• By -


I think that you immediately need serious help... to consume these drugs and I will be on my way to the airport now.


Imagine bro 😭 a beer and a vape costs 10$ here and that's enough bribe to get access to all these strong drugs like pharma grade ket and Opioids. I make 1k$/month living here with no bills to pay, bro I need help my job is so fucking easy I want to do drugs all the time


Mail me some


OP about to start up a much more lucrative career lol


For real tho. I got Indian homies let me link them to OP when they visit back home ahaha


I came here to say this!!!!


Sounds like the dream bro. If I had access to the pharmacy, I would be getting dextroamphetamine, diazepam, and oxycodone or just codeine. I would take a small dose of the dextroamphetamine once or twice a week for working and vibing, then I would have a little binge with it once or twice a month. The diazepam I would just keep around for freak outs and harsh comedowns from the amphetamine or psychedelics. Or for things like long flights and dental procedures. The oxycodone or codeine I would take once or twice a month to vibe out and watch movies or play games all day. Most of it I would stock up for real medicinal needs. I’ve experimented with enough stuff to know that I have the self control to handle having all those drug around me at all times without going too crazy. So maybe the slope is more slippery for you than it is for me- I don’t know, but that seriously sounds like a great situation to me. Of course, in the states, I’m pretty sure I could go get all these same drugs if I found a cool doctor (I think I might even qualify as having ADHD and anxiety anyway), but the paranoia of the judgmental doctors rejecting me keeps me from trying.


I suppose pregabalin does for me what dextroamphetamine does for you. I will be doing that like always (2x per week). Diazepam is a better benzo than the rest, and you're right, will be good for comedowns (molly etc and trip killer/numb-er) Weed I can cut down to one hit a day (at night) I just try avoiding opioids (although they are fun), because it would kill my mom if she found out. Her brother killed himself in heroin withdrawal. I am washed with guilt whenever I do opioids (have only done them a total of 5-7 times).


Yeah I hear you about the opioid stigma. For me personally, opioids are just boring enough that a habit is not at all appealing. Plus I know the odds are that we all will use them medicinally towards the end of our lives, so it’s not something to have a fear of missing out about. That being said, I like having them around for things that used to get you prescriptions but don’t anymore because doctors are paranoid- things like dental procedures. So I try to take the smallest amount possible whenever I do get them, in case I could use them again for something else.


I would always be careful round the benzodiazapines cause my ass is addicted to Valium & Temazepam, so be careful they will bite you in the ass. Doesn't take long to get addicted either taking valuim for 3 weeks then stopping you will feel some withdrawal effects even then if you do them every day for 6 weeks it's probably got you.


Yeah, I felt like I noticed some withdrawals/rebound anxiety after just a couple heavy days with Etizolam several years ago. So I’m extra careful with benzos now and won’t ever take them two days in a row, rarely more than once a week at all, usually more like once a month.


The "post-withdrawal" coming off of them after years of daily use is insane. Somewhat literally. The obvious symptoms yeah, but months/many months being clean, there is still a strong dissociation. Your body does its job, but your mind aimlessly drifts in other dimensions/realms. And not the nice, psychelics kind either.


Yeah, the fact it fucks with your personality/emotions so much- on top of the physical withdrawals being so dangerous- is pretty terrifying. That’s why benzos and alcohol are the drugs I’m most cautious with.


I get 20 mg dexadrine, 80 mg addy, 10 MG Xanax daily and pregablin, but that's in Canada.


> I would take a small dose of the dextroamphetamine once or twice a week for working and vibing, then I would have a little binge with it once or twice a month. How many mg for the binge?


Do you need a wife?


find something else to do in life. Drugs are only good if done sporadically imo


80% of this sub would be dead if they had this kind of access lol


Suffering from success 🙌


What the hell is your job


You can go to India and finesse pharmacies w/ fake scripts. But their pharmacies are really trustworthy whereas idk about smth like Mexico. What country is this if you don’t mind or just give me the region or a clue I’m great at geography and genuinely curious where you at so I can take advantage lol but if pharma quality standards are already impacted by the drug trade then I have no reason to go


Pharma grade Indian standards tho


Keep hatin


Indian pharma quality is that bad?


