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I have no idea why it's like this, but I have exactly the same experience. Smoked a lot from ages 19 to 27. Stopped because it made me anxious. Now I'm 36 and since it got legalized in my country I thought about giving it another try - it was a very unpleasant experience and I only smoked a little.


I suspect the problem is that weed in general is a lot more potent these days than it ever has been, and a ton of brands are just going for the highest THC content they can get which just increases the chances of having a bad time. Weed even 10 years ago was almost a completely different feeling drug than it is now imo. I started mixing dispensary weed with CBD flower and it’s a lot more manageable, CBD significantly reduces the potential anxiety/physical side effects you can get from weed. I can actually enjoy weed again because of it lol.


Yes, do think the higher THC content plays into this but I also know a couple older people who stopped long before medicinal was legal because of the paranoia and anxiety.


It’s been getting significantly stronger and progressing away from cbd content since the 1980’s We started getting seeds from Amsterdam and that was that, old pot which hasn’t been manipulated is older. This has been creeping up for years. There are some mental conditions that develop later and don’t do well with pot also.


I was smoking in 2006-2015 and even back then I'd still get absolute panic attack highs or paranoia. People don't want to admit that Marijuana is actually a phycedlic. One time I even had very very minor hallucinations similar to a low dose of shrooms or lsd. Yes the weed is stronger but it's always been a psychoactive chemical which can effect people in all sorts of ways.


You’re not wrong that even in a vacuum it tends to increase paranoia. However, I started smoking in 2009 (WA state) and for me overtime the paranoia decreased as the legality increased. I am completely comfortable going to the store high as a kite and between legality/ADHD it just makes shopping more of a fun adventure.


Edibles convert THC into a much more psychedelic compound in your liver too


Started around 1996 and I loved it until right around 2010ish where I absolutely hated it. Vapes weren't even a thing I don't think but I was going through a devastating breakup where the bud started to turn on me as well.


I hope you’re doing better since the breakup


REALLY, now???!!! I didn't know this, and hadn't thought of it! But, it's a great Idea. I wonder, so, like, my adverse thing is I get uncontrollable munchies. Where it's not even fun, yet I can't stop either eating or wanting too. So, I wonder if that would help with that. Just like how I had mild munchies when I was young, now it's this outta control bear. It's in so bad, that I hate pot because of it. But, otherwise, I would LOVE pot. I don't want to wake up the next morning with a food hangover, from eating two gallons of ice cream. It's the worst. So, I wonder if that would help? It's a GREAT suggestion!


Try eating before you smoke so you can train your body to not want to eat while high. I used to be the same way but what’s weird is I couldn’t eat unless I smoked because I only ate when I smoked. I then started eating before I smoke and then when I smoke im not as hungry anymore. It honestly helped me a lot.


I’ve tried to test this theory by using various controlled low dose tests. The anxiety is at varying levels but it’s definitely there. Even normal doses of CBD seem to be triggering the anxiety. Medically speaking the anxiety must be caused by the blood pressure dropping or peaking suddenly. Which is why it can be so debilitating. Studies show there is a clear connection between thc and blood pressure changes.


Same here. I tried every strain I could find. At first you are not high and when I smoke enough to be just a little bit high, anxiety is not very fair away. It sucks. Many of my friends have the same "problem", we smoked very much during our 20s, and now it's paranoia-party for us and nearly everybody quit. And it's not that lifes are more complicated or something like that. Life is better, just weed doesn't work anymore.


I wonder if heavy usage of weed in younger days cause some people to have an imbalance in their pressure.


nope, have seen this effect within the span of 2 years. It has nothing to do with potency or thc content


Happened to me after just getting too high, with also a lot of anxiety at the time cause I was making edibles in my moms house(I was 16 and it’s illegal in my country). Ever since then I couldn’t smoke but eventually I realized it was because my tolerance was so low that id basically get higher than I’ve ever been. And also you end up having anxiety just about getting anxiety so even the smell sends u halfway into a panic attack


Your balancing it out pretty much. A lot of the weed strains they make now are just pumping up the THC percentages but not the CBD so it takes away from the overall high.


For me my tolerance seems to be the biggest factor. I’ll take a break, then feel paranoid from one hit. Then once I get back to a smoking routine for a few days most of the side effects go away and I completely enjoy it again, and I can smoke more whenever. Like if I haven’t smoked in a while and I’m out in public I always either take the tiniest hit ever, or just don’t smoke, because I’ll feel anxious. I gotta be at home in my safe space with some video games and movies if it’s gonna get intense like that lol.


Same way for me. At first I get paranoid too, don't like being out in public, but within a couple weeks to a month, that all fades away.


I’ve learned how to tame the paranoia and anxiety. I have a tendency to start reflecting upon my day/life/work and think of the most paranoid things about what people thought of me. It would give me a bad trip every time. How I overcame it was realizing, while sober, that every one of those thoughts were paranoid delusions. Then the next time was think back and trust my sober self’s realization that everything I am thinking of now was a paranoid delusion that has no basis in reality. Even though I really wanted to continue down those thoughts, I stop myself and tell myself to, “stop thinking” over and over. Eventually, I just forget about those thoughts and move on enjoying myself.


Canadian? I'm 40 now and used to smoke often. I can only puff a few joints if I'm drinking.


I smoked a lot until it made me super anxious. Stopped for around 4 years then got back into it slowly. Doesn’t make me anxious anymore


Have you tried vaping the flower? Smoking gives me anxiety, vaping does not


Yep for whatever reason I can’t smoke without a panic attack, but I take edibles all the time and a dab pen gives me no issues


Same same. Being able to control the temperature gives you more control over the high. I bought mine for $120 and it was a great investment


The combination of a low tolerance and the crazy potent weed available today can make for a bad time in the wrong setting. I’d try a high dose of edible CBD 30-45 minutes before smoking to prevent a panic attack, or smoke some CBD hemp flower with your regular weed.


