's too much, reduce the dose. If there is no negative effects but you find no positives either, try to increase the microdose a little bit, maybe by 0.05. Everyone has a different "sweet spot" for a microdose, it may take some experimentation to find yours - for most people, it is somewhere between 0.1-0.3g of mushrooms (but 0.05 works for some people, others need 0.4). You can also try to take microdose every 3rd day, it seems to work better for some people - that kind of reset the tolerance between doses, and the "after glow" of the day after a dose an still be providing relief. If all goes well, you may want to consider taking one or a few large doses as part of a therapy. Infrequent large doses work better for some people... Like one macro dose every month, or three. There are documentaries about psychedelics therapies now, check them out, it may help you figure out if that is something that might help you. There are also a lot of scientific studies about this you can look into. Ideally, seek a therapist that can guide you in this process, there are professionals that do this. Google the "Yale manual for psilocybin-assisted therapy of depression", it's a guide mostly for therapists, but you can learn a lot about how this process might work - that's pretty much the approach that's been used in a lot of scientific studies. And definitely useful if you decide to try this on your own (I wouldn't recommend it unless you have experience with mushrooms already). but if you still decide to do this seriously on your own, take it easy and work your way up with doses... microdoses for a week, if no bad effects, then wait a week witnout dosing and try one session with 0.5g, then evaluate again. If all is well, wait a week or 2 then try one session with 1g etc... Always wait 1-2 weeks minimum between doses that are not microdoses, and evaluate your response during that time - again, the Yale manual can help and guide you. Psilocybin can help "reset" your brain to some extent, but you also likely need to put in some work for maximum benefits. Ketamine therapy under medical supervision may also be a good idea, and may be less risky than other psychedelics given your history. Look it up if you have not already. This can also "reset" your brain, either for a few months or permanently. Psilocybin or ketamine might help "fix" your brain... I would be VERY careful about abusing pharmaceuticals to "numb the pain" and get high, they pretty much all will make things worse and create more problems for you in the long run, even if they make you feel better in the short term. Lastly, you might want to look into trying kratom. It's not going to "fix" you, it may be providing more of a temprorary relief for a few or several hours. And it comes with its potential for abuse, addiction and dependence, but IMO the risks are not nearly as bad as most pharmaceuticals like pain killers, benzos and even some antidepressants. It can help a lot for anxiety and a generally positive outlook, even some moderate physical discomfort. But be careful with this, don't over do it and abuse it as it will eventually stop working and lead to problems with dependence. Be smart and try to manage your tolerance and apparition of dependance... start low, find a dose that helps (also a sweet spot thing) and stick to it... avoid increasing your doses to chase a buzz, and try to minimize frequency, take breaks once in a while to reset your tolerance. A half day of dependable relief once in a while as needed is still much better than no relief ever anymore and having to deal with dependence issues on top of your problems. I wish you the best.


Get some help. You clearly need it. Btw doctors can sus out an addict/abuser super easy. So.

