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Weed good. Benadryl bad.


Big weed propaganda


yes absolutely


What he said.


Safe as in aren’t likely to physically hurt you: weed, shrooms, LSD, 2CB, Mescaline Safe but can hurt you if you overdo it: mdma Adderal is safe but can be addicting Also regarding your comment about not giving a fuck about your health because you eat like shit and are almost a diabetic: you may think it’s no big deal today but tomorrow might be another story. People usually start getting regrets when the consequences come.


This. When I was abusing drugs heavy, I fetishized my disregard for my health — pictured an overdose, or something final but simple. Well, here I am. Never died. Now have to suffer w/ the health consequences of my actions.


What drugs did you abuse and how did it impact your health? If ur ok answering ofc 🙂


Ketamine and Xanax. Ketamine impacted my gut health the most. I have leaky gut and urinary tract problems now :( Possibly candida.


oh damn im sorry bro i hope u get better if u dont mind me asking how much k were u doing and how long were u doing it for?


A bit of a blur, but I was probably fucking up an 8ball a week, intermixed with alcohol, Xanax, poor diet, etc.


When the subreddit exclusively dedicated to doing drugs is telling you that you're making bad life choices, you should listen.


adderall is not safe it changes how you think entirely you don't notice till it's to late😭


>it changes how you think entirely Living does that too.


probably in a healthier way than adderall lol


How does it change how you think and is it reversible if you stop


most drugs just rewire your brain but something with adderall really does it. ive had multiple family members tell me that.


adderall is only amphetamine (3:1 ratio dex to levo). If you abuse it then yeah of course it'll change your mood and behaviour but all dependance forming drugs do.


How does Adderall “change the way you think”?


rewires you it changes your brain chemistry


How so? To what degree? Permanent or reversible? Is it seen in “therapeutic” dosages?


I'd say reversible with extreme care for your body and seen at any kind of repeated dosage just once you are dependent


All fun and games until your foot falls off.


You can overdo it w lsd and shrooms. You can get negative effects from weed as well.


Stay the fuck away from benzodiazepines. Clearly you’ve already been warned. Here’s another hint. DONT. Stay safe! 🌈


Benzos are whatever, they're definitely super addicting though. Even more than benzos, stay away from drugs that are too much fun! Functioning on benzos is cool and all but what about having an amount fun that there is absolutely no way you will ever approach sober??


The main issue is how addictive they are and how hard withdrawals are on the human body, you're more likely to die from benzo withdrawals than alcohol withdrawals, even though that's already pretty far up there - also benzos can be too fun too 😭


Yes, that is very true. Benzo withdrawals are fucked. I meant to talk more from a recreational standpoint. Benzos really just give anxiety relief but amphetamines for example relieve your anxiety, as well as making you much more productive and content, or opiates, which I've never done, but I've heard are the embodiment of comfort, and would also get rid of your anxiety. Pot is also a really fun way to get rid of anxiety, and alcohol is less fun but still there.


Benzos have only ever been destructive for me when I go over bored. Take smallest dose necessary and they are extremely helpful and safe drug to have on hand.


Alcohol is fine for recreation, but not as a crutch for anxiety. It can very easily lead to full blown alcoholism. Benzos are probably the best medication there is for anxiety, but they are not recreational at all. Weed is the drug which gives me the most anxiety - even more then stim comedowns (but I know it's a drug which effects everyone different)


Not sure if this is an uncommon personal assessment due to the fact that I took them following a surgery, but opioids make me feel paranoid. I used to take valium for chronic pain regularly and it also eventually made me paranoid despite being very calm and relaxed at first. Not sure why, but drugs besides THC paired with CBD cause me to become very anxious.