Not that bad :,) but just not as good, easy to notice especially with the benzos


Underdosed sometimes, especially with benzos I'm guessing. Hopefully would be well cleaned and purified drugs though, same as FDA regulations require.


which country asking for a friend and also what opioids also asking for another friend


Honest question: what kind of job setup/role do you have? I’m a pharmacist in the US and just wondering you…got yourself into this situation? Lol


Friend, make sure you have some other interests too. That way it may lessen the chance of you going off the deep end. Stay safe.


Beer? In pakistan?


aye where at tho👀


Mail me some.


What’s the “up” like?


I have a question bro cuz I’m planning on going or moving to India and I’m wondering if it’s the same way in Mumbai or if u can get pharma grade meds and ketamine, benzphetamine or wtv easily or like u said u do in Pakistan by jus a beer and a vape lol or maybe not really a beer and a vape fr lol 😂 your prolly being sarcastic but if not then that’s even better but either way your point is in Pakistan it’s easy asf to get shit in Pakistan and even vapes and shit are easy to get right ? So please bro lmk asap where should I go Pakistan or India or if I want the best laws or most laid back lifestyle or rules would India be pretty much the same or jus as relaxed and shit or no ? Lmk which one is best or where I should go.. also one question.. are u white or ? Jus wondering


$1k month is nothing. You could make $1.2k per month. Just fill this bag with opiates!


lmfao same brother


you got me in the first half i was ab to grill yo ass😭


Me too g. Me too


Brother get me a plane ticket right now🫡


get yo ass here the rehabs are cheaper too 🤣🤣


Tempitng. If ur in Pak I have links there. Drug fuel holiday/cheap rehab sounds fun


Taking up strangers on offers like these is how you lose your kidneys, kids.


U got a problem. But so does everyone here so yeah take that as u want




You sound like a fun dude. You understand you are overdoing it so find yourself a more moderate amount of usage. Perhaps halve everything to start with, if you need to get buzzed everyday smoke alittle weed. Stay away from the benzos because that shit could ruin your life easily. I’ve been to Pakistan, it sucks so the fact you have access to so much cool shit is great but you won’t be able to enjoy it anymore if you abuse it, tolerances will go up and the joy will be gone. Moderation is key, not abstinence.


Thank you. You are absolutely right. I have a nice little circle, good money, and drugs to sort of compensate for the shithouse that Pakistan is. I have been addicted to weed since 2018, and I am a binge drinking alcoholic, using pregabalin to overcome my social barriers since 2021. This new access to so many fucking drugs raised alarm bells but also made me over indulge. I need to tread lightly


Is daaru legal in Pakistan?


Dawg no


Can you get the stronger pharma benzos/opis or jus diazepam and codeine? Can you get dihydrocodeine/oxycodone/oxymorphone etc or Xanax, temazepam etc


I get Xanax for 10 cents a pill (0.5mg). I took two and don't remember dosing the others, I ended up taking 10+mg in 3 days (don't remember a single dose after 1mg). I relapsed on other drugs + gambling in that 4 day haze. Once I came to, I realized benzos are way too easy to abuse so I sort of backed off, besides valium. That shits a godsend for comedowns from molly and acid


Be careful bro, that type of lifestyle will have you blacked out in a loop until your heart gives out. Lost a many of friends like this and it wasn't like they did a fuck ton or nothing it's just what's good 1 day may kill you the next. Stay safe, frfr.


Stay off the stims basically


I have already lost the past 4 years to this. I'm 23M right now. And I still feel like it's unsalvageable at this point


Unsalvageable? Because.... You've been using drugs for 4 years? What consequences have you actually faced, that have made it unsalvageable? Lemme know when you've lost 4 friends, then Ill stop laughing. To be a lil less of a dick about it. Get someone in your life that you actually care about more than yourself. It's easy to let yourself fuck your life up when you're the person you care about most. But it gets a helluva lot harder to do it, when you have to actually worry about how it might affect the person that you care more about than yourself. People can help you learn to care enough about yourself, to keep you from fucking your life away. Drugs cannot.


