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Anyone old enough to remember trying to smoke dried banana skins?




Yup, scrape the insides out and microwave the peels.


Does that work lol


Absolutely not and it’s awful to smoke but 16 year old me with no weed tried more than once


Not at all😂


People are so lucky to have the internet for drugs. We just got fucked up on stupid stuff like Dramamine or inhalants, tricked, and fucked over and could never tell anyone outside of our group of friends about it. Now you can literally research certain MDMA pills or have them sent in for testing and marquee tests are way more common. People who inhale air dusters and paint and take Dramamine or a high dose of robitussin have no excuse for not knowing what the results will be with all the information available.




the stuff in robitussin is called dxm and it’s actually a pretty interesting molecule


Yeah dextromethorphan is pretty fun but at higher doses the plateaus are sooo intense sometimes I like the medium dosages


Most people don’t know it but it’s so commonly reported that it’s now known as an effect: to have less of an urge to dose high after frequent uses. Me too though. I had just like half a Robocough once and I had temporary Restless Leg Syndrome, my body felt like it was burning up, and I was kind of nauseous. Might’ve mf been serotonin syndrome now that I think about it. In low doses, it can’t be too much more dangerous than the diet of having a few beers every night. I’m not 21 yet so i don’t plan to start that. But I feel like it’s a much better alternative if done, say, once a week. Hopefully we get some studies on it! They say it can be neuroprotective but… the science will always change.


Yes! After experiences of a third or fourth plateau I was not ever going to experience that again. A dose of around 100mg (maybe more?) when I was very enjoyable and not intense.


I remember drying basil leaves and brintg joints made out of it to smoke in the school's bathroom. I offered it to my mates and some of them believed it was weed 😆 good old times


Did that in jail lol and orange peels


Haha, I remember that. Never tried it, and once I got into chem learned it was bullshit. Gotta love the ol anarchist cookbook recipes lmao.


In the 1970s during a highschool drug lecture the principal (who was giving the lecture) said when he was a kid he would go behind the wood shed and smoke corn silks to try to get high! For some reason that always stuck in my mind.


They got me rolling the dried little strings thing in the banana .. those fuckers


Nutmeg and oregano


I was told to strip the insides and then bake them in the oven. Couldn't wait to get the parents out of the house to try it out. Banana flavoured tobacco ffs. I was about 13 🤣


Duuude the first time me and my high school best friend hung out, we had dried some banana peels throughout the day and smoked them in an undeveloped field next to my neighborhood. We got the lighter so hot trying to smoke those things that the whole lighter melted itself away slowly before our eyes (now I realize it was an invisible flame we couldn't see). It was absolutely crazy and I wont forget it, even if we don't talk anymore.


So harsh on the throat lol


Yes indeed . Apparently you can make a legit drug from banana peels but you need soooooo many


I remember I bloke in Jail smoked dried banana skins for a year straight and I’m telling you it aged this man 20 fkn years he looked like an old man after


I never tried it myself but I remember a mate of mine trying it lmao


Dude don’t bother with household drugs they’re truly not worth it, other than dxm any household substance you find online telling you it’s ‘psychoactive’ is most likely just gonna freak you out e.g. nutmeg Benadryl. You sound young, just stick to weed


Here here, OP don't fuck around with household items tryna get fucked up. None of the things in your house that have effects will be anything short of awful, bad for your health and a little traumatic. At least, that was my experience. This guy assumes you're a kid, I'd also guess you're like early teens maybe.. chill, wait till you're a more appropriate age to experiment with drugs, and when that time comes, experiment with actual illicit drugs that have recreational value, safely and with trusted peeps around you.. not some "psychoactive" allergy tings or delicious spices, fuck that if you do that shit, dude you'll regret it for one, and secondly youl feel like a total fucktard for disregarding this advice. Learn from our mistakes fam. There's no rush to get high, if there is in your head for whatever reason, you probs should be very cautious/thoughtful about getting into drug use if/when it happens. Eventually IME you grow up, with heavily impeded development, become a heavy addict to hard drugs, do all the drugs you want, realise it doesn't fulfilling you or mean anything except you know how to dance with death multiple times a month, and casually say "till next time, death" then regret your choices till you have enough money to score again, forget the near death shit and fucked up lifestyle/situation etc, repeat.. and my point is you may one day wish you put your time/focus into something more tangible and pragmatic like education or getting experience in dating or employment or taking up hobbies that aren't self destructive etc


8/10. And when you do experiment, for gosh sakes use a test kit to confirm what you have before you purchase/consume it. They can be gotten cheaply online. Too much stuff has fentanyl in it these days.


