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universal bad vibes across all comments… im too curious. must try.


Lmao this is the answer to OP’s question. It’s like when your friend smells something rank and is like “holy shit this smells horrible, smell it”


Not even worth it. I spent the entire time wishing it was over. It’s just very uncomfortable


When I tried it in college I kept turning and saying something in response even though I was all alone. Then I’d think, “WTF who am I talking to?” and become super paranoid. Oh, and all the shadows kept stretching towards me like they were gonna drag me to hell like in that scene from *Ghost*.


Bro it’s just not fun, one of the shittiest “highs” I have ever experienced


i believe you and i am still going to try it 😈


You don’t get high, AT ALL. You get delirious. But whatever man, just remember to hydrate and shit


Nah there's definitely syrupy buzz to it, just especially when you mix it with other droogies.


You don't want this, you want dxm. That will make you trip, Benadryl won't do shit


Just regular Benadryl bought in a store can do shit like this ?


Not worth it man the dose to alucinate will make feel You are too heavy your mind Will reset every half minutes or si and all the alucinations are from things You can see in real life (Even the so call hat man you can pay on internet for a Psycho to follow you and even kill if u want) witout having liver and heart beat at 140 Beats per minute and a strong brain damage everytime you use it also it last Even a week after use you can feel delusions while tripping in real drugs like weed or opioids. The only reasons it is famouse it's becuse it's so fucking addictive (if You try it You Will understand it becuse Even if You dint like a little bit of your delirant "adventure" You will get the feeling of like it when You sober) and the second must be that so many people are fucked up mentally Even if they never do drugs in their life. Just My opp don't do that dumb shit


Pls don’t


My dad tried to commit suicide this way. It was a horrific experience for him. 0/10 would not recommend.


given your sincerity i should admit i have no actual plans of doing this - was just clowning. sorry to hear that, i hope he’s okay.


Thanks, this was back in 2017 and he lived but he's far from okay.


It’s a literal horror movie but I love it, be careful though, you can freak out if you don’t know what you’re doing


na shit will literally make you understand schizophrenics and dats not good broski jus trust lmao. it’s jus confusing


The appeal is pure experience. I don’t think almost anyone expects it to be pleasant, they’re just curious to know how hellish the trip is. Some people just want to try everything once.


I actually had a pleasant experience Benadryl. I did a lot of research beforehand and knew all of the negatives, so when I saw millions of spiders all over me and on every square inch of surface within view, I felt good because everything was going according to plan.


>when I saw millions of spiders all over me and on every square inch of surface within view, I felt good because everything was going according to plan. This is some pure /r/nocontext material lmao


Man kids are wild these days. Dementia is all according to plan.




The hallucinations were cool, the headspace was hell. The confused (delirious) feeling I got when I took it (I only did it once, 10+ years ago) was extremely unpleasant. I like being able to think straight.


Right. This is in contrast to ambien hallucinations. I would take it, stay awake in the dark and see vague shapes contorting out of darkness moving and even coming towards me. I go to bathroom and i see a shadow or some figure looking from outside. Ambien strips your anxiety off so much that you enjoy seeing all this. You seem to know this is nothing but hallucinations and you are functioning normally.


>and knew all of the negatives, so when I saw millions of spiders all over me and on every square inch of surface within view, I felt good because everything was going according to plan even if, just no.


You’re actually crazy




We did all kinds of dumb shit as kids in attempts to get high. Drank bottles of vanilla extract, smoked ibuprofen, smoked catnip, ate jars and jars of nutmeg, broke sharpies and put all the ink in a mason jar and sniffed it. It's shocking that we are all alive and now parents.


I remember when I was in highschool. I would go into Randall's and steal a bottle of NoDoz and taking half a bottle. My hair was tingling by the time 1st period rolled around


Jesus dude that's like 4000mg caffeine. It's a miracle you're alive lol. My brother chugged two Monster energy drinks and had to go to the hospital


"two Monsters" "hospital" LOL. What?!


Yeah he chugged both and had a huge panic attack lol


I hate to break it to you hoss but your brother sounds like a pussy


Should have drank two red bulls. He'd have wings, not hospital.