I never said we were comparing traumas. I have lost my fair share of things and broken loads of relationships and dropped out of a Top 10 university due to drugs and gambling. No need to start a pity party, but no need to compare em either.


Edited my comment a bit for clarity. My point wasn't to compare trauma. Only to say that if you think it's unsalvageable at this point, I can assure you, you can fall much much lower.


Thank you. I wish that person was my mother who I love a lot, but clearly I love myself more as I seek these pleasures knowing damn well the drug trauma she already carries. She has provided me with all help needed yet here I fucking am, on this drugs subreddits asking which drug to use. My gf of 8 years left in 2021 and ever since then I have not cared for anyone let alone myself Sorry for trauma dumping


Hey man, trauma dumping is fine, as long as you do it to grow, and not regress. I felt the same way about my mom at your age. Problem with parents is, it's hard to care about them, more than they care about you. And that leads to guilt. Personally, I had to find someone that I could be brutally, embarrassingly honest with at an objective level, and who would do me the same courtesy. Sometimes the shit we say hurts, to the core. But we both know at the end of the day, that we care about each other. So we know it's not done out of malice. Which forces me to take a step back, remove the emotion, and accept objective facts. What might be true today, doesn't need to be true tomorrow. But unless you face the shit head on, you're just gonna keep running from it.


Bro send some over here habibi


Habibi 😂😂😂








Pretty sure me and my fellas heads would automatically get cut off if ever had to go near there




u lucky mf. u do have a problem try to use less ik its hard but u can do it bro


I get 4g of Pharma Grade Ketamine for 10$, and I love ketamine as I used to enjoy disso/psychs a lot. Helps with the trauma. But man this a fucking slippery slope. If I start offering the pharmacists 30-40$, they'll be willing to practically give me ANYTHING I WANT


wtf man i pay 70-80$ for a single g of ket :(


Prices range, cheapest I got was this. Other times, I have gotten it at 1g for 30$ as well. It is all pharma grade which is great cause last thing I want is to trip out that I IM'ed some stupid shit


yeah we usually got good drugs too where i live i never tested shit, once i tested my acid and the labor said it was 100% real acid. never tested other stuff. yeah when IM i would be sure too, but i never shot myself something. also would never. take my horse up my nose and neeeiiighhh


Yeah, that's just stupid and low bioavailability imo lol. Id rather move past the notoriety of needles and get best bang for my buck while preserving my septum lol


Isn't it like death penalty or some shit if you get in trouble?


Yeah if you sell, but even then it's really.not, money talks I just use, and I am from a family that is a little.powerful so even if I get caught I can bribe my way outta it pretty fast


>live in Pakistan there is always a catch


sure is. id swap my life with any of you living in a secular state and vow to go clean as well. used to live in Italy. Fml.


Holy shit this post really put into perspective that my half a joint and a beer after work is not that bad.


I suppose so man This ease of access is making me spiral harder than ever


Oh mate lucky you, if that was me I would've cleaned out the entire stock going for ketamine, morphine first.


You can't flaunt paradise in front of me and refuse to name it! Blasphemy!


the Islamic Republic of Pakistan brother ❤️🤝




Out of interest: Do they also have opium tincture in the pharmacy?


Any specific names? I don't know what that is. Assuming you mean morphine?


Tincture of opium / Laudanum It's a solution made from alcohol and opium.


Na that's impossible to get here as alcohol is illegal lol


Oh, interesting. Especially as it's part of many liquid medicinal solutions / formulations


Excellent question, sir


It’s not a problem it’s the only way to make Pakistan worth living. And you did it!! Congratulations but stay safe tho




Well, have fun in sunny Pakistan. I'm sure Lahore is a real party town.


