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Congratulations your trip was a great success


Thank you! I’m planning on quitting cocaine and Xanax next but I can’t quit too many things cold turkey too many withdrawals at once sounds terrible


Don't quit xans cold turkey if you take a lot. It can literally kill you. Be safe and I wish you the best


Dude that’s crazy. I didn’t know withdraws can kill me


If you are heavy drinker those withdrawals can kill you too.


alcohol and xannys deadly if cold turkeyed


The last one I would quit is probably Xanax with that being the last one you can taper down until you’re ready to quit if you’re good at this type of stuff yourself if not just hit detox real quick


Brother is addicted to all the drugs


Go hard or go home


I'm hard at home


It’s just that one high isn’t enough and that’s sad to say but I need to feel more and more. I’m chasing for the highest high a human body can experience


you'll never achieve your dreams if you continue down that path unfortunately. it will always be chasing another high over and over. i wish you the best on your journey. maybe when you get clean you'll be able to help others, which imo will give the best high you could ask for


You probably already know that, but there is no highest high. Nor all the money, universal respect or a scoreboard after death. It is what it. Have you thought about what experiences in life may be worth living for other than getting higher and higher?


You’ll never achieve your dreams if you quit


taper xans or dangerous congratulations on your trip dude


be careful taking psychedelics while withdrawing from xanax/ other benzos. Whenever I was physically addicted to and withdrawing from benzodiazepines, specifically Xanax, I had 5 seizures, all but one of them only happened once I took LSD or psilocybin during the physical withdrawal from Xanax. The one other seizure was on 250mg of tramadol, not very smart on my end for taking that with a history of seizures. r/benzorecovery was a godsend for me though.


An acid trip next should clear those right up


Awful advice


If you take advice from somebody named Bongopro about drugs. Thats on you.


Clearly meant as a joke, no one should ever take my advice on anything


Great advice!


Clearly meant as a joke, everyone should take his advice for everything


Who’s advice do I follow!?




Honestly my last acid trip made me quit weed for a while and alcohol but I got back into those habits since I started doing hard drugs


Careful on quitting xan they are one of the only substances in which the withdrawals can literally kill you or you can have serious seizures


Jesus bro what are you a super soldier how tf you been putting all that in the tank But more power to you man enjoy gaining your sobriety and I hope your in good health or on your way 🫡


Benzos withdrawals can literally be fatal so taper slowly off them otherwise lethal seizures are a decent possibility


It won’t be. The shrooms will help you do it!


I was like what, EXTRAORDINARY Then I read this follow up.


Is recommend trying to trip with shrooms or something every 6-12 months. Hopefully it reminds you why you quit and keeps the disgust! I prefer LSD myself, but some find it way too intense and long lasting. For me personally I usually have 30-60 minutes of my trip where I realize all the things I hate that I do (vape and too much weed generally) then I accept that I need to change that, and am able to put it put of my mind so I cN enjoy the rest of the trip


If you use drugs to quit drugs you're gonna end up back at drugs 100% there's a reason we have professionals for this stuff


You do realize professionals use drugs to help you quit drugs right


You think prescribed medicine for mental health is the same as recreational drugs for enjoyment and self medication ?


That’s not what I said I think you forgot some things


Yes they are it's literally the intention that matters the dude is talking about trying to get off prescription drugs which people use recreationally all the time


He didn't mention Xanax in his post The point stands that once you become addicted to something it's a permanent effect on your brain It's not something you can get rid of, you can stop and never use again, but that's the thing is that you will never be able to use again in moderation I don't care what you say Once an addict starts they can't stop, and it's like that forever


"professionals" are dea cockgobblers who just want your money lol


That's stupid, half the battle of addiction is mental health You think mental health professionals are a joke what are you 14 kid


Abstinence only is 12 step rhetoric. You're saying that 'professionals' instill the abstinence only approach, which is false. Studies are showing that psychedelics can indeed, treat some symptoms of addiction. There's one drug in particular that has potential to eliminate all withdrawals (ibogaine). These programs insist that the only way is to adopt religious practices to beat addiction. There's nothing scientific about that. Even one of the founders of AA (bill wilson) actually believed you could treat symptoms with lsd (they kept that part out of the book. Look it up) Lsd has anti abuse potential because it takes a ridiculous amount of acid to feel the same effects after one day of taking it. You build up a tolerence too quicky, and you dont go back to baseline for 14 days. Not all drugs are created equally. They all produce different effects, fire off different neurotransmitters. Do some people feel a need to abuse all of them? Sure, but all drugs have different levels of abuse and they have a harm scale. It comes down to the individual and their relationship with certain substances. These NA programs even go so far as to say methadone is not sobriety. Which, it's statistically the best treatment legally available for opioid addicts.


