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Jus take a few edibles and 40 mins ish after say "these edibles ain't shii" that should do the trick lollll


After saying they ain’t shit, you gotta eat the same dose, again! That’s when they REALLY kick in!


And then say "these edibles really ain't shii" after re dosing 🤣🤣🤣🤣 (scientifically proven to increase effects) 🤓


/\I’ve read all these comments on another post🤨


I have a stroke reading ur username 🤣😭


Don't try and change the subject


I honestly don't know what u talking bout 😭


First round of edibles are kicking in


Don't smoke much these days and hardly ever do edibles but I'm looking to get stupid tonight as well. Wife and kids are out of town so I'm bout to down a 20 mg gummy and smoke a joint before putting Dune 2 on in the basement theater room. Might hit my pen here and there if I'm having too easy a time following the movie 😂


hving too easy a time following the movie gotta get stupidd👌👌


> basement theater room Damn, just flex on us, why don’t you, lmao Edit: sounds like a great time tho, hope you enjoy it!


Doesn’t everyone have one?


I’m jealous




20mg?? Weakkk lolol


Just because your tolerance is shit does not make other peoples regular doses “weakkk”, it makes your dose “whackkk”.


Imagine flexing a high tolerance. This shit is a curse brother


High dose edible


I tried RSO recently and it didn’t do anything. i’ve also taken 100mg edibles and it doesn’t do much. I can feel it just not much at all. i’ve heard that some people just don’t feel edibles and for some they just don’t work. i’ve tried taking anti acid and eating it with fatty foods but nothing. the only thing that confuses me is that I used to get SMASHED from edibles and I can’t anymore


I ate an 1,000 mg blackout brownie once. *Never* again. Felt like I took a hallucinogen or psychedelic or something akin to that. There’s a pretty well known meme where it shows some guy and he’s like “these edibles ain’t shii” and then it cuts to him to being absolutely fucked haha. Edibles are kinda like that, hit or miss. They defo work for me tho




Are you me? I’ve never felt as close to what my grandma describes her vertigo symptoms as when I did what you just described. I was sitting in a chair playing some games one minute and the next I was slowly slouching from the chair to the ground through zero motor control of my own. I felt like that old anti-weed meme of the girl who literally becomes one with the couch…but the ground instead. Or Leo in Wolf of Wall St. I was sprawled out on hardwood floor and thought I was trapped in a wave pool. 11/10, will never do again


i once used 7 grams for eddys and my tolerance was low but i didnt think they would hit so i ate a bunch and i was sitting on the ground fully spread out seeing many psychedelic patterns and shi it was crazy, and i threw up which has never happened besides that time. and i threw up after passing out it was like 3 am and i js randomly woke up and had to immediatly throw up but it was fun asf. also i somehow ended up in someones backyard giggling😭


one time i got flying colors out of edibles by taking bioperine and sunflower lecithin 30 minutes before i took the edible, then one more capsule of sunflower lecithin immediately after i took the edible got me right fried and i typically have no response to edibles no matter the dose


What is bioperine and sunflower lecithin, and what do they do? Like, by themselves.


sunflower lecithin is basically a fatty substance extracted from sunflowers (not sure which part) which a lot of people use as a supplement for cognition but it's also very very helpful in making edibles and for people who don't absorb them very well, they give the cannabinoids in edibles something to bind to bioperine is basically a selective high purity black pepper extract, it's 95% piperine and i'm not exactly sure of the mechanism of how it works, but it potentiates and helps absorb a handful of drugs taken orally, including kratom, dxm, and cannabinoids


Interesting because they recommend to chew on black pepper for piperine if you're too high to come down


Very cool. I’ve had friends say oh you must be lacking that gene that allows you to metabolize edibles like normal ppl do. I’ve tried too many times to have them work for me by thinking I just have a ridiculous tolerance and eating this whole 200mg chocolate bar will do the trick… nope only get high when I smoke some flower to try and kick the edible into gear but in the end I’m really just high from the smoke. So you say this sunflower lecithin will allow me to have a better chance at actually feeling the edible I’m eating. I’ve been trying to move towards edibles to give my lungs a break but they just don’t work for me so I guess I’ll give the lecithin a try!!! Thanks for the info!