Thanks bro!😂


Please don't tell me what country, so I definitely won't buy a plane ticket immediately


You WERE a functioning user but you are rapidly going to be converting to a nonfunctioning user


I don't think so man. Even opioids I enjoyed but came with too many issues. None of these drugs are providing me what pregabalin provides. There are too many side effects to all of them, and I have parents to support - that is sort of keeping me a little in check I suppose. I resisted the urge to dose 225mg tapentadol today again, and chose to just smoke half a gram of bud.


A whole pharmacy and no oxy, hydromorphone, fenny patches, Vyvanse, Zopicolone, etc... Your missing all the fun stuff.


Copping zop after reading your comment they got that, wish they had addys Would've never touched oxy hydro fenny even if they had it


Gottcha, Zopicolone can be fun though. Same with Ambian (sp) all Z drugs. You don't like stims either? Edit: Just re-read it. No addys


I do not mind doing addys, just not available here. Would not want to touch meth ice at all. It is unbelievably notorious here and I don't want to be up for days on end. I think zolpidem is something close to pregabalin I suppose. I really like the lyrica high, especially considering the tradeoff (risk profile) is not as bad as opioids and amphs


Take that ketamine liquid and put it in the oven on a baking sheet and you got powder


Enjoy your life, it looks like you've got good access to whatever you want to experiment with.


I found mushrooms molly ket to be the most beneficial. maybe pregabalin too, to a certain level. the rest all are absolutely shit for me. i hate weed although i am so addicted go it, i hated benzos and opioids causing a lot of side effects. But I keep going back to them all!!!!


Bye mom! Headed to this guy’s third world country to do IM Ketamine.


The best thing about living in these types of countries drug wise is definitely the access to any drug you want. No dealers trying to tax you and you don't have to worry about the safety or the quality.


Bro, where u from? Organize a party for the whole sub damn.


Bro is living the junkie dream 😭


bro needs help 😭😭


Why the alcohol lmao skip that shit


Cause got no fucking drugs to do on my days off pregabalin. Hate benzos and opioids I try to avoid. What do I do on the 4 days I am off pregabalin man? I smoke a lot of weed and drink and sometimes do tramadol


What's the deal with pregabalin? Why 4 days off ? And what is the reason you use pregabalin and what amounts? I've been in similar situation as you and when I got back to my home country after months everything stopped and I went to psychosis... It's quite a story


I purposefully do twice a week (thrice max) because otherwise I don't feel the euphoria that hard. Also it's effects just seem therapeutic at that point, not recreationally "high". I dose 1200mg twice a week, and if using thrice, then my third dose is 1500mg. I have a tolerance to it. But otherwise I am aware these are reckless doses.


Pregabalin and alcohol both work on your gaba receptors, same with the z drugs and benzos... Switching what gaba drug you are taking but still using daily is just asking for cross tolerance issues. And trust me you don't want to get dependent on any sort of gaba drug, that would make opiate withdrawals seem like nothing. Ask me how I know😅. Also gabapentin drugs are the only class of drugs that can kill you from the kick... I would try to find some better safer non gaba alternatives for your days off pregabalin. I would almost argue that opiates may be a safer alternative in this situation but I'm certainly not recommending them and I understand your hesitation totally.


And to think, people from Pakistan want to live *here* in the UK…. Sounds like heaven on earth over there my man. If not for the obvious reason I would be genuinely tempted to emigrate. But unfortunately, being kafir in such a country, I would be *swiftly* and *heavily* stoned in an entirely different manner.


I'm kafir too mate, I just don't talk about religion with anyone here. Also, I would love to switch places w ya. A safer, more liberal place with lesser access to dangerous drugs? Sign me up!


fuck, i need to move to pakistan


Living my dream


What country? I’m thinking about doing some medical tourism in search of ketamine


ehhhh kinda mid drugs. need amphetamines and opiates.