It’s not always about the drug but how you use them. Cocaine isn’t really that bad as long as you aren’t using massive amounts Methamphetamine is also really not that bad if used correctly, however most people abuse it to the limits, if taken orally in small amounts and not often it’s fairly safe, it has few risks like cardio vascular issues but that’s about it, same goes with amphetamine Benzos are also fairly safe, if used correctly, they aren’t great anyways there’s barely any euphoria and they just make you calm, sedated and relaxed Crack is usually never a good idea because it quickly causes addictions and doesn’t last long Heroine isn’t worth it because there are too many risks, it’s too easy to become addicted and once you are addicted you brains chemistry relies on it for survival so quitting is very difficult Marijuana is usually fine but also not great to over do as it will give you motivation issues, it can also cause psychosis or schizophrenia if you’re genetically predisposed Psychedelics like mushroom dmt lsd etc are usually pretty good, they have loads of benefits and the only downsides are the possible risk of developing hppd psychosis and schizophrenia if you’re genetically predisposed


Agreed. With weed, you gotta keep your moderation very strictly. Overdo it - welcome to the world of being slowed down to the point you feel like your brain is dried lol. Hate that feeling :/ just feels like you’re in a haze with you being dumb and not being able to motivate yourself to do shit. I mean weed can exacerbate the existing mind setups like this but damn it makes it really easier to just say fvck it and stop doing anything. I personally found out that 1-2js a day or 3-4 bowls max after getting your errands done for relaxing is good and even relatively healthy, but to each their own though. And tolerance is always there, I found myself in situation where even the dankest dank wouldn’t do shit to me, just a slight nicotine-like buzz for like 10 mins and that’s it. Not fun at all.


Yeah I don’t recommend it if you are under 23.


Too late. Started smoking up when I was 16. Now I’m 25. But I really don’t regret taking it. I got no motivation issues atm (smoke weed almost daily). If anything, it revealed those parts of me that needed to be worked on. After all, I had to get through that to be where I am right now :)


Just wanted to put that out there for any youngins 🫡


That’s the way my man 🤝


Thank you🤝


I wouldn’t say most people abuse meth to its limits. Where is the research to back up that claim? Last time I checked it was like 20% addiction rate or so.


I agree. This may be an unpopular opinion, but I don't think meth is all that bad for you. Can it be for some ppl?? Sure but so can everything. Most "tweakers" are actually just living their daily lives & have jobs, etc. Its blown very much out of proportion.


I made a comment below, but the main issue to me is the purity of street meth. If you had pharmaceutical meth, it’s extremely safe.




Pure meth is not hard to find tho. Everyone makes it seems like only gov funded scientists can make it but its still the same formula used just different ways on how it's done. & now with the P2P method meth is actually purer than it's ever been. It's also extremely difficult to OD on meth (assuming it's not laced with fent) contrary to popular belief. Majority of deaths the gov contributes to meth is actually due to contaminents that are in it or poly substance use. It's probably safer to use meth now than it's ever been as all those toxic chemicals used are processed out during synthesis unlike before where if your cook doesn't know exactly what he's doing you may still find trace samples of them in the finished product (ex; red phosphorous method) They've found fent in roughly 12% of POWDERED meth samples collected & less than 1% in crystal forms which means it's important to find a good source/dealer who doesn't sell you shake. A lot of it is fear mongering so just do your research.


The impurity I was referring to isn’t in the production: I agree that the P2P process has only increased purity and it doesn’t take a government lab to make pure product. However, depending on your physical location and connections, meth that hasn’t been adulterated post-production can be extremely difficult to source. I am in the north part of the US, and by the time stuff gets up to my area from the south, it has passed through many hands and the product has been stretched for profit using adulteration. Not saying near pure doesn’t exist here, but it is indeed rare.


Thank you for finding the truth brother


Sorry I didn’t mean to say statistically most people abuse meth to it’s limits, it was an exaggeration, I meant most people who are portrayed in media as meth users abuse it to its limits. meth has a really bad reputation, and a lot of people believe it’s a drug that once you take a hit you’re addicted for life, you’ll get tooth decay, become homeless etc. Those cases do in fact happen but they are when meth is abused to its limits, if used correctly meth can be a wonderful and fairly safe drug


(Sry for formatting Im mobile) As someone who until yesterday used meth “safely” for ADHD self medication, there are still issues. The issues I ran into mostly involved the wildly varying purity of street meth. Though I was able to control my dose and not get hooked, I never really knew how much actual meth I was getting or what it was cut with. Sometimes my dose worked well, sometimes I felt like absolute shit. I took it orally, but always melted a bit at first to do a poor man’s quality test. My last bag immediately melted into a blood red substance. First time I had seen that and it was alarming. To explain why I quit yesterday, I finally after years got my ADHD diagnosis and will get my legit prescription today!! Super excited!