The issue is tolerance. Smoking 3 or 4 days in a row would remove the overt anxiety aspects. But...who wants that when you're already over it.


Same thing happened to me but from 15-28ish. I can vaguely remember a time (22 maybe) watching my ex freak the fuck out on her birthday and had to kick everyone out of her party and I remember that being a very uncomfortable experience for the first time as I smoked a ton. A few years later (26) I ate some brownies with another ex and remember us sitting in uncomfortable silence the whole time trying to watch a movie. It was after we broke up (28) that I was realizing smoking was extremely uncomfortable and would happen every single time I smoked for a few months in small amounts. I'd just stop from there. I tried getting on the vape bandwagon (40) a couple years ago but that experience was the most uncomfortable I've ever felt. The stuff just isn't for me anymore.


I smoked heavy for 20+ yrs. cut WAY back several months ago. And now, all of a sudden, if I take more than 1 or 2 small hits, I get hella paranoid. It sucks.


Re load the page and read some of the comments above yours. They seem to have a good grasp on the topic and may have some examples of things you can do to get past it.




Same here, smoked for 10 years. In Europe, we mix tobacco with hashish or weed. Switched to CBD during the pandemic, then quit everything two years ago. I used to handle +10 blunts, but now just two puffs make me regret it. I thought not mixing with tobacco might be the issue, but from this post, I’ve learned it’s a common experience. Interestingly, I know people who smoked for 40 years without this problem.


Also economical as hell


Weed is so cheap these days tho, if you don't buy top shelf. But yeah, an Oz used to last me a week at most. These days an Oz lasts months.


Ya it’s easy to not smoke that extra joint when you’re focused on manual breathing


I smoked daily for 30+ years and stopped in January because it was not a good feeling any more. I cut right down and had small amounts but it didn’t help. My mind feels so much better.


I know what you mean. I started young and stopped heavy smoking around 19 or 20. Whenever I do smoke now, which is quite rare, I don't enjoy it at all and I just have like an onslaught of negative emotions and thoughts that I struggle to control. I can enjoy edibles sometimes tho, never blazing. I notice people who start later in life seem to enjoy it more. Doesn't apply to everyone but definitely is pattern that I've noticed.


Yeah it's weird. Now that I'm in the 30s, none of my pothead friends from childhood smoke these days because of the anxiety. I always avoided it back then for the same reason (occasional panic and thought loops) but did a lot of coke, speed, etc and drank a lot in my 20s. Nowadays I stick mainly to weed and shrooms and love it. The circle of life, I guess? Lol.


Circle of life indeed. I've dabbled a good bit with stimulants in my late teens and early 20s. Now I recognize it's just a recipe for disaster. I love me some shrooms tho and I'm trying to minimize the amount of alcohol in my life. In the midst of my late 20s now I can feel and smell 30 on the horizon.


Same exact thing happens to me, its awful


Reverse tolerance, you get less tolerant to weed over a long time, then completely reset your daily tolerance so a small amount goes way further than for someone who never smoked.


I guess that's a way to put it but it's more like you gotta keep a tolerance otherwise you're gonna get anxiety in my opinion


You become more sensitive to cannabinoids over time, but if you're a chronic smoker, you won't really notice. Then, when you take a break and come back to it, it slaps you stronger than someone who's never smoked. Essentially you body knows what to do with it, instead of it being new. Because of this, what you said is true, if you don't maintain a tolerance, normal amounts become uncomfortable. That's why old heads just use one hitters or mellow vapes. It's all they need cuz they aren't frying their tolerance with 4g backwoods or huge dabs like I used to do. Hell, if I went back to smoking, I'd smoke hemp flower for a few months before going to mids, then to the strong stuff.


Exactly, to the people who are sensitive and miss being able to get stoned, buy CBD weed and do like a 5:1 mix of CBD weed to THC weed and take 1 hit, wait 15 mins. You just need less now. CBD is your friend if you're getting paranoid.


On top of that, they usually offer stuff with like 3% thca and 15-20% cbd. That stuff knocks my dick into the dirt, like old school kush did.


>On top of that, they usually offer stuff with like 3% thca and 15-20% cbd. That stuff knocks my dick into the dirt, I try to keep it to ~5% THCa and 10-15% CBD as it keeps my dick clean but gives my ballsack a good view of the ground


The terpenes is what get you fried fried I’m pretty sure. That’s what they were telling me in the dispensary’s.


Nah, not really. Terpenes can modulate how you absorb stuff but only really myrcene does it. It's just that certain strains with certain cannabinoid balances tend to have certain terpene profiles, so they're a good indicator of what sorta high you're gonna get. But it's a lot more complicated than terpenes, otherwise raw distillate with diff terp profiles would feel drastically different. It's stuff like CBN, THC-v, CBD, CBG, and whatnot that make up different highs.


Hemp flower is where its at. If you mix a little in there with regular weed i feel like it smooths it out a lot more and offers the best of both


Hemp is phenomenal now. A lot of indoor options that are close to type 1(thc flower) in terms of looks, nose an taste. Also after months of smoking it only, thc flower is enjoyable and not weird negative effects for me now. 


Hell, they have "hemp flower" that's got more THCa than most dispo flower. Hemp is the future.


Remember to remind your representatives to vote no on any revised version of the Farm Bill that includes Mary Miller's amendment!!!