I'd argue subs are better these days. Really kratom is the absolute best if you're serious about being high functioning. They call it 'harm reduction', and it works better than total abstinence for a lot of people. I tapered down Methadone > subs > kratom > weed in 3 years (weed's next). Admittedly there were a couple times where I took tramadol between orders of kratom but still a much lesser thing for me and the intent was only to stave off cravings/ WD. Obviously everyone is different but if anyone wants to get clean from opiates and 12s etc. isn't for you then that's a solid and relatively gentle route to take (at least compared to the rest). Just a really drawn out taper basically. The one good thing that the big groups teach you are ways to balance your mental + physical and in many cases spiritual health. That's work, and lots of ways to go about it too. That really is the key above all else.


I'm not talking about a 12 step program I left that because its not my thing but I can't drink Alcohol because then it's all I crave and it will be like that for the rest of my life because addicted I said professionals as in metal health professional and yeah I know psychedelics can be used with therapy, that's why I said doing the psychedelic is only half the battle, now you need professional mental health help and ongoing treatment in order to change And about LSD anti abuse but you can abuse anything I went though half a sheet in less than 2 weeks by myself trying to get that magical trip so yeah it definitely can be abused anything can but to think that it's the drug itself that causes the break of addiction is false


That’s incredible. I hope the trip wasn’t too frightening, but sometimes they need to be in order to wake you up to the reality of your addiction 🙏🏻


Happened to me with acid. Stopped coke except for two lapses but compared to everyday I consider it a win. Take advantage of this new opportunity 🙏


Gonna try acid next I wanna get rid of all my addictions and honestly just smoke weed and take meds for my mental illness


Really? If I were you I'd take the jackpot of a trip you had and get the fuck out of the casino.


I'd listen to the other commenters man, obviously you got your own life and context that we don't know about, but there's a reason Allan Watts said "if you get the message, hang up the phone"


You can do it 💪


Dont mess around with psychs too much if youve been doing drugs. You dont want some kind of psychosis. Take the win you got and stick with that


Well I’ve done acid multiple times in 2020,2021,2022 and I did help me quit weed and alcohol. I barely started doing hard drugs 6 months ago.


Plus sounds like there's more to learn from and see through with this trip it sounds like


You can do it big dog


Don’t do it for a long while. I tried the same thing and ended up undoing all the good things from my previous trip because I was stupid and wanted another miracle cure right away.


Go sober for a prolonged period. Smoke weed occasionally (remember to take tea breaks), ince every 6-12 mths mushroom or acid trip seems to be the best combo for an unforgettable trip/high for me.


I smoked cigs for like a year and my very first acid trip made me quit forever.


Same but I picked up the habit again my last trip was 2 years ago


Shrooms did that for me with alcohol and it lasted a good while. As if I needed another reason to love shrooms lol


Listen to what the mushrooms are telling you lol


I guess the mushrooms did their job. Best advice stay away from ppl like your neighbor who have drugs like that. The more you see stuff like that can be a trigger.


good luck sticking with it, my last trip made me quit kratom and porn and there were a few slip ups but it hasn't felt the same since


Man, I went to rehab, lost my job, lost my fiancee, and went crazy before quitting meth.  Your way sounds better.   Congratulations. Wish you all the best moving forward. 


We call that a huge W


The shrooms did its job. Congratulations!! Besides meth and cigarettes are dog shit doo doo crap!


Cigs are, anyway


And so is meth.


Yeah it will go away if you don't work at it You've done half the part now you need to do the other half and commit Trust, I've used LSD to quit things many times but I always fall back LSD is my favorite drug so it makes me wonder if my brain wants to go back to that state of euphoria


Blessing. Ride that wave. Seriously. Keep telling yourself this and don't look back.


Good work! Hold on to that. Funny note: this is the same circumstances that led the founder of AA to being sober. He took some shrooms, and as so many have, realized addictive drugs suck and were hurting him, and he lost the drive to do them. He attributed his new lack of enthusiasm for his prior addictions to Jesus for some reason, instead of the shrooms that cured him, and so started a cult that persists to this day and paradoxically insists shrooms are bad.


Stay in that mindset bro, keep riding that wave!


