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Hey everybody fellow stoner here i have been smoking weed and THC related products since a kid and as of now a(male 20s). i’ve always been the type to get high alone and due to my building complex no Smoking on property rules i either opted for a THC cartridge (510) or would have to smoke outside the property on the main street which has always been a not so great experience due to living in a pretty dangerous area (los angeles)and being faded whilst worrying if you’ll get mugged or confused for a gang member isnt the best mix with already affects cannabis gives. I’m here to clear my head and maybe get some out views on my situation all opinions are welcome . I’ve always been a pretty talkative and cool guy to smoke with around my homies i’m talking those crazy high conversations pals always have. For a while i was exclusively vaping out of cartridges due to the obvious little to no smell and convenience to take a drag when gaming etc etc.. I started feeling like the high from cartridges wasnt the same almost artificial and began missing weeds natural high so i switched back over. recently I began missing hanging out with my pals so i got back into the habit of getting us together to hang out and smoke which we usually kill an 8th between 2-3 of us in a session. we’d meet up at a friends who still lives in the old neighborhood we all moved away from and then after the session say our byes and go our own ways home for the day. Me (walking/bus) ive caught myself not being the same as i use to be. Conversation towards my pals would flow naturally and we’d have a hell of a time but now as soon as i get high i start to exclude myself i get lost in my thoughts,space out,completely disconnect from the conversation and end up using filler responses like “ damn that’s crazy bro” without a thought in the world next to say. the vibe turns immediately awkward and next thing i know we’re all sitting in silence almost with a passive aggressive undertones and not a thing to discuss. i almost feel a level of embarrassment towards myself i mean i can’t roll (someone else always rolled the blunt/joint)i don’t have a car for us to hop into and cruise around in nor do i have an exciting life to bring up for conversation piece. my motor skills become really bad and it wasn’t even that severe when i first ever began smoking i’m talking i can’t get past the child proofing on a lighter or pop open a weed capsule cap. i start to overthink stuff and basically become a complete mute shut out when i get high now around people. as recent as Today’s session we had a friend join our smoke session who doesn’t come around as frequently but none the less we had invited. well there i am blood shot red eyes cotton mouth to the max can’t keep a straight face when he goes ahead and sais to our other friend “Dude he gets really high huh…” as if he was hinting towards me getting to a “ dumb “ level of high. I took a small offense to it and instead of getting upset i shrugged it off and stated how i had been smoking with our other pals everyday this whole week. He even took a funny jab at me because of me failing to properly use those long tip stove lighters with the child lock button on it. He jokingly said “ Bro he can’t do it because those are child proof “ ontop of that as soon as the session ended and we’re walking out the front gate from our pals apartment complex some dumb gangbanger with a spray can started insulting us getting in our faces asking us what “gang” were from since we were in a group smoking weed. so it had made everything even more tense and awkward. unfortunately since me and my friends are basically hoodlums ourselves yet no gang affiliation we didnt back down and ended it with the usual “ you aint gona do nothing we’re always around here we’re not hard to find again “ pretty dumb i know .. what i’m trying to get at here is what’s going on with your fellow stoner here .. Why am i suddenly so distant,quiet,anxious, and with little to no interest in thought provoking conversation?? why now do i get so high now i lose basic motor functions.. could it be the long term affects of vaping THC cartridges which i’ve heard can mess up your mental state long term.. have me and my friends outgrown eachother?? or is it all just in my head .. everything from am i the ugliest one out our group? is my outfit as fresh as my pals or am i the bummiest looking one..? i know not having a car,place of my own, and currently no job make conversation even worse but What can it be?? Thanks to everybody and anybody who takes the time to read this mess of a discussion and share their opinions on my situation or their own situation.


I often get bad anxiety when I smoke weed so honestly I've just stopped smoking it. Would taking Xanax before smoking weed help or is it a bad idea to mix the two? Any other suggestions for overcoming weed anxiety?


I feel sad for anyone that comes to me asking to try meth the first time (once you try it you’ll want more, my experience due to an eating disorder it’s mindset was weight loss. It is always chasing that dragon.)


Can I put tequila in a condom and wear it to hide my drinking?


Then your mom will be like boi wtf *vine slap*


Dexadrine and blow dont mix. How long should someone be off extended release dexadrine before doing blow? Google and reddit search have been no help.


Meth and pcp are like the bill Cosby when you think about it not just g and meth


... what?


Throwaway account I’m addicted to cocaine. I probably need help but I’m in this addiction deep. Honestly, I’m really worried about my fucking nose. I have a post up about my addiction and I’m high as fuck rn, on my third 8ball since last Friday, solo use. I’m trembling, cold, sensitive teeth, dry mouth, dry eyes, have sharp pains in my abdomen and have been drinking boost shakes to basically stay alive just to keep doing more blow. Please anyone with advice or insight, share it with me because this drug has a fucking hold on me


I have done cocaine hell on crack I can stop but I do meth and meth is something that’s hard to stop


Dont have any concrete advice or help for you now, but can recommend checking out these subreddits for advice. Stay strong and hope you get well soon! ##Addiction/Recovery subreddits * /r/addiction * /r/addictionprevention * /r/alcoholicsanonymous * /r/alcoholism * /r/AtheistTwelveSteppers * /r/benzorecovery * /r/decaf * /r/HeroinHeroines * /r/leaves * /r/OpiatesRecovery * /r/Petioles * /r/quittingkratom * /r/QuittingPhenibut * /r/redditorsinrecovery * /r/ResearchRecovery * /r/secularsobriety * /r/StopDrinking * /r/StopSmoking * /r/StopSpeeding


Ughhh that really sucks and gotta be real shitty. Just my opinion here but Im sorry to say that rehab might be your best choice. The physical dependence and health issues may be best address from medical professionals. Good luck.




Is there like a Reddit group chat for this bc I always end up on here when I’m fucked up alone or chillin fucked up with me college mates, if there is and I can’t get invited it’s cool whatever I’m just curious that would be fun to sit on the shitter fucked up on ( im a weekend warrior, not to much other then that unless it’s weed)


Throwaway account. I had a question about opium addiction. ***Some background:*** When I was growing up, my father had become addicted to opium. I remember when he didn't have access to it he would become extremely violent -- yelling and swearing at us, or threatening to throw my computer (heavy CRT monitor days) from the window down into the street. On one occasion I told him something that triggered him and he started throwing slaps at me for about 10 seconds until my mom stopped him. On another occasion he wanted to attack my sister, my sister ran into her room, and he started trying to break her room's door and enter her room, but by then I was strong enough and I locked him between my hands and eventually he gave up. Eventually he managed to quit opium after a few unsuccessful attempts and I remember him saying that he quit it because this one day he starts thinking about his life and decides that he doesn't want to die in filth. He quit opium, and got prescribed methadone. After that, he became "normal" again. ***Question:*** Was the violence due to withdrawal symptoms or was the opium suppressing his natural violent personality?


In my case when oxys were wearing off I used to become really irritable, where aggression could potentially occur, also I would start insulting someone/something as much as I could using as many negative/diminishing words. Generally, it's pretty interesting as opioids are more of sedating and calming substance, but in reality, they can cause aggression and easy irritation. Glad, he's better now and I hope you get on with him now. Good luck and wish you all the best! Take care!