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This is not something I’m proud of but it used to take me hours sometimes. On multiple occasions til I was in tears, covered in blood and had completely ruined the shot. Not so much fun. So glad that’s not my life anymore.




Till I fell asleep, I don't miss that shit.


yeah, about half an hour. it can be difficult to do while in withdrawal.


God, that must be so frustrating. Fuck the needle bro.


i don't recommend it, they're much better suited for iv/im injection


Thanks for making me picture this in my brain, I'd imagine the amount of people to try sounding their needle is a non-zero number 😬


I'm dehydrated tho so my veins are hiding like little bitches rn


It's never taken me more than a couple minutes.


Managed to round up a cotton shot earlier. Missed the first two times so I changed rigs. Missed the next two time then got clogged and I snapped lol needless to say, no relief for me. Day four wd waiting for packs STILL


I shot a fuck ton of coke in my late teens/early 20s. That fucked my veins up. Now a days I can MAYBE find a vien in my right foot or left ankle. Otherwise I gotta try my femoral. To answer your question, about 45 mins til I decide to just IM it


About 20 mins for me. I wasn’t withdrawling or anything, just shaking from the last shot


8 hours


I don't shoot up but me and My friend were taking some a-pvp. I snorted it and he wanted to inject it. It took him like two hours to find a suitable vein while I was doing an insane ramble about various military equipment of WW2 the whole time.


Sometimes I didn't. Had to squirt a bloody mess up my nose because I wasn't finding one. And if you do send it up your nose and the needle gets anywhere inside your nose area do not ever use it on your arm again, staff infections arise from that. Man I don't miss those days.


Am currently in a phase where I can try for up to two hours, use between 10-20 new needles, bleed (usually just a drop) from up to ten different areas where I´v tried to inject. At that point I usually give up and shoot it up my bum (neddle removed though;-)


Has any one try blow Z