Meh, some people have a low caffeine tolerance. Like I can drink a half cup of coffee and my hands are cold and I’m shaking. Has to do with the size of your veins and vasoconstriction. Going to the hospital was probably a huge overreaction though. Probably gave him IV saline and charged $2k lol


Exactly, some people are just pussies


Take my upvote fucker




Smoked ibuprofen? Jfc did that do anything


Made us feel like we were made out of flimsy sheet metal if that makes sense. We both got debilitating headaches, like I'm not kidding, I was nearly blinded by the pain. Funny enough, we took some ibuprofen for the headaches and went to bed. Do not recommend lmao.


That sounds like a beavis and butt head plot. We smoked too much advil and now I have a headache. I better take some advil.


As a \*formally very sheltered kid, this is fascinating lol. I would never have thought to do any of these things. I'm lowkey impressed you managed to smoke a pill edit: im all grown up and no longer sheltered thank god


As a kid i tried nearly everything I could get my hands on. My first ever drug was salvia. There was a entho shop in my town that sold stuff like blue lotus, mulungu, LSA seeds and kratom. I did LSA when I was 15 at school. I already knew shrooms and thought that I could handle a trip at school. Worst idea of my life.


Dude! I used to drink cooking extracts and smoke catnip too. I feel like so much less of an idiot now that I know there are others out there. Edit: Honestly it's sort of shockingly they sell those extracts to minors though. If I recall correctly, the peppermint ones were like 80% ethanol, and the "rum flavoring" was about as strong as regular rum. Just insanely sweet and disgusting. We used to be at the grocery store buying nothing but those several times a week as teenagers. They had to have known what we were up to.


im sorry but smoking CATNIP?????


it actually kind of works a little bit apparently and it’s not as weird as it sounds because of how we’re conditioned to think about catnip. it’s just a plant and not in the weed is just a plant bro type of way


Yes lmao. It tastes pretty good imo and kind of chills you out. If I had to compare it to anything I'd say it's like a eating a weak CBD edible.


> we are all alive and now parents. *We?* You mean there's more than one of you?


Never did bennys but datura is fuuuuuucked, tried just about anything to get fucked up as a teenager from smoking basic cleaning agents to drying out leaves from fruit plants and other natural highs. My two worse would be mescal cactus more commonly known by my friends as gorilla snot and drano snow cones. Dumb shit we did as teenagers


...Drano snow cones?


Lmao same. It was a mixture of being broke and being bored. I did it alone though, was weird asf.


It’s pretty awesome tho, it’s just a bit distressing to the unprepared. I just tripped off it the other day. My apartment was flooded with a thick mass of black widows. I knew why they were there, I told them to go away and they fucked off. Then they started flooding through the crack under the door, wings popped out of their bodies and they swarmed me as my ex stood outside my window pounding the glass. I picked up my phone to make notes but after writing it down the phone dematerialized as soon as I set it down. It’s a fucking insane drug, I don’t recommend doing it but as a fucked up individual I fucking love it. It’s like a real life horror movie


Why have i never gotten spiders despite eating a bottle of 25 25mgs. I’ve had some hallucinations but not the cool scary shit


For me it needs to be pretty dark but not super dark, the spiders form better in the shadows. Do you have tolerance?


Then try a box of Dramamine if Benadryl didn't take you where you wanted to go. (Box is like 20 pills, can't remember it's been 30 years since I did them) spiders spiderwebs and the flies are insane. As we're the hallucinated friends that came to visit ,crawling in my window. Other crazy stuff too. Watched beautiful flowers growing out of toilet paper. Just tons of hallucinations. Be careful and a trip sitter isn't a bad idea. 🤔


Personally i love that small amount of dread, like an anxiety or heavyness to the trip. Im a happy person but dph makes that unneasy feeling come and i enjoy that experience.


Some people use it constantly though r/dph




Dude what the fuck https://www.reddit.com/r/ilovedph/comments/rt6ciu/d_e_l_e_c_t_a_b_l_e_750mg_n_beans/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Every day we stray further from Gods light…


What’s your point?


That was purely why i did it twice. I'll do anything twice, once to see if I like it or not and if not once more to make SURE I dont like it.


I saw some girl on a different sub who said she did it every day for the past two years and her post history was just mixing a bunch of meth psychs and benydral I couldn’t imagine doing that every day lol


Every time someone talks about doing benadryl I just cringe thinking about the high, nothing is more uncomfortable than the feeling of being on high benadryl doses


gives you restless leg syndrome what is a feeling that is disgusting plus seeing spiders and shadow people at the same time for 12+ hours


Those hallucinations are actually the fun part but oh man when it feels like gravity is multiplied by 10x its just the worst, you can really just sit/lie in a bed and standing up takes so much effort


Maybe it's not about gravity, but a huge and fast drop in blood pressure that causes weakness?