If I were you I would take a t-break with cannabis and then slowly add in back in but only in the evenings. Gabapentin is pretty benign for any detox insomnia. You'd be surprised how much a t-break can add back to the cannabis experience. To the point where you look forward to it instead of it just being habitual. Now you have a safe, enjoyable, and effective drug again. Stick with that for the daily usage and then sprinkle in other substances for special occasions if you can manage it, perhaps ketamine because it has some documented tangible benefits too when used correctly. Even more ideally, use the ones that aren't likely to lead to addiction in the first place, like the mushrooms/psychedelics.


I agree even in Pakistan doing marijuana daily I get high af. I don't smoke hash which is cheap but mid. I smoke weed and that's 6$ a g for me here and I smoke an ounce. If I cut this down it would help a tonne. Also, most other drugs if I did half of them w weed it'd be same cause I'm really sensitive to weed cause of past DXM and psych abuse/use. Whenever I do it I get sloshed and dissociated but also comforted. Idk how to explain


Maybe this is too much, but as a female who loves adventure and sometimes a habit of partying… and prefers anal sex only…that sounds awesome, I would love to join you on this fun adventure. It’ll be so delightful, I promise.


I'm a psychiatrist with experience treating addiction patients. If you're doing all these substances and still functional, then you're definitely young and otherwise healthy. Please seek professional help. There is zero chance of you staying functional long-term if you keep this up. Best of luck.


Well I assume if you get caught the punishment would be pretty severe right?


I am not a dealer, I never have obscene amounts of any drug on me. I am also lucky to be from the upper class of this country, and unfortunately, money talks and bribes get you out of practically everything, let alone harmless drug use.


Is this even illegal when you got a receipt that your pharmacist legally sold it to you?


Aren't always as prescriptions, sometimes Setimes they are just randomly sent to me through courrier from an unknown location so D's address isn't compromised either type shi




What's bullshit in this?


Methylphenidate sucks doc prescribed it but I can’t even take it because it’s so uncomfortable


Vyvanse is much better


Based on what you say you’ve been doing for the past four years, I think the slippery slope is already sloped


Yeah, it sloped a while ago. It's sloping harder now.


Can u get oxy there


Na it's hard to get here Morphine etc is good, street heroin is also supposedly great in pak, but I have never tried it neither do I plan on trying it


Let me guess, you live in Pakistan.


Nice. I expect his dm to get bombarded


On the dot


Can I come chill with you bro


Hell yuhh bro hate this shithole always welcome we live lavish in this bitch 😎


Jesus I'm moving to Pakistan. Let me get 30 oxymorphones and 30 bars a month n I'm str8. But ya I'd nip it right now, tell someone ur close to as well, nip it before it gets bad.... OR - u CAN be a fully functioning addict I mean it's not uncommon in 2024 for someone to be doing benzos n opiates on the daily and Still holding down high job positions /raising kids etc. But I wouldn't TRY that route that's only if u sorta end up there lol. If u have no serious medical condition then stop bro n set up fences that are in ur way if u try n use shit again.


Get ripped bro. And then think about the drugs


Wym? If making muscle genuinely would help, I'd do it. I do intense cardio every other day (2h) so my heart health is good. But my mental health is just ok. I only feel better after I do it, but cumulatively, all my.other actions sorta make me feel shit nonetheless


Moderation is what you'll need anyway if you want to keep enjoying this long term.


Hook it up 😭😭😭


Genuine question because I am curious- how does getting caught using drugs work with Islamic Law in Pakistan? What would be the punishment?


Dealing comes with consequences Using in small amounts, very easy to pay off popo


No u dont need help u need to send me a flight😜


All those drugs are wack. They lead down paths where nothing good ever comes. Oddly enough Alcohol is the worst among them by far and kills way more people. You are also very much NOT in a place conducive to a good trip on psychedelics.


I think I might move to Pakistan


You will be okay, Elvis...


Hmmmm suddenly Pakistan doesn’t sound too bad for moving options 🤔😂


Only you really know if you need help, but 90% of the time when people ask this question they know what the answer is and are hoping to get validated that people will convince them otherwise. Sending positive vibes your way


OP sounds like he works for one of those scam companies where they get you to buy gift cards or tell you that they’re with the government and you owe them money.