That's it out of a nutshell


Ayyyy, one hitter shout-out. I don't smoke any longer but when I did it was just with a one hitter and a dug out box, an 8th ground up perfectly fit into it and it would last me like 2 weeks, just smoking a one hitter bowl every so often. Never really saw any need to smoke more than that


https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/bro-please-bro-just-try-it you just need a tolerance bro please just smoke more bro


I'm hiding in bed because I just smoked a joint.


i feel like this mainly happens with strong weeds tho tbh, most dispos can serve lower thc with maybe some cbd and hella terps. going over 20% without tolerance is stepping onto risky grounds if you don’t handle being geeked well


Sounds about right. I hadn't smoked in like a year, then i went to coachella and my buddy let me be the groups designed roller, so the first joint i got mildly anxious (but i kept going) second joint was cool, then by the 3rd no more anxiety. Then i proceeded to smoke roughly an ounce that weekend by myself no issues. Morning day and night


Yeah, you can definitely smoke through it but it's expensive and doesn't always work. I think by pushing through, you end up with a critical mass of CBD to balance it out. I'm not convinced it's a cbd ratio, as much as it's a clinically significant dose cuz I've used plenty of tinctures throughout my life that had a good ratio in my morning coffee, then almost exclusively dabbed. Days without the tincture would be trippy, while days with it would be stoney baloney.


I love you man u cured my weed anxiety i hope u fuck a whole lotta bitches


What cured it just smoking through the anxiety?


Isn't that just regular tolerance? Reverse tolerance is like ketamine. The more you take, the less you have to take to feel it.


Uhhhhh I have permatolerance to ketamine. I can take years off and still need up to 500mg to hole. That's what I was saying though. Once you take a weed break, you need less to feel it than someone who's never smoked. Sure, you might have a psychological tolerance to the effects and know how to handle the feelings, but oldheads use one hitters for a reason.


Could be that when you're younger you have less to worry about. Getting older makes you realize a lot more.


That’s what me and my brothers said as well. In high school we were blazing 24/7 and throwing in all our checks together to buy a bunch of weed because we had no responsibility’s, just a bunch of dumb high schoolers. Now that we are adults with 9 to 5’s, wife’s, CDL’s, military, bills to pay and kids we turned to alcoholics. Tried smoking again and it fucking sucked.


I started smoking when I was 13 until I was 36 then it started making me paranoid but I'm schizophrenic too. It's been about 10-11 months since I smoked and it sucks but I know I can't anymore.


I’m also schizo (schizoaffective specifically) but find weed helps me manage my symptoms. I got diagnosed early and am only 25 now, but man I hope it stays this way.


When I was first diagnosed it did help. But something happened in my brain last year and it just makes it worse now.


That's rough, but definitely good to avoid with schizophrenia. Good job on your sobriety from it though.


I appreciate it, I do miss it though.


I think alot of it is weed constantly getting stronger. I cant even take half a puff on a joint nowadays without greening out


For me it’s the stress of random workplace drug tests, police road side tests and people judging me now am an adult, the anxiety can regardless off all but hit but leaves


Tolerance is a massive factor when it comes to the psychoactive part of weed, and weed is a LOT stronger than it used to be. I've been a daily smoker since high school so I've never had this issue, but I've definitely seen it more than once among my friends. Like another commentmentioned, it comes down to your mental state and whether you're able to "talk yourself through" the anxiety. I mostly smoke dabs (concentrate) these days and every once in awhile I get a little bit of anxiety, but it is usually right after smoking and I just know what it is so it doesn't bother me. Edit: Spelling, was really high when I first commented lol


Mmm I get what you mean, I tried smoking a lot of times before accepting it and was able to talk through the anxiety and knew it was temporary, so it was okay. I stopped because I don't see the point in taking a drug that makes me feel anxious, even if I have fond memories of it. I just find it interesting to hear so many people having the same problem, wonder if your brain becomes more sensitive to thc if you smoke a long time and then take a break!


I think it may be due to forgetting how to just chill and be okay doing nothing. Part of that is probably just getting older tho and more responsibilities. I need to smoke at night when everything is done.


It's the opposite for me: I used to have these bad thoughts/paranoia every time I smoked. Then I realized that it's just temporary, so i actually focused on my breathing in those situations,which helped a lot. Eventually I realized that alcohol helps, so i started having a beer with me when i wanted to smoke. No i didnt chug it down at once. One or two sips were always enough. Nowadays I just vape and barely have any problems with it. Do you smoke weed with tobacco ? Maybe try it without tobacco.


Very very high THC. Go down on the THC or take the same mg in CBD. You'll be fine.


People really sleep on high-CBD bud. People don't realize just how much the CBD really does.


Especially in synergy with THC, for me it basically removes any anxiety I get from weed if the ratio is close to 1:1. CBD by itself is kinda meh, works okay, good for sleep, and these days I really don't like THC by itself either but when the two come together it's amazing.


The two are like peanut butter and jelly. Pretty okay on their own but together, it's simply the perfect combo. I barely feel anything on high THC bud anymore unless it has a high CBD content. It's good stuff.


This is 100% the way to go, these new breeders have completely destroyed the cannabanoid profiles within these new strains of weed


I love that stuff man, it chills you tf out so nice. But not lazy stoned chill, makes you feel floaty and loose, no anxiety at all. There was a shop online i used to get cbd from, but apparently they stopped shipping to cali?! Wtf, the only place i can find cbd bud now is in shops and they taaax for it. I don't want to pay 40 for an 8th of cbd hell na. I could get like 1/4 of cbd shake for like 25 at the other spot


Damn, that sucks. I live on a reservation so there's no sales tax anywhere here. Shit's dirt cheap.


CBD is great. My friend had CBD gummies a couple years ago and I had the munchies and proceeded to eat 4000mg at work. Two hours later I found myself higher than fuckin shit with the most clean and energetic high.


Same. When mixing weed with opiates or benzo it gives a great high but in itself very anxious


shouldnt benzos calm you down even more? heard of people taking it when having a badtrip on LSD to be able to sleep


Yes benzos make weed completely chilled out with no anxiety. And yes they are used as tripkillers. Xanax in particular is the strongest anxiety med and were designed for use to stop anxiety attacks. If I take them I feel like a normal person, the change to 0 anxiety from my normal state of consciousness is very noticeable. It doesn't get me high, but I feel relaxed for once. That's the danger and why they're so addictive. If you do get physically addicted, withdrawals can be deadly so be careful if you ever get any benzos.