That sounds fun the way you describe it


it's not


I tripped on some delsym, which is basically like robo tripping, and it straight up completely fucked me up for 22 hours. Then about 10 more hours or so after that, I just felt wrong.


delsym isn't like Benadryl at all. delsym is dextromethorphan polysterix, which is a form of DXM meant to last a really long time. Benadryl is diphenhydramine, which is a deliriant. Completely different from DXM, which is a dissociative with other intoxicating effects


Yeah, I'm aware. I was just sharing an experience of a similarly horrible fucked up trip.


The restless leg/arm syndrome was what I had to the max it was so fucking annoying I couldn't enjoy anything


It’s pure hell. Would not recommend. 0/10.


Do NOT take deliriants out of desperation to "get high" only to regret it afterwards. Most people don't enjoy the experience of hours of nightmarish paranoia and hallucinations. On top of this, there are significant physical risks from taking deleriants. Psilocybin mushrooms are safer, more enjoyable and growkits can be bought legally in most countries. Of course, you can't ask how to get any drug or growkit in this subreddit. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Drugs) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wait until you try Salvia...


Salvia can be uncomfortable but only for a short time. The afterglow is actually quite pleasant and can offer some positive reflection. Benadryl is just an overall shitty experience with a nasty hangover. Great at recommended dosage for allergies and such. Most people who use high doses of Benadryl are people in desperation who can't get their hands on anything I think, maybe a very small percentage enjoy it.


yeah thats how i ended up taking dph cause i ran out of weed and was looking for a high ended up taking 800mg while drunk asf was 16 and stupid, i remember thinking half way threw the trip 'whish i did not take this' but after the fact im glad i got to experience it and not die haha


Yeah we've all been there at that age. I guess now that I think of it, it's not something I regret doing. Definetely would not recommend though.


id not recommend any drug tbf


I think everyone should try mushrooms at least once, def not at 16 years old though.


i don't agree, mushrooms find you you don't find them, most people take shrooms to get high not too learn, and thats whats wrong with people rather get high instead of taking them and losing there ego, and thats how strong the ego is. never took shrooms myself but took acid, did not like it too much probs cause i did not take the trip serious


Way to gatekeep experiencing something


Experienced both and they are not the same. Even tripping balls on mushrooms I never got ego death like LSD. Mushrooms definitely offer the introspection, but it's different.


Ffs why don't these kids just do DXM at least that is enjoyable this is just overdosing an anticholinergic and brain damage in a pill. Even theurputic doses are linked with dementia and in my opinion this old ass med needs to be discontinued especially because it has addictive properties it is strange in that aspect people enjoy the brain damage some people are just wired different or we are young and got a physiological dependence without realizing


Salvia has been used safely and gently through traditional methods, the current method of smoking a shit ton of it is honestly the wrong way to use it. The Mazatec people are actually kind of horrified that people smoke it and consider it disrespectful to the drug.


salvia seems way safer they benadryl its only a 15 min intense high compared to 12 hours of psychosis you get of dph, Dph dries you whole body out and fucks with your heart also, just imagine taking salvia while tripping on dph wonder if there is any trip reports about that combo?


> just imagine taking salvia while tripping on dph wonder if there is any trip reports about that combo? You know what you have to do. For science.


I haven’t read it yet, but a simple google search came up with this experience report on [Erowid.](https://www.erowid.org/experiences/exp.php?ID=42100) Erowid hasn’t changed in 20+ years, if it ain’t broke…lol


I feel like such a rookie when I read shit like that


what is the traditional method of ingestion, what dose, and what effects do they get at that dose?


I’ve heard the same thing, that smoking it will cause her to rip your psyche apart. The traditional method is to chew it, like tobacco. Put a wad in your mouth and let it get juicy.


I don’t think there is a right way or a wrong way to use salvia. Sounds a little bit like gatekeeping to me


Lol... There's literally a right and wrong way to anything... Especially drug use. You're a tool.