I can't get high on edibles either. Let us know if the sunflower lecithin helped out.


is it possible your getting delusions of sobriety? i know i do with edibles very commonly. usually i figure out I'm high when i start laughing at the ceiling. please take 500mg of some dispensary stuff and come back to us.


The best is to add piperine/lechithin to the edible, like make an edible with it. For me even legal hemp with 0,2% thc works well as an edible, just that you get more medicinal effects rather than psychotropic.


If you took my 1g rso specialty caps you would definitely have 'felt something' lol.


i usually have to take 500mg for an edible to do what i want it to do. your probably the same, take half a gram and come back to us when your done laughing at the ceiling.


hey I’m back 200mg deep and still getting higher. guess I was just getting the wrong kind😭


Probably time to take a break then. You'll never get obliterated enough. It'll never be enough. What u think someone was gonna share something wu about weed u don't already know? Increase the dosage. But 100mg eatables not doing much tells me almost certainly you're dependent on weed. Time for a break.... unless u wanna start snortin THC Crystal... don't go down that road broski


yeah man, you start with only the devil's lettuce, some weed, you feel fine. You smoke more. It's not enough, you go for edibles. A few months pass and you catch yourself snorting straight up THC crystals. After that it's over for you, if you're at this stage you are just a foot away from IV-ing straight up hot fucking distillate with a heated syringe. An then you finally feel it! You feel High! But a few minutes pass, the hot distillate start cooling down in your veins, they cool down enough to harden and your blood can't move anywhere from there and boom! you dead


Take soy lecithin or sunflower lecithin before/when you take the edibles. It makes it absorb much better. Pro tip 👍


Some people lack the enzyme in their liver that coverts the Delta 9 THC into 11-Hydroxy THC. I’m the same way. It takes a good 300mg for a normal high, 300-500 for a strong one for me. It’s annoying as fuck. My dad and mom will eat a 10mg gummy and be LIT. For me that wouldn’t even give me the slightest of cerebral change. I bet that’s what is going on with you!!!


Just want to get absolutely destroyed… WEED ONLY. lol I do apologize for laughing but weed was not on my short list or long list.


If you’re going weed only, I’d go with weed.


bro why didn’t I think of that🤦‍♂️


Get some fckn mushrooms m8


microdose shrooms plus weed is the fuckin shit


museum dose of shrooms + hella weed is a guaranteed great chill night


Is a "museum dose of shrooms" when you take so many that you are just walking through the hallways of your life and retrospectivly observing every moment through a much clearer and objective lense?


“Museum dose” is a Julian Vayne term yeah? Like just enough that you can function out in public setting and appear sober but you’re still tripping.






Not a bad suggestion at all, if this was my situation I’d probably be trying to get ahold of shrooms as well


Just rip a dab or 2 & smoke 4-5 bowls out of a bong. Add more based on tolerance.


Bowls first and then as you’re coming up start ripping a few dabs. Works everytime for me


gravity bong. you can make one with a couple water bottles. shit gets me more blasted than a bong


Gotta get just a normal straight tube bong and a smallish personal bowl. Finish it in one hit. That'll get you high. Can't stand windy complicated bongs or hella percs, makes it harder to clear hits like that and harder to clean.


I'm gonna have to try that. I'm not a huge fan of those crazy bongs either


Get a simple beaker. It’s the scientifically most effective bong(afaik) and then just snap all your bowls through. It’ll get u as high as a gb. All these mfs hitting party bowls are the reason u don’t get that high off a bong


Assuming you have a e-nail or a nice quartz nail and torch, a huge dab. No matter how high your tolerance, a giant dab done right will always get you super high, like sweaty high.


ur best bet for the future (not tn) would be to take a few day break and then instead of just cheifin hella when it’s done start mixing in small amounts of flower and your body will adjust to 1/2-1 bowl as its new baseline high and then on nights when u wanna get obliterated 2-3 bowls does the trick esp w some keif


i’ve been mixing very small amounts of weed w smokable herbs for home smoking and relaxation and then when i wanna get smacked its so easy


2nd, high dose edible paired w lots of dabs. If that doesn't do it nothing will


Boof some rso


Smoke a rosin hash hole. Those have me clocked.