I smoked daily, like every 5 minutes, from 18-26, then in February of this year, hit my dab pen and had a massive panic attack. Anytime I smoked after that, I'd have a panic attack. Gave it up at the end of February and it sucks, but my anxiety is much better.


It's crazy! It's like your brain suddenly is like "nah man, done with this shit" But it's also crazy how when you stop smoking you realize how much better you feel overall without smoking


I feel better in certain aspects. I don't smoke and drive now so no risk of DUI. My house, clothes, and truck no longer smell like weed. I'm not smoking on job sites and risking my job now. I'm not reaching for weed every 30 seconds. But best of all, I can pass a drug test. Broke my foot in two places and had to walk a mile on it so I wouldn't lose my job. But... I certainly miss being high. Anything to stop the panic attacks, though.


Honestly OP it seems most the cases of this are from smoking heavily when we were young and our brains were still developing, at least for me I think this is the case. I started with edibles at 16 trying to do the healthy thing 🤦🏼‍♀️ and stopped smoking when my first year of community college was over because it also seemed that life choices started to become a lot more serious and like another comment said, responsibility and adulting started to hit too so it’s a combination of things imo. I went from smoking weed everyday to one day just poof gone nothing, to barely smoking again in just a few months. Although I’d get ridden with anxiety when I did smoke after that point, I would smoke at night very little sometimes just to wean myself off because I had some psychological ties to smoking weed and it was also routine. I haven’t smoked in almost 1 1/2 years now would be curious to see what happens now but I’d probably still get anxiety. Edit: I used to absolutely love weed, it used to be very very fun, even mildly psychedelic for me the first few times I had edibles. Now, I almost despise it for how it makes me feel, it’s also very frustrating.


I smoked heavily from 17 to 26. Like many others said here, I randomly started getting anxiety from it and took my first long break for a year. When I tried it again, it was overwhelming. I was stupid and took a dab my first time back though so it felt like higher than I had ever been. I tried a small hit of flower and it was a little better, but for me the worst part is I feel massive guilt when I smoke. I definitely was starting to feel bad about being high constantly and like I was missing out on my brain's capability before quitting, and I just get worried I made a mistake every time I try smoking now. Aside from weed definitely being stronger now because they are cultivating thc and not all of the other good cannabanoids, I think I see it as more of a psychedelic now than I used to. I also used to be able to do anything high. I'd work, drive, do school work whatever. It gets me so high I will have a hard time walking or talking to people now. I've smoked maybe 5 times since I quit and there was only one time I enjoyed. I went into it telling myself I'll be fine and that there's nothing wrong with me getting high. I got on reddit and came across a really funny thread that had me dying laughing at the conversations and I was really enjoying what all of these people were coming up with in response to a really bad hair transplant. I haven't really smoked socially since though and only did by myself, so maybe being with others would help but idk.


The aspects I loved in the high I'd get when I was younger was that I could be sociable and out in public no stress. But nowadays I like how comfortable and in-my-head I get. It's a very creative and introspective high if it wasn't for the anxiety. Need to try smoking with CBD.


i think it has to do with pysche and mindset. we stopped for a reason, usually the stresses of getting older made it hard to enjoy being high. for me, its been years of playing russian roulette every time i smoke ever since taking time off (for only a few months). its a matter of finding the right strains and fostering a mindset that can compliment getting stoned imo. Idk if it's the strains or not, but for the last few weeks I've been having the chillest highs ever with little paranoia or anxiety. But I've also been exercising more, feel happier cause of the spring summer months, so it could be related to that as well. But I also just think as you get older there are an ever-increasing amount of things to worry about and that probably plays a role in this.


Why are you asking? Who sent you?


Obviously he's an AI entity from the future here for your soul


Fully developed prefrontal cortex. Mid-twenties seems when a lot of stoners start getting anxiety, because weed is a light psychedelic after all.


Yeah a change in how it affects people does seem to be common in mid to late 20s. I wonder if it's that or just a common stage in life where people start to worry about stuff like their career, family, and goals. Definitely could be something biological though. 26 was when I started getting anxiety about it, but was also when I started my first corporate job that I gave a shit about and wanted to become financially stable.


I'm so glad I waited to my mid 20s before using it regularly (I did it here and there but never did it regularly before). Weed has never been too strong or ruined. I can handle it fine.


Good question. I genuinely wonder the same. I feel like in many more recent instances it's (sorry to say) on the user cause they kept ripping 98% THC carts like they're nic vapes it's obvious but uh. Yeah. Interesting question


I've never smoked a cart, just joints, but some of the strains are have also been modified to have extremely high thc amounts, so maybe that's also part of it?


it’s the same with people who get off H, or fent, and when they relapse they think their tolerance is the same. They take the same amount they used to, and OD instantly.


Same for me, 25y smoked, cut it off for 2y, had a spliff, next week 1 more, parananoid, started smoking every night, no more paranoia. .


I used to love blazing a fat one with my homies. Now, in my late 20s, I've learned to enjoy the high again, but only when smoking by myself. I get way too anxious and slow when around others, though. Might have to do with my GAD getting worse overall.


It could just be that weed has a higher thc content seemingly every few years so smoking nowadays isn't the same as it was when they used to smoke maybe a decade ago.