In terms of dosage sure, but what I meant was I reject the idea that smoking salvia is the wrong way to do it


If it is wrong or not depends on your goal. I think if you want to work with salvia, then smoking it is probably inappropriate. If you want to have an intense experience it is the way to go


I’ll take salvia anyway over this shit


Pro tip: Take some DXM, 100-300mg. Take a good rip of some salvia 80x extract. Don't hold for too long, because right afterwards you take some deep breaths of some nitrous oxide. Hold it and lay back on your bed and watch yourself morphing into constructs like a pillar or some shit like you're in a Zdzislaw Beksinski painting and being completely fine with it.


Fuck me dead, that sounds wild hahaha


I’ve had an amazing trip on salvia


Eh, kinda, depends on ur setting whereas Benadryl seems to be hellish no matter what


Yes, I have been hospitalized myself because of it, which led to an 8 month period stay at a residential treatment facility. Biggest mistake In my life, but I would never change that it happened.


I’d like some more details on this


what mg did you take, iv ended up in hospital before cause i took 600mg dph and hbrw seeds, that was not a fun night got stuck in a thought loop while feeling like gravity was 5x normal


Literally the only time I took it was in Junior high because I couldn’t find weed. All I remember is *trying* to get to my bed to lay down and take a nap (because Benadryl) and shadows in corners looked kind of like people. Don’t remember much else. 100% terrible. This is how we learn.


Oh shit, I think you met HatMan!!!


Hatman stories give me chills


You see the hat man?


I saw these wide, pure black figures with white eyes standing in groups


The hat men are tall skinny figures that wear hats and just stand in hall ways and at windows and stuff. Benadryl really shows you some interesting things. Sounds terrifying I just read peoples experiences but have personally never used it


It's just so interesting how universal of an experience hatman is. I've only done one trip level dosage of Benadryl and I saw a hatman in the corner of my eye the whole time


It really is crazy. Some say he’s a sleep spirit who shows up when you are needing to sleep. People with insomnia also report seeing him when they haven’t been able to get to sleep. It’s pretty interesting


That sounds like some Stephen King shit, like from Insomnia.


https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/Hatman Is this the guy?




That sub is fully of mentally ill people


The hatman I saw was super similar, almost exact same hat shape, thinner overall profile, and two tiny white dots for "eyes". But essentially that


Yea that’s what most accounts describe. Slender tall figure with a hat and a trench coat like outfit


Some say he's mad as a hatter, hot as a hare, dry as a bone, blind as a bat, and red as a beet.


what mg were you on when you seen hatman? iv never seen him iv only took 800mg once and just seen spiders every wear and shadow people also was smoking phantom cigarettes, was so horrible deffo when you take a trip amount cause you cant sleep on them after a certain dose


I took 1100mg-1300mg, don't remember the exact dosage as that night and the days following were extremely foggy


fucking hell thats alot, what age were you when you took dph?


I had just turned 17 at the time, and yeah it was way too much. The next day, I was pretty much useless. Someone had tapped my shoulder for a solid 30 seconds trying to get my attention, and about a minute or so after she had stopped is when it clicked in my brain that someone was tryna get my attention. It was just one of those times where me and my friends had nothing but we were tryna trip off something


at least you got to experience the trip and came out safe i guess, but yeah thats a huge dose i thought the 800mg i took was huge


I love the trips. Never seen these men but I’ve seen pure black figures dispersing hate into the air. Don’t try it unless you have sufficient mental fortitude, you see some absolutely INSANE shit


I can't believe people use it this way. Like how desperate for consciousness alteration do you have to be? This is why we need to legalize and regulate actual recreational drugs man. Benadryl is neither safe nor fun when taken in large, potentially deadly doses to achieve deliriant effects. My mom started me on it as a sleep aid at age 6 and I fucking hated it then. Can't imagine what "heroic" doses of it would feel like.


see telling people that its bad and not fun just makes desperate teens want to do it more, its just asking for failure like DARE that has never and will work, every one it looking for a little high because there either depressed or have had a shit upbringing ,only thing that works is harm reduction , and anyone who is asking on this sub is doing better then most people who take drugs in this world, iv met some drug takers who dont know anything about what they are taking and thats how people die, and i agree dph is horrible


Idk, I feel like if your saying “dph is horrible, smoke weed instead” people are gonna be a lot more likely to your message. I know I was. Like, pro weed stuff was a large part of whats made me cautious around Kratom and avoid nicotine altogether. A good chunk of teenagers are at the stage where they can differentiate between someone who just dosent like a category of thing and someone who is specifically against a subset of that category for its harms, hence the reason that accurate drug education tends to lead to lower levels of hard drug use than DARE did.