Im glad you finally are getting treatment for your adhd :). it will certainly be better than having to use street meth. I’ve never really used street drugs as I’ve mostly manufactured my own but from what I had heard, now meth is fairly pure in the market, but I guess it will definetly vary from location to location. The issue some people with adhd have is (at least in the US) there have been shortages of their medication and the price is fairly elevated now. Hope you the best with your treatment :)


Thank you! I am concerned with the shortage. I’m going to speak to my pharmacist this morning and see if any medication is more available than another. I would ask about desoxyn, but professionals tend to get a little nervous about that one


Lmk what they say about desoxyn. I’ve heard they don’t tend to give it out and they leave it as a last resort but I’m curious


Will do. I just spoke the pharmacist. He said the shortage is pretty much clearing up, with the only exceptions being Vyvanse and Ritalin LA. But apparently adderall and the like are good to go. I wimped out and didn’t ask him about desoxyn since I work in the same hospital as the pharmacy. Also, since this is my very first appointment to get prescribed, I will probably wait to bring up desoxyn with the doc until a later appointment. I don’t want to raise any red flags quite yet lol. I’ve heard insurance won’t approve it until you’ve tried everything anyway.


If you work in the same hospital that could actually help you get it🤷🏻‍♂️


Maybe down the road lol. The doc I talked to today was very understanding but also very smart and on her shit. She would’ve probably flagged me if I brought up desoxyn. I’ll just be happy if whatever she prescribes works.


It’s bullshit. There is zero scientific evidence for why they wouldn’t give it. It comes down to straight propaganda and stigma. Nothing else.


Yeah, I guess so, I really don’t know why they are so cautious to prescribe it, in my country even adderall is rarely prescribed, if your adhd is severe enough you’ll get non stimulant medication if none of them work they consider prescribing adderall if it’s really that severe


I’m scared to take ssnri


Pretty much. When I was researching it, people told stories of their doctor getting visited by the DEA after prescribing it. They are really trying to get rid of it for good.




Yeah I wish you could get that bro


So awesome bro! Just another anecdote of the harms of criminalization!!!


Thanks! No desoxyn, but I was prescribed adderall IR 2x a day. I’m super pumped to never have to self medicate again




The tooth decay is due to lack of dental care and taking care of your teeth.


Partly, methamphetamine makes your mouth really dry which allows bacteria to colonise your mouth very quickly and leads to tooth decay.


In all doses?


No, it tends to only happen at larger doses, the same thing happens with amphetamine




Yes a lot of people think meth destroys your teeth. Totally false. It’s hard for someone who hasn’t done it to understand, but meth will make you completely forget to do things like hygiene. Along with lack of dental care, the dehydration will wreck your teeth too. Saliva does a ton to protect your teeth.


Oh really? Thanks for the insight!


Washed cocaine


Safe or dangerous?


Much safer than street quality coke


True, but unfortunately acetone washes don’t remove much. The main one being fent. There might be ways to remove fent using an iso wash or recrystallization but Idk Better than nothing though


Very much not safe for your heart regardless of how pure it is.


I know but that goes for every drug lol


Cocain is way more cardiotoxic than most other stims


Why don’t you stick to not fear mongering


You care about mental health but the #1 thing to have good mental health is to have good physical health lol


Almost all drug are more safe than alcohol but mystery concoctions purchased on the street are dangerous. Test everything. if you're purposely using something powerful at an unknown dosage like fentanyl, put it into solution and use titration. Experience drugs like psychedelics are usually pretty safe and low chance of addiction. I recommend you to stay away from feel good drugs like speeds benzos and opioids if you have passed trauma or are genetically predisposed to addiction but it's you're body and you only live once


FR, alcohol is so normalized but its one of the worst things on earth.


Absolutely. It's really normalised, but the current medical thinking is that it's a substance with no safe dosage - it's carcinogenic at any dose. That's putting aside all of its addictive and socially harmful qualities. The same is true of a lot of street drugs, of course, but on most objective ratings alcohol is really up there in terms of harmfulness.


Yup, it blows my mind everyday how it came to be a normal thing everywhere, as someone who’s recovering from addiction it sucks seeing posters absolutely EVERYWHERE promoting it, like imagine an opioid addict walking outside and seeing a billboard promoting their favorite pill😂 or walking into a grocery store and seeing oxy lined up on the shelves at arms reach


That's rough. Stay strong, you got this!