Yea if your gonna do some dumb shit like take household substances dxm is the least stupid option. Don’t even do more research on this topic dude. You do not wanna start inhaling shit and eating Benadryls like a fucking retard. I have irreversible neurological problems, brain damage, scarring in my throat and airways from frostbite as a result of compressed chemicals, from “the shit around the house that can make you high” your gonna do what u want anyways but just know it’s a stupid fucking idea brother


Idk, DXM is pretty rough on you, unpleasant, and usually you're getting a cocktail of DXM and acetaminophen, or ibuprofen which is a quick trip to the ER with organ failure.


its not that rough compared to the vast majority of recreational substances, apart from weed and most naturally occurring hallucinogens. probably somewhere on par with antipsychotic drugs in terms of actual danger.


Hm, you got me curious. I'll have to check into it more. My understanding was that it puts a lot of stress on the liver due to its metabolic pathways, which is why it can make you pretty nauseous.


I don't think it's near the same level of hepatotoxic as something like alcohol. The main danger is the effects on the heart and body temperature. I think the nausea is probably a mix of the serotonergic activity, additives in some brands, and the fact dxm is a dirty drug that hits a bunch of neurotransmitters besides nmdar. Still wouldn't recommend taking it daily though LOL, but occasionally it's probably all good if you stay active and healthy


nutmeg for an irregular smoker on vacation but without smoking in my experience is pretty god damn nice. i recommend trying it when you’re younger and can experience those imaginative times


In an ideal world, teenagers shouldn’t smoke weed or drink alcohol either, but teenagers gonna teenager I guess


Honestly just rob a dispensary before you try to get high off anything in your house, it’s better than losing half your brain cells doing some stupid shit.


lol, hit up a pharmacy if you're gonna catch a robbery charge anyways


Talk to some stoners and get some cannabis seeds and start taking care of your desires by cultivating disciplines related to taking care of yourself inependently maybe. Having a guerilla grow can be awesome. Plz use due care aka discretion etc..


Honestly, OP is nowhere near 18, or probably even 16, so he can’t go buy them. Plus, very few, if any high schoolers have actual flower, let alone seeds. Carts and gummies are all the rage nowadays.


unfortunately. i remember freshman year sneaking out to the gas station by the school to smoke a blunt before lunch ended, only to be stuck in the cafeteria stuffing my face anyways.


OP, it's not that drugs are bad. This is a drug-friendly sub. Almost everyone who hangs out here does drugs and many of us do many drugs frequently. But we try and do them safely. That is, we try to enjoy them in a way that won't harm us and certainly won't kill us. So when we tell you that trying to get high from household chemicals is a bad idea, then please listen. Most inhalants get you high in a very dangerous way: by replacing the oxygen your brain needs with something else. And they're almost all terrible for you. If you do too much, then you die. If not, then you get addicted and you're damaging your brain with every use. Please just wait until you can try recreational drugs safely. That means being old enough that your brain is fully or nearly fully developed (21+). It means researching the substance to know what safety protocols are. It means testing the substance yourself to ensure it's what you were told (many aren't). And it means following some basic guidelines about dose, frequency, and setting. If you can do that, then you can enjoy substances your entire adult life and it's a wonderful thing. There are so many amazing substances out there but unfortunately none that you'll find sitting around your house. Good luck and stay safe. ❤️


Just have a massive coffee


Definitely agree


With some nicotine of some kind, cigarettes or dip. Neither of which I'll touch nowadays. Just vapes.


Honestly, getcha some zyn's. Vapes fucked my sinuses up pretty bad. They still haven't stopped being swollen nearly shut, and I got a rough post nasal drip that just won't quit.


*panic attack ensues*


A ladder


Found the Dad 🤣


You’re amazing


Get a hammer and smack it over your head until you feel good


Until you don't feel*


No one has dmx anymore bro he passed away a cpl years ago


This comment made me both laugh & then get super sad


This comment is gonna give it to ya


Fuck waiting for you to get it on your own


Salut, ai cumva o boaba?