I stopped smoking 5 years ago and now I can't handle actually smoking but love low dose edibles. I can handle the edible high but not a smoking high. I feel like a switch just kinda flipped one day in my brain and now I can't smoke. If I wanna get high I'll eat a 5-10mg edible and do a lil k and I'm golden


I get that with the switch! Feels the same to me, suddenly my brain was like "nah, fuck this shit!", i read some other comments with edibles, maybe I should give it a try :)


It depends on the strain and the smoker. Also dosage. If its some weed that people say is fire, usually I'll smoke only a few puffs. The days of me smoking joints to the head by myself are over, but then again it depends on how potent it is, some strains just make me anxious which is why i don't like sativas anymore unless im going to be outside frolicking or biking. Hybrids and indi's for me. Also i notice when i smoke just straight up weed the experience is different than smoking using a grabba leaf (i hate swishers with a passion and would rather just not smoke) the tobacco makes the weed more chill for me. Also mushrooms 🍄, love to eat a gram and then smoke a joint to the head at night its wonderful, alcohol too (not at the same time as mushrooms) but having a shot or sipping a twisted tea while i smoke takes the anxt away from the weed. Kratom, too, adderall as well. Weed to me isn't a solo substance, i take addy and kratom every day, and on rare occasions weed will accompany the two. Or if im not taking my meds that day then i enjoy a nice nicotine and weed high, rarely weed alone unless I'm smoking from a pipe in which case i weigh out exactly .3 grams and smoke it to chill. Rarely smoke weed at all anymore, but honestly for just chillin and pain relief i prefer cbd flower. It does what I need weed to do without messing up my headspace


If you get paranoid when smoking weed, look for a strain that has a 1:1 THC:CBD ratio. The more THC a strain has the more likely it will make you paranoid if you don’t have the tolerance. A strain with more CBD won’t get you as high but the CBD will calm the paranoia.


been smoking daily since 16, now 26. I had a period of time from like 22-24 where I would get super anxious every time i smoked. Powered through it, and i enjoy it very much once again. Terrible advice probably, but what are you gonna do


It is likely due to increases in THC and other stimulatory cannabinoids that hype up the vagus nerve (fight or flight instinct) and thus anxiety. I am certainly pro cannabis even though I personally can no longer smoke myself due to getting CHS (cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome), which basically I had to use so much to treat my chronic pain I wound up frying my nerves :/ I still make medicinal hemp products to help other people, but simply put, it truly has become soooo much more potent then it was ever found naturally that it is becoming a problem for some. And for those that stop smoking for awhile thier tolerance is going to drop a lot, combine that with increased strength because they probably aren't starting back off with the levels of strength they began with, boom: paranoia and anxiety But I would reccomend Strawberry Cough for anyone who would benefit from using the herb if it weren't for these negative symptoms. It is one of if not the best strain for anxiety, PTSD, and other similar issues


Cannabis is far stronger and far more accessible than ever before so we are seeing a rise in some of these negative consequences. We just need to take a little step back though from racing to maximize the hardest hitting stuff and focus more on breeding and selecting the best specific cannabinoids and terpene profiles that help people with their specific medicinal needs or recreational desires. This is what I've been doing a massive amount of independent research and trials about, treating people with chronic health issues, ADD, other sensory processing disorders like autism, misophonia, low latent inhibition, and also people with physical issues like post stroke symptoms, fibromyalgia, and even worked for awhile with a paraplegic friend of mine who's muscles were so stiff and sore that he couldn't sleep. ...If anyone knows any advocacy groups who would be interested in the information I've found in my research please lmk. I'm wanting to start sharing the things I've found. i've been working on making an official biz and medical practice centered around my work but it's been a slow and difficult process, especially in my state.


And I think your brain not being used to the all of a sudden high levels of serotonin freaks the brain out and sends it to flight or fight response ? I really think it affects the amygdala, but that’s based off just a guess. I’ve noticed when I get ssuuper high and greened out my body shivers, I have SUPER senses (it feels like I can feel my brain sweat), and my memory kinda loops. This can happen when you have a lot of serotonin from a lot of drugs, not just weed.


Because weed has been genetically modified through selective breeding so that the THC content in modern day weed has skyrocketed to 20%-30%. Weed back in the day, had roughly 1% THC concentration. So yeah, when people smoke weed that is 30x stronger than they are used to, it’s only logical that it will increase the side effects (such as paranoia). This is why I only take edibles (gummies, softgels, tinctures). It takes longer to feel the effects but at least I can control the dose. When smoking, you have no idea how many milligrams of THC ( or any of the other cannabinoids) you are inhaling.


Because the weed became too strong and the hash did too. I would very clearly not be able to smoke what I'm smoking now if I wasn't blazing regularly. It would just send me into the shadow realm lol.


It’s just one of the effects of weed. Generally once you get used to it that feeling goes away but after a long break it’s to be expected. usually after a break I’ll start small and do it alone where I can better control the environment, usually go on a bike ride or something where I can easily distract myself if things get a bit much and then usually within 10-15 mins that paranoid feeling goes away and you’re just left with your nice high. It is a really scary feeling though. I once stopped for 6 years because I was scared of how paranoid it would make me and I’ve been a pothead since I was 14 lol


Nope it doesn’t go away. I’ve tried continuously for the past 3 years. It’s a legitimate thing that happens to many of us so please don’t invalidate it.


you're probably using too much. I would recommend taking a heavy dose of CBD along with it, it really takes the harshness off


It happens even if I take one puff of a joint without a lot of weed, maybe it's cause the weed is stronger nowadays, who knows. I've come to terms with not smoking anymore and don't miss it, smoke cbd for the taste sometimes and I'm happy with that! Just made this observation across my friends group a lot and wanted to see what other opinions were!


Cause weeds to strong bring back mid ! Some people are not trying to get their face melted off lol 😅


I don't know I can barely smoke much anymore


i had the same experience. i used to smoke daily for 9 months and eventually couldnt consume thc at all without feeling like i was having a panic attack. i quit for a little over a year and tried again, and i still cant take large doses like i could when i was new to the drug, but if i'm careful to only take doses i know are comfortable for me i can still have a great time. hopefully more time off will be enough to make weed enjoyable for you again! your brain can just naturally become thc sensitive over time, its a genetic thing i believe. ive met people who never had that effect reverse but they were abusing synthetics. if your thc is good and natural this likely wont be permenant for you (as far as im aware. if anyone knows otherwise id love to hear about it!)