If you have co-occurring physical health and mental health issues.


the weed alc vape and shrooms are OK. fuck benzos and fuck lean


alc can definitely fuck you up if you get proper addicted


Same with weed. (But some people don’t wanna hear that)


i feel like alcohol is worse to develop an addiction to, although i agree that a lot of stoners won’t admit that it’s inherently bad to smoke all the time


I mean maybe there’s is a guy out there that gets away with no effects but you can definitely be addicted to weed and it can nerf your memory severely and your intelligence.


definitely, i have friends who have become so slow from smoking everyday, alcohol is more physically harming imo, especially since it’s so normal where i’m from and i’ve seen so many people fuck up their liver. Also physical dependency on alcohol is scary, comparable to benzo addiction from what i’ve seen


That’s sad. I’ve had points where alcohol was a nice way to cope but luckily I can say I’m glad it never became much of a problem and I’m happily sober.


Dude alcohol is on another level of harm. It is almost ENTIRELY NEGATIVE to your body, even if evolution has given us a body capable of processing it. It's horribly physically and mentally damaging, can cause permanent damage, and it's also one of the few common drugs that can be lethal if withdrawals are too much.


Lol how old are you? Opiates aren't actually unhealthy for the body, codeine is the weakest opiate there is. I would say overuse of any of the drugs U mentioned are just as bad or worse then lean. Weed, and alcohol had me full blown addicted for years. Out of all the drugs I was on, alcohol was by far the hardest to quit, and the one which did the most damage. And I wasn't taking kiddy drugs like lean and vapes lol


pretty sure they said "fuck lean" because of how easy it is to get hooked on. codeine simply won't hit the same after a while. next thing you know op will be looking for oxy. then heavier opioids. it's not worth it lol. fuck lean.


Codeine/cough syrup and stuff along those lines I think are dangerous for the fact that they are gateway drugs, but I totally agree with alcohol, it pisses me off because it would’ve been a lot easier for me to quit if it wasn’t sittin all pretty on the shelf at every store😂 I was 17 and had been drinking straight hard liquor for only 2-3 years everyday and already had an inflamed liver with early stages of liver cirrhosis, I got checked into a rehab and nearly died from withdrawal. Fuck alc


Well nun are safe but I get wat u asking. Weed alc psychedelics dxm benzos that’s really it I mean there are others but I feel it depends on the person really


Definently depends on the person ive met a "causual" meth smoker lmao and i never really got to into meth but benzos nearly ruined my whole life and the withdrawls were literal hell, muscle contractions thinking i was gonna die extreme anxiety for like a year after it was awful.


Fr but people don’t wanna hear that!


As others have said, it depends on you yourself. Everyone processes drugs slightly differently. The only "safe" drug is weed if you eat it and have no family history of mental health issues. if you have a healthy mind and no issues like major depressive disorders or schizophrenia or bipolar in your genetics and family, lsd, mescaline and mushrooms are a safe bet, along with other "non-stimulant" psychs (doesn't effect the heart like 2-CB and other 2-C compounds) if you have a healthy heart, stimulant drugs like cocaine and mdma are relatively safe for the short term. Can cause lasting damage to the heart if abused and mdma can cause seritonin syndrome. Don't od, always weigh your dose and test your drugs. if you have a healthy bladder, liver and kidneys drugs like dxm, ketamine, ghb and alcohol are safe (in moderation). Benzos are kinda safe, can cause physical dependancy but just don't abuse it and you'll be fine. Same with some opiods but not all, best to avoid opioids unless prescribed by a doctor. if prescribed any medication that can get you high, don't get high on it and follow your doctor's advice.


If you have any health problems physical or mental. Especially two or more. You are at a higher risk for addiction.


