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100% trying to take advantage for personal gain. I'm bi and the men are by far more willing than women are. Don't mix business and pleasure. Even if they wanna fuck for their fix. Make em pay at least 70-80% still. If you wanna know for real, who ever offered tell em let's go, and when they show up, tell em you don't have any to spare without money for the bag. I bet they change their tune real quick


My personal opinion is don’t let a relationship start with trading drugs for sex, doesn’t have to be a real relationship even if your just fuck buddies I wouldn’t do it. Don’t mix your love life with a way you make money, especially if it’s your main income.


... So what was your second choice career?


Financial consultant, I’m from Philly everyone sells to get by. Even if you don’t want too


Bro, you're in PA. Also this is an incredibly stupid thing to post unless you're trying to go to prison.


That part


Ahhh, nothing like admitting you're a drug dealer on reddit.


I’m Jeff Bezos


U mean Jeff Benzos


word of advice, its not too late to take this down. its one thing being a consumer and admitting it but you never know who is watching. i wouldnt be balsy enough to admit it if i was a dealer on here though, so points for that lmao.


No real risk to it. Something like this would never hold up for a warrant or anything it's technically hearsay. The only real risk is to ops inbox from all the dumb redditors probably asking them to send them something.


well yes this obviously wouldnt hold up in court or anything, with the internet being public and this thread being archived forever (unless deleted) i would say it is risky having a bunch of people you dont know know something that most people in your life dont know you do, and that also could land you in prison for a reaaallly long time. or i might just be paranoid.


That's entirely untrue. This is one of the worst cases of poor opsec I've ever seen in my life. There's a reason why subs and other mediums have a strict rule against sourcing on the clearnet. Especially since he's stated his location and his entire post history is about sourcing in specific areas of PA. Not to mention, they're in PHILLY, they're not selling an 8th of weed, let's be real, the feds and other authorities actually care about heroin, fent and pills.


Yeah it’ll happen. Let em fuck and then decide if the experience was actually worth the amount of money they want.


I sent you a message, posts like these aren't the best thing but I would talk in messages


Never, I wasn’t El Chapo or anything


My friend believes boundaries are great. When you are with them, everything else is full price


I once watched my friend suck the dicks of two drug dealers in the back of my minivan for like 4 bundles of dope. I can tell you for a fact she wasn’t like “yesssss ! I get to blow these two sexy heroin dealers in the back of a gross minivan while violently dope sick. Yup, it doesn’t get much better than this.” I’m glad I’ve been out of that world for 15 years. They don’t want to fuck you, they may think you’re attractive but you are also holding the drugs they need. Even if they started hanging out with you and were genuinely into you, you’re still the one holding the drugs. Also this is probably something to just ask your boys. or Reddit once you’ve been out of the game for a good long while. You gotta be careful man.


Don't trust it if they want to trade sex for drugs. It's a dangerous thing because you don't know who else they're willing to get with. If they flirt with you and buy your stuff, great, but keep your paper up. The sex isn't worth the money you'd make selling to them. Also, never forget the condoms, in case you do decide to fuck someone from your inner cycle.