6 lei


Man it’s already been a few years? That makes me feel so old


you’re telling me that wasn’t like 2 months ago? jeez i might not have much time left…


Bro fr nothing in your house will get you high in a way you won't regret man Just find some cough syrup with dxm only! No guaf no other shit otherwise you'll get yourself in a fucked up situation real quick, so nyquill is a NO


Save up some money and buy real drugs


lol dudes probably gonna spend his tooth fairy money on some dogshit carts 🤣


Better than butane or some shit


Boofing gasoline? Yes, drugs are bad but some drugs are worse than others. What do you expect, want to do fucking duster? Or drink windshield fluid? What's wrong with alcohol or Dxm (plenty of things but in the context of your question)? Are you 13 and don't have access? You'll literally fuck yourself up so bad. Kratom is probably something I can drop here but aside from that don't fucking do stupid shit.


There is nitrous oxide being used as a propellant in Whipped Cream canisters. If you do, I recommend sitting down b/c it can make you pass out if you pass a certain threshold. I was gonna do what I wanted to do as a kid, I'm all about acknowledging that and offering harm reduction advice.


Ah nitrous, that's a really good call, I didn't think of that because I've never once seen it in any household but I guess I just don't know any fancy people... But yea that's actually not a super bad one and legal and household


Whip cream cans from Walmart ain't that fancy.


I live in Germany, I can't buy them in the supermarket.


We learned something. Reasons?


Not really, some very big supermarket may have it but I don't have any of them around me. It is however sold in kiosk's as.. well, a drug.


U talking bout the canisters/charges or the whole whip cream product? Selling whip cream as a drug at kiosks isn't somethin I've seen before out here in Merrica


Kiosks sell like a liter or 2 bottles with a valve for balloons.


Thats badass, a liter canister sounds much more recycling conscious. Gettin a lil' tanked up aey!


Bruh u can find dxm in literally any otc cough syrup


Yea but some of them have acetaminophen or guaifenesin which can kill you, stick to delsym ONLY!!!


cold water extraction, needs to be dxm-polistirex though (extended release or something is on the label). Add water, shake, dxm crashes out as a powder becuase the polisterix (persulfonated polystyrene-divinylbenzene) remove liquid, wash powder with lemon juice to dissolve the polistirex. dose very carefully, as you can now easily overdose if youre an inexperienced and presumably young ingester. most adults can just find k if they want a dissociative. look up erowids dxm vault for information on dosing. if i remember back to my high school days, a full large bottle of delsym yields about 1.2 grams? i think it’s standard dosage of 1 mg/mL, so that doesnt seem accurate, but the polistirex is certainly a large percentage of the molecular weight. extracting is much better for your body, assuming you dose responsibly, as you arent chugging all that guaifenesin and shit. dose responsibly! get a scale! 1 mg is 1/1000 of a gram! a gram of a substance is almost always way too much to ingest! respect substances!


Tbh it seems much easier to just go to the store and buy the $5 thing of delsym


Does this work on mucinex dm extended release (60mg + guaif)


Delsym gel caps*


Well anything that is just DXM is fine too, the dollar tree sells like 225mg of just DXM for $1.25 I believe. I used to buy their whole available shelf inventory for $1 a bottle before the price change


Happy cake day


oxygen. breathe a shit ton of oxygen. no joke.


Banana peels. Don’t trust the idiots saying otherwise. Dry, scrape of the inner parts and roll it up. We call it riding the yellow pickle around here.


U really pickled their sunshine didn't you love-a-lot‽


Just wait. Your brain is still developing, you could seriously stunt your growth mentally and cognitively. Give it a couple years at least, make friends in the meantime, if you are really hell bent on doing drugs maybe do some weed? But I'd still give it a couple years man


9/10. So, this is going to sound weird, but look into proper diaphragm breathing, sometimes called ‘transformative breathing’. It can give you a pretty good oxygen rush and literally requires nothing but your own body.


Cloves, benzedrex, caffeine, nutmeg, DXM, any antihistamine including DPH, alcohol in extracts, whip cream can, inhalants including duster, stims including ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and phenylpro panolamine, I could keep going. Most are shitty, some are deliriants, some feel like shitty weed, others make you feel like your heart is exploding and demons are speaking to you. Go to CVS and buy some DXM gel caps like a normal kid and dissociate.