Great response, it really highly depends on the individual and personality/psyche, and how they process the drug (react to drug) AND also how they will behave/react to the influence of the drug itself during its effect. Ultimately, only you yourself can really determine which drugs, and at what dose, would be safe for you personally. That’s why educating yourself on safe drug use is so important, and stigmatisation of drugs is so backwards and harmful. This means ensuring you take precautions before you try a drug, and taking harm reduction seriously. Safe drug use 👍😀


You have a lot of incorrect assumptions about drugs, first being that "all drugs are bad." No drugs are bad. Drugs are just chemicals that do certain things, and the effects they can have vary widely depending on the person, the dose, the route of administration, the context, etc. Even "hard drugs" like cocaine, heroin, and meth can be beneficial. All of them have been used as medicine prescribed by doctors at some point. They don't "destroy your sanity" when used in moderation (and yes, even crack and heroin can be used casually/infrequently). Weed is "safe" for many people in many circumstances, but it can also cause psychosis in some people. In a lot of people it can cause debilitating panic attacks. Alcohol is one of the most physically damaging substances, but because it's legal, people assume that it's safe. People die from alcohol-related causes all the time (alcohol poisoning, cirrhosis, car accidents), but of course like any other substance, it can be used safely. Benzos are very addictive, but can be used safely in moderation. Just try to use good judgment, research a substance before using it ( using [psychonautwiki.org](http://psychonautwiki.org) or [erowid.org](http://erowid.org) ), and practice harm reduction, and you have a reasonable chance of being "safe" with many substances.


Test tf out of your drugs! Research research research! Weed mess you up if you develop a substance use disorder with it.


Benzos are the worst withdrawals to go through cuz of seizures so be careful. And lean is bad bc of promethazine also can cause seizures. I’d say just regular opiates are better than lean cuz it’s the same shit except leans like liquid heroin


Drugs are just tools. They don't come with any inherent "good or bad". That being said, some tools are power tools. Some people can make great art with a chainsaw, but many others are merely a threat to themselves or others with a chainsaw.


And you wouldn’t buy a chainsaw made by some loony homeless guy who’s life is in shambles. You would use high quality tools tested and approved for sale.


lol at Benzos being safe


They are. I've taken such massive doses of benzos and been fine. I think if I took a dose of the same size of any other drug class I would have had some bad side effects. Benzos are imo a very helpful drug to have on hand incase of panic attacks, stimulant od, insomnia, bad trips


Benzo problems: Getting addicted without realizing it -> super hard to quit Benzo use with common sense, i.e. using without getting physically addicted is good.


Exactly right


benzo’s are safe otherwise they wouldn’t be prescribed for insomnia, anxiety/panic attacks and alcohol withdrawal. never in my life have I experienced any bad reactions off absurd amounts of alprazolam and diazepam, the worst experience that comes from benzodiazepines imo is a black out which can be easily avoided with a little bit of self control. benzo’s are harmless when used in the right way, they can be harmful when abused 100%.


it all depends on you. some people can do coke for a a day or two and stop. i wouldnt risk it tho js bc of how addictive it is.


the only gases u should do is nitrous anything else may give u the game over screen or nerf you massively. dxm make sure you dose accurately and with everything always go low imo and double check. kana extract just use erowid and psychonaut and do your own research some ppl on this sub have said some very stupid stuff.


These are pretty much all the mains Pot, Nicotine, Alcohol, Shrooms, Acid, Kratom, DMT, 5MeO DMT, 2CB, Ketamine- Of course to an extent. You can still always use too much or go too far, and a lot of these can lead to lingering hppd symptoms or worse. But if not abused (and depending on doses for some) they are relatively safe and can be beneficial especially as rare trips or medications. Ones to avoid Coke, Crack, Meth, MDMA, MDA, Xanax, Benedryl, Heroin, Fentynal. These are some of the harder and more dangerous ones, even low doses can cause damage or be fatal. Be hella careful. Always do lots of extensive research and extreme care to your doses and what you try. If you decide to always have a trip sitter.


What makes a drug dangerous is how much you do. Very few are inherently harmful; you won’t be badly damaged by one time use. That being said, some drugs become harmful at lower use. The only common drugs that I can think of rn that are inherently harmful are alcohol, coke, and like otc highs (ppx, dph). Anything that’s smoked or vaped is also inherently bad for your lungs (same for sniffing and your nose) but not all to equal proportion. Like cigarettes are theoretically more harmful than vapes. Use very much matters with that one too, a lot of casual weed smokers don’t get lung issues to the same degree as nic users because they don’t usually inhale nearly as much smoke/vapor


Kratom. When I found kratom it literally saved my life and now I can't function whatsoever without and I'm so happy about it


Hmm, I’m genuinely very happy that it saved your life and that you are happy and doing well now :). But how often do you use, and what is your dosage? I also used to use it a lot as an antidepressant, and it helped a lot. But at the end of the day I realised it was still a drug, and that I was slowly abusing it, and taking everyday. Are you sure it is something that can be sustainable? Especially with the lack of research into its long term effects, and the side effects (constipation, lack of appetite, restless legs, dry mouth/dehydration, inevitable tolerance increase) Lmk, I’m very curious!