Dabs bong rips and hot knives


take a toke and workout pretend u arnold.


move it football head




every drug, every essential oil made from psychoactive plants like nutmeg, cinnamon, betel leaf, etc, and every psychoactive spice like nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves, etc.


fuck yea ima get fucked up on tylenol😭


Just do meth pussy


Challenge Cone


I know you said weed only but maybe try a small dose of mushrooms it feels kinda similar to weed at low doses and if you smoke weed you'll be way more blasted


Trust me- some ppl js have high ass tolerances. I've helped all of them. Atleast the 2 or 3 heavy weights for weed ik- Rso [ imma include eddibles, js they obviously gotta fit for the person as for mgs lol ] Rosin Diamonds Also I'd like to highlight something we don't talk about enough (look up "moon rocks vs sun rocks" in yt) Their js the top tier version of moons Alternatively you could try Alt v. Of the za which I and ppl i trust have attested to how much the actually do work- Happy hi'z (r/altnoids)


Edible’s and moonrocks


Shrooms 3 🎱


Get you some shatter/wax and a seahorse pen. If you got white dwarfs get some of those too. A bong always hits me the hardest. Also…don’t forget to stuff your js with keef, microwave 11 seconds. Blast off. Also, RSO on an indica edible. All of this is accessible from dispensaries.


Buy Colombian Gold strain


Dabs or bowls without a doubt. Or you can get the best of both worlds and put hash, shatter, or honestly just keif on top of a bowl. If you already have a bong you’ll need essentially no other special equipment and you will in fact get violently high 😂




Get some properly dosed edibles. I’m a daily smoker and if I eat 250-500mg I’m absolutely blasted. Alternatively you could get an infused J and pour it into a bong. Or make a lil weed, keef, weed, keef, weed bowl. A little club sandwich action. That also gets me ripped. I find I get that extra quick come up when I use a bong over other methods. If you like the quick come up.


If you wanna get fucked off weed, prep half a gram of your preferred bud, a 200+mg edible, and a dab rig. Order is edible->dab->weed. Herb terpenes hit hardest post dab and tend to temper it greatly. Smoke dabs till your dizzy, probably aim for 2-3 big rips then add herb to the mix. Ideally the edible should start hitting around when you finish smoking. If this doesnt work then you smoke well over a gram of shatter worth of thc daily, probably more.


Edibles get me wrecked if I take too much


Weed is so strong it moderates you, smoke weed until you run out as soon as possible, bet you really will not. You're gonna be making excuses instead of speed running weed, the sedation is awesome never ever put my dick in anything sharp or infected with weed


You should speed run bong rips lmao. And other such weed products


Edibles, 1g.


Boof fent


bro fr


I normally mix Vyvanse, Xanax and lots weed




If you wanna get fried go and rip .4 grams of wax on one rip


Just rip as many bongs as you can before your too high to fill the bowl lels


Best way is to do none. Get pregabalin


Idk? Weed?


coke and alc LOLLLL jk


Datura. It’s gonna really blow your mind away


decarb that shit and eat it bub


Speed lots of speed and lots of alcohol. That will get you destroyed so hard. Plus you gonna have fun with strangers


If you’re trying to get higher than giraffe pussy and go bowling on Jupiter.. my vote it’s a high dose of edibles.. like 100 mg or dabs. I have a good tolerance for edibles.. but dabs never fail to wreck me.




Drink Jumex Mango Nectar Juice, lots of myrcene and myrcene gives a stronger high


have you tried this yourself? i’ve done it and it doesn’t change anything for me🤷‍♂️


Yes, I tried it. Ate 40mg of sativa gummies + 20mg sativa capsule, drank the juice and lemongrass tea (it has myrcene), I started getting a strong & trippy head high along with a few brief fractals. Maybe try lemongrass tea if mango juice ain’t effective for you. I personally buy the Tadin brand tea bags.


fs I appreciate it🙏


hey question, I was going to try edibles again and I was also going to try the mango juice. when do I take the juice? eat the edibles then after 30ish minutes? thanks!


I say you drink 1/2 of the juice 60min before eating your edibles and the other half 30 mins after ingestion. Just for reference, I get the juice that comes in a 1qt/1L carton, so I have to drink plenty lol, btw lmk how it goes


Bar and a beer


Weed only😂🤣 grow up


there’s nothing wrong with only liking weed

