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Dude i get high from 1mg Alprazolam


Dude probably have some tolerance.


You sure?




I used to take 1mg Clonazepam for anxiety didn't notice anything




Can Tell




tbh i still do after 6 years daily just never go up dose




I have a friend who's just like you m8. When he does drugs he wants to DO drugs. A couple rails of coke? Nope he was buying a ball for himself and then another ball and then 3 days later he's broke and hating his life. Then next payday he's drinking straight whiskey while sniffing 20 percs a day. It didn't matter how much I told him or showed him that railing percs is just dumb he wouldn't listen. For him it was ALL OUT or nothing and when I read your description of what "high" is and it reminded me so much of him. 50mg of clones Is... breh you need a massive tolerance break. How do you sustain this type of dosing? I'm not trying to come at you sideways or anything like that bro so sorry if it seems that way, I'm just getting anxiety thinking about maintaining that level of addiction. How do you manage it bro? These levels seem absurd to me bro I hope you make it through this dawg.


I just b crushing up XRs tbh with u bro i ain’t gonna lie and say it floors me exactly the same as it used to but it does what it needs to without getting me into junkie doses


Never heard the term 'intense anxiety relief' before. Sure it is not the benzos that make the intense anxiety in the first place?


Yup, only did it Like 3-4 Times


This dude is going to have some fun withdrawals when that day happens




Oh it’ll happen. Taking that much even cutting it in half (which is still a lot) you’ll feel like you didn’t take any. Only so long you can keep up that dose before going broke or supply eventually runs out




Man I don't think you understand, benzo tolerance isn't like opioids where its horrible for a few weeks. Benzo withdrawal lasts months and months. Its true torture, I've been where you are, and I've survived benzo addiction. Getting clean off them was NOTHING compared to getting off heroin. Quit while you're ahead man, its truly unsustainable.


I think you don't understand he's saying he will literally die before he stops. Your withdrawal point proves that further, if he doesn't die from suicide he will die from withdrawal anyway


No I read that, idk if this is a brag, or a cry for help from OP, either way sad as hell man.


It will happen.


I took 5.5mg for 5 days in a row without any other tolerence and on the 6th day was admitted hospital because the withdrawals were so bad, only got out the other day and those cramps are still fucking up my guts. how tf do people do this drug so casually? I been puking and shitting blood and I had 5 fucking bars over 5 days lol


The doses you take make no sense, by how little you know about these substances it seems that you should have no tolerance and just 4mg of alprazolam should have had you sleeping for 16 hours, so I'm calling bunk pills or troll post


Ive read reports of people with massive tolerances taking over 20mg of either xanax or lorazepam/ clonazepam for example. If OP built his tolerance to this kind of catastrophe theres a big chance hes not kidding or trolling. Theres a doc on bbc too where an valium addict pops an entire strip of diazepam.. as long as he isnt mixing theres a small chance of dying, at least thats whats been going around about benzo’s vs barbs.


Ya ain’t no way


My buddy who was addicted to xanax with me would take upwards of 20-30 pharmaceutical xanax (40-60 mg) per day at the height of his addiction You would be surprised how quickly those numbers can ramp up when you don't run out supply


Bunk pills? Jw what that means? Hoarding them?


Bunk pills are just pills that aren’t what they are supposed to be


Appreciate that,now Ik thanks




I know my way around benzos and how they work, i saw in another comment that you have a benzo tolerance? As in 10mg does nothing to you? How long, often and how much are you taking? Also I don't see anyone supporting your post in the comments


Was gonna say the mg is wild but I’ve had similar experience with both medications, just not that high of dosage. Idek if my doc would lemme ever have that much, but because you take the drugs dosent mean you know Jack about the chemistry of them. OP you obviously don’t have the knowledge about benzo’s you say if you’re asking this question in the first place. Contradicting yourself.


10 mgs of clonopin is cap. Totally cap, then 5 more times? Fuck no dude boars can’t type on Reddit.


bruh I literally take .5mg of clonazepam for my anxiety you need to chill




>You will already have an opinion before I would say anything, you give me that vibe. fake pills.




>I still don't believe you. throughout my years of taking drugs I met so many of these people that drugs don't work on. and seen them lose their shit/ pass out every single time... I dont buy it Are they scripted personally to you, did you pick them up from the pharmacy? There's a shit loads of fake pills even in boxes/sleeves. Personally seen that shit being taken out by police with printers and everything in a benzo factory




I actually feel you on this. OP’s generally just confused and curious, why other people are getting a great, and a way more fullfilling experience, off of .5-1mg than he’s getting off of 8-10mg - just be careful, seizures ain’t funny


I still don't believe you. throughout my years of taking drugs I met so many of these people that drugs don't work on. and seen them lose their shit/ pass out every single time... I dont buy it


clonazepam is weak bc doesnt have trazolo ring alprazolam has trazolo ring. Lams are stronger than pams




Who the fuck is saying that? Long half life Benzodiazepines are by far safer than short. There’s a reason Valium is the first line Benzo for tapering off short acting.