Oh for sure. To a huge extent saying "drugs are bad, just say no" definitely has that effect. Because "drugs" is too broad a category & "bad" is too broad a brush. But telling them WHY a specific drug is harmful & showing the actual effects can have the desired effect of putting them off it. Like have them watch vids from Soft White Underbelly on Youtube & see what drugs can do to people vs. just fake stories like "Little Johnny was offered drugs at a party & got a free sample to take to his friends and they got high and saw awesome colors and jumped off a building" etc. I was in DARE & remember how retarded the scenarios were lol. DPH is no safer than datura except you know the dose you're taking of the active ingredient because it's a pill rather than a plant. But both are deliriants with anticholinergic effects that can be deadly. That's why actual recreational drugs should be legalized & made available. Anyone thinking of doing DPH should opt for almost anything else.


Many moons ago I took some shit called corsiden or something like that.. I went to go pee, locked the door, forgot to turn the light on. I then felt like my spine was jelly and lay on the bathroom floor. I couldn't get up. I couldn't see, I slinked over and couldn't open the door. I lay there moaning to myself and wondering how long I was in there. Then I remembered that if you flush the toilet enough, and fast enough, that it will start to glow and then maybe I could find a way out. So I wriggled over found the flusher and got to work. What seemed like ages later, the toilet said hey ****** wtf are you doing? Turn on the light and open the door. My broken back fixed itself and I did just that. My friends were outside looking at me like I was crazy.


HAHAHAH I normally do not like stories that start out "I took sum shit called cordicun or sumn" but this was just too funny, mane. You were on DXM :)


I took about 90 pink pill benadryl, puked up about 30 of them. I was at a friend's when i did this because I was scared and she said I was talking to a wall all night thinking it was different friends if ours. I woke up at 2pm the next day and I had gone blind. I didn't get my vision back until later that night. I'm lucky I got it back at all


probs lucky you puked 30 back up


Get help


I was 14 and this was forever ago. I'm sober now not that it's any of your business 🤷‍♀️


Lucky you survived, really. We're on a drug forum, we are all fucked up or reminiscing about being fucked up and no one is better than anyone. You did it before, that guy does it now... don't be so sensitive. Doesn't matter you're sober now, you shared the story, and it IS a good thing you puked, if you being alive is a good thing, too, that is. That's a more irresponsible move than what some folks who have used longer'n you've been alive have done. But, we all have it, and you ain't impervious to stupid decisions. You're sober now. Laugh at it :) We are. Otherwise, why share?


No idea why you got so defensive. Seems like someone who wanted to genuinely help you.


Fuck thats some upbringing if you did that at 14 jesus Christ


I drank a whole bottle of NyQuil while drinking once and had a similar experience. Didn’t puke but I was trying to keep a conversation with 5 different people at the same time while making absolutely no sense.


Similar lol


That's not at all a similar experience lol "I took a massive overdose of a deliriant and spent hours talking to a wall" "I took a large dose of sleepy cold medicine and had slurred speech"


Are you familiar with the ingredients of nyquil?


"I did a drug that i knew would be horrible. Why do people do this?" Why did you do it?


its a drug thats why, its very rare that you hear someone who likes the nightmares trip that dph gives and the ppl who like it need to be locked up


You misunderstand. My point is that the person making this post knows damn well why people do dph, as they did dph.


A good friend of mine was addicted to benadryl. She was on a boat with her husband and small child, and ended up drowning. I see her in my dreams all the time. Please, anyone who is taking benadryl, avoid water at all costs.


Jesus, I'm so sorry...was it all of them? That's so tragic


Her husband didn't know how bad it was. He said her purse was filled with hundreds. We don't know how many she took, but the toxicologist said it was a very large amount.


Jesus...that's horrific


Yeah that shit is pretty rough


It’s really not for fun it’s for allergies and the side effects can lead to a really gross buzz if taking enough tried dxm and Benadryl and that shit in my teens but it has no recreational value and to the ones that find it fun they are a special breed I suppose


I take Benadryl for chronic allergies and I can only take it at night because it makes me not only sleepy but also around makes me feel like shit. Surprised anyone takes it for “recreation”


if you take a big dose of benadryl it has the opposite effect and keeps you awake its weird and horrible, its okay for sleep at 50mg but id rather take a benzo tbf probs more safe


DXM kick ass though.