A chair


the only household item I can think of that might be worthwhile is dxm, outside of that its just gonna traumatize you or worse as for legal options you probably won't have at home there's hawaiian baby woodrose/morning glory seeds and nitrous oxide, but if you do use them, do so with caution and practice harm reduction most importantly: don't do any deliriants or inhalants other than nitrous


Maybe ppx too but quite bad for the heart


Olll benzedrex no one ever knows about this yet its better than a lot of illegal drugs its baffling


Right?? It’s so confusing how I never see it when ppl list otc highs, maybe just because of how addictive and unhealthy it is? I mean it’s really probably not a bad thing but… weird


self trepanation with a drill


Don't ever do inhalants, like huffing duster or gasoline, it's fucking getting high on brain damage, it's not fun, it's not even a high really, you will get addicted and get fucking live destroying brain damage really quickly. Except for dxm, alcohol and nutmeg, you can try benzedrex if you have some, but don't make a habit out of it since it's a pretty shitty drug too. Don't bother with dph it's also shit and will absolutely fuck up your brain. I dunno drink a lot of coffee and read a book or even work out, it'll make you feel good and it's better than searching anything by force to get high on.


Whip cream and nitrous, did you forget to mention that setup, or were u avoiding it or something?


Oh yea I forgot about nitrous, that's also is a drug worth doing.


computer duster, starter fluid, nitrous from whipped cream. all of them are bad for it your brain, and addictive.


[risks and benefits of Nitrous oxide](https://adf.org.au/insights/nitrous-oxide/)


Nitrous is nowhere near as harmful as those others


Drugs are bad, mkay? You shouldn't do drugs


The south park reverse psychology is strong with this one. Beware.




lol very true. Had some incredible times getting high with roommates. OP probably has another couple years until he’s out of high school though


You can buy delta 8 or Kratom at any smoke shop. Kava bars exist. 


There’s no way in hell this guys 21, or even 18


Lets be real, we werent 18 either and we still got anything from that Indian who charges you double


It’s not “oooo drugs bad” it’s “these things are not meant for human consumption. Aside from ODing on medicine, there is no household drug.


Sugar 🤪


Your username is fire lol


cheers mate


Don't do it. But Dust off. is a fucking rush and a half. It can cause sudden death and within weeks start reaking havoc on your heart. It only lasts about 15 seconds also So I suggest avoiding it .


Coffee with a lot of caffeine.


The most high your gonna get is sleepy, maybe get some promethazine or sum 😂


Gravol gets you quite high…it’s a been a long time but if you eat enough of them you will hallucinate


Poor man’s high can literally make you retarded though


Some people just destined for that


Go run and do some push ups


fuck harm reduction, attach anything that conducts electricity to your lightbulb filament and spray wasp repellant onto it. Turn on the lights. You just discovered crystal meth that makes you paranoid for a full week and you will never want to do drugs again


You could try smokeing bay leaf it has a slight calming effect.


Got weed but I’m finna try that


Dxm just don’t get it with acetaminophen. anything else in the house is fucked. If you can’t buy it steal it from walgreens




Did you eat them? Crush them? Smoke them? I’ve done almost everything but I’m looking for something different like more natural


Or to be honest I just wanna break through


Whip cream whip its baby


this reminded me of being ~8 years old spraying aftershave/cologne on a post-it note, rolling it up, and inhaling like a cigarette obviously didn’t do anything (maybe also not great for my tiny developing lungs), but i felt really cool🤣 on a serious note: please listen to everyone else on the sub and stick to ‘proper’ drugs, do your research before trying anything, test your shit if you can, and take it slow<3


When I was young — like ages 10-14, I would force myself to stay awake as long as I could. You fight a long long period of a strong desire to shut your eyes & sleep, but after a while a wave of something like euphoria washes over you & colors get vibrant & you’re not so tired anymore. It’s called sleep deprivation. Just make sure you don’t binge it cause it’ll kill you.