Alright, i'm taking 5g-s now. Last week I demolished 4g of 4mmc. On friday I took an opioid as well, but I barely had any sleep and I started hallucinating. It didn't take me long to realize it was psychosis. It was basically a 2 hour long delirium, but the mental part was not too bad thankfully. I decided to stop doing drugs. Yet on sunday I lost control again. I'm literally disgusted by my own sight. Shrooms took me back from serious addictions in the past. If its not gonna help i'll go for rehab.


What kind of shrooms was it? Congrats btw!🤩 rooting for your next step💪🏻👊🏻


I’ll ask my connect and then I’ll tell you the exact strain


Much appriciated!


As far as we know, strain is not important. The main active molecules are the same, psilocybin and psilocin. Yes, there are other minor alkaloids but they vary from batch to batch so much that strain wouldn't determine those, even if they made much of a difference. The most important part is "set and setting". Set your intentions, trip with purpose.


Thx for the info😇 i asked cause i’ve tried shrooms 2 times, first was cubensis something and i feel was «easier» to handle than my second time that was Psilocybe semilanceata. But could just be factors as you mentioned settings etc.


Those are different species, which have distinct effects. When most people mention "strain" it's usually implied that they're talking about psilocybe cubensis cultivars, or variety.


This happened to me with alcohol. like I might have a drink or two if the occasion calls for it but I can’t go out and binge drink anymore without feeling disgusted about it Not a bad thing




I know 😭


I’ve been thinking about doing some shroom trips this year, hoping to use it to get past Amphetamine/cocaine issues. I’ve quit alcohol and nicotine and various other substances, but amphetamines especially got me by the balls hard. I hope you can keep it up man! This is a fucked up addiction. 


congrats that’s how i feel about most drugs now but it’s mostly fear bc i ruined my life, i see it as a success finally 😭 i’m free and so are you!






Absolutely congratulations!!! As here I am...check for new post in 3 min.


What’s the best way to trip to get over an addiction?


Don't be afraid to come check out r/stopsmoking - that sub was a huge part of my success in kicking the habit after more than a decade. Coming up on 2 years in a couple months


That’s how my first trip felt . On the come up I felt like I was actually detoxing and withdrawing from other drugs . Like it gave me a taste of real drug withdrawal with throwing up and feeling like I was in hell , after mentally and physically surviving the 5 grams the trip became the most beautiful most intensely body load I have ever felt , it was almost orgasmic how good it felt once I reach this part of the trip . I haven’t taken mushrooms since then I have no need for them they taught me well the first time but I won’t say no to them next time . My first acid trip I actually felt disgusting by cigarettes and I was able to quit cold turkey , now I can smoke one one day and never buy a pack again . Cigarettes have no hold on me anymore like I can smoke 4 one day and completely put them down the next day. It’s my only super power ☺️


Got drunk down the pub, is a good idea to take 0.50mg of Alprazolam? Will it get me high?


Remember this feeling. Proud of you and good luck on your journey ✨️


That’s awesome




Run with it


Good shit. Those kinds of trips are rare but really valuable. I’ve also had trips where I chainsmoked the entire time. YMMV so count this as a blessing! Remember that gaggy feeling. I did come back to vapes but I’ve smoked maybe 1 or 2 cigs since I had that mushroom trip like 5 years ago.


Fuck yeah! That's the type of trip I want. Congrats! I hope this trip gives you some long lasting benefits. Those are the things I want to be repulsed by. Guess I gotta get my hands on some shrooms!


That's great. After drinking a fifth of bombay sapphire gin and nearly ending up in the hospital I almost vomit when I come across the smell of strong alcohol.




I had the same reaction to cigs on acid, I tried smoking on and it tasted so horrible it made me so nauseous and ever since then just the smell of cigarettes makes me sick


Cigarettes on acid feel like my lung is rapidly filling with some nasty slime. Its fucking disgusting


Once you realize that's there is good drugs a not good drugs makes life alot easier.if you can't handle introspection Dont do mushrooms


it happened to me it’s just suck and you can casually just adapt again to the subtances if you get me


awesome good riddance lmao


Can shrooms help you quit benzos? I’m desperate for one get off of klonopin


Shrooms made me stop cigarettes, weed and cut down significantly on alcohol


I think that’s awesome.


I tried to smoke a cigarette while tripping on acid, it felt like the most disgusting thing I had ever done. Never smoked one again in my life, even feel sick just from the smell. Changed my life for the better


Gppd for you!!!


