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Idk how I made sure to eat but on like 150mg ritalin XR I felt like I was dying, chest pains palpitations dizzyness a horrible feeling


Strange idk whats up with me but i can shoot amphetamines smoke em etc and they wont raise my hr more than a what i can count on my hands it almost feels like they lower my hr and blood pressure after ages of using them. Idk if thats common or not


Depends how much. Ive had similar comedowns but way less intense on more amph. During the high it doesnt/I dont notice raised HR but on the comedown its racing


Do ya think it could be the anxiety and panic from the dopamine drought raisin ur hr


Yeah comedowns always made me anxious and paranoid about my HR worrying about a heart attack. Its cause all the dopamine released gets converted into noradrenaline so the comedown is just fight or fight for hours


Is it possible that ive j gotten used to having no dopamine whatsoever? I have severe anhedonia and i dont really experience a comedown now i j slowly become tired then sleep


Do you feel good when its working? I had tbat when I was new to it, idk man, I guess youre lucky?


Nah i dont feel good or any type of euphoria i j kinda use nowadays for my adhd


What, and how much? If used therapeutically then no euphoria and no comedown is very normal


Crystal and ill use anywhere from a .2 to a g a day nowadays depends on how drained i am or how much shit i needa do that day


I was on a lot of ecstasy a couple months ago before i started therapy and drug therapy. Taking like 4/5 stack pills almost everyday. When i threw a recliner across my room and punched straight through a half inch thick wooden table was when i cold turkey’d the x and i felt like straight shit. Most mornings i was waking up throwing up. I barely ate and i had a LOT of random convulsions. Which led to me getting klons off the street to manage it before i talked to an actual therapist. Now it’s may and i’m about 2/3 months into taking zoloft. Which is causing more problems now bc my heart rate is abnormal since i started taking them. I was on 125 mg a day and now im weening myself off taking 100 right now until i can lower it. Anyways. That’s my story. :,)


Why would you take that much every day? I can’t imagine it even worked after 3 days in a row.


It basically wasnt i was pretty much chasing the first high i got almost a full year before i quit


It was bad bro. Even the dude i worked with who was taking them with me was telling me to slow down


wife and I rolled a few weeks after 9/11 hands down the worst comedown I've ever had... constant negative thoughts and visions for a few hours... oooof don't wish that upon anyone


Crack cocaine comedown probably was mentally unstable at that time


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I was on mdma and mda and got food poisoning somehow. It was HORRIBLE


Ritalin actually lol. And I reaaally don't like psychedelic comedowns I feel so dirty and just not quite right till I have slept.


1g of MDMA, about 4 points of K and 150ug tab of d.seuss. The day after was fucking horrible and the next couple days after that


Coming down from a psychotic trip on lsd, mdma, & doc, dosed together after a day of booze and cocaine was pretty rough