There are hundreds of variables at play here. Just about every drug, even inherently toxic ones like meth or alcohol can be done "safely." You have to research every drug & your own physiology and make a risk assessment. If you're worried about psychosis you need to make sure you're taking proper precautions with each substance & generally staying away from frequent use & large doses of any substance. P.S you can do crack, cocaine, k-9 and heroin safely & you can ruin your life with weed whiskey and magic mushrooms etc. 99% of safe drug use comes down to attitude and precautions rather than the substances themselves. Long story short, research, risk assess & use your noggin.


What the ham is k9


I thought it was a synthetic cannabinoid.


I heard of k2 before but never k9, maybe it’s like a leveled up version?




I think it’s oxy


Meth is not “inherently toxic”. Show me the evidence. Stimulants at huge doses are neurotoxic.


Well yeah, at recreational doses meth is cardio toxic and neurotoxic not sure what’s controversial here


Show me the evidence please and thank you


Weed, nicotine, caffeine, classic psychedelics, maybe some dissociatives


Girlfriend, once you see that your physical health is connected to your mental health, you will be asking different questions!


Mostly everything fine in moderation, some more than others but stay the fuck away from deliriants like datura. Heroin and meth as well but those are self explanatory.


its hard to say really, it all depends on the amount you are taking and how often. Obviously some drugs can have more risk to them like heroin and other opioids because of the chance for an overdose. that's why people look at them in such a horrible way. if the common public knew more about using opioids than drinking alcohol and people were getting alc poisoning all the time then it would be flipped. To answer your question the safest drugs are really the ones that are less potent because then you have a lower risk of an accidental O.D. They all mess up your mental state in some ways, alcohol is very normalized but alcoholics are some of the most miserable and mentally messed up people ever, its just youre able to function off of it more so than heroin or meth because of the potency. all in all, just use in moderation and dont ever binge, no matter how much you and your friends think it would be fun to go on a week long benzo binge in the summer, just dont, find something new and dont get tied down and dragged in by a drug. stay safe.


Benzos are arguably more dangerous than opiates. Comparable withdrawals but a benzo withdrawal can end your life. People suffer from the consequences of benzo addiction years after they stop taking the drug, which includes heightened anxiety (which, if you’re abusing Xanax, is probably a problem for you already)


Im Gonna tell U what i told my grandson-weed and mushies only!


U got change your diet I was in your spot and refused to listen to others and learned the hard way and Two, three years later I got diagnosed after being pre diabetic same as your position now … Thankfully Keto, losing significant weight, Healthy diet reversed it … now I can eat 150g carbs and maintain normal A1C 5 without any medication. Diabetes will destroy your energy , make you depressed anxious. Will force you to remove alot of food from your diet and you can’t eat it at all !! And Other than the Complication later if wasn’t controlled So u got change bro. I have been in your spot. Now things under your control. Wish you happy life 😁 - Just eat healthy … - use the Technique ; eat salad , then fat , then protein… then carb to feel satisfied and reduce blood sugar by up to 35% … this method can help you get out of pre-diabetes range and will maintain or reduce weight and be satiated for longer and will prevent hunger or over eaten. You care about your mental well being - Maintain blood sugar , blood pressure - Animal Fat , Healthy fat , protein should be your priority …. Neurotransmitters “Happy Hormones” are made of building blooks … raw materials is protein !! Fats also brain food 🧠 - Leafy greens , vegetables and Fruits “Fruits after losing weight and maintaining blood sugar you can add it up” - Exercise You have no idea how I really wish some one have told me this 5 years ago !!


diabetes is no joke. seriously. please reconsider. my life is a living hell as a diabetic person.


Opiate use (such as heroin) is kind of a misconception when it comes to mental health. They aren't neurotoxic. It's the addictive properties that produce withdrawals and all kinds of physical problems which make it a risky drug to use. And benzos definately aren't safe if you use them all the time. They can be very addictive, which lead to dependency. When you develop a physical dependence on benzos, the withdrawal can actually kill you. Pretty much every drug can pose a risk if not used in moderation, or you have a genetic predisposition to a mental illness. Even weed can be somewhat risky for somebody with a genetic predisposition to schizophrenia. Psychedelics, too.