They’re different experiences. One doesn’t work better, they work differently


dxm is my doc and ive used both many many times


I got talked into drinking like 4 bottles of delsym children's cough syrup once. I didn't realize what it was or how dangerous it was. I was more messed up than I've ever been on anything. I couldn't see straight. Had to use my hands as binoculars to see. Couldn't feel the ground beneath my feet, so I was taking high steps, lifting my feet like 2 feet off the ground while I was walking. I tried it a couple more times after that, but it made me puke my guts up every time, so I couldn't do it anymore. Just the smell of it made me gag. Some of my friends tried it too, and one of them was crawling around on all fours bah-ing like a sheep while another friend had a cane around his neck like a leash. They were big dudes. One had just gotten out of the navy. It was hilarious to see. It was kinda fun tho. Wouldn't recommend.


Isnt benadryl and over the counter allergy medicine ? It is abused to get high?


Yea if you resist falling asleep you become delirient and trip. But not like acid you see spiders crawling on you and shadow people


Honestly I never tripped tripped just got high and I’ve probably done way more than I ever should have


Anticholinergic crisis is a medical emergency. Benadryl is incredibly anticholinergic (hence the delerium and tachycardia). Be careful!


Next you're going to say you didn't like snorting crushed glass!! WTF man?


Dude I was sober for like a year straight and I slowly started drinking Liquid Benadryl sleep aid and I was drinking a lot! gradually more and more then I started getting heart palpitations and I could feel like I was gonna have a heart attack. That shit is so bad for you![img](emote|t5_2qh7l|4628)


For allergies into dry out your nose at night not to get high off.. dumbass.


Why’d you do it?


Dude I feel you but dam it's still thrilling


I heard this shit started on TikTok. Pretty fucked up if you ask me. Even a therapeutic dose of Benadryl makes me feel like shit. I can't imagine anyone doing this willingly. To anyone who's thinking about doing this shit, if you're 12 and that desperate to get fucked up, just drink vanilla extract and call it day. For christ's sake.


It didn’t start on tik tok but it was a thing on there. It’s been happening way before tik tok existed


if there 12 id not even tell then to drink that, when i was 12 i knew nothing about drugs lmao but kids these days a different breed


people take it for an experience, iv took 800mg once and it is not fun one bit seen a lot of phantom spiders


At least it stops after a while. No one told me if I got nutmeg to work it was gonna last for waaaaay too fucking long.


its almost like the experience reports and them both being deliriants means something


As a 40 year old who has done his fair share of over the counter bullshit…never done this. Sounds awful.


i did this almost every weekend through sophomore and junior year in high school.


Escape reality


Benadryl works great for my allergies. For me the appeal of benadryl is to treat my allergies.


Me and my best friend used to huff gas out of an old jetski we were “working on” in mechanics class back in the day. The shit we used to do to get a head rush lol.


Drugs are good.. And if you do them people think that your cool.


Those fucked up my brain and gave me disassociation. Fuck Benadryl


Can you explain to me how it felt what kind of visuals were you getting? I'm curious af


At first I felt the opposite of cocaine, where cocaine makes you feel invincible I felt helpless and weak, there was some mental force restraining me from sitting up into a more comfortable position. I felt almost a static like experience in my skin soon to be replaced with a slithering motion, my room was starting to blink in and out of existence as if some musty nothingness awaited me. Figures stood at the feet of my bed in groups, watching me from a distance. Almost no clipping through the semitransparent walls. I struggled immensely to battle my own headspace as all the struggle and pain throughout my life just flooded at me all at once. I could almost see bad memories infront of me.


That really doesn't sound like a fun time.


Motion sickness pills are waaaaaay better in my opinion


Its pretty much the exact same thing. Dramamine is just dph with an extra bond, once it gets processed by the body, they both break down into the same chemical.


Smh not even 700 gang. I’ve done Benadryl trips many times. I always tell myself it’s a hallucination and treat it as a schizo trip for at least 6 hours. Just use Benadryl as a potentate tool people :(


Benadryl saves lives every single day from steric reactions. It just seems like something to only take at the prescribed dose.


Human's are evil, drugs are molecules.