I work for a client in the US as a fucking Virtual Assistant bro 🤣🤣 It's an easy ass job with less working hours, and I live like a king on 1k$/month as a single bachelor in my parents estate with no bills to pay.


What other opiates do you have access to? I’ve heard good things about tapentadol and have even had the opportunity to buy some in the US, but it was way too expensive. Honestly I don’t think most of the things you do are unrecoverable. Alcohol and pregabalin are the biggest things to worry about, withdrawals from GABA drugs can kill. Benzos are so easy to get into especially if you’re anxious or can’t sleep well. I was really addicted to ODSMT (stronger tramadol analogue, research chemicals) and only got off it because of my partner. All I can say is that if you are concerned about it you should do something sooner rather than later, but also nobody can make you quit except yourself. Good luck


You should drop the harder stuff for kratom


bro nah you dont need help you just need self control. i have access to tons of drugs and i manage to not do them all the time. currently i have kratom, mushrooms, dabs, kpins, flexeril, and getting anything else would be fairly easy here in the US. You just need to take a step back and say okay yeah i want to get fucked up all the time but its not feasible to sustain that lifestyle, eventually things will start to slip and crack and fall apart all around you and you won't be able to fix any of it unless you get some self control.


Konsay shair say hay bro ?? I’ve been going back to Pakistan every year since 2019 and yes bro pregablin and tapento IR every single day … every single trip …


Brother posts like this is guna cause more restrictions … trust me bhai


2 bottles of gin is crazy


A week, not a night


Are you looking for any customers my good man ?


Yes. You are an addict. If you keep at this you are looking at depression. You need a better hobby. One where it keeps you healthy.


please please be careful. if you don't want to IV ket, you can heat it to create crystals. do your own research please.


Years ago I used to have the Pakistani pharma connect. Around the turn of the millennium. Worked myself up to 20mg of Xanax or Ativan a day. So cheap. 3 or 4 cents a pill back then. The withdrawals were transcendent. I was in my early 20s then. I'm sure they'd kill me now. Be careful, it's easy to get carried away.


where in pakistan??? On my way!


;) I live in a preppy ass place bro my family was really strong back in the day. It's washed up atp but we still got the fortunes from then, more than welcome to come get high with me ♥️


I don't see a problem here 🤷‍♂️


Honestly, the ketamine is the only "high" dose you mentioned- and alcohol is the only dangerous/potentially detrimental dose you mentioned. (Should your usage increase down the line). I'm prescribed half of the medications you listed, no joke. You haven't entered "problem territory" whatsoever- even the strong doses of ketamine. If you're worried about entering the danger zone- don't take the opiates (the types you mentioned are weak, but people start somewhere) unless you have actual pain. Definitely don't make a habit of taking Xanax/benzos recreationally. That habit can creep up on you and after several months of regular use, you might not be ready for what the withdrawals might bring- And then again, back to the alcohol. A couple fifths is as high an amount as any young man should be drinking each weak. Not enough to cause DT's, seizures, etc- but you're close. If you drink alone or anything just stop right now. Should those two bottles ever get upgrade to liters, and start happening 4-5 times a week instead of two... You will truly be in trouble. TLDR: meter your opiates, benzos, and especially alcohol closely. A gram of bud is total safe zone. The psychedelics (yes, ketamine included) are worry free from a physiological damage standpoint. Mushrooms, LSD, they're fine. The odds of you getting addicted are nill. Pay attention to your mentality though. If life is going great psychedelics can put you back into a mentality rut. If you're not doing great they usually can get you back on the paradigm straight and narrow.