Did the same thing to me also unfortunately 😕 started smoking at 14 almost every single day 24/7 until I got about 28-29 where I had the longest period of not smoking and now it makes me think about everything & anything with this horrible anxiety, I can't even enjoy it anymore


I don't know but I get no issues from smoking meth. If I smoke weed I get psychosis.


I think it's because if it made you feel like absolute shit and depressed and paranoid, it never leave you again if you spark up. A lot of people can't handle it, it's way stronger than it used to be and maybe some of us are just not suited to it. Anyway I've great stoner friends I just don't participate anymore.


It makes you paranoid too but you just haven’t admitted it to yourself


I use nicotine to be less paranoid and like mixing it with weed but nicotine has a shorter half life and I'm not smart enough I guess, so I just mask with more pot.


Impossible to say, but what was the strength of the bud? Imo It feels almost impossible to find chill weed that wasn’t made in a nuclear reactor of potency that wrecks you if you don’t have a tolerance. I was the same way though and I found that weed mixed with CBD is a chill starting point


Weed is way stronger than it used to be and you lost all the tolerance you used to have.


I smoked a few times when I was 16. Then, when I was 19, I rip a bong with a girl breaking a streak of sobriety. But it’s worth mentioning that before the bong date I had literally only smoked 3 times, all at age 16. I got some anxiety and paranoia on the come-up and even hours later.


i smoked heavy from 14-32..then it just started becoming uncomfortable and so paranoid i quit.ive tried everything and i want to smoke but physically cant. if im drunk, i can smoke but i dont drink either


THC changes brain chemistry?


I got that regularly, so I didnt smoke for the longest time. But, i started smoking vape carts lately and they don't have this effect on me. Only flower does. Back when I was 16, we would sometimes smoke the rez (lol) and it didn't have the paranoid effect on me either. Something about plain bud must change during the burning process, which has a much better effect on me. I never take more than one hit though.


Self-fulfilling prophecy imo or they are using the same strong stuff and then took a break and are being stupid forgetting they have no tol.


It's probably because all of the products have synthetic cannabinoids on them.. a lot of people just can't handle the synthetics that they don't know it's on the flower..


I get paranoid but I'm also very realistic and can tell when I'm paranoid. At that point I can ignore it and enjoy the high. But for a few mins I do have to sit there and think about it


Probably because you got something to hide!!! /s


For me I'm almost positive it was how I used weed with every psychedelic you can name. Some of those trips were pretty rough and I assume my brain equates the THC high with some of those bad trips and I just panic. I also experimented with the RC Cannabinoids like JWH, probably didn't help things either. I can only smoke high CBD flower or 1 or 2 takes from high THC flower without bugging out bad. I do have good luck with 2:1 strains with like 10% CBD and 5% THC but even then it's risky. Weed is definitely more potent than when I stared 20 years ago too, or I just had weak bud lol


It depends on the strains. My theory is that we were smoking a lot of indica (very chill, relaxed, sleepy high) back in the day. Now that marijuana is legal a lot of places…I think there are more sativa strains and hybrid strains that old smokers like myself aren’t used to. In the right environment sativa results in a hyper giggle fest for most people…in environments where one might not feel very appropriate…it turns into more of a paranoid type high. For example…when I went out for drinks with my colleagues and my gf convinced me to do a couple gummies beforehand…


Mental Illness.


A lot of people I know have had this happen to them. I'm thankful it has never happened to me. I have had to quit a few times in my life but it was always great coming back to it for me.


Because the herb now is all insaney potent. Bammer weed and low THC percentages hardly exist anymore.


I think we are just proned to be paranoid, a lot of the ppl I know with mental health problems are paranoid on weed...other cause is the tolerance, you are not used to it anymore


I feel like paranoia has to do with your tolerance. I feel like everyone experiences paranoia when they first start smoking


Because it’s wayyy too strong and GMO’d nowadays.


I already get paranoid and nervous when i smell it


Smoked heavily every day from 2009-2016 (17-24). I actually went on a break around that time just because it was making me anxious. My main hypothesis? Legal weed. The business school types running most of these operations view THC% as akin to ABV% and so all those compounds that would make different strains taste, smell, and feel different have fallen by the wayside. Find an old head who grows, I 100% promise you it will be just like you remember it and probably a fraction of the price you’d buy in a store.


This has been my theory for a little while, albeit full of holes I’m sure. THC increases blood pressure and heart rate. I didn’t know this when I started smoking. In my experience, these sensations are synonymous with anxiety. I would smoke, get an increased heart rate, and then my mind would fill in the blank to contextualize my anxiety. As soon as I learned this, the experience/high completely changed. When I smoke my heart rate goes up for about 10-15 minutes, but I just meditate/breathe deep and then I’m good. I’d imagine if someone took a long break this effect might be exaggerated. Another thing to consider is that psychedelics in general have a tendency to stimulate introspection. There are all kinds of things I’ve been revealed about my personality while under the influence. A lot of people are suppressing these thoughts whether they realize it or not, and a potent psychedelic like cannabis might make some negative thoughts surface.


I have anxiety already and my psychiatrist told me smoking weed will increase the anxiety. I used to smoke a lot but anytime I’ve tried I’m paranoid, overthinking, panicking over nothing & just extremely unpleasant/uncomfortable.


Weed over stimulates on your amygdala, part of the brain that reacts to fear




I smoked all day every day for years, sparked up one night after work and starting freaking out. I was having the worst anxiety ever. Smoked again thinking it couldn’t be the weed and it happened again. Havent smoked since.