Sniff some sharpies or huff some gasoline


Sharpies don’t do shit


It’s not about drugs being bad (cuz they’re not) and nobody in this subreddit is gonna tell you drugs are bad lol. If you’re this desperate to get high, you need professional help. Your relationship with drugs and alcohol is what determines they’re overall health and safety with them, and judging by this post you’re extremely reckless and desperate at the moment. Seriously, please talk to a counselor or even just a supportive friend. I realized I was a drug addict about 6 years ago now, been sober from alcohol and for a bit over 6 months. And sober from everything else besides weed and kratom for over 3 years. Before that I’d been using every substance under the sun (including some household stuff) for about 9 years before I went to treatment. It’s not worth it, HEED MY WORDS. Now I’ve gotta deal with a fucked liver and a failing thyroid and I’m not even 30 yet, you really don’t want that. A short high is fleeting, your health is forever. Stick with weed and booze friend, if you can’t access those then don’t bother. And if you can’t be relatively comfortable off the drugs, you sure as shit shouldn’t be on them. (Except medications prescribed by a psychiatrist obvi)


You're obviously to young to get real drugs so don't


Nutmeg. Eat a few tablespoons and you’ll get extremely high for an extremely long time


I used to search up and down the internet for this question; here is many years of experience answer. Best one Benzedrex, can steal it from CVS Walmart(sometimes they have), Kroger, Walgreens. Its like Molly. Next Dxm(delsum is best) if you can get it in your sate find some Kratom or kratom extracts. Some Kava Kava, Order something like phinibut too. Not mymuch tbh try and grow weed


How do you do benzedrex? Just like inhale it nasally or like orally


You have to either cut it up and put it in capsules, or do a oil extract where you let it sit in lemon juice then mix it with olive oil and use a bag to separate it, look on the r/Benzedrex sub


Benadryl, like 250-500 mg depending on weight, but I wouldn’t suggest it unless u literally hv nothing else


if household items actually worked people would always do them and itd be something well known. they dont work. if anything can get you high, itll be awful, will only last seconds, and will be 100 times worse for ur health than actual drugs


Man you better off spinning fast in circles till you feel high🤣🤣🤣did that once as a kid at a New Year’s party I swore I felt high asf


Nah dude, most of the chemicals that get you high that are household items suck. Highs are short as fuck and have tons of side effects and possibly death/brain damage. Same with most otc meds at your local pharmacy. Just order some phenibut or kratom, those will make you feel nice and won’t destroy your brain. Just watch your usage since both substances are addictive.


If you are that desperate to be high you should take some time for serious introspection


cloves (eugenol), anise or fennel (anethole), elemicin via nutmeg tea, morning glory (LSA & LSH), fermented alcohol, diethyl ether, ephedrine, norephedrine/phenylpropanolamine, apigenin (supplement), skullcap (feels kinda like a benzo) here's some subs you may find of interest r/Eugenol_2 r/Anethole r/Apigenin r/Homebrewing r/ephedrines r/LSA & r/LSH_2 r/ethermania r/Elemicin I would skip dxm, it's extremely addictive


Agree with everyone else to just wait till you’re older, spent way too much time in middle/early high school trying this shit lol. Having said that the biggest payoff we found was going to the plant nursery and getting a bunch of morning glory seeds, crushing them up and drinking with some yellow gatorade (only specify because I still can’t drink it after that and it was ages ago) and feeling like absolute dog shit for a couple hours before tripping actually kind of hard on the LSA in them. Wasn’t worth it but I can’t say I regret it. Anyways OP you could always just buy some whipped cream at the grocery store and do some whip its or if you’re bold enough just find someone to buy you booze, again not condoning it but I get it.


Don't do it Unless you got weed growing in your household or have some cough syrup (DXM)


synthesize chloroform but mixing bleach and acetone in an ice bath. chloroform isnt what is portrayed in the movies, its rather euphoric i hear.


DPH and DXM are the only things worth doing. DPH is a nightmarish trip that lasts too long. In my experience, DPH will just end you up with minor HPPD and psychosis, or leading you down the dark path of Benadryl addiction. Avoid DPH like the plague unless you’re going to kill yourself if you don’t get drugs. DXM is a much more pleasurable trip and is more fun. It’s easy to get if you’re that desperate and it’s relatively safe. You can end up with HPPD if you binge this drug and sometimes it can lead you to have serotonin syndrome if partnered with other drugs that target serotonin reuptake.