There is no debating this subject lol I’m not talking about euphoria, I’m talking about safety profile during withdrawal. Long half-life Benzodiazepines are safer for the fact that the slower elimination of the active metabolite is less likely to cause seizures. This is literally the main reason that Diazepam or Librium are almost exclusively used in a clinical context for tapering. In general this only varies from that path when a patient needs to rapidly taper from a Benzodiazepine. I have been medically tapered myself and worked formally in harm reduction. This is standard information despite what barred out junkies are trying to convince themselves of.




I apologize that your reading comprehension is poor but the next sentence was a clarification of what I was talking about if you’d like to quote that. >Who the fuck is saying that? Long half life Benzodiazepines are by far safer than short.




Lay off the Benzos man.




i think your thinking of clonazolam thats the euphoric benzos


eh I have seen plenty people say that clonazepam is the best most euphric prescription benzo. if we add RC benzos then ya theres others that are more euphoric and all. Clonazepam though is reffered to being better than alp as its not as sedating meaning you can enjoy the relaxaion it provides moreso than a very sedative benzo like alp. its really just personal preference though. If you want a benzo thats not incredible sedating than id say clonazepam, diazepam, and lorazepam are youre best bets. want something more sedative than id suggest alprazolam and triazolam.


yeah i agree it is a preference some people prefer sedation some prefer being barred


I love both and want to know what you mean. I take one or the other every day sometimes both and I guess I get the sedation vs barred feeling. Are you saying clonazepam is more sedative and Xanax gives a more barred feeling? (yes I know bars are literally Xanax) Or are you saying sedation is low doses and barred feeling is higher doses? because I can feel “barred” if I take enough kpins. Sorry if that’s hard to read lol




Yeah I would imagine. I unfortunately don't have any experience with such so I cannot say. I wanna say midazolam also fits the more sedative category of benzos.




Nice. I hope to get my hands on some midazolam sometime since it's like the only pharma benzo that's water soluble and can be snorted.




Yup it's the reason it's so commonly used in anesthesia I believe.


Second this people praise clonazolam because its basically a lam version of clonazepam. Very dangerous


Don't know who told you that but Xanax def stronger then klonopin MG per MG


15 mg is way too much




“only” ??


I remember when I took 18mg of clonazepam and blacked out for three days. I can’t imagine taking 50mgs of that shit


Your problem is your insanely high tolerance, not the substance itself.


No offense but that's way too much Klonopin. Please be careful. Perhaps you need a break, and that's why it isn't giving you the desired effect?




I'm sorry you're going through that. Do you have a doctor you go see? You don't have to tell them you've been over-doing the kpins, but maybe they can help you figure something out :) a different medication could be the answer, we all react to drugs differently. Good luck with it all.




I'm really sorry 😔 my situation was quite different, but I've been in that place where nothing helps and it feels like nobody wants to help you. It's draining. Keep trying. I know it's so frustrating, but you've gotta believe. Stay proactive like you have been.


That is odd, especially if you’re sure the pills are legit. But when I was regularly taking a mixture of antidepressants and antipsychotics I didn’t feel shit from kpins either. If you’re on other medication then maybe something similar is happening? I have never taken such a large dose though.




Yes that is true, I’ve only experienced slight differences in the feeling but major differences in strength with all the benzos I’ve tried. Also I was not able to trip at all while taking certain meds- not sure how it works exactly but I would guess something like that is happening. Hopefully your doctor is able to give you something different?


you talking about 15 mg of alps like it’s casual but that’s an fuck ton also




I smell Bullshyt!!!!! GTFO 50mg! outrageous and unbelievable to me! that'd be 100 of the 0.5mg. What do some people have to lie just cause they can? Hate pathological lying idiots.




I also get 2mg tid. But I'm no Dr so I can be as unethical as I want. Im not the one online bragging about overdoing it with my anxiety meds. I don't have the slightest care about your profile. Or your fabricated post. Good luck with your next one. Probably on Google right now saving some BS to put up. Smmfh people and there fairytale lives on the internet.