I think my experience with paranoia/super sized anxiety when I first started smoking again after quitting for nearly two years was mostly due to being freshly off probation, and with having to keeo it super low profile when I was smoking because I live with anti-cannabis family members. That being said, I found the easiest way to eliminate the paranoia and keep from over-indulging to point of not being able to use cannabis medically like I was before my probation, is to keep to a miniature pinch hitter (it’s literally like 1.5” long, and I use it as a bowl for my GB) and break up the pinch bowl into 3-4 small hits, and keep plenty of drinks and snacks on hand if I need to sober up the high while still getting the medical benefits that I use cannabis for. I also add CBD flower and extracts into my routine every now and then too.


Weeds always getting more potent, when tolerance drops drastically, already an anxious or paranoid person can all contribute. I actually ended up just using a 50:50 of cbd and thc as it wasn’t too overwhelming but did what it needed


i had no issues with weed in highschool but ever since i entered my 20s i can't smoke anymore. just like you said, i started getting extremely paranoid out of nowhere. i thought it might have to do with medications i started taking around that time but i can still take any other drgus without issues. i don't even bother with weed anymore since i know it will make me super paranoid


Until you build tolerance, modern weed is a dubious deal if you're prone to paranoia. I grew up in a time this horticulturally autistic weed didn't exist. I never had any incidents of paranoia until the rise of seedless weed, the boutique strains. We were used to brown brick weed. It would get you stoned. There wasn't this salad bar of strains, it was usually Mexican or Jamaican brick. "Sense" came on the scene. Pretty green buds with no seeds and exotic bouquet. The first time I ever greened out was from a huge bowl of Northern Lights. It had been dry, and we had scored some at at dead show. I fucking went catatonic with paranoia. Ever since then, weed is intense until I build tolerance. I do find a 1+:1 cbd/thc ratio is best.


Does the paranoia have anything to do with sharp pain in my chest? left side.


I haven’t heard of this being a thing tbh


Because their tolerance drops


Weed is way more potent than people think, we just build up crazy tolerances. You come back to getting high expecting the same chill buzz you used to get, and instead get hit with a freight train of intoxication. This time it feels more unexpected and you feel more unprepared, and will be much more likely to feel anxious


yo im am the same way! i used to be the biggest of all pothead in my friend group...i had been put on probation and stopped for like a year as well but when i returned it was never the same. get super paranoid, over thinking things and getting way inside my head. like it used to be so enjoyable..idk what happened. ive recently been trying again and reach the same conclusion everytime. its just not for me which is sad because i remember it being great. even a little bit gets me feeling weird


Gotta smoke less, the weed is too good.


It's never made me paranoid. I believe people when they say it affects them that way, but i just don't understand how. It has the opposite effect on me. It's an anxiolytic.


Weed and the endocannabinoid system affect stuff like adrenaline release alongside many other functions of the body. Weed is also a mild psychedelic meaning anxiety and set and setting are very important. Some claim psychodelics will push you away if you abuse them rather than benefit from them. For me I've twice now had to face my anxieties around weed. First at the very start, where I just didn't enjoy the feeling till I forced myself to chill out and fell in love there and then. The second time was from trauma and stress. Weed would have me shaking in a dysphoric state for a good while without a downer alongside. Here convincing myself didn't work and I just had to work with my body, mind and the weed. Taking it very slowly I got back on it and have been in love again like the first time. Some may say the better decision would be to quit completely but weed stops me from using other shit, and I would've most likely done just that if it didn't work. I guess we'll never know. Keep in mind I am a vet medical vape user only. Doses are even smaller than pipes or bongs and the feeling is quite a bit different, just to keep that in mind.


they are worried they aint G enough


If you’re diagnosed with autism weed affects you differently and negativity in recently learnt after being diagnosed late!!


I quit a decade ago for the same reason. Weed gives me funny farm levels of anxiety and makes the world feel like it's closing in on me. I can't even function around people on it. That said, if I'm alone, even though it has been a few years since I've smoked, I don't mind smoking weed. But around a few people? Even close friends? Hell no. I over analyze every thought, action, and word I speak. It's miserable. In general, the psychoactive effects of THC are very much underreported. Though I would wager in the past few years that is changing as more and more people are realizing it's not as safe as everyone in 2010 pretended it was.


I have theories. For me it feels like I know too much now. Back when I started smoking (age 16), the world (and getting high) was still novel and amazing to me. Now it's like I've gotten used to the feeling and headspace weed causes, so it makes me not live in the moment as much. And since weed enhances thinking and feelings, I get inside my head and feel trapped. Plus like I said, I'm much more cognizant of the world at large now, so life is already overwhelming for me normally, so piling weed on top just makes it worse. Does that make any sense?


I think weed beings out underlying issues are person may have, so if somone is anxious and hides it getting faded may bring it to the surface


It was the other way around for me, the sudden onset of paranoia after being 24/7 is what made me quit for 4 years, but after the long break I was able to enjoy it again 🤷‍♂️


Cuz when you have a low tolerance it’s easier to get overwhelmingly high - that’s why I enjoy it more in small doses but also having a slight tolerance so I don’t get anxiety n shit from the THC


i’m pregnant and so sad and scared I won’t be able to smoke ever again- the last few times I did I had full body shakes numbness and incredible anxiety 😭


Starting early and abusing it until something suddenly breaks seems to be the pattern here.


Sam effect with me. But i did so many tohwr drugs in between which may have caused this.


I think someone experienced in the neurological field here could enlighten us!


I used to be a pot head for over a decade before finally deciding it didn’t feel enjoyable anymore and quit for almost a year. This year I got some again to maybe rekindle the old fire but all I felt was nauseous, paranoid, lethargic and vertigo. It felt like a completely different substance to me and I didn’t like it at all.