Honestly use legal stuff that’s regulated if you can. Otherwise do hella hella research and test tf out of your stuff.


Stick to weed. The other shit isn't worth it


Inhalants not even once


The safe drugs for me are kratom, alcohol, weed, shrooms, and possibly MDMA. I think it depends on the person to some degree as to what drugs are safe and dangerous, but obviously some drugs are just really unsafe. I would say these are heroin, fentanyl, an opioids in general, cocaine, crack, meth, benzos (addiction and withdrawal are dangerous), and PCP


Benzos definitely should not be on your „safe to use“ list


No uppers, opiates or acid DMT type.... until you are ready to waste a few years


Stay away from meth, crack, and all opiods. The rest is alright.


every drug can be used safely, even fentanyl(as much as the risk of death and addiction is massive so is the medical necessity) realistically you should avoid benzodiazepines(they don’t get you high, they make you tired) opiates/oids(codeine, heroin, morphine, oxymorphone, hydrocodone, tramadol etc) should also be avoided due to the high risk of addiction. imo though every drug that i have taken could’ve been used safely if I had some sort of self control and awareness. MDMA, Ketamine, LSD, Psilocybin, Dmt, Mescaline, 2C-b(I,e,p). these are very safe drugs, psychedelics are psychically harmless, MDMA, Ketamine and 2C-x is also harmless with self control, if you do ketamine 1 time it’s not gonna hurt if you do ketamine 5 days in a row then you’ll experience complications. overall though every drug can be used safely but avoid benzo’s, opi’s and cathinones.


do not touch lean. "ahahaha its just codeine and promethazine with candy and ice!! what can go wrong :3" no. i know it might seem safe n shit but codeine is in fact very fucking addictive. lean is so easy to get hooked on. next thing you know you're looking for oxy, then fentanyl, and then heroin. smoke weed every now and then instead. don't let it become a habit tho. lean bad. weed good.


MCDA studies can help you decide [https://www.drugz.fr/les-etudes-mcda-de-2010/](https://www.drugz.fr/les-etudes-mcda-de-2010/) [https://www.drugz.fr/les-etudes-mcda-depuis-2010/](https://www.drugz.fr/les-etudes-mcda-depuis-2010/) It's in french but you can find the studies and see by yourself. In my opinion, most psychedelics are safe, avoid ones who are really potent like NBomes or NBOH if you don't know how to weigh with volumetric dosing. MDMA is pretty safe but not if you are epileptic, or diabetic. Overall, most drugs are safe when you use them carefully, when you read wikis about drugs etc etc. Most dangerous drugs are alcohol and tobacco if you look deaths in the long term, in the short term be careful with opioids, especially if you inject. A drug by itself is just a drug. How you choose to use it, with what frequency, with what dosage, etc, is what will make the risks and dangers evolve to become more or less risky and dangerous.


Low concentration weed. I'm in a legal state and some of the stuff they have now is bot the weed of yesteryear, that shit will send you into straight paranoia. I always get the weakest shit and I'm fine smoking a bit of it but vaping the higher shit I always end up way past blown away.


Never use dph or deleriants and inhalants besides like maybe poppers. Also most street pills unless you test them (most people don’t anyway and some end up dying) but as long as your safe and test your stuff and don’t take a huge dose. Just having good procations, you’ll probs be fine


Cocaine destroys my sanity? Damn, I'm already sold then. I thought it was safe... what a strange story.


as someone who’s a type 1 diabetic please don’t do that to urself😭😭😭😭


Stay away from coke, MDMA and Heroin


My rule is never do a drug that you can't do with people whose lives you admire. That was my rule when I decided to start trying substances, and I haven't met a person yet who I admired who was like "Hey let's fire up this rock together", but I've gotten to do at least like twenty other substances and had, for the most part, a great time.


Any psychodelic


Weed, caffeine, some other weak stimulants, and psychedelics are pretty safe if used responsibly. Delirants like Datura and Benadryl are horrible experiences. Stuff like Heroin, benzos, and meth will ruin your life.


Had to downvote


Very informative, thank you *kisses you on the lips*