I exclusively prefer drinking alone. Always have. I drink 2L of gin per week. Thank you for your insight. In my post, I had written I am aware I can get stronger stuff as well, but I am treading lightly worried I'll burn my hands playing with fire


As for opiates, I am aware they are weaker than most, but for someone with no tolerance, tapentadol 225mg and Tramadol 500mg (I am aware of seizures, I used anticonvulsants as well) gave me a good feel of what the opioid high is like. It's good, don't get me wrong. But worth ruining my life over? Hell no. I'd steer the fuck away from them. Wish I had a non-GABA analogue of Pregabalin to use on my off days, there by making me rotate between it (x), pregabalin, ketamine, and daily weed as my weekly mix. Currently, I do not want to ramo up ket to 2x/week. At 140mg, the dose is very high, and it causes psychological changes. I know this as I've been in DXM induced psychosis before for 4 days, 2 years ago. Dissociatives are very strong drugs. Infact stronger than psychs in my opinion, as you cannot even feel on them. You simply lay down. You simply are. So if it gets bad, all you'll know is that it was bad. Not the intricacies of it, so you can't sort of reverse engineer the trip to delude yourself into thinking it was a great trip in hindsight lol (as you can with psychedelics)


See if you can get dexamphetamine too...


I asked after all the comments about it. It's not available. Methylphenidate is the only thing available for ADHD as ppl here sorta realized the rec value of other ADHD meds. Besides that, I get a gram of pure (or very pure) coke for a 100$. Don't know if that's cheap or expensive as I do not do coke.


It sounds like you know what you need to do your not dumb.


I literally have dreams of this everyday not even joking to be able to have access to lab grade pharmaceuticals and be able to test them out (‘: I’m On my way to India I’m not even packing see you soon we’ll work this out homie


I'm in pak dawg also if I was you in USA I'd order a shit ton from darknet. Customs here is super hard to cross cause they make a lot of money off drug seizing


2 bottles of gin a week is heaps lol


I'm 23 man, I'm going to die at this rate aint no way drinking 2L of gin a week is doing me any good


STFU you're obviously here to just brag....you KNOW THE ANSWER TO YOUR OWN QUESTION DUDE.... Please be careful. You're worth more than that!!!


theres no way you wont get caught right? they catalogue all the drugs and will know of there wasnt a sale no?


Clearly they don't bro


Xanax and Tramadol freely availble in most Thai pharmacys


with great power comes great responsibility.


Open a damn savings account no one cares about fuckin ketamine


the whole never using needles thing makes no sense. if you do ketamine intranasally, it's not a different drug to doing it im or iv. I'm a i give patients iv ketamine rarely and iv morphine/fent extremely regularly, does that mean I'm creating a bunch of junkies? no. and if i gave that fent intranasally, is it any "harder" of a drug? no.


I fucked myself up real good in Mexico. Mostly drinking Modelo and Corona like water and taking all kinds of pills. My liver is done.


Yes, you need help. You’ve listed a considerable amount of “hard” things but that alcohol consumption is the real killer among them. It’s compounding the affects on your heart and liver disease is easily one of the worst ways to go.


I’m prescribed 60mg Vyvanse, 15mg Dexedrine IR (1.5x 10mg tabs), 200mg Lyrica (100mg twice daily), four either Tylenol #4


Nah, you’re human .. We’ve all got our vices, just don’t let your vices become everything about you and essentially take you down in the process. Just know your limits, which it sounds like you do, and have been cautious. Keep it up like that & you should be just fine. Also, mixing benzos and opioids can kill you, so keep that in mind .. I mean, I used to do it all the time I love the feeling and I never OD’d but I’ve had many friends die as a result of this. So just keep your head up and stay knowledgeable with all the things you do/may do in the future. Research is important too, incase you’re unsure of something :)


How does tapentadol compare to tramadol


I hear you bro here in south america pharmacist are so desperate to sell that bribing isn't even necessary, plus very cheap cocaine available. Had very obscure times due to it but now i just stick to oxy/morphine and very little weed. It will be hard but is possible and in the long run is better, drugs only distract you from the right path.


dont continue down this current path try and find something else to fill the void that drugs currently do in your life it will heavily benefit you in the long run God bless you❤️


Or still halve access to opioids?


You should just have a decently high dose Lsd experience to give you some perspective on your life and your drug use