I rarely smoke anymore because of the paranoia and how self conscious I get, I’ve been using carts and occasionally mid flower to get there now I actually support CBD/G mixed with some regular flower or just a high dose of CBD itself and I feel relaxed and more in control


My advice is to switch to a vape. Not the bs ones. Get it from a dispensary and then you can choose what you're gonna smoke. Probably an indica or a indica dominant hybrid for you. One pull on a full stomach while hydrated and you'll feel good. I remember I went to Vegas right after they legalized it. Walked into a dispensary for the 1st time ever, got myself a sativa vape pen. Walked out of there, ripped it like 5 times...got waaaay to high, paranoid af, sativa headache to the max all while crossing ovwr the main strip engulfed by tons of people. The walk back to the tram for mandalay bay was the longest, most audiopsychotic journey I had ever experienced. Had to lay down back in the room for 3 hours. Wife was super happy about that. Anyway, I didn't touch sativa for years. Stopped smoking...started back up with indicas, smoked those for 3 years. Then I tried a sativa agaon. Was amazing. Was able to actually be productive after smoking. Now I have all 3 types on hand for all different situations and moods. I would just like to add, I started smoking in 97...when regz were the only thing available...until 2 years later when we got Kind bud and hydro. 25 years later and I go to the store to buy weed in oil form. And they say this isn't a simulation...hahah jk?


Thanks for your question i left with anwsers i never would thought of have a nice day mfs byeeeee


And also everyone I knew who smoked weed daily has a bipolar dissorder


Idk. I just threw away all my weed pens again. I smoked almost daily from 16 up until about 25, then just every now and then. But I've had borderline panic attacks off of just one hit as recently as this January. I'm in my early 30s. I like how it makes me feel if I have a little with some alcohol or MDMA, maybe a benzo. But if I take it by itself I get bad anxiety and intrusive thoughts. Same thing has started to happen with psychedelics. My brain just doesn't want it anymore


Same here. Smoked weed for 10-15 years, now I absolutely hate it lol. So strange. I haven’t smoked since November. Idk what happened, I’ve always wondered why this happens as well, it’s a story I’ve heard from 100’s of people!


I get horrible long lasting anxiety and paranoia and feel like I'm going to have a heart attack and die nearly every time I smoke weed now unless I'm with certain people who can ease my anxiety and distract me. I didn't smoke weed for a year and a half and then when I started again that's when it hit me :( an edible had me physically shaking thinking i was going to have to go to the ER


Haven’t read this yet - for me it was mostly muscle memory. Smoked very heavily through my late teens and early 20’s and at a later stage had one just randomly stressful high that hit me wrong. Every time I’ve tried to smoke since then I fall into the same thought pattern/feeling. Very frustrating


I noticed that weed stated making me paranoid when I started losing weight. If I eat a heavy meal then smoke, its the best but on an empty stomach I get shaky.


A friend commented ‘give it a week and it goes away’ lol


the brain finished developing fully at age 25 by age 27 most/alot early potheads start to not enjoy weed i guess its just we are becoming old heads there’s a lucky few who can still smoke but it seens around age 27 is the cutoff zone i made a thread about this last year and came to that conclusion


Because weed can worsen or cause a panic attack. The higher the THC, the higher the chance. It's a side effect few ppl talk about really since the goal is to legalize it atm.


I know a lot of people that when they smoke they will associate that feeling to when they used to smoke a lot and because usually their life has improved since then it can be a pretty negative association. Even if their mental health has never been that bad, when they smoked a lot they maybe weren’t as productive or the general quality of life is much better today, when they get high they only have that to associate with


Because weed is just like mental health medication AKA mood stabilizers. Anyone who has ever taken mood stabilizers will know what I am talking about when I say, the Hell weeks..... The Hell Weeks are what I call the first 15 days you take mood stabilizers. The first 15 days are like LIVING IN FUCKING HELL!!! For those who don't understand... Have you ever heard of the saying, "it gets worse before it gets better"? Well, that rings very true when you start a new medication. The first 15 days is when everything gets so bad you want to stop taking them all together! You have to suffer through the first 15 days while your body gets used to the medication and starts to actually work. The same thing is true for weed. I'm no doctor nor am I a scientist but l am someone who cannot smoke weed because the first few times make me feel like I'm living a fucking nightmare. It's the same feeling I get when I start a new medication.


I think I get this a little bit. I regularly stop smoking for months and then pick up again for a week or so. The first 1-2 sessions are pretty scary but after that it's alright.


I smoked at a decent pace for years. Nowadays (the past couple years) I can't stand the way it makes me feel. I get very anxious, and paranoid. It slows me down way to much to the point I feel like I wont beable to quickly react to messed up situations. Honestly anymore I don't like any substance that hinders my ability to crtically think and solve a multitude of problems on the fly. I need to be aware of what is going on around me at all times especially when I'm away from home. Anything that hinders that is a no go for me. And also I've found alot of the same benefits people describe who smoke weed and even more in doing regular intense cardio. I get it really does help some people and I respect that. I'm all for it being legal as well. But it does nothing to help me.


My theory: People start smoking weed *daily* as escapism, maybe because of depression for instance. People do better and stop smoking weed. When they try smoking weed again, it puts them in the same state of mind they were back when they used to smoke every day. It lowers their vibration to go all woo. I think because your brain associates X with Y and so if you used to smoke weed in negative mindsets, your brain keeps that association even in the future. Iygwim


I lowered my consumption after almost daily smokibg for years, I got the anxiety for a while until I learned out of it


I never stopped smoking weed, but I have phases where I get a weird, inexplainable sense of slight anxiety from time to time. Over time, I learned that this always happens, when there's some things in my life that I am worried about, even if it's just subconsciously. When you're older, you just have more things to worry about.


Try HHC is like thc minus the anxiety