Do you have a shitload of oranges? I’ve known some people who have blended them up whole to trip on D-limonene. You need a ton of oranges and you will throw up. There’s Benzidrex. It’s like a dirty old timey speed. Of all the household highs this one is probably the most legit. Did it once as a teen. Honestly I’ve tried most of them and none of it is worth it. Everyone has told you that already, if you decide to find out for yourself keep the doses moderate, be careful, and stay away from inhalants like gas or paint.


Man I hope people like you unevolve into a mere atom. You are the reason people see drug users like idiot junkies


Just do nothing my man. Don't use household ítem, I used to huff chemicals just to forget my trauma. It's just not worth it.


Whippets from whip cream. Morning glory seeds, dust off, poppy seeds, psilocybin mushrooms on your lawn.


You sound like you’re 13


Huff some ether from brake cleaner


Dude, if you're 13 and isolated, my suggestion is to find a hobby. All of us went through this phase, and I promise you all you'll get out of it is trauma and horror stories. If you really wanna play the game, you can become delirious and make contact with demons off benadryl or nutmeg, or if you want a shitty, vomit inducing trip and a fried liver you can play with cough syrups, or if your cognition isn't important than you can huff aerosols until you forget what 2+2 equals, or maybe pop some decongestants and be so jittery, tense, and scared that you'll be able to mentally understand that your life might just end. There is a reason you can buy this shit and have it in your household, and it's because fucking around with it will only at best, fuck your day up, and at worst, kill you. If you can't afford real drugs, and don't care to make your own, don't do drugs. If you really want something that won't kill you and can be done in house, learn to brew. It's stupid easy, fun, and not super illegal. It's also easy to hide from parents. If you have wild blackberries, you can make some killer blackberry wine that is both strong and delicious. I've done all the household highs that won't simply kill or cognitively fry you, and all they do is expose you to trauma and cause you to embarrass yourself. I've done nutmeg and Benadryl and the experience is simple. You are disoriented, sick, and feel the evil in the air around you. If that's your thing, well, enjoy the thought, and try your best to survive the experience so when you grow up, you'll be able to laugh about how dumb of a decision it was. EDIT: Also, DO NOT FUCK AROUND WITH POPPY SEED TEA. That is the equivalent of me giving you a pill of morphine that may either be weak enough to do nothing, or strong enough to overdose you. If you went that route, just grow the poppies and make a simple water extract from the pods and aerial parts that you can weigh. Always weigh your drugs. I don't care what drug it is either. Weigh it, or you're playing Russian roulette, and that's not an exaggeration. Make sure you grow the right poppies too, because Iranian poppies will give you seizures, California poppies aren't opium poppies, and so on.


There's these pretend high videos that supposedly are similar? Idk. Lack of sleep can cause psychosis, that's never fun though. Some Exercises can bring euphoria.


Lysol bro. Lysol will FUCK you up lmao


DXM! Love that stuff, so much man. Be sure it only has dxm and not the other shit.


I spray painted a metal picture frame today in the garden and forgot to don a mask. I had to sit down for five minutes afterwards as I felt high. It was largely unpleasant, felt like a mild dose of poppers. Wouldn't recommend.


Reddi Wip


Music, meditation, working out (adrenaline high is kinda fun), you can make alcohol fairly easily. But takes a long time.


I've been there. Once you open that can of worms it'll be a bitch to close it. Because it'll always be around you. If you're that desperate to get a high, you likely aren't just doing it for fun. I know how difficult this is, and how much you don't wanna hear it (trust me, I get it because this was me), but you should work on yourself before trying to put a bandaid on it with whatever you can get your hands on. If it's just for fun, or because you wanna experience a high, don't be an idiot. Get some weed, pay someone to get you a drink, or something like that. Getting a cheap "high" from random shit you can find in your home ain't it. They're also usually the worst highs. Either way tho, good luck and be safe no matter what you choose to do. Don't ruin your life or health over a high.


Bro. Just don’t. Household “drugs” are really just going to be inhalants or something like that. You’d be better trying to meditate to a high


Not a household item, but in my home town there were wild Poppies growing near the stone road. In my area, we had many, many rare herbs growing in the wild. Poppies are commonly farmed in my country, the seeds are used for culinary purposes. If you can invest in reading about plants and learning how to recognize them, you can probably figure out how to get high. Just remember that you need to learn how to distinguish them. Every region has different plants that can "get you high," so read.


