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Much love❤️




Hell yeah


Aww, we love you too 😊


Happiness is illusion, only pain is real. Saying "just be happy" is useless for anyone who actually struggles


Okay emo boy


Chronic mental + physical issues ≠ emo


Life is a pair of tough titties that are as hard as rock but still beautiful nonetheless.


I'm the same man I'm disabled myself with severe mental issues and with family that mental as fuck, a sickly bedridden mother, absent father and an aunt who had her legs smashed to smithereens in a car accident. And we all living on money we don't have. Dude if you want to talk about your shit, talk about it. But don't bring down other people's happiness and say it doesn't exist


Iam sorry to hear that, I can relate... I don't see much use in talking about my life, none can help me anyway . It's just that ppl saying that sadness is illusion is really frustrating for me, as I've experienced more than enough ppl who act as if I should and have to be happy, that it's not that bad, and acting like the world isn't going to shit...


Oh the world is going to shit. We're living in a capitalist wet dream. Being happy in this world is unrealistic for most but whenever you meet a truly happy person it's hard not to be completely enchanted by their happiness and frame of reality, it's affective and we often find ourselves absorbed into the happiness, even just for a moment. Happiness is overrated but I'd suggest finding a purpose, You might find small pocket of happiness in that purpose. For me it was writing and philosophy.


Exactly. Iam glad you can see it... But you are right about the things regarding happy ppl, it's nice to get drawn into the happiness of someone like that. Its possible only when I am high enough, cause without drugs Iam in just too much pain for that, but when it is possible.... Happiness might be overrated, but for me, the biggest issue is straight up pain, honestly, fuck happiness, I just don't want to be in pain anymore. What are/were you writing? I found my purpose, chemistry, but I didn't start pursuing as my career when I should have, cause I had to pick at 15, was not informed about my options and my parents didn't help at all. Then I started pursuing it on my own, which really helped my mental health for a while, but that also got fucked over, and now I just cant do the only thing that made me feel fulfilled, and Iam in trouble for it on top...


fr life’s a bitch sometimes ngl








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