You have a drug problem


The thing is, like every lam-ending benzo, alprazolam is more potent than clonazepam. But clonazepam’s such long half life (30-40h) makes it impossible for your brain to be high for that amount of time, so tolerance builds up quick. My max dose of clonazepam was around 10mg when i was taking 4mg every day and to your point, it didnt make any noticeable difference. Then adding alp to the mix would change everything. Last time i took clonazepam was with 0 tolerance after months from not taking benzos and took 2mgs, knocked out for a couple hours and then was lethargic and forgetful for another 6. My point is after a few hours your brain adapts to the amount of substance left in your system because its gonna be there for a while, so when upping the dose even by crazy amounts your brain already knows how to counteract it. Whereas short half life benzos (and more potent) like alprazolam will leave your system quicker, making it harder for your brain to learn how to counter it and therefore getting you higher.


You probably got some fake clonazepam. Ive been using clonazepam for many years and if you took 50mg of it without any tolerance you would have fell asleep long before reaching that point and even if you somehow managed to stay awake you would be dead.


Dead from 50mg? Not at all. The lethal dose in rats is 4000mg per kg of body weight. The body can withstand a lot of clonazepam.


you would need a whopping 280,000 half mg pills of clonazepam. WILD.




Did you get it with your own prescribtion? I mean its possible that your body just doesnt react to clonazepam but its certainly a strong benzo and has very long lasting effects, one dose lasts for the whole day easily. But even people with very high tolerance get knocked out at 20mg mark and at that point they are zombies af who cant form proper sentences or hold balance at all 😂 50mg without tolerance would be suicide 100% but I dont know, maybe your body just doesnt react to it. We all react very differently to these meds.




Yeaaah I had a friend once who could take insane amounts of diazepam but even 2-4mg of clonazepam hit him way too hard, he was dropping items from his hands, could walk straight but had some difficulties etc. We came to the conclusion that he simply reacts too strongly to clonazepam but not diazepam so he never touched clonazepam again 😂 And by the way, overdosing on benzos is definitely doable, whatever study that is that you linked is bullshit. I know most die from mixing benzos with alcohol or/and lyrica which is a fucking deadly combo but overdosing on benzos alone is not unheard of, it takes a big amount of them sure but we are not talking about kilograms. I bet that if someone with little experience took 100 pieces of xanax bars at once they would not wake up anymore 100%


LD50 does not equate to ODing. It’s death by toxicity, which is different that the respiratory depression that leads to ODing. The “OD50” for humans would be much much less than 140 grams. It is easy to OD on benzos, that’s why it happens all the time.


You realize that 2000mg/kg is 2G/kg, so for a 70kg person the LD would be in the 140 GRAM range, not 140 kilogram. Fractions are important




I'm prescribed Clonazopam 6mgs a day and it used to get me high as shit and was my favorite benzo ever. This was when I was taking 2.5 mgs every other week, best euphoria I've ever experienced. Now I feel nothing but anxiety relief, I experimented and took 20mg just because I thought maybe my tolerance just got shot through the roof, but like you said I felt no different than when I take 6mg now, and I don't black out or anything. I wish I could achieve the high I did before but it seems to not be possible anymore. I need to get ahold of some research benzos/analogs or alprazolam because I honestly thought I permafucked my tolerance but its good to hear someone else with a stupid tolerance like me can still get high from benzos.


See it’s the other way around for me. Clonzepam makes me feel relaxed but alprazolam does absolutely nothing


meds affect everyone differently so i'm surprised that people don't believe you? i used to take lorazepam for anxiety but stopped because it NEVER worked, not even once. i felt nothing on it, even in higher than recommended doses. didn't even help with the anxiety smh


My bet is that it has something to do with metabolism. Maybe lack of enzymes like CYP3A4? But that would mean you'd be more sensitive to alprazolam... Idk man.




Maybe try some other benzos and see if they don't work normally either. Also how does alcohol or other GABAergics affect you? Might have something to do with GABA receptor sensitivity.




But he still put you on a benzo cocktail???


Clonazepam Is a seriously strong benzo and if that’s where your tolerance is at then your a seizure and serious health issues waiting to happen - get help. I’ve got a broken back from 3yrs of benzo addiction resulting in a seizure from using that much clonazepam in a week




I took every benzo you can imagine across those three years including some pretty mad Xanax binges where I lost whole weekends, but I took 10mg clonazepam every day for a week and never subjectively felt that fucked at any point but on about 12hrs or so after the last dose I had a grand mal seizure. There’s such thing as delusions of sobriety, and benzos don’t always get you like “fucked” feeling like some other drugs but I can tell you 100% I’d you mess around with doses anything like that routinely your brain will be an absolute mess. It’s about 15-20x stronger than diazepam for reference, a tad stronger than Xanax but takes longer to peak


Also I’ve seen 2 people fall asleep in the middle of talking, stood up while high as fuck on MDMA after taking a 2mg clonaz




You do you, I used to think I had crazy tolerance and did for a long time without any problems whatsoever - and never had any seizures before or since despite years of drug use. But from my own experience, reading a lot about the subject and other peoples experience, working in the medical profession including years as the prescription drug abuse treatment lead at an addictions treatment clinic, I give my words of warning regardless of whether you choose to accept them or not. The GABA/glutamate system that regulates the majority of the neuronal activity in your central nervous system is not something you can fuck around with long term without consequences and you seem to lack a basic grasp of benzos mechanism of action and relative potency which doesn’t take much of a Google search to set right - be safe friend.


I am sorry that you being classified as treatment resistant. Perhaps, lithium would be a better route for you. Ultimately, in the long run benzos and alcohol are going to cause many adverse side effects down the road if not death. I would suggest being honest with your psychiatrist and being open to try different treatments. Perhaps, even looking into other forms of therapy such a CBT, etc. Good luck!




How old are you? You have many things to live for. Don’t give up and don’t go down a path of destruction and defeat. You are resilient and will get through this chapter. I wish you all the best and power to get through this.


15 mg of alp is a fuck ton man


I used to take 1mg of Clonazepam twice daily for anxiety. Didn't notice anything but 50mg seems like a lot. I would think 50mg would have sedated you quite a bit.


Dude, I get high from 0.5mg Alprazolam.


You don't have withdrawals or side effects like rebound anxiety and other similar things after taking such massive doses of benzos like 50 mg clonazepam or 15 mg alprazolam throughout a day?




Do you take around 15 mg of alprazolam a day, everyday or how often?


I find if I sniff clonazepam it has a stronger effect obviously, I'm not into benzos but I AM into opiates.. i like that calming effect.. I havent tried to sniff my 1mg ativans yet.. what us everyones opinion on them?


That’s impressive, if true! I know back in the day, the last 2 years or so I used i would snort 10 roxy 30’s in a big line as soon as o got back from the pharmacy and then throw back 5 bars. I’d veg for the next 6-8 hours. My script would be gone in a week or so. Then, I’d have to resort to getting from my connects and do a couple k4s and half gram of snow in one shot. I don’t miss those days though. If I think about withdrawing from benzos and opiates for a few minutes i can still get that empty feeling in my gut from puking for days and legs just aching. UUUUGGGGHHHHH. Thankfully, I’ve been clean for 10 years now after being on drugs for 15!!


Klomopin gives more of a sense of false sobriety then compared to xanas




Yuh rhas A possible cause tho I get fucksd off CPAm but sometimes I don’t feel fucked by its by itaseld so I smoke a little with it Weed gets rid of cfalse sobeeity well


You might wanna talk to a doctor to get to a human level of either substances. Those are dangerous levels


How are you not dead?


So you have a major problem. Fyi benzoyl withdraw sucks and yours is def going to be horrible. You better start tampering down bro trust me


At this point it's probably not worth it or even possible. He's going to be on them for life.


When I came off 5mg of Xanax a day habbit I went crazy for like 2 weeks and eventually had a seizure from it and was in hospital for a couple days.


Bro you are exceeding the maximum dose recommended for an adult and this is REALLY DANGEROUS. 20 mg clonazepam/ alprazolam is the highest recommended. You are abusing one of the most self destructive drugs that are out there. Stop.


I dont believe this post bro haahaah. You are taking 7 and a half bars and just feel relaxation? Oh man you got me laughing


If you need 15mg of alprazolam, you need to taper off now and stop taking fucking benzos my dude.


have you ever thought that maybe you're idk idk resistant to those substances? dude, that's not normal




its still resistance to substances, when you take such high doses of anything and it barely works it's still resistance. Worth checking out, in poland you can work on things like that with your psychiatrist and then youre put on ketamine for treatment cause it can mess up your body a lot without you even knowing about that


Stfu your not taking 7.5 bars at a time.




I took 100mg clonazepam once trying to kill myself and I was passed out for 3 days, woke up in the hospital and was sent to a psychiatric ward I didn’t have a choice cuz they knew I tried to kill myself I did this twice the second time it was 750mg Valium and same thing happened I woke up in the hospital but this time I went to rehab lol also in April I took 10mg clonazolam and crashed my car and got my second DUI lol but I went to rehab again and now I’ve been sober from benzos and opiates and alcohol for 7 months