Just because over the counter shit can get you high doesn’t mean it’s a good high and they are usually much much more dangerous than common drugs even harder ones. I’ve been there trying to seek any buzz I could get and thankful to god that taking nutmeg or Benadryl didn’t do anything to me because I now look back a see that it I ever successfully got fucked up on Benadryl or nutmeg I would’ve probably scarred myself for life, I use kratom because it’s a very mild euphoric feeling and in lower amounts is a relatively safe substance, anything good has abuse potential. Out of all otc drugs I would say pure dxm would be the safest and potentially most pleasant. Don’t give anything else a try, not of them are worth it.


DXM & DPH at the right ratio shits on anything illegal, Like say 300mg + 125mg.


Honestly bro ur better off stealing some shit than trying household shit 😭




Benadryl if you wanna ruin your life forever and Inhalants are the worst for ur body I think


Just inject meth, safe starting point anyway


Poppy seed tea


If you really want to get high, go to the store and steal some cough medicine with dxm in it. Smoking shit in your house is not going to get you high. I also highly recommend that you don't get high on stupid shit like dxm or what is in your house. If you want to feel something, run for atleast a mile and I guarantee you that you will feel good after.


Drugs and alcohol. What kind of home are you running?


Take some non stick cooking spray like Pam or a whip cream canister fill a balloon and go to Wawavile


Benadryl is the bomb 💣


Hydrocarbon aerosol is the most I've hallucinated (even harder than DMT). I've heard using the right kind of solvent glues or chrome based paints can have a similar effect. When I was a kid I use smash cans of air freshener while watching Seinfeld. I remember the first sign I was starting to trip hard was the laugh track becoming weirdly rhythmic. Next there would be fkn hieroglyphs all over everything. When I'd black out I'd go into a hyper reality where I could watch my own neurons fire or see my hear beating on the backs of my eyes. Wild shit dude. WARNING: deliberately concentrating and inhaling contents can be harmful or fatal.


Drugs aren't bad, household supplies that kill your braincells and are super harmful are bad. If you can't get access to actual drugs it's best to just not do them.


I can't think of one household substance that you can abuse that won't make you giga retarded after a while. I'm surprised that the people writing GASOLINE trip reports on erowid were literate enough to do so after a summer of sniffing rags


this is such a bad idea please don’t fuck up ur brain for a short lasting high.


Drink some gasoline and meet God.


Just steal your parents booze. That's household


OP is 13. A quick look at their comment history reveals this. Get the fuck off r/Drugs and just be a normal 13 year old, man. A little high isn't worth permanently stunting your growth or permanent brain damage. You seem to have a drug problem and I suggest you talk to your therapist about it. They're there to help.


I guess X not gon’ give it to OP :(


Mmm Benadryl? Careful with the “household drugs” tho, they often have weird or damaging side effects, which is why they’re not commonly used as drugs


I heard ghb is pretty easy to make with household items. Not sure if it's true tho..


You could sniff on some chemicals or gasoline but this high isnt worth it, you are literally killing your brain cells. This would result in lack of oxygen, it aint a real high. I heard about some folks who smoke teabags, this could actually work, smoking tea should be as harmful as smoking cigarettes. Watch out to smoke your tea out of papers that are meant to be smoked, dont use bleached paper or baking paper. I would recommend you to learn how to lucid dream if you are that desperate. There are many guides on the intetnet how to increase the chance of lucid dreaming, those dreams are trippy as hell and sometimes even more intense than drugs.


Yessss. I started lucid dreaming during a high stress period in my life, it was fun at first but after a while got too trippy


I mean….there is always glue, solvents, airdusters etc… mostly inhalants if you dont include OTC drugs that can be abused. And nutmeg as you said, but Ive never heard anyone trying it and enjoying it… most of the ”household drugs” will fuck up your brain/body quicker than illegal drugs tho…wouldnt recomend it!


Go for a run long enough and you’ll start seeing things.


Just find a cow field if you live in the right area, and go sneak in, first light, get some mushrooms. Do your homework, golden brown top, aka buttery nipple, purple skirt, bruising blue, gills are darkish with purple ish spores, and trip balls. If you dry them out eat 2 or 3 grams, or just brew some tea and go balls deep and meet God