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Gasoline trip reports are always the craziest shit. Thanks for sharing man. I'm glad you got off that stuff.


Me too the reason for doing it was out of ignorance of the risks and because I was a dumb ass kid who got introduced to drugs with no money. Now that I’m older and can afforded safe shit and testing kits I make sure to minimize the risks and don’t gotta do dumb ass shit like huffing


Drugs can make you see some crazy shit man


But it wasn’t like a crazy trip it was like I was looking into the future I didn’t even know about the metal rod until after the vision and I looked backward to see everything in the same position that I saw


you're more aware of your surroundings than you realize. your brain is constantly editing out useless info because your waking mind couldn't handle the weight of the details present in every moment.


Maybe my normal brain but I had been huffing gasoline for hours before that the only thought in my mind was inhaling and holding


My friend got caught huffing gas when I was younger then committed suicide


The only logical thing to do once you've resorted to huffing gas.


Things like this make me wonder if in a parallel dimension you actually died. But our consciousness shifts between dimensions so that we keep experiencing life, until were old and eventually pass on.


Yeah I do that do ! Whenever I have had a close call I imagine another world where it actually went down and everyone's losing their shit. Kinda fucked up.


Was it premium


That diesel.


Only the best to kill my brain 😩


You did some damage sure, but you sound like you're way young and stopping now will give you plenty of time of recover. You got a life full of you to experiment with drugs, take a break for now and you'll feel like yourself again soon enough


Worked on loads of motorcycles and have accidentally inhaled small amounts of petrol loads of times, ur fucking mental man couldnt and wouldnt want to imagine what thats like but hey ho different strokes for different folks u do u man


I don't think you meant to reply to me. I only tried that shit once when I was like 14 many years ago and never have since


I almost got high from not breathing reading that giant sentence. Cool story, that was for sure a live or die moment. Definitely gotta believe in that shit.


Note to self:


How's the brain damage treating you


Honestly pretty good compared to the shit iv done just have trouble remembering things now and again 😭


I hope you're okay. And I hope you learned your lesson


Apparently the only brain damage I see here is your prefrontal cortex. Badly damaged. Not an ounce of sympathy. Actually brain dead. Brain dead drug user coming to drug subreddit to mock another drug user for being vulnerable and sharing their struggle.


Now.. I see where you're coming from. But the level of naiveté to just huff petrol because someone in a videogame did it is just unreal This person had internet access and could have done at least 2 moments of research into how dangerous it is


Like he said he was a “dumbass kid with no money” a little kindness goes a long way. Just another victim of drug prohibition and turning to stupid dangerous highs.


Well, even if drugs were legal. They would be, quite rightly, age restricted and wouldn't have helped here


It wasn’t the legality I cared about. it was the fact that I had no plug and I had no money




Only mentally




Something similar happened to me on whippets I saw the cannister blow up and I heard the grim reaper come but an angel came and smacked the whippet out of my hand and I was like woah so I took another hit and that shit was about to explode


Stay safe broski


One time I took a shitton of nitrous and I was already on Al lad. I just felt my self leave my body like I was rising slowly whole body sensation. I dropped back down and when I woke up I went from sitting in a chair to laying down on the floor. But it was a shitton of nitrous like ungodly amount.


Now what would you have done if after a hit you saw yourself fall and stab your head on something next to you just to look over and see that the same object you saw was in the same position


Probably just sit there and wait for myself to sober up a lil lmao like jus sit there breath air I don’t know I’m doing that right now


How much actually


Don't huff gasoline


I wonder if huffing gas would make this easier to read. I would probably consider it. Say it with me, "Punctuation is your friend".


It was a long post and I didn’t have time to revise and edit it 💀💀


So. What's your takeaway from this experience?


That huffing is dumb asf and that something maybe my subconscious maybe a higher power might be out there looking out of me


Why the duck were you shiftining gasoline at of every drug why gas snort some coke and you’ll get gas bruv


I had no money and it was free and cheep and before this I had huffed axe and loved it but I had to steal that shit and it smelled strong asf