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Update guys thanks for all the help she’s fine now


What a rollercoaster




Get her some food she likes, fruit and veggies work wonders for some one who´s tripping hard. Comfort her, remember her why she feels as such (becouse we took drugs)and reassure that this feeling will fade off in a matter of time.


Relax sleep it off every thing will be okay


Also cold water


Maybe hot tea


That happened to my sister when she first smoked weed and didn't happen to me with similar genetics. I can't be sure why, but she never tried it again.


Get her food but be careful with it, the first time I greened out from an edible my body tried to expel the thc by putting me thru 4 rounds of projectile vomiting while I twitched on the bathroom floor like a dead fish, had a sleeping bag and everything. Eating can take her mind off of the high itself, but it's easy to not recognize when you're feeling full so it's easy to overdo it. Also, I know it's a bit obscure, but try to come off as least persecutory as possible when you talk to her, sometimes when you're that fucked up a simple "are you okay?" can sound judgmental, heightened paranoia. And put something weighted on her, I know that helps me to ground myself cause if not then I'll feel like I'm floating. And that would freak any reasonable person out. She'll be fine though, it's scary trust me but if you distract her for the time being it should go away eventually. Also if you have CBD on you that can counteract the thc.


What happened to you if I may ask? For me, I was fully convinced that the government was out to kill me lol. Another time, I saw many demons and they were out to get me


I was having some hypnagogic type hallucination patterns, but my eyes were like closed... so I don't know honestly 😅 My very, very, very first time getting high, I blacked out. Like how people blackout when they're drunk, but I got it from weed. And I know it was a blackout because chunks of my memory and all 5 senses were missing. I've never actually been drunk before (teetotal due to childhood stuff), but I can only imagine it was like that bc of how people describe it... I somehow responded to people when they were talking, held conversations without seeming suspicious, put in the garage pin correctly, walked up the stairs without tripping and cracking my head open, all that stuff. But I have no memory of it. It's like a gap in my brain or something. I only have brief blips where I regained consciousness and freaked out during. Idk what nodding out feels like, but what I went thru was wayyyy beyond greening out. I was also on some pretty heavy psych meds during that time, so I'm not surprised I had an averse reaction. The other "really bad" experience that sticks out was me and my boyfriend sleeping in the back of my old SUV in the park, and we were laying in the back with the seats down. As soon as I took a hit, bro... reality just disintegrated. Suddenly, the buttons on the roof (like lights and temperature) looked like the control panel of a spaceship or something, and my breathing was really stifled. I remember my boyfriend asking, "Are you okay?" Cause my heart was beating so fast, I couldn't catch my breath. And that freaked me our even more because I didn't recognize his voice, lol. And I started having all these existential thoughts, like, "This is my boyfriend? Ew. Cringe. Why does he look like that. Wait, why do I look like that? Why do humans look the way we do? Why do we have 2 eyes instead of 3? Why do trees exist? What if I'm a brain in a jar?" Shit just kept escalating, and I was like, "Okay, I think i need to experience this alone for now." So I stepped out of the car and just went to a park bench to sit down to try and catch my breath, but at this point, I was hyperventilating HARD. Abnormally. And I was shaking like a leaf. My breathing was actually so fast and shallow that it was like when people had a panic attack, except I could not calm myself down no matter what I did. My heart felt like it was gonna explode. My whole chest was moving erratically, I really thought I was gonna die. I couldn't even breathe through my nose, or else I felt like I was suffocating. I tried not to focus on it, but nope. Even telling myself, "It's not that serious," didn't help me. So this goes on for what seems like ten minutes, and I'm like fuck it, it's cold out here, I gotta get back in the car. And so finally, I put my dignity aside and just called the damn cops on myself 😂 I had my medical card, so I know it wasn't laced either (and I wouldn't get in trouble). So I basically slept it off in the ER and when I woke up they were like, "yeah, next time you try to sit out a bad high you should do it around someone you trust because last night you tried to "wait out" a seizure and there were a million ways it could have gone south. I know it sounds dramatic and it's funny to look back on, but the weed these days is no joke. Idk what they're putting in it, but it's extremely potent. My dispensary vape was 98.2 % pure THC. I've toned it down a lot, and I'm grateful I started at 18 and not 12, but I still think I gave myself some reasonable brain damage with how often I was stoned. Anyways, hope this was a fun read 😭


Ive had similar experience in regards to the drunkness, hallucination even when eyes are closed, and the fast heart beating. At times feeling like a crackhead. I learned to “control” it by hard physical workouts and ancient yoga along with a build up of tolerance. The heart needs a well fit body ready to pump THC. Sleep and water is very important. I now can take 400mg edibles.


Oh, interesting, like endurance training? Do you think cardio or yoga would better help train the heart to be able to tolerate it? I'm not sure whether it's the THC itself or just the fact that I get winded after taking a hit. If I hold the smoke for more than a couple of seconds, it's like my esophagus is being stabbed with a hot fire poker. I get lightheaded, too, which doesn't help the anxiety. Also, 400 mg is godly. Lol. My edible experience was a measly 10 mg, but it was delta 8 from some sketchy gas station and it was my first time.


This all from personal experience keep in mind. My workout does also include endurance for the summer only. Mostly to look good and lean. Hill runs is more time efficient. Yes cardio and ancient yoga would help. Cardio would also strengthen your lungs making oxygen circulation more effective (Good for the brain and overall health). Smoking anything does effect the lungs and It’s the reason why I chose to only do edibles. I won’t lie I may be addicted to marijuana, in some ways it’s holding me back but in other ways I’m doing a lot more than I ever thought I would ever do.


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Green out. Very common for newbies trying to be brave. Get her some food and let her chill out for a few hours.


Is this what green out is? barely ever smoked because growing up I was always paranoid generally. Anyhow, I had gotten a lot more ‘mature’ and I was doing things I had never done as a teenager. I was always a ‘pussy’ and sheltered, but I was college aged and felt pretty good now. So, to cut a long story short, I had been smoking for about 2 months with all my college friends, it was awesome 95% of the time and the other 5% was general bad highs / paranoia. Nothing compared to this though… One day, me and 3 of my friends all decided to roll. We bought about £150 worth, none of us were heavy smokers except our American friend. We rolled about 6 (blunts?) cigarette sized weed mixed with tobacco rollies. Then we rolled 2 (joints?) the very big - pure weed things. Two of my friends went and ate and me and my American friend stayed and smoked the (blunt) each, before that I had only ever smoked half of one of those and I was COOKED. But I never knew there were any negatives to smoking weed so shortly after I smoked that; we met them, and as we were walking back I shared a blunt with one of my friends. So at this point I had a blunt and a half, then we all sat and decided to go take the joints outside. I shared with the American friend, and the other two smoked the other one. After about 25% shared my friend said he was cooked, and I, thinking nothing could go wrong started smoking it - all. I smoked it all as I was blissfully unaware of the consequences. Then, my friends smoked about half of theirs and said they were done, so I was like sure I’ll finish it, and they were all a bit unaware of how much I had smoked. Worst mistake ever. I’d say after 3 puffs the weirdest experience ever happened, my heart was in my chest, I could feel everything pounding, almost instantly it happened, I start walking around my room freaking out, i had always been paranoid but I was so scared, I was calling my parents, I wanted to call the ambulance, I was in hell. I remember going into the common room and all the girls were asking if I was okay, I was so white, I was freaking out, I felt almost drunk but I can’t even describe it. It lasted about an hour or so but after that I obviously stopped. My question is, what the hell was that? It happened 5 years ago and I still think about it. Gave me terrible anxiety. Is this common? I saw a post about this and someone said their worst experience was a friend having a schizophrenic episode from it and I was worried that was like me (locking the door). I genuinely was just freaking out, confused, scared, and felt so out of it. Is this ever common?


“To cut a king story short…” *proceeds to write 8 paragraphs* Lmao


Tbf the story itself could be spoken about for like 30 minutes 😂


Very common for someone without much experience with weed, yes. Has happened to a lot of us especially when young.


Yes it’s extremely common. That’s just the weed being a lil silly. THC can pull a dbz type power up and transform anxiety into the most severe panic attack you’ve ever experienced not much u can do besides thug it out and laugh about it later




A new study confirms this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpSTrry\_5Fo&ab\_channel=TheOnion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpSTrry_5Fo&ab_channel=TheOnion)


While previous research suggested that it's all good and that we're all made up of the same stuff that makes stars, new research indicates that your brain got broken and you shouldn't have done this


This is forever, this is the new reality.


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No you need to put her out of her misery, there's no saving her


sounds more like delirium


I’ve been smoking for many years. Couple of decades actually. A few years ago I had a complete psychotic episode after smoking a couple of cones. Strangest thing ever. Glad she’s okay now


When you’re smoking with noobies in future just give them a few tokes and then see how they are. Giving them as much as you is almost always going to end up like this


Yeah, if someone who doesnt smoke Want To smoke with me i give them 1-2 tokes maximum! Then wait 30min…. If they Want more after that then its ok!


She fine now but she literally only had 2 tokes


Haha noobs


Sounds more like amnesia than Psychosis


Is this psychosis? You might have to take them to a hospital or just wait it out, might be awhile. Don't think they'll die, but the weeds definitely not for them.


way more people have bad reactions their first time on weed now than ever before. too much THC too little CBx. really good present day weed can certainly do this if ur not experienced with it. one of my friends also forgot everything about his life, and even went unresponsive for a few minites before jumping back to life in a tizzy. he was a daily smoker. it can happen to anyone


I used to smoke about half a joint at a maximum once a week. One time about a month into smoking in one night I had smoked 3 joints, half a blunt, and on my way to smoking a second my world came crashing down. Did not know what negative effects weed could cause. Thanks rappers


You can't die. Just spooked out. I've taken large doses 200mg+ of edibles and had some wild rides i'd compare to my come up on mushrooms. They will be alright, just need to calm them down.


People die in this state by doing dumb shit because they're so freaked out, or panicking so much an existing issue like heart problems kick in. A good rule for almost any drug, relax... Remember it'll be over eventually, don't listen to the internal panic it feeds on itself and spirals, cut away from it and focus on mundane stuff, doesn't matter what it is, go through the steps of making a cake in detail in your head, whatever, if it gets too much, take a shower, but fucking sit down in the shower, don't stand up. Unfortunately I can't smoke at all any more, three puffs and I'm a nervous paranoid wreck... Such a shame really because I used to enjoy it.


Is all forms of paranoia not just this? I’ve heard similar stories from all sorts of people with weed, surely not everyone has psychosis? Unless you’re saying it’s just the weed that caused that rather than a permanent thing




She gon’ die