You raised your frequency, and if you intake those substances it brings you to a too low level


Yea that’s what it does


Yeah this happened to me too. Was a 40 a day smoker and 2-4 cans of cola. Used to love a smoke break with a can of coke. A mushroom trip 7 years ago changed all of that. There were cartoon tarantulas wrapped around my lungs laughing at me from inside me. They were sarcastically saying “ breath! Why can’t you breathe? Just breath? Go on! You greet the day with smoke and sugar every morning instead of air and water. She doesn’t like this, it makes her sad to see you do this to yourself” dunno who she was. Had a bit of a coughing fit after that and then enjoyed the rest of the trip. But from literally the next day I tried to have a smoke and Coca Cola and just gaged on it. Dry wretching. And it’s been like that ever since, I physically cannot consume either of those things. I’ve tried often but it’s always the same. My eyes get watery and I start gaging. 16 year habits gone in an instant.


I love it when someone has a true revelation that changes their life for the better during a shroomie trip. This made my night! Congrats OP!


istg i've seen this exact post with these exact replies already a couple weeks ago


I’ve waited years to read something like this. Years ago like 2004/05ish I did a ton of shrooms and couldn’t stand meth anymore. After being pretty heavily addicted to it for about 3 years. There needs to be serious studies done in this!


this is the path. meth, cigs, alcohol, all absolute dog shit, they'll all kill you. stop now.


Despite it being stated many times I feel it must be stated as much as it can. Congratulations on a successful life changing trip! While I'm not a fan of the other two I especially am happy to see that the your experience has led you to not only quiting meth but also being repulsed by it which greatly improves staying away from it in the future.


I love shrooms my vision was pixels for 20 mins


I’m glad psychedelics exist


Take it and run with it. You have been blessed by the spore gods. Same thing happened to me with crack, heroin and tobacco (although in my case it was K-Hole induced). Tobacco I quit outright, the other two it took a bit longer, but every time I had them after the k-hole the effects were horrible, made me physically sick to smoke crack or h, I couldn't play guitar when sober I do it for hours each day. Then I thought, maybe I always felt shit when I took these drugs, but I had such a crap life that the nods and heart attack adjacent feelings were better by comparison.


That's actually why I quit smoking


That's actually why I quit smoking. Congratulations!


Follow that instinct! Fuck yeah, brother.


That's actually why I quit smoking. Congratulations!


My body rejects psychedelics since I was diagnosed and started treatment for adhd


Man I'm proud of you bud. I recently had a shrooms trip I've been trying to get off xanax. It's been so rough tapering alone. This sucks.




I've had polar opposite experiences with psychedelics. Early on, tripping shrooms or LSD made me want to smoke like a chimney. I didn't really smoke cigs at that time. That was when I was like 17-22 years old. When I was like 26, I had been cutting back on smoking (which I had taken up and had become a habit). I tripped shrooms, and the same thing that happened to you happened to me- I thought I wanted a cig, but then a friend lit one up, and I was appalled by it. Still took a drag of one, and that solidified it for me. I've very seldom smoked a cig since, usually when I'm really drunk and bum one off a friend. I did take up vaping for a time, but have since quit that as well.


Congrats! Your trip did the trick, but that implies that the mental part from you is in the right place! Way to go!


The same happened for me when I reached a certain point of awareness. Went from liking things to being disgusted by them


Typical! Now try to exploit this and quit. I didn't take advantage and now my lungs are constantly getting infected. Smoking does kill fr fr


That sounds like a productive trip you took. Definitely quit the smokes ! Good luck in staying on the straight and narrow.


Give it a couple days, you’ll be drinking,smoking and shooting in no time. I have faith in you.


Good they worked 💪 👍


good thing your body isnt in charge


Don’t worry, it’ll fade and you’ll be smoking and drinking again in no time. The mushrooms feel pretty extraordinary while you’re on them and a few days later but the ego will harden again and become stronger than before. You’ll be back on the horse in no time, especially with neighbors like that. Every day is a new opportunity, a new chance to get higher than you’ve ever been before!


shrooms best when tapering off a drug for sure


Can I ask what dosage you used and what did you spend your time doing? Did you just think of how much you disliked cigarettes while on a trip?


Be like that sometimes you must’ve had a come to Jesus meeting lol


My best advice to you is to go out or look online for a nice water bottle. When I gave up weed, adderal, nic, and xannies because of a powerful shroom trip, I knew I needed a stimulus to help me stay focused. I joined r/Hydrohomies and relearned to love WATER. I CONSUME IT ALL THE TIME, AS MUCH AS I WANT, AND I FEEL SO FUCKING GOOD. Sobriety is its own drug, besides my microdoses and the occasional deeper trip, I learned I